MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive/25: Difference between revisions

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{{User|DK and Diddy Kong vs Bowser and Bowser Jr.}}
{{User|DK and Diddy Kong vs Bowser and Bowser Jr.}}
:::@Arend: It ''could'' go on the game's page, but it's perfectly fine here too: it affects enough pages, even if it is about what they do regarding ''one'' game's stats. - {{User|Walkazo}}}}
:::@Arend: It ''could'' go on the game's page, but it's perfectly fine here too: it affects enough pages, even if it is about what they do regarding ''one'' game's stats. - {{User|Walkazo}}}}
===Remove Spoiler Templates===
<span style="color:green;font-family:Comic Sans MS;font-size:150%">REMOVE 26-2</span>
These templates ({{tem|spoiler}} and {{tem|endspoiler}}) are pointless and ugly, and they should have been scrapped years ago. A database about the ''Mario'' series is obviously going to have ''Mario'' spoilers: people shouldn't need us to tell them that, and common sense can easily replace the way we're using the templates now. If you don't want ending details, stop reading once you get past the parts you already know in the story section of the game/movie/etc. page, and don't read the pages of characters (or whatever) from the game/etc. that you haven't encountered yet on your own. As for the Histories of recurring characters, almost every section is a spoiler (or has the potential to be one), but we can't possibly put templates everywhere - that'll look silly, which is probably why it hasn't been done (i.e. [[Bowser#Super Mario Galaxy 2|Bowser's page]] has a grand total of ''two sentences'' roped off). On these template-less articles, common sense is the only thing keeping readers from spoiling all the other games/etc. whenever they go there, and it seems to work just fine: the same principle can easily be applied to the entire database. The only times readers can be ambushed by spoilers is in sections dealing with multiple sources at one time (namely Trivia sections, but also things like "Powers and Abilities", "Personality" and even introductions), and for the most part, spoilers aren't even put on these parts! Fat lot of good that does the readers, but trying to change that would look just as bad as putting dozens of spoilers throughout History sections: the templates break up the flow of our articles badly enough as is. Putting spoilers right at the tops of pages looks bad too.
Simply put, ''everything'' is a spoiler to some extent, so we'd be wiser to wash out hands of the entire template nonsense and simply make a blanket statement on [[MarioWiki:About]] warning people that they're reading at their own risk. There's no need to put it on the Main Page: everyone should realize that the Super Mario Wiki, "with 11,389 articles on the complete ''Mario'' series", will have ''Mario'' spoilers - our coverage wouldn't be complete if that wasn't the case. It's our job to present our readers with all the info we can: how they actually go about reading it (or not) is their responsibility, not ours.
'''Proposer''': {{User|Walkazo}}<br>
'''Voting start''': March 19, 2011 2:00 GMT<br>
'''Deadline''': March 26, 2011 23:59 GMT
#{{User|Walkazo}} - Per my proposal. I've wanted those templates removed since 2009.
#{{User|Yoshiwaker}} - I agree that most things are spoilers. I've seen many spoilers that don't have the spoiler template.
#{{User|Ultrahammer5365}} - Per proposal, except I think that a spoiler statement should be put on the main page.
#{{User|Zero777}} I am Zero! At first I thought it will be a bad idea since some people may overread, but your argument is a good, complete reason, per proposal. Zero signing out.
#{{User|Super Mario Bros.}} &ndash; I agree with Walkazo. Having spoiler templates on pages is just unnecessary. As was mentioned, we are a wiki that boasts about ''complete'' coverage of the ''Mario''-series; it should be known that our articles will contain spoilers.
#{{User|Fawfulfury65}} Spoilers are all over this Wiki; we shouldn't fill articles with a worthless template that warns people about spoilers when they already should be aware that there are spoilers on a site about the entire ''Mario'' series. Putting the warning on a single page such as [[MarioWiki:About]] would work just fine, since new users are expected to read that page when they join. Per proposal.
#{{User|MrConcreteDonkey}} - Per all. Perhaps we can mention it in the sitenotice ("it" being the removal of the spoiler tags).
#{{User|Bop1996}} Per MCD. Something like that works quite well on other wikis (eg. Zelda Wiki).
#{{User|Gamefreak75}} - Per all.
#{{User|UltraMario3000}} - Per all.
#{{User|Luigi is OSAM}}- Per all. I mean I don't like the templete, and if your reading the storyline of a game, you know it'll give out spoilers.
#{{User|Edofenrir}} - We are an encyclopedia. Our job is to cover all information available, and people should be smart enough to realize that "all information available" really does include ''all information available''. We don't need to disrupt the formatting of our articles with templates that state the obvious. It looks unprofessional. Giving out a general warning on a high-traffic page is totally sufficient.
#{{User|SWFlash}} Per proposer.
#{{User|Pokémon Trainer Mario}} Per Edo.
#{{User|Paper Yoshi}} - Per Walkazo, FF65 and Edo.
#{{User|T.c.w7468}} Per all.
#{{User|BabyLuigiOnFire}} I was with you in the start, so I wouldn't change my opinions. Per all.
#{{User|Bowser's luma}} I had an epiphany last night about the whole reason I was opposing this. I was comparing us to Bulbapedia, where they have spoiler templates. But there, they are only on articles about anime episodes or movies. Here, they aren't necessary because we're dealing with games. Sorry about all of my indecisiveness and lack of consistant logic to all, but especially myself.
#{{User|Austinkshum}} Per Fawfulfury65 and Super Mario Bros.
#{{User|Geniusguy445}} But I think that the NIWA Metroid wiki has it right when they have a warning at the top of the page warning of spoilers, not where the spoilers are. "This article contains various irremovable spoilers. Read at your own risk!" warnings are also only on the ''new'' game articles. I think those would be more appropriate.
#{{User|TheBreakshift}} I've often read articles on games I was currently playing and I'll be honest, it's not hard to realize when you should stop reading.
#{{User|Count Bonsula}} -Per all.
#{{User|Phoenix}} I wholeheartedly agree with you Walkazo! It took me a while, but I finally came around to your way of seeing things; the spoiler templates are obtrusive and unnecessary. If you wanna get rid of them, I'm on your side. :)
#{{user|MarioMaster15}} Per all.
#{{User|Mario4Ever}} Per all.
#{{User|Marioguy1}} - My conditions have been satisfied, now I reiterate that the spoiler templates are ugly and annoying; they never fit where you want them to and are just horrible for page placement. Anyone who cares enough will check the, now readily-accessible, about page.
<s>{{User|Bowser's luma}} No offense Walkazo, but when I read this proposal I thought it was a joke at first because I thought that it was so obvious that spoiler warnings are necessary. First off, yes, we will have spoilers, but when going through articles, people don't want to see what is going to happen at the end of a game. Putting something in the [[MarioWiki:About]] page is a good idea, but removing the spoiler templates is unnecessary. To be honest, what guest here reads [[MarioWiki:About]] before getting information from one article on what they need to know? The spoilers keep people, and remember there are younger kids here as well, from finding out what happens in the end/climax of whatever will be spoiled. Removing those templates would also mean that we have to go to every article around with them and remove them, which is very tedious. This isn't necessary enough to pass and require people to do that much work, and I believe it is a common courtesy to anyone who reads the articles here to have a small warning before reading anything that may spoil the end/climax of a game for them that they do not want to find out. Also, the fact that everything does contain spoilers doesn't warrant that we remove the templates because some are much bigger than others, and I know we are all smart enough to deem what is currently worthy of said templates and what is not. If it bothers you that much that we have two gray boxes about a centimeter big in some places on certain articles so that people don't complain that we ruined it for them, I don't know what to tell you.</s><br><br>
