User talk:Dry Paratroopa: Difference between revisions

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==Welcome section==

Thank you, but I've been getting stuff from this place for a while. So I decided "Why not?" and registered. However, i still know zero on customization, I copied the table off of Dry Bones, as I have not yet made the wings for Dry Paratroopa so the Dry Paratroopa is right now still a dead Koopa rather than Paratroopa. And since I'm not a good spriter at all I might not make something good by adding wings. So if anyone wants to volunteer to the simple job of adding wings to a Dry Bones let me know! In the mean while I'll be attempting to do so myself. But then I'll have to find out how to get it on here... {{User: Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Is my signature too big?
:Yup, it is; please remove the template. Your sig has to fit inside this box:
{{sigbox|User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}} {{User:Time Q/sig}} 14:49, 9 November 2008 (EST)
Okay(even though I worked so hard on it...)
Hey Dry, I'm new here too!  If you have any questions, ask me, but I probably won't be able to answer them. {{User|Kraken master}}
Dry... I like that! Something weird is I have this forum that I'm on... and I greet everyone that's new :p. I even put as part of it "If you have any questions you can click here(linked) and hit "Message." If you want a link hit [[PF Suggestions Board|here]]. I know my way, thank you... besides links to other sites. Or creating custom tables... do you know how? Anyway, I could prbably answer your questions... besides the links to other sites & custom tables LOL. Wanna be friends? I've got a userbox on my userpage for it. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Okay, let me rephrase my offer, as you probably know more about HTML coding than I do.  If you have any questions about Mario ''games'', please don't hesitate to ask.  I know a lot about the Mario games that I do have, so please ask.  {{User|Kraken master}}
You know, this site has pages for the games, but thanks for the offer! Do you or anyone else on the board know how to link to other sites that isn't Wikipedia? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
I categorized this sentence and everything above if that's okay. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Hey Dry Paratroopa have you ever thought of putting a status bar on your user page or makeing a list of userboxes just asking k. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
A status bar would be nice. BTW, how do you color link again (without being a template)? I was trying to make my sig look, well... not boring. But I failed :p. So I'm trying to change it back before the whole page my sig's in is glitched.
Also, do you have any tips to being "popular"? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
I am sorry but when you have to tell me something always put it on my talk page because I could look for peoples Q's faster and about popular always be your self add a few userboxes so people can know a thing or two about you k.
Hey Dry Paratroopa is your favorite character only Dry Bones just asking k. {{user:Mario3v/sig}}
Well the conversation is on this page. Also, I have a Historic Tower of Userboxes in my '''<span style="color:#FC0;background:black">Evil Castle of Death!</span>'''(userpage) even though it's not evil at all I just wanted to call it that. Also Dry Bones is my favorite enemy, but some other enemies are cool like Boo or Boomerang Bro. My favorite protagonist is Luigi by FAR and my favorite antagonist is Dry Bowser. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Why did you call it that? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Cause Dry Paratroopas (Dry Paratroopa is a species) serve the evil Bowser. Hopefully (not so hopefully for Mario, though), Dry Bowser will seperate from Bowser and they will hate each other because they both want to destroy Mario, and all the Skele-Koopas will join Dry Bowser, or at least that's what I want :). Do you know how to link a picture to a page that's not the image page? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Cool si. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
== A Luigi fan? ==
Sweet, a Luigi fan! As my username suggests, I am a fan of Luigi too. If you need any advice, i can help you although there are many other great users to ask also. See you around the wiki! {{User:Luigifreak/sig}}
My favorite Luigi is Paper Luigi. "Hey bro!". {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
*A comment*
Hi, this be Mazzlebrozzle, the secret 3rd Mario Bro. I think Paper Luigi is Awesome!!! Especially when he is used by Dimentio to become Super Dimentio. Dimentio & Luigi would make a great villain duo, dontcha think? The fact Luigi's the best guy to absorb the Chaos Heart proves his awesomeness!
