User talk:Super Candy/Archive 3: Difference between revisions

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I already accepted your userbox. Plus, can I have a Jelly Pop?
I already accepted your userbox. Plus, can I have a Jelly Pop?
[[File:Zombie_Bros..png|25px|]]<big>[[User:The Zombie Bros.|<font color=green>The</font><font color=blue>Zombie</font><font color=green>Bros.</font>]]</big>[[File:Marioshock.png|30px|]] ([[User talk:The Zombie Bros.|talk]] ·  [[Special:Contributions/The Zombie Bros.|edits]]) 15:50, 8 April 2013 (EDT)

Revision as of 15:50, April 8, 2013

Icon of an item from Paper Mario Hi, welcome to the Super Candy Talk Page :) Icon of an item from Paper Mario
Super Candy News: I changed my Personal Image from Userbox. Please, check your userbox and replace my new image.
SuperCandy Emblem.png
Thank you for the attention.
Super Candy's Story
Yey, I discovered how to make a new Archive! Thanks to me LOL!

Icon of an item from Paper MarioClick here to send a personal Email.
Icon of an item from Paper MarioHey, can you guys put your signature (~~~~) in your messages, please?

Bye-bye candy!

Heh, they're MINE now! And there's nothing you can do about it!--Revenge Of Kurbio 09:09, 1 December 2012 (EST)

Too bad! Not giving 'em back! --Revenge Of Kurbio 09:27, 1 December 2012 (EST)


Want to chat now? On mariowiki chat. Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior. (talk) 09:34, 1 December 2012 (EST)

I'm alive

No, I'm not dead I'm breathing! thanks to ask.

And if you want work for me, FELL FREE TO SUFFER IN MY OWN HANDS, COOKING FREE CANDIES FOR ME AND MY MINIONS!!! MWAHAHAHAHA BubbleLemonSig.png (talk) 10:04, 1 December 2012 (EST)



Hiya! No suggestions today, but I DO have another gift for you! Perfect timing as well, as it is the holidays! Here is a userbox that I thought you'd like: |-

PeachDaisy MP9.png

YoshiCookie (talk) 10:15, 10 December 2015 (EST)


Only open it at Christmas!


Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior. (talk)

Oh, and also...

You´ll get a rise of payment!

1000-1010 Friendz Coins per Month.

Why? Because I´ve been paying you and the others FAR too little.



PS: You will get a Bonus 2013 Friendz Coins with this month´s payment.

O Hai Soopah Candy!

I have a new Quiz... with Cool Prizes!!!

Please check it out!

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 12:10, 14 December 2012 (EST)

Happy Xmas Candy!

5 coins (each)
Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:ElectroPop SPM.png File:FirePop PM2.png File:Popscicle.PNG Candy Cane sprite
5 coins (each)
Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:CandyGreen.PNG Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:CandyYellow.PNG File:CandyRed.PNG
3 coins (each)
File:SweetChoco-bar SPM.png File:GoldenChoco-bar SPM.png File:ShroomChoco-bar SPM.png File:ChocolateCake SPM.png File:SweetCookieSnackTTYD.PNG File:SpaceFood SPM.png File:LovelyChocolate SPM.png
15 coins (each)
File:DinnerZess.PNG File:SpecialZessT.PNG File:DeluxeZess.PNG File:OmletteTTYD.PNG File:PastaKoopa.PNG* File:SpagettiTTYD.PNG File:PastaSpicy.PNG File:ChocoPastaDish SPM.png File:LoveNoodleDish SPM.png
Diet Recipes
10 coins (each)
File:HealthySaladTTYD.PNG File:KoopaPilaf SPM.png* File:FruityPunch SPM.png File:Fruit parfait.PNG File:DelightMango.PNG
15 coins (each)
File:MangoJuice SPM.png File:PeachJuice SPM.png File:SkyJuice SPM.png File:WarmCocoa SPM.png File:MixedShake SPM.png File:SnowCone SPM.png File:JuiceThatsFresh.PNG File:TastyTonicTTYD.PNG File:Zess TEA.PNG File:KoopaTea SPM.png* File:HerbTea SPM.png File:DayzeeSyrup SPM.png File:StaminaJuice SPM.png
30 coins (each)
File:BerrySnowBunny SPM.png File:SnowBunny SPM.png File:CouplesCake SPM.png File:GingerbreadHouse SPM.png File:HeartfulCake SPM.png File:MeteorMeal SPM.png File:PeachTartTTYD.PNG File:ShroomCakeTTYD.PNG File:LovePudding SPM.png File:FruityCake SPM.png File:DyllisBreakfast SPM.png File:HorsetailTart SPM.png
20 coins (each)
File:SpicySoup SPM.png File:SapSoup SPM.png File:InkySoup SPM.png File:WMOD FancyRamenNoodleSoup.gif File:WMOD StringTheorySoup.gif Icon of an item from Paper Mario
5 coins (each)
File:AwesomeSnack SPM.png File:RedApple SPM.png