<s>{{User|Marioguy1}} - I don't think that putting the spoiler warning in an obscure place like [[MarioWiki:About]] is a very good idea. Putting a notice on the main page or in the sitenotice would be fine; people actually read those. But I forgot MarioWiki:About even existed before today. The place for important information that all viewers should know could be on the article itself, it could be on the main page of the entire website, it could be in a header above every single page, there are many places it can be, but a place it '''can't''' be is on an out-of-way page that is often forgotten, <u>ESPECIALLY</u> a page that ''doesn't even have a link from the Main Page''. While the {{tem|Spoiler}} template is ugly and annoying, it gets across an important point and if this proposal is going to hide that important point away on a no-traffic page, I can't support it.</s>
#{{User|Baby Mario Bloops}} - Per all except KKR (because I really don't understand the last part). Many people - such as I - often look at pages on the Wiki just to check out certain things on certain games. Yet the spoiler templates keep me from reading ahead in the game so that it doesn't ''spoil'' the game for me! My point is that not all articles are going to have spoilers, but some articles will have more major spoilers in one section then it does in others. Although we should all know that pretty much every article will have spoilers, its a nice reminder for some of us that want to not be spoiled at very important secretive information. I really think that without those spoilers, people who want to not be spoiled on major things would end up reading to far ahead because they wouldn't know when the major spoilers actually comes in.
#{{User|Mariomario64}} Per Baby Mario Bloops, but if the proposal WERE to pass, I would suggest to add a warning to not only [[MarioWiki:About]] but the main page as well, since most people will come to the main page.
So basically, you are proposing to remove "spoiler" tags because we're a complete Mario encyclopedia and people should know that since we are complete, they already know that they are warned? I'm with you. I think the title text on the main page: '''Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki! with (insert number here) articles on the <u>complete</u> Mario series''' should be enough to warrant a spoiler warning to anyone. {{User|BabyLuigiOnFire}}
:Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. - {{User|Walkazo}}
Would something similar to what Zelda Wiki does, such as at the top, a notice saying "this wiki contains spoilers, read at your own risk" be a good idea? I get what your saying, just trying to clear up any ambiguity. {{User|Bop1996}}
Although I support the rant that I previously ranted up there, I apologize for the length and unclearness of it. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
:'''@Bop1996''' (although it applies to other people's comments/votes too): We'll have a message like that on [[MarioWiki:About]], but I don't think it's necessary to put it on the Main Page or on the SiteNotice (although I've already talked to the other Sysops and we ''are'' going to put a temporary notice about spoilers and the removal of the templates if this proposal passes, but that'll only be until SiteNotice is needed for something else). Zelda Wiki's warning is rather tongue-in-cheek; ''obviously'' their database will have spoilers of they want to cover the full series and they probably know that it's a bit ridiculous that they need to spell it out for people. Same thing applies here, but I think no warning would be better than a sarcastic one. Of course, if ''everyone'' wants a warning on the Main Page or something, another proposal can always be made; where the wiki-wide warning goes is a secondary aspect of this proposal - my main concern is the templates. To that end, if anyone wants to vote against the proposal ''just'' because of the "Main Page or MW:About" question, they should really reconsider. There will be time to move the alert before the SiteNotice changes, so the "out-of-way" locale won't ever be the readers' only resource (I'd personally be fine if another proposal just about the warning is made before the 4-week grace period is over, since it won't really be ''overturning'' this one, just modifying it a little). (On a side note, '''MarioGuy1:''' technically, MW:About is linked to on ''every'' page, including the Main Page, and I personally ''have'' checked About pages when visiting new wikis from time to time, although I realize I'm probably an aberration.)
:'''@Bowser's luma:''' First of all, your argument about forcing people to do a lot of work isn't applicable, because I'm willing to remove every single template myself. That kind of gnomework is my speciality: I don't ''want'' any help. Secondly, it's not really our place to decide what's a "big" spoiler or not: that's making value judgements, but an encyclopedia should just present the facts; it's also subjective and can be different for different people. Obviously it wouldn't be the end of the world for people to know that ''SMB'' has a happy ending, but what about other side-scrollers? ''YIDS'' has a few twists and turns, yet it's not marked on [[Baby Bowser]]'s article, nor is ''M&L:PiT'', which is an RPG: you'd think these at least should be marked. And how about other media? In my opinion, the kicker of ''Super Mario Bros.: Peach-hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!'' is much bigger spoiler than [[Bowser]]'s battle tactics and his ending size in the finale of ''SMG2'', and yet the latter is the one with the template. Why? Who decided that? What's the criteria they used? Fact is, there ''is'' no criteria, and that is not how we run this wiki. That's my main beef with these templates: if they were ''only'' eyesores (which they're not: they just wreck the flow and look out-of-place in an encyclopedia), I could live with them, but they're inconsistent, unofficial and ineffective. It's a broken system, and people would be better off regulating themselves than relying on it anyway. Like I said in the proposal, it's not that hard to avoid spoilers on your own. For example, I've avoided spoiling <i>M&L:BIS</i>'s ending details for the last two years simply by not reading certain pages and sections - not ''once'' has a spoiler template helped me do that (Bowser's page doesn't even have one, yet I've been able to browse it dozens of times: I just skip that section). I'm sure even little kids can figure out when to stop reading too: kids are smart (or at least the ones I know are). Anyone who blames us for their own lack of self control and common sense isn't worth fussing over.
:- {{User|Walkazo}}
I think it would be fine to take the spoiler templates away, but why not just put a "This wiki contains spoilers" note on the main page? I know it's kind of obvious, but it really can't hurt, and it seems like the more considerate thing to do. {{User|CrystalYoshi}}
:But where would it go? The only place I can see it being appropriate would be in the "Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki!" part, but how? Expanding the second line? "with 11,392 articles on the complete ''Mario'' series including spoilers"? That sounds really lame; people will read that and think "well, duh". Looking at [[pikipedia:]], skipping a line and then adding the warning would also look bad, and it'd mess up the spacing with the link box. So yes, it could hurt, and while it's considerate, I don't think it's worth it: people should know better than to not expect spoilers here. Not all wikis feel the need for spoilers or warnings on the main page: I couldn't find anything on [[smashwiki:]] or [[dkwiki:]]. Wikipedia's got a [[wikipedia:Wikipedia:Spoiler|policy page]] and a [[wikipedia:Template:Uw-spoiler|notice template]] explaining why they don't fuss about spoiler alerts and consider the section headers of the articles themselves and their [[wikipedia:Wikipedia:Content_disclaimer|content disclaimer]] to be fair enough warning. - {{User|Walkazo}}
::To be completely honest, I think what Pikipedia did there doesn't look ''that'' bad. I wouldn't have a problem with a line like that in that position. - {{User|Edofenrir}}