*50% Off for Koopas.

I removed Slimy Extract it isn't helpful!

Could you please give me a Warm Cocoa, I'm very tired ;)

Here is a Christmas gift for you, you can put it in your Christmas gift section in your shop
File:Mystery SPM.png
User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
07:50, 15 December 2012 (EST)


You get a thing from my SHOP!

Just choose it.

--Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 11:38, 15 December 2012 (EST)

Can't I?

Can't I have a bonus in my salary? I'm preparing to open my shop but I haven't got enough money to start :) 130 coins PER month would be great!

User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
12:07, 19 December 2012 (EST)

Wii/DS/3DS games featuring the Mario girls

Hey there, Super Candy; long time no see on your talkpage. Yeah, just curious - but in case of the Wii/DS/3DS Mario games, which ones do you have which feature the Mario girls? Once again, I'm glad that there's at least one other "Mario series' females" supporter around these parts. All right; take care! --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 05:00, 20 December 2012 (EST)

Ah, okay; sounds great - I've yet to catch up on all those games involving the Mario girls since I have those too. But have you ever checked into all the Wii installments of the Mario & Sonic Olympics series by any chance? --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 06:35, 3 January 2013 (EST)
If you're talking about all three installments for the Mario & Sonic series for the Wii, I have them (both versions). And yes, I represent the girls there too (Peach/Daisy/Amy/Blaze). Besies, IMO, in that series of games, I still like seeing this moment in the MSOWG opening. IMO, it was better than the MSOG opening; the MS London 2012 OG opening was okay, but still didn't compare to MSOWG's opening. --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 12:40, 8 January 2013 (EST)
If you're referring to the opening for MSOG, I definitely agree with you on that. However, the only reason why it isn't a total for me was in terms of Peach's closeup moments (all of them, obviously). However, I was saddened that Daisy didn't get any. Still, in the case of Peach, which was your favorite moment in that opening? Mine's her closeup when she was just starting the Aquatics event after jumping from the starting board. Of course, her stretching before the race was win too. --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 13:28, 17 January 2013 (EST)
My gosh, I'm trying to see if I can find a picture of that moment with the four girls in relation to the MS London 2012 opening (awards ceremony part) because that's my second favorite (first favorite still being that picture of them "greeting" us at the end of the MSOWG opening). And of course, although I still like Peach and Daisy's primary athletic wear, I really do like their MSOWG outfits more in the case of these three installments. Oh, and the case of Peach/Daisy in these games, do you switch between the two? --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 11:55, 23 January 2013 (EST)
Although I like that picture, I was actually referring to the moment where they're seen in their part of the "awards ceremony" -- that was undoubtedly awesome to see, but I was hoping they'd be in their main athletic attire. But it still made sense in regards to all the gold medals they have acquired after that outstanding event. Still, I like their "group picture" near the end of MSOWG's opening a whole lot more. --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 11:57, 11 February 2013 (EST)
Yeah, that was the picture I was referring to. And very clever of that person who took that picture when Amy was winking. *rotfl* --M. C. - "Mario Gals" Fan! User Page | Talk Page 10:50, 17 February 2013 (EST)