:::I think that most of the debate now is about what to replace the templates with. I agree that it could just as easily be done with another proposal, but I'm not sure what is the best way to replace them. I agree that it seems a little obvious that we'd have spoilers, but it would clear up a lot of potential confusion if we had a warning where everyone would see it. The argument about Mariowiki:About makes a good point. I count myself among the people who read about the wiki before using it, and on ZeldaWiki they just link to their about page on in big bold letters, and that seems to work well. Would having an "about us" link on the main page under the "Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki" heading be a bad idea? {{User|Bop1996}}
::::I think linking to our about page would be a very good idea: there's room in that last line of links for one more (making it "Anniversary  Sandbox  Help  About Us"), so it wouldn't mess up any spacing, unlike adding an entire spoiler warning line like Pikipedia. You're also right that the debate is mostly about what to replace the templates with, which is why I think voting because of that should be left for another proposal (but of course we can still discuss it here in the Comments): there could be voting options for "on the Main page" or "on MW:About", and maybe some other solution (like making it the default SiteNotice for when we have nothing else to say). I actually thought about including multiple headers in this proposal (one for my preferred MW:About solution and one for the Main Page compromise), but decided against it, as it'd dilute the support for the main issue of removing the templates. - {{User|Walkazo}}
Guys, it is pointless to utilize the sitenotice to warn people about spoilers. The sitenotice is strictly user-specific, meaning that guests cannot see it anyway.--{{User|Knife}} 12:52, 19 March 2011 (EDT)
'''@Walkazo:''' I too favor having it on MW:About, what I'm wondering is, do we need a new proposal afterwards to decide or should we just change it now? Because if the templates are removed, we need a solution as soon as possible. Also, is there a way to modify the spoiler templates so that they add the article to a category for tracking down all the templates? {{User|Bop1996}}
:When the proposal passes, I'll add a small little section to MW:About concerning spoilers immediately, before I even start taking template down (I'll write it ahead of time and put it in my userspace to make sure the other admins are cool with it). A second proposal would be to change that initial arrangement, but no matter what, there will be a warning somewhere. As for the link to MW:About from the Main Page, we probably don't need a proposal: I was planning on simply asking Steve to add one / let us add one sometime this week. And finally, there's no need to alter the templates: if you look in the toolbox on the sidebar, there's a link to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], which can be used to find every page containing or linking to the page you're on. I use it all the time for maintenance work just like this. - {{User|Walkazo}}
::That sounds like a good solution, I should have remembered the "what links here" feature though *facepalms*. {{User|Bop1996}}
:::However, I am on the disagreeing side on putting it in MarioWiki:About. I'm pretty sure the majority of guests who want to look up information wouldn't give two hoots about viewing MarioWiki:About. {{User|BabyLuigiOnFire}}
::::BLOF: Yes, and most of the people who come here looking casually that don't read the about page probably wouldn't be upset about reading spoilers. If they were worried about spoilers, they would probably go to the About page and see that we have spoilers. Then they would know and avoid the sections they thought might spoil the game for them. Putting the About page on the Main Page with the rest of the links will prevent a lot of cases where people didn't know how to find the About page. {{User|Bop1996}}
I knew I would get a lot of flak for this. The spoiler templates are apparently not needed, and I don't feel too up to getting in an argument about this anymore. I'm gonna stay neutral and watch this from the sidelines now. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
King K Rool, your vote isn't making much sense. Nobody is going to remove any information from anything. This proposal merely deals with the removal of a few templates that add nothing to the page. Please reread what is proposed here. - {{User|Edofenrir}}
<s>Hey y'all, I'm fine with removing the various warnings all around the wiki, but we should at least throw a little warning on the Main Page that says something along the lines of "this wiki has spoilers, bro." Not sure if anyone already said this (I didn't read the whole conversation), but I think it would be a nice, little, professional warning that could apply to the whole wiki.</s> lulz, probably should have read the whole convo ''before'' posting this. Have a nice day! :) - {{user|Bloc Partier}}
Now that I have changed my vote, you (Marioguy1 and Kaptain K. Rool) should change yours becuase they reference the now nonexistant vote of mine. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
:They don't ''have'' to change them: in the past (although I don't remember the specific proposal), we've kept disowned votes like yours around in slashed-out form. I think we moved the vote to the bottom last time, since it messed up the numbering, but since yours is at the top, rather than in the middle, it can probably stay there. If a vote's per'd by someone or discussed in the comments, it's best to keep them around for the record, or the things talking about them won't make sense. Like, if someone re-reads this proposal in a couple years and sees me arguing over points that were made in a vote you never apparently made, they'd get confused (or they'd think I'm crazy, and I obviously don't want that to happen either :P ). You don't need to remove your comments in this section either; you can't go back in time and un-say your old opinion if someone changed your mind about an issue over the course of a RL discussion, but the important thing is what you currently believe, and I think it's good to have a record of how you came to that final opinion. I know I've changed how I felt about a couple proposals in the past, and I don't mind having the earlier statements still on record. You can always slash the comments out like Bloc Partier, if you want. - {{User|Walkazo}}
::When removing a vote, take out your vote and then place strikes in all other votes that reference it (of course only put the strikes through the offending parts of the votes, for example, see what I did to King K Rool's vote). {{User|Marioguy1}}
:::Where is it said that we should do that, exactly? I've checked, and the closest I've come is [[MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive_19#More_transparency_in_discussions|this proposal]], which says "''If a vote is determined invalid, whether it is a support vote or an oppose vote, it does not get removed. Instead, it gets <s>striked out</s> with <nowiki><s></s></nowiki> tags.''" As far as I know, that proposal was never revoked. With that in mind (as well as the reasons I brought up in my last comment), I really think the way I was dealing with the vote should be maintained. - {{User|Walkazo}}
::::I didn't mean they should change their votes to support, just that they should make it not reference mine. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
:::::I knew you didn't mean they should support, but they don't have to stop "per"ing your old vote if they still believe in what you said before you changed your mind. - {{User|Walkazo}}
::::::Okay, I think I can summary my vote down here now. I don't think that spoiler templates are necesary, but I think that it should be on major sections like final boss information in game pages or major plot settings that happens that affected the story completely! {{User|Baby Mario Bloops}}
:::::::Ok. I've confused myself so much with this proposal and all the contradictory comments that I don't even know what's going on anymore. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
::::::::'''@BL:''' We are probably going to pass this proposal, and when it passes, a link to ''MarioWiki:About'' will be added in the row on the main page under the "Welcome to the Mario Wiki" header in the row with Anniversary and Sandbox links, and an update to the MarioWiki about page will be added stating that we have spoilers. This is as far as I understand it. {{User|Bop1996}}

Revision as of 20:02, March 26, 2011

Any proposal decided and past is archived here. Use the scroll box to see votes and comments. This page is protected to maintain the discussion as was. Please add archived proposals to the bottom of the page.

MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template

Merge the Minor Voice Actors together


I noticed that many actors from the cartoons are just stubs. Also, there is a List of Cartoon Voice Actors article, and i was hoping we could merge all of the minor actors into that article, but keep the major ones, such as Lou Albano and Danny Wells. But, on the other hand, actors such as Aron Tager and Damon D'Oliveira, that are very minor, should be merged into that article, since they are just stubs.

Proposer: Mileycyrussoulja (talk)
Voting start: 21:39, 26 October 2010 (GMT)
Deadline: 23:59 2 November 2010 (GMT)


  1. Mileycyrussoulja (talk) Per meh.
  2. FunkyK38 (talk) I agree with this. It's the same thing on Bulbapedia. They have a huge table of voice actors that tells who voiced who and so on. It's a lot easier than having a bunch of stubs.
  3. Beecanoe (talk) Why not make a single page dedicated to voice actors, major or minor? Of course, no one listens to my ideas, so I'll have to say per Mileycyrussoulja

Don't Merge

  1. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) I gave my reasons in the comments, there is no need to repeat.
  2. Fuzzipede27 (talk) - Per BLOF
  3. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) They're all important, no matter how minor a voice role they have.
  4. Garlic Stapler (talk) Voice actors are quite important really, per all.
  5. Bowser's luma (talk) If I was a voice actor, I would appreciate my own article. Per all.
  6. Fawfulfury65 (talk) Per my comments.
  7. Edofenrir (talk) - Per FF65 and our policy.
  8. Walkazo (talk) - Per all.
  9. Count Bonsula (talk) - not always a good idea. Per all.
  10. DaisyRox02 (talk) - Per Count Bonsula. Imagine the mess...(well, in other words, per all)
  11. MATEOELBACAN (talk) - Per all.
  12. Smasher 101 (talk) - They deserve their own articles. Per all.
  13. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.
  14. Mechayoshi (talk) The merger the maryer? Not this time.XD
  15. Jayt55 (talk) Ditto to all opposers. ;)
  16. Rise Up Above It (talk) Per all.


I really don't think merging is the solution. We are supposed to expand on the articles rather than merge it. And no matter how minor a person or actor is, I believe that they should still have their own articles, just like the Mario Tennis generic humans. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk)

Yeah, we should have an article for all of them because they are all important enough. Fawfulfury65 (talk)
I'm pretty much neutral on this situation. Though I do see some points brought up on the merging side, though they might not necessarily be the views of the proposer. What if the TV series just randomly comes back up, and they have a bunch of Goombas in one scene, all voiced by different actors, speaking a bunch of indistinct stuff. Would every person voicing said Goomba be noted? What if said person doesn't have a voice acting history, and only voices for this once? The page about them can never go above stub status. Though this is a 1 out of 999999999 situation, it could happen. Like I said, I'm neutral on this situation as I feel my vote might be biased. Basurao Pokabu Waribiaru Zeburaika Zuruguu A (talk)
Well, we just have to trust that Nintendo is not insane and that they will not make a new TV series with different actors for each enemy (what a budget). Also, show me any character that falls under your second thing, "not notable", I wanna remove the {{stub}} immediately. Marioguy1 (talk)

List of non-Mario game Characters Games


Make a list of all of the non-Mario games any non-Mario character has appeared in, but has appeared alongside Mario in some game (such as Super Smash Bros. characters).

Setting out:

==Other Games==

(list all of the non-Mario games that particular character appears in to the Wikipedia page in bullet points)

Proposer: SKmarioman (talk)
Voting start: 26 October, 2010, 15:00
Deadline: 2 November, 2010, 23:59


  1. SKmarioman (talk) This will be useful so that not only readers know what other games a character has appeared in, but they will also have some information on that game.
  2. Beecanoe (talk) We have the right community for it, I think this is a great idea. I'm also thinking, if this takes off. We could even change our name. The other wikis like BLOF said aren't populated enough. We should take advantage of the fact that this is most likely the biggest gaming wiki on the internet.


  1. Tucayo (talk) - This would be expanding way too much our coverage, no.
  2. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Our current coverage is fine. If you want to learn about Kirby's games, the Legend of Zelda's games, etc., this is the wrong wiki to be in. We have WiKirby, Zelda Wiki, Lylat Wiki, etc. for a reason.
  3. Fuzzipede27 (talk) - Per BLOF
  4. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per first two comments and per all. Zero signing out.
  5. Rise Up Above It (talk) This is why we have NIWA...
  6. Bowser's luma (talk) Per all.
  7. Garlic Stapler (talk) - Cameos and that kind are in the reference section and per all.
  8. Walkazo (talk) - Per all.
  9. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) - Per all.
  10. MATEOELBACAN (talk) - Per all.
  11. Smasher 101 (talk) - Per all.
  12. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.


Wouldn't a extended List of Appearances be enough? LuigiMania (talk)

Couldn't we just suffice with a "see the Template:Bp article on this subject" (for an example). I don't see the point in adding information that has nothing to do with what we cover. We just link them to another associate of NIWA (or wikipedia) and they can get much more in-depth information there. Marioguy1 (talk)
That's actually what this proposal is about. The idea is that the list of appearences links to the, let's say Pikachu, to all of the Pokémon games he's appeared in, as well as the the Bulbapedia article.SKmarioman (talk)
So all the games in the lists would be links to the articles for those games on the other wikis? It's too much work for something that will ultimately not be used much: if the reader really wants to read about the characters' influences in the other series in that much detail, they would go to the other wiki, rather than bouncing between the list on our wiki and the info on theirs. - Walkazo (talk)
The basic idea of the proposal is so that users and readers can easily navigate around the enitire NIWA (and some other wikis) instead of just getting info from one wiki.

@Beecanoe Take a look around Bulbapedia. They are real big too. Like a Wailord. Bowser's luma (talk)

Remake Exclusive?


I've noticed on a few pages about games that have remakes, SMB2 for example, have information or even whole sections of stuff that is only in its remakes. Examples are voice acters or on the staff page, there's people who only worked on the remake version.

So I say we move this information from the original game to its respective remake.