File:CandyYellow.PNG"Sweet" Christmas! File:CandyYellow.PNG

Olá, SuperCandy! ^-^ Obrigado! Desejo a vocês um feliz Natal e um incrível 2013!
Vou dar para vocês estes dois presentes:

Feliz Natal!

Bro Hammer (TalkCont) 16:36, 20 December 2012 (EST)

Obrigada, gente, vcs foram os únicos que me responderam, vcs merecem trilhões de parabéns LOL Bjos Super Candy :3 (talk)

Guess what?

It's almost Christmas! thanks to Frosty 12345 date: December 24, 2012 time: 5:31 PM

Frosty12345 (Talk)

Sry I´m L8....

Here´s your present!

I was in the UK... Razzoom (talk)

Celery time! (THIS JOKE IS OLD)

Here´s da munnies!

3023 = 1010+2013

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 05:13, 3 January 2013 (EST)

Awesome music

File:Bowser Jr's Mad.ogg

I suppose this is a reward for helping me with my userbox tower.

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

I'd add your userbox, but I'm used to very simple ones, and it takes too long.

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!


Hi, i'm User:SombreroGuy. Want to be friends? if you do, i will copy your user box. here's my user box:
Maraca Guy
Maraca GuySombreroGuyMaraca Guy

About that...

Just ckeck my page for branch... shall I help you find those fakers like "Sir. Strange Koopa" aka Master BJ?

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 10:59, 5 January 2013 (EST)

My dear...

Just fill out the branch form ( the one with this line: What items do you want to sell), send it to me via talk page and i'll do the rest.


Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 17:14, 5 January 2013 (EST)

Yes sir.

Just read the terms and add the branch UBX, then you can start selling those things.

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 04:25, 6 January 2013 (EST)

Hey Candy

Hey Super Candy, Nice new signature... I love it, Just saying hello. No new recipes for now, but coming with more later.

User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
13:30, 7 January 2013 (EST)


Funny funny funny. VEEERY funny ¬¬ That was the way to steal my minion, but I know, didn't work. Ok, I'm waiting for this battle, I'll be very happy to see your "You are dead" face HA HA HA HA HA BubbleLemonSig.png (talk)


Hi, it's User:Frosty12345 I am the #1 Daisy fan!

Frosty12345, can you please see where you're putting your messages? Next time, you can press (+) button on the top of the page, ok? Thanks, dear! I also love Daisy! :3 Super Candy :3 (talk)

Friend code

What's your 3DS friend code?

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

i´m alive... if you count being a ghost as alive.

my pc just crashed and didn´t wanna work, but I´ve got it running now!!!

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 11:11, 17 January 2013 (EST)


Run to the battle ground how come I´m doin all the work?

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 11:58, 17 January 2013 (EST)

Razzoom's GONE!


Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

HAHAHA I'M LAUGHING SO LOUD OF YOUR TEAM! We won, so you and Razzom MUST give us a reward! he he he...
BubbleLemonSig.png (talk)


No, we both dodged it. We're still the super winners!

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

Actually, we did. I just put up an electrical illusion making you think we died.

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

No, I'm pretty sure we didn't die.

Hi! I'm Electrical Bowser jr.!

HI Super Candy

Hi Super Candy.. I do not want to work any more: "I Quit".. I really won't help you any more.. And I see that My Page Should be REALLY about me.. other stuff like that should be on Userpedia..

But we are still friends, what ever happened!

User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
11:17, 20 January 2013 (EST)
Nah! I don't think so. Someday may I make a user on Userpedia and then I will made that shop.
User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
11:37, 20 January 2013 (EST)

How much

Hey how much is the stamina juice?
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Yoshi 344 (talk).