Proposer: SKmarioman (talk)
Voting Starts: 03:00 December 14, 2010
Deadline: 23:59 21 December, 2010 (UTC)



  1. Walkazo (talk) - It's better to have all the information about the games on one page: and that means both the originals and the extremely similar GBA remakes. Splitting the remakes from the originals was a bad idea, and two of them should have been re-merged by now anyway, due to a pair of TPPs that were never enacted (their proposer was banned before he could do it, and then they fell through the cracks). This proposal runs counter to the plans to re-merge the remakes, and therefore, I oppose it.
  2. Fawfulfury65 (talk) Per Walkazo.
  3. Super Mario Bros. (talk) Per Walkazo.
  4. SWFlash (talk) Per SMB and Fawfulfury
  5. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Per all, this is sensible.
  6. Edofenrir (talk) - Per Walkazo.
  7. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Remakes, other than few and aesthetics changes, are too similar to their parent game to be warranted a separated article. The remakes are so similar to the original games, that a list can be devised listing changes without heavily expanding the article.
  8. Mario4Ever (talk) Per all.
  9. Fuzzipede27 (talk) Per all


You mean like make a whole new article for remakes? Fawfulfury65 (talk)

No, I mean move information about a game's remake, such as the 'Voice Actors (Super Mario Advance)' section on the Super Mario Bros 2 article to the Super Mario Advance article. SKmarioman (talk)

I thought a proposal passed to merge the Super Mario Advance series with their original games. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

Two TPPs passed to merge two of the SMA games. Here's a complete timeline of proposals regarding GBA ports (I'm pretty sure I got them all):
Separate pages for the SMA ports - Passed, March
Split GBA ports from the SNES DKC games - Failed, July
(Merge SMA into SMB2 - Deleted, August)
Merge SMA - Improperly cancelled; would have passed otherwise, August
Merge SMA2:SMW - Passed, August
Merge YI:SMA3 - Passed, August
SMA4:SMB3 - No TPP has been made
Long story short, it's a pretty big mess: if the two pages are merged, the other two should be merged as well for consistency, but this proposal has confused the issue, and it would be best if it was voted down before any merging occurred. - Walkazo (talk)
Well, the SMA one was cancelled because KS3 was banned. I think maybe we should try to merge SMA again, the other games have done the same and it has worked. Otherwise, that would probably render this invalid. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
There is no policy saying that when someone is banned, their proposals are cancelled. As for whether or not the proposal is invalid, that's hard to say: two of the pairs of pages it deals with shouldn't be separate anymore, but the other two are fair game. Alternatively, this could be interpreted as an attempt to repeal the two TPPs that did go through. In an ideal world, rather than make three TPPs, KS3 would have made one Proposal here about merging all of them, and then the merges would have actually been done, and we wouldn't have this current conundrum. - Walkazo (talk)
Really? That's pretty strange, looking back in the proposal archive, things have been removed due to the proposer being blocked, like the proposal to update DYK (did you know) more regularly, and quite a few by NARCE. Surely these shouldn't have been deleted. On topic of the proposal itself, I thought there was a proposal on this page to merge them with their respective remakes...I guess there may not have been. Surely we should create one. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
Apparently they were deleted because Rule 10 ("The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it.") couldn't be upheld if the proposer was banned. Anyway, once this Proposal ends, TPPs are going to be made about merging SMA and SMA4, and then everything's going to merged once those pass (if SMA2 and SMA3 are merged immediately, there'd be a huge inconsistency in how the remakes are being dealt with in the meantime; doing it all at once will be much neater). - Walkazo (talk)

Change of plans. Seeing as everyone voting on this proposal seems to be fine with merging all the articles, and recalling how the two TPPs that have been made were unanimously approved, odds are no one will take issue to the other two pages being merged. Therefore, we're going to go ahead and merge all four of the SMA pages when this proposal hits the deadline (unless someone does complain on the talk pages in the meantime and talking it out doesn't work). Before TPPs were made, pages were merged, split and deleted without proposals all the time, so this is perfectly legitimate (and much faster and convenient). - Walkazo (talk)

Great, this issue has been bugging us for some time and I'm glad it can finally get settled. I don't see why anyone would have a reason to object. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

Combine Game Guides


Hi, this is my first time suggesting a proposal, so forgive me if I screw something up.

My proposal is this: the "Super Guide" function has now, to my knowledge, appeared in four games: New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!, and Donkey Kong Country Returns. It doesn't look like Nintendo is getting ready to stop using this new feature, so I propose we make a "Super Guide" article that will encompass all of the analogous features that count as a "Super Guide" between the Mario series games, with a section for each game, with possible subsections for distinctly different things with similar features in other games (i.e. the Super Play videos and Super Guide Block in NSMBW and the Tip Network and Cosmic Spirit in SMG2, respectively).

Again, sorry if I've gone about this wrong, but I thought it'd be better if I was a little more professional and made a proposal here instead of on a talk page for, say, one of the Super Guide features, since this proposal involves several articles.

Proposer: Teamrocketspy621 (talk)
Voting Starts: 23:59 December 13, 2010
Deadline: 02:57 20 December, 2010 (UTC)


  1. Teamrocketspy621 (talk)
  2. SWFlash (talk) Per proposal
  3. Bowser's luma (talk) Good idea. Per proposal.
  4. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Perchlorate all.
  5. Bowwow828 (talk)Per all too
  6. M&SG (talk) - Sounds like a good idea. After all, they basically operate in the same manner.
  7. Mario&Kirby180 (talk) Sounds like a great idea
  8. Laikue (talk) Per M&SG
  9. Mario4Ever (talk) That is an excellent idea. Per proposal.
  10. WigglerWhoopin'Warrior135 (talk) Good idea. Per all and proposal.
  11. Geniusguy445 (talk) Per proposal.
  12. Crackin355 (talk) Per Proposal
  13. MarioManiac (talk) Purrrrrr all.
  14. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.
  15. Mpeng (talk) Fewer short articles.
  16. Waluigi vs Wario (talk) They have some things that are the same, so why not give all the same page?
  17. Mechayoshi (talk) Sounds good. Per above.
  18. IGGY7735 (talk) Good Idea!
  19. UltimatePetey (talk) A very good idea, makes complete since. Per all.


  1. Coincollector (talk) - hmmm... I'm not sure really. Is it possible that we should merge every element involved in the super guide? I mean, first, there are articles of them with enough info as to be one on their own. Second, I see some inconsistency (if that's the word) on gathering elements that are at first sight unrelated. example: the tip network is an object; the cosmic spirit is a character of sorts and so on. I think that is better to add these topics a category and (or) make the article "Super Guide" without removing the others.


OK, I moved this here from the talk page Marioguy1 (talk)

Thanks, I'm not entirely familiar with the proposal process. Teamrocketspy621 23:23, 13 December 2010 (UTC)

Allow Youtube Videos on Specific Pages


I realize no one went for my first proposal on expanding the mainpage, so I'm back with a new one. I know that YouTube videos are for userpages only, but I can think of a few pages that can include such videos. For one, there's the songs. What's the point of making a page for a song when you can't hear it? It really took away from me when I was a non-user browsing the pages on the wiki. Another use for it could be to show an intro to a game to start off the page. If anyone approves and can think of other uses for videos, feel free to put them in the comments section.

Proposer:Beecanoe (talk)
Voting Starts: 03:45 20 December, 2010
Deadline: 00:00 26 December, 2010



  1. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per my comment. Zero signing out.
  2. Baby Mario Bloops (talk) Yes, the comments are very valid. I really don't think it is consistent, and many pages could have youtube pages, even if it isn't in that category. But it really degrades our pages, so I am opposing.
  3. Walkazo (talk) - Per all (including the comments): embedded videos look sloppy and can make loading times frustratingly long on older computers. If a video is truly necessary, it can be externally linked to, but for the most part, the wiki is fine without them.
  4. Edofenrir (talk) - YouTube likes to take down its videos spontaneously when there are slight copyright infringements, users who host Mario music might upload other videos that gets their accounts suspended, content gets banned in certain lands, videos vanish, etc etc. We as a wiki have absolutely no say in this. If we put videos on our articles, the videos might get removed and we are left with broken media on our page. Someone would have to watch over all the videos and be ready to replace them. This wastes a lot of resources that can better be used for actual maintenance. tl;dr version: We shouldn't subject our mainspace articles to the mercy of a site we have no control over.
  5. Coincollector (talk) - Per everything below the oppose section (and what I said).
  6. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Per all.
  7. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) You know what the problem with YouTube videos are? We don't NEED them. All we need to be a reliable source are the information typed out and some colorful pictures to illustrate. Yes, it could be helpful for certain glitches, but that's it. Besides, if I did upload videos, well, I'd say that my videos are less-than-serious.


"What's the point of making a page for a song when you can't hear it?" Well... Fawfulfury65 (talk)

We don't have articles on songs. And intros are described good enough on the pages, if the person reading it doesn't know it already. We're a Wiki, not a video-showcasing website. And how do you know the owners will give us permission? MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

Ever been to a wikia site? They do this all the time. Beecanoe (talk)

Wikia sometimes has separate pages for songs too, but our coverage does not stretch to that. We're not like Wikia. We're different. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)

I'm sure this won't work. There have been former proposals talking about this and failed... Coincollector (talk)

I am Zero! There has already been a proposal about this. The problems of putting youtube videos on an article are, the loading time it takes, and the quality, once that video's embedding has been disable, has been claimed on copyright infringement, or the quality is terrible it will make our wiki look bad. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)

Autoconfriming Wait Time Cut


Hi,this is my first proposal too so I apologize for any mistakes.I recently discovered that new users have to be Autoconfirmed In order to edit articles but in order to do that the new user has to wait 1 week and make at least 10 non-article edits.I also discovered that this rule was made to prevent vandals from moving pages.While I understand that there are jerks who want to make peoples lives harder,I feel it is more important to let new users who are probably eager to let their voices be heard edit articles.So it is my proposal that we cut the number of days that a new user has to wait from 7 to say,5.I hope this if this Proposal is passed it will make more people interested in joining Mario Wiki so they can post new information so people who are new to the Mario series may better understand it. Thank you for letting make my Proposal

Proposer: Bowwow828 (talk)
Voting start: December 20,2010 11:35
Deadline: December 27,2010 23:59



  1. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per my comment below. Zero signing out.
  2. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) Per all the comments below.
  3. Walkazo (talk) - Per the comments below: a week and ten edits isn't asking much.
  4. Edofenrir (talk) - The rule is fine as it is. Changing it wouldn't bring much benefit, so there's no need.
  5. Bowser's luma (talk) Per all.
  6. Koopayoshi (talk) No need, and alot of people sometimes just edit there userpage all the time while they are waiting
  7. Ultramariologan (talk) Per everyone.
  8. M&SG (talk) - There's a reason for having the current auto-confirmed rules. Just refer to the comments.
  9. Ralphfan (talk) – Per all.


Non-autoconfirmed users can edit most articles in case you didn't know. They just can't create articles. Besides, new users need to get a little more experience on this Wiki and its rules before they can create pages and upload images. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Yes, I agree. 7 days isn't long, and you can have ten edits on any article IIRC. MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
65: Don't you mean new users? Anyway, what are the pros and cons of reducing the amount of days to 5? Are 5 days enough for a user to learn? LeftyGreenMario (talk)
I am Zero! I see no difference between 2 days. I think the rule is fine as is. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)
@LGM: Oh thanks for picking that up. It was a stupid mistake of mine. Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Bowwow828 (talk) @Fawlfulfury65 yeah when you mention it is fine to leave it as it is.Sorry for your trouble

A week and 10 edits isn't long anyway. No need to reinvent the wheel. Mpeng (talk)

It seems to me that the creator of this proposal is not autoconfirmed and instead of waiting the duration of the week he's trying to cut the wait. Bowser's luma (talk)
That would be pretty stupid then, since proposals take one week to be concluded anyway. - Edofenrir (talk)

The TPP Effect


Third times the charm I hope, but let's not focus on what proposal number this is that I've made. Lately there has been many talk page proposals by the same user that conflict with each or they conflict with past tpps that have already passed. It is quite confusing on how unorderly and how inconsistent it is starting to become.

What I propose is that we have some changes to the Talk Page Proposal rules shown far above this. I say that if a tpp is being runned that conflicts and disagrees with another tpp that one of them has to change in order for consistency to be played out. Now of course some circumstances should be made about that, depending on what it is and the reasons, but if it is for the same reasoning as another, then that rule should change. But it is hard if it conflicts with other proposals from the past. What I say we should do about it is to have that ttp turn into a proposal that will go into misc and deal with all that it effects. Then, depending on whether the proposal passes or fails, shall the pages be changed depending on the outcome.

I believe that all I have said above is very logical, and will solve many issues that we have had here on the MarioWiki with the tpp's going on lately. If you don't quite fully understand my proposal, comment in the comments section.

Proposer: Baby Mario Bloops (talk)
Voting start: December 29, 2010 5:16
Deadline: January 4, 2011 23:59


  1. Baby Mario Bloops (talk) - Probably should have done this when I made the proposal, but wanted to see some opinions first. Since this seems to be looking like a good proposal, I support it 100%! Per me!
  2. SWFlash (talk) Per guy above
  3. WigglerWhoopin'Warrior135 (talk) Per all.
  4. UltraMario3000 (talk) Per Proposal.
  5. The Cosmic Vin (talk) Per all.


  1. Edofenrir (talk) - I'm sorry, but this is way too vague to be incorporated in our policies. Maybe if you flesh it out and formulate it into clear, precise paragraphs, we can think about adding something like that. But in this form: Just no.
  2. Fawfulfury65 (talk) Per Edofenrir. I think it would turn out as a confusing policy.
  3. Tucayo (talk) - I like the idea, but I have to agree with Edo, this is vague.
  4. Emperor Yoshi (talk) Well, I agree with all that oppose this, it's main idea is good, but BMB, you need to make your description less vague. I can personally not see the specifics to this idea, thus, I simply have to oppose this for the time being.
  5. Walkazo (talk) - Per Edofenrir: I don't see how we could possibly turn this proposal into some clear, concise rules. Besides, we already aim for consistency and if things really do get out of whack, Rule 13 gives the admins the means to set things straight. The problem is that a lot of the time, comparing TPPs is like comparing apples and oranges, and the whole thing is rather subjective: what's inconsistent for one person might be perfectly fine for another. No rule or policy will ever change that, and trying to shoehorn the TPPs into a strict guideline could actually backfire and make it much more difficult to run and regulate them; having wiggle-room is very useful sometimes.
  6. UltimatePetey (talk) - Per Fawfulfury65. It could get confusing.
  7. MrConcreteDonkey (talk) - Per all, mostly Walkazo and Emperor Yoshi. I don't understand what you want to change, or do differently.
  8. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per Edo, way too vague. Zero signing out.
  9. Cosmic Red Toad (talk) - i would support...if i knew what ur talking about here. sorry.
  10. Cosmic Blue Toad (talk) - Per Edofenrir, Emperor Yoshi, Tucayo, and Fawfulfury65.
  11. Ultramariologan (talk) Per Edofenrir. Way too much vague.
  12. MarioManiac (talk) Per all.
  13. Smasher 101 (talk) Per all.It's too vague.
  14. MarioMissle504 (talk) Look out: YOU MIGHT BE DOING WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO PREVENT.
  15. Rise Up Above It (talk) Per the SysOps.