Can I do the job

Hey may I do the job please I'll do any thing
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Yoshi 344 (talk).

Can we be good friends?

Can we good friends please none of my friends would respond?
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Yoshi 344 (talk).

nova assinatura

Oi Super candy! Sou eu, sombreroguy. só estou escrevendo para dizer que mudei minha sig.

Maraca GuySombreroGuyFile:Sombrerosticker.png

O que acha?


é, eu estou editando agora uma nova imagem, fique de olho na minha user page!

heh... estou quase acabando, fique tranquila, não vai levar o dia todo :D



Que tal?

PS: olhe e mude a imagem da minha user box na sua página.

Primeiro, eu peguei uma imagem do shy guy daqui mesmo, e o sombrero e o bigode no google. Aí juntei tudo no powerpoint. Legal, né?


É, eu costumo usar o pwpoint. Mas nunca entrei no chat, naõ...


Ok, até mais. só não digo que invejo sua sig porque ia pegar mal, sabe? heheheh... SombreroGuybySombreroGuy.pngSombreroGuyFile:Sombrerosticker.png


Oi super candy! Posso , como dizer... trabalhar no seu shop? Preciso de umas moedas para comprar um sombrero novo... Como posso me empregar?


Hi, It's Frosty12345

File:Daisy-MP3.PNG It's me again, Super Candy!


Hey can we be friends please?


Yeah! -Frosty12345


How do you get a boards account? I try and it says "Sorry. Registration is currently disabled.". HELLP!!

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 06:51, 29 January 2013 (EST)


Well..... I liked your list, it shows that I'm really annoying HA HA but first: I have said to you that "I dont want to be your friend", I know, I was rude enough with you. I was very stupid a lot of times, stealing some candies of your shop, and making that steange battle etc. And you came in my talk page asking if we can be friends!! And I think so, you are a little little mini mini a cool person too! But do you are crazy?!
But the answer
HAHAHAHAHA i'm kidding, I'm just wanted to see your face right now! It's obvious, I want to be your friend. BUT THIS WON'T MAKE ME STOP TO ANNOY YOU, WENDY!!!
Ok, its yours:


You're my friend, not minion or not, if you want to be another thing, you can talk to your Grand Master. And sorry for the late, my daddy was angey with me and destroyed my computer :D see ya BubbleLemonSig.png (talk)

Wii U?

Olá, SuperCandy. Eu li o comentário e... eu não tenho um Wii U. Acho que foi um engano: eu escrevi os meus níveis favoritos do New Super Mario Bros. U porque eu só assisti a vídeos do jogo inteiro e gostei muito. :) Bro Hammer (TalkCont) 11:21, 30 January 2013 (EST)


Yes, I sent those board messages.

--Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 11:57, 2 February 2013 (EST)



1010 Friendz Coins.

--Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 07:28, 3 February 2013 (EST)

Thanks for the salary!

) Kelton2: Your neighborhood wiki helper. (talk) 19:30, 3 February 2013 (EST)
That's my job, dear! ;) ~Super Candy

RE: Chat

Se você quiser ir no chat, eu estarei lá. :) --- ThePremiumYoshi


I live in germany too...

--Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 11:21, 12 February 2013 (EST)


Roses are red,

violets are blue,

I'm pretty darn sure,

that I <3 you.

Oh Super Candy,

maker of delicious sweets,

you are so dandy,

you are , for me, the birds tweets

Sorry that I'm late,

sending you love

I met my fate,

my precious dove.

Happy Valentine's day!


Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 14:32, 14 February 2013 (EST)


Help please

Hey can I please help and a question why are you friends with master bowser j not to be mean or anything but why?


Hi can we be friends? Can I work here please I'll promise I'll work every weekend.