I like your idea, we do need that. Consistency above all. Tucayo (talk)

Can you clarify what you're saying please? Bowser's luma (talk)

@Bowser's luma: Pretty much I am just solidifing the rules since a lot of agruements and conflicts have been going off in some TPP's. I am just saying to add/change a rule or two in the TPPs so that we can have consistency and to have a more understanding structure. That is about it. Baby Mario Bloops (talk)
Ok. Consistency is good. Bowser's luma (talk)
This seems a little vague, could you be a little more in-depth? Ralphfan (talk)
Let's see if I can make it fit your idea of "clear". Hmmm...Pretty much if this proposal passes, we will be adding some more rules to TPP's. If a TPP conflicts with another (let's say one is to merge Goomba and Paragoomba, but another at the same time that has Goomba be split to Goomba (species) and Goomba (character)) then one of them has to be deleted or changed so that it doesn't happen like that. But if they interfere with each other, and one is running and another is passing (Example, split M&L series mushrooms apart, and a proposal that passed a few months ago merged them to the Mushroom article), then the current one either has to change the proposal, delete it, or bring it on this page as a main proposal and if passes, then the TPP would say something like "this TPP has changed via Template:Fakelink". Its to help put consistency into the TPP's as we have struggled ever since they have been made with what is right and wrong and if this or that conflicts with that or this. Baby Mario Bloops (talk)

Agree! But that is not consistency, that is preventing conflict. Marioguy1 (talk)

WAIT! This proposal has already been passed! See the "How to" section above, it has this rule:

8. No proposal can overturn the decision of a previous proposal that is less than 4 weeks (28 days) old.

So that means that the proposal made second would have to be deleted to follow this rule so this proposal is unnecessary. Marioguy1 (talk)

Not exactly, it is actually to expand that rule. Because the rule refers to proposals dealing with the same subject, while this proposal talks about proposals that deal with similar circumstances. Tucayo (talk)
Well if the circumstances are conflicting, such as in the case of his Goomba/Paragoomba example, one of them would be deleted so either his proposal is unnecessary or his example is faulty. Marioguy1 (talk)

Change {{Racecourses}} to {{Courses}}


First proposal, I'm sorry if it's n00by. So recently, I found out that the template that has all the courses in the Mario Kart Series is {{Racecourses}}. I think it is a little childish to put in the Race in Racecourses. I can understand if you disagree, but {{Courses}} sounds better. Once again, sorry if it's n00by.

Proposer:The Cosmic Vin (talk)
Voting Start: December 30 2010 22:56
Deadline: January 5, 2010 17:56


  1. The Cosmic Vin (talk)


  1. Nicke8 (talk) There are 2 types of courses,race courses, and battle courses.
  2. SWFlash (talk) Per BLOF.
  3. Yoshi's Island (talk) Per Nicke8.
  4. Canama (talk) Per Nicke8.
  5. Walkazo (talk) - Per all (including BLOF and what I said about semantics in the comments).
  6. Zero777 (talk) I am Zero! Per Nicke8 and BLOF. Zero signing out.
  7. Ultramariologan (talk) Per Nicke8 and BLOF.
  8. Mariowikilover25 (talk) Per Nicke8
  9. Smasher 101 (talk) Per Nicke8 and BLOF.
  10. MarioMissle504 (talk) Per all.
  11. Bowser's luma (talk) Per all.


I disagree with you. I think the prefix adjective, "race" specifies "course". There are many types of courses out there, such as an obstacle course or battle course (it could even mean a school course), so changing it to "course" would be simply too vague. I don't understand what makes putting in the word "race" makes things childish. It describes the places perfectly, since you definitely (most of the time) are racing in there. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk)

I agree. Also, {{Racecourses}} would have to be switched to the new template name on over 60 pages, which seems like a lot of work for mere semantics. - Walkazo (talk)
Well if he agrees to do it all himself...Marioguy1 (talk)
I was planning on it. I was also thinking we could put EVERY courseof every kind into one template. The Cosmic Vin (talk)
Having both types of courses in one navigation template might work, but they're too different to share one style of infobox, so while {{racecourses}} and {{battlecourses}} would be merged, you'd still have {{racecourse}} on the articles. The infobox doesn't actually say "racecourse" outside of the coding, but neither does the navigation template: it says "Race Courses", like how the other one says "Battle Courses", and even if you merged them, they'd still have to us those terms to differentiate between the two types of courses within the template. The term is not childish or superfluous, it's functional. - Walkazo (talk)

Bowser's Castle Article Name


Since, in Mario Kart series, they're all called "Bowser's Castle" and not "Bowser Castle". I think we should change the name of the article from Bowser Castle, to Bowser's Castle (course). I've not been on Mario Wiki long, but I know a lot of stuff about games, I just don't know how to make major changes like this. If this is voted for, I ask that someone tell me how to do it, or that someone else do it. Thank you. Template:Scrollbox

New Time Trial Article


I noticed that if you search "Time Trial" right now, you are brought to a redirect that takes you to a small section of the Mario Kart (series) article. I think this mode should be given its own article.

The biggest reason I think this is because there are full articles existing about similar modes, such as Diddy's Dash and Time Attack. It makes no sense for these to have their own articles and not Time Trial. Additionally, if a Time Trial article is made, it should have the similar Time Trail modes that I mentioned merged into it since they are near identical. The article could be used to list times that need to be completed in some Time Trials, since some games give you certain times to beat. It can also describe how the Time Trial mode can be unlocked (I know a few games don't let you play the mode right away), how it can be unlocked, and a little about how it may work.