Long time no see!!!! :D :D How is your shop? I hope that you will be a very successful business...woman lol anyway here is my late present for you. Take care of him! Dark Boo Sprite of Dimentio.InvincibleZtarThe Dark Star's idle sprite.

Re: Personal Image

Ok, fixed!--Bowser Junior BowserJunior<--see?12:42, 12 February 2013 (EST)

Candy Shop

Can I work in your Candy Shop? Don't worry, I can be trusted... -User:O O

About your new sig

The test one was better (to be honest)

User:MegadarderyUser talk:MegadarderyDashbot signature
11:57, 26 February 2013 (EST)
I don't think so, sorry :(

Super Candy :3 (talk)

It's ok

It's ok that I can't be a worker. We can be friends, but I have no clue how to make and use a user box. -User:O O


I'm going to start a shop on my userpage but I really need some candy to sell! Do you accept Lakitu coins? You can use them to buy stuff at my item shop!RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 04:07, 26 March 2013 (EDT)


I read on your userpage that you 'join battles'. I have actually wanted a battle on my talk page for quite a while. I just need to see if Morton boo accepts to be my partner (it'll be a 2v2 match) RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 12:31, 26 March 2013 (EDT)

==Greedy RPG Gamer==

Could I please have: Koopa tea, inky soup,a bag of crisps, rainbow juice and a candy came please.RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 13:17, 26 March 2013 (EDT)


Hey, I'm A fanboy Chaossy, would you like to be my friend? My userbox: |-

Chaossy (talk) 14:03, 26 March 2013 (EDT)
How about the picture I have in my userbox? Ygotas.jpg Chaossy (talk) 15:01, 26 March 2013 (EDT)


Can we be friends? Here's my userbox:

File:Zombie Bros..png

-- PanchamBro (talkcontributions) 18:29, 27 March 2013 (EDT)

The buyer

I would like a warm cocoa and a fruity punch please.RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 08:02, 29 March 2013 (EDT)

I need a job

Can I work in your shop please!RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 08:23, 30 March 2013 (EDT)

Glitz pit 2

Would you like to fight In my glitz pit 2? You get something good no matter how well you do!RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 08:28, 30 March 2013 (EDT)


You won the random lottery! Take this File:Lakitu-NSMBU.png If you can make this smaller, tell me how!RPG Gamer. I HAVE RPG!! (talk) 08:59, 30 March 2013 (EDT)

Thanks for the Candy!

It's alright, It was a human accident. :P. Chaossy (talk) 11:01, 30 March 2013 (EDT)

^^' thanks, dear! Super Candy :3 (talk)

I would like the chocolate heart please XD

Hi can I be your friend please?

Daisy 187

Friend request

Want to be friends? Here's my userbox:

{{userbox|border=#CCCC00|mainbkgd=#FFFF99|codebkgd=#FFFF00|codecolor=#000000|code=[[File:Yoshiii.gif|45px]]|msg=As a friend of [[User:Mariotime11|Mariotime11]], this user is trusted to make sure that this userbox is not destroyed, removed, stolen, or eaten.}}

--driftmaster130 (TalkEdits) 12:15, 6 April 2013 (EDT)

Thanks for the box. And also can I buy something from your shop? --driftmaster130 (TalkEdits) 10:39, 7 April 2013 (EDT)

Are you okay?

I heard you had anemia (Thanks BubbleLemon). Are you okay? If you want, I can always turn into Polterpup and cuddle up to ya.

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 12:38, 6 April 2013 (EDT)

Okay, tell me when you're completely better. So far, here's a Present or two:

And something for it:

Razzoom "MarioKart" Johnson, Senior (talk) 12:52, 6 April 2013 (EDT)

Go to my homepage you'll like it

Daisy 187

What are you talking about?

I already accepted your userbox. Plus, can I have a Jelly Pop? File:Zombie Bros..pngTheZombieBros.Marioshock.png (talk · edits) 15:50, 8 April 2013 (EDT)