Well, those are all the reasons I can think of. Template:Scrollbox

Bring Back Featured Images


I know this might get shot down faster than you can say "MOOMOO MEADOWS," but I just want to give it a shot:

Myself and many other users preferred the Featured Images to the Polls. I joined in the era of FI's, never seeing a MarioWiki poll until the aforementioned killing of the FI's, and personally prefer them to the polls. Although the polls voice everyone's opinions, the FI's have a certain joy to it, and is a nice aspect for users where we can take a break from editing and check out the Featured Images nominees. You vote on a poll once a week or so, and then the results are posted and nothing really comes of it. With FI's, you vote as well, but whichever image wins has the glory of sitting on the Main Page (not a subpage that nobody ever goes to like the polls) for a week and whoever nominated it is happy. The FI's are an aspect of fun and user satisfaction to the wiki that we should bring back. This concludes my extra-long proposal. :)


Tougher Rules on Unneccesary Redirects


Recently, I have noticed that some users (not saying any names) have been creating redirects that are unneccesary and do not follow the rules stated in MarioWiki:Redirect. Then, a sysop comes along and has to delete it, usually Walkazo (talk), so really that only adds up to extra, unneeded work for the sysops and achieves nothing.

So, I propose that we enforce the following rules:

  • If a user makes at least 3 unneccesary redirects around the same time, they will get a reminder. Hopefully, this can help them get the message.
  • If said user makes at least 6 unneccesary redirects (doesn't need to be at the same time now) and already has a reminder, they will get a warning.
  • If this user makes an extra 4, they get another.
  • About 20 constitutes to a Last Warning.

If a user already has a warning for something else, then the reminder should still be issued.

They may seem a little tough, but really it's the only way to stop this.

Britannic124 (talk), who apparently has made some of these redirects, has said that Tucayo (talk), a recently retired sysop, gave him permission to make some of these redirects, which clearly do not follow MarioWiki:Redirect. I also propose that all sysops know the rules stated in MarioWiki:Redirect, and follow and enforce them. Maybe we could mention MarioWiki:Redirect somewhere on the rules page too.

I hope this will encourage users to think before they redirect, yet I hope they aren't disheartened. Any redirect is fine, as long as it follows this policy.

Sorry if you think this is a bad idea, but we need to stop all of this redirect madness.


Make MarioWiki:Featured User


I once made a bad proposal, so sorry if this proposal is once again, bad. I'm thinking that we should make Featured Users because it would help new users know who to look up to when they need help. It would be set up like this:

===[[User:(insert Username here)|Your username or some random nickname]]=== (Insert why we should Support you here) ====Support==== (Insert why you think this user deserves it) ====Oppose==== (Insert why you think this user doesn't deserve it)

At first I was going to make it right away, then I knew it would get deleted. I will note again that my first proposal was bad, so sorry if this proposal is bad.


Merge all the Super Strikes

MERGE 18-1

The proposal made in front of you is to merge all the super strikes into the Super Strike article. Reasons why: one, the Mega Strikes are all in one article. Two, all of the super strikes, as their individual respected articles, are stubs. And three, to keep consistency.


Adding A "Make New Page" Button


Sorry if this is a bad proposal, Its my first time.

Okay, yesterday I made a Mario Wiki and kept looking for how to make a page. I even looked at the help page! I think it would be easier to add a "Make new page" button. It would just bring you to the screen of the new page.


Merge Planets and Missions/Levels sections (On every Galaxy article,from Gateway to Grandmaster)


Why is there a need to individually describe each planet? Can't we just do that in the Missions section? Also why are the planets named, Nintendo didn't ONCE give a planet a name, they probably don't even have names. They are just adding more conjectural information to the wiki which we don't need or want.


Split Buckbomb, Skullyrex, Mole Guard, etc. from their respective articles

SPLIT 20-0

Why are all of these enemies merged? For the most part, all of them have different looks, different attacks, different names, and, the most important thing, they are different species. Not much more I can say.


Make second to last warnings, only warnings and state the reason a last warning was issued


I think this Wiki should have these three. A second-to-last warning would look like this.

This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior (reason put here). The next time you do this, a last warning will be issued.

An only warning would look like this. They are given out when it is your first and last warning.

This is your only warning to stop your inappropriate behavior (reason put here). The next time you do this, you will be blocked from editing this site.

The last warning should look like this (I assume you get one for insulting other users)

This is your last warning. The next time you insult other users, you will be blocked from editing this site.


Captain info and Stats in Mario Strikers Charged


I'm noticing that people want the info of a captain to look like this on the captain's page (below assumes it is Diddy Kong):

  • Unlocked By: Clearing the Crystal Cup
  • Character Type: Playmaker
  • Decription: Diddy Kong is agile and fast and can protect the ball while making incredible passes at will! But watch out, he can remove a player from the game when he get the chance!
  • Mega Strike: Diddy jumps high into the air, and as the background turns orange he holds his hands together, crosses his legs and closes his eyes, as if he is chanting. He then touches it with the tip of his tail, and the ball goes flying.
  • Super Ability: Red Card!
  • Deke: Diddy backflips over opponents.
  • Uniform: Yellow and red
  • Alt. Uniform: Purple
  • Team Emblem: Star logo.
  • Team Number: 5
  • Away Entrance: Diddy holds a banana in a threatening way while making angry sounds and hitting it against his hand.
  • Home Entrance: Diddy dives down with an angry look on his face and pounds the ground quickly.
  • Theme: Hindustani Classical

I think we need to shorten it to this on the page of each captain (so keep the above in this page) and on say Diddy Kong's page, change it to this.

  • Character Type: Playmaker
  • Super Ability: Red Card!
  • Deke: Diddy backflips over opponents.


  • Moving 10
  • Shooting 3
  • Passing 10
  • Defense 3


Remove Spoiler Templates


These templates ({{spoiler}} and {{endspoiler}}) are pointless and ugly, and they should have been scrapped years ago. A database about the Mario series is obviously going to have Mario spoilers: people shouldn't need us to tell them that, and common sense can easily replace the way we're using the templates now. If you don't want ending details, stop reading once you get past the parts you already know in the story section of the game/movie/etc. page, and don't read the pages of characters (or whatever) from the game/etc. that you haven't encountered yet on your own. As for the Histories of recurring characters, almost every section is a spoiler (or has the potential to be one), but we can't possibly put templates everywhere - that'll look silly, which is probably why it hasn't been done (i.e. Bowser's page has a grand total of two sentences roped off). On these template-less articles, common sense is the only thing keeping readers from spoiling all the other games/etc. whenever they go there, and it seems to work just fine: the same principle can easily be applied to the entire database. The only times readers can be ambushed by spoilers is in sections dealing with multiple sources at one time (namely Trivia sections, but also things like "Powers and Abilities", "Personality" and even introductions), and for the most part, spoilers aren't even put on these parts! Fat lot of good that does the readers, but trying to change that would look just as bad as putting dozens of spoilers throughout History sections: the templates break up the flow of our articles badly enough as is. Putting spoilers right at the tops of pages looks bad too.

Simply put, everything is a spoiler to some extent, so we'd be wiser to wash out hands of the entire template nonsense and simply make a blanket statement on MarioWiki:About warning people that they're reading at their own risk. There's no need to put it on the Main Page: everyone should realize that the Super Mario Wiki, "with 11,389 articles on the complete Mario series", will have Mario spoilers - our coverage wouldn't be complete if that wasn't the case. It's our job to present our readers with all the info we can: how they actually go about reading it (or not) is their responsibility, not ours.