Tu puedes avalar en español? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
En Ingles? (I'm not really good at Spanish) {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Oh ok thats fine its just more better talking in spanish k. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Just asking but do you know Stooben Rooben? {{user:Mario3v/sig}}
Real life or here? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
What do you mean real life or here? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Here on the Super Mario Wiki or offline? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
The one here I know who is he but I just wanted to know if you did k. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Yea I know him... but he doesn't know me :(. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Well I tolled him a little about you. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Where? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
==luigi 128==
Hola ¿dices que hablas en español? si es así con mucho gusto hablo contigo en español{{user:luigi 128/sig}}
No mucho {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
If i don't respond sorry, if you want to tell me something please put it in my talk page {{user:luigi 128/sig}}
Hi Dry Paratroopa I hear that you pass Super Paper Mario, So please help me I'm in the level 3-3 The question is How I can enter in the tree? {{user:luigi 128/sig}}
At the very beggining of the level? If so, just use Bowser's fire breath to burn the dried bark covering the door. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Yeah I tink it was something like that tanks {{user:luigi 128/sig}}
== Teh Shroom ==
Heyo, I've seen you around. It's nice to meet you. Well, as of now, there are no open spots for The 'Shroom, but I plan to make a few new sections for people to sign up for. And, if you have any ideas for a new section, just lemme know. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 23:02, 19 January 2009 (EST)
Do you have a regular game review (not comparison, you already have that) or a New Release section? Speaking of new releases, when will you make The 'Shroom XXIII (if that is the next issue)?{{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Hey Dry Paratroopa so what do you think about the wiki? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
It's the Mario infosite on the web in my opinion. Unfortunately, it is blocked at school :(. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Oh  Dry Paratroopa if I or you ask me something please put it in my talk page like you did sometime ago k. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
==Re:SPM help==
I already beat the Game two or there days after I got it,Any way Thanks :){{User:Dark Lakitu 789/sig}}
== Riddle Answers ==
I moved your "Template:Riddle answers" to [[User:Dry_Paratroopa/Riddle_answers]], since it was on mainspace before, and that's not allowed (I also removed its Navigation Template Category for the same reason). It's an easy mistake to make, so you're not in trouble or anything; however, if you do it ''again'', you'll get an official reminder. But for now, there's no harm done, so don't worry about it! - {{User:Walkazo/sig}} 01:31, 25 January 2009 (EST)
Oh. Sorry. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
== Re: SMS % ==
Um thanks. It's nice to know that someone reads my user page. I will change the info later but thanks again for the heads up. {{User:MC Hammer Bro./sig}}
Hi Dry Paratroopa how are you doing? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
Umm... good. Why are you asking? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Well I always ask how people are they doing just trying to be nice to people why? {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
It was kind of random. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
RANDOM, why I always say this to 85% of the wiki users. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
I mean it was a random questioin to be asking. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Ok then. {{User:Mario3v/sig}}
== Monthly Report ==
Sure, give it a shot. If you need help with something, just ask me or Tucayo. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 11:54, 2 February 2009 (EST)
I need help. How is there a monthly report for a newspaper? {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
:Try looking [[User:Wayoshi/Report Table|here]] and referring to old issues of Monthly Report to see how it works. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 22:17, 6 February 2009 (EST)
I put in {{{pageviewold}}}, but it didn't work. Also, I didn't find any other MRs. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
:I'm not really sure how that template works entirely. Go [[MarioWiki:The_'Shroom/XVI/May_Report|here]] to see it put to use. If you can't figure it out, don't feel bad. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 23:43, 6 February 2009 (EST)
I can't. When I asked for an open slot, I meant another slot that I could tell you if I could find the page with a list of all the slots... {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
== *gulp* ==
You're a Sysop Mario3v? I didn't know that. I thought you were just a member. I feel wierd al of a sudden. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
:Nah, he's not a Sysop. Where'd you hear that? o:
{{unsigned|Stooben Rooben}}
I didn't hear it, I saw it. A welcome thing from Mario3v. BTW, who are you and why didn't you sign your post. I need to know these things! {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
:Oh, okay. I'll have to fix that. Also, I'm Stooben Rooben. My edit must have been saved before I finished. XP {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 23:35, 6 February 2009 (EST)
== 'Shroom Warnin' (Hey, look, this header began with an apostrophe, and ended with one too!) ==
{{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 22:22, 6 February 2009 (EST)
== Monthly report ==
need any ideas? I was considering taking that job if it became vacant. {{User:luigifreak/sig}}
Okay, I'll let you take the job. I'll try to find a new one... {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Wait no!!!! I already have a section that I am very happy with! I am just saying that i can help because I had some ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! {{User:Luigifreak/sig}}
== License ==
Yeah, click here:
You can also use it for a Brawlcard.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|I'm a l33t...are you?}}
Never mind. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
== Ze shroom ==
hey, scince you no longer do the monthly report, how about the newly open interveiew section? {{User:Luigifreak/sig}}
Well that's sounds easier than a report... but just one question. OD I have specific questions to ask? And if not, can I make myself some... wait, that's two questions. Oh well. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Probrably not. Just ask how they got to the wiki, what they like about the wiki, and some general mario questions. (Whats your favorite mario character/ game/ enemy.) I really have no clue what to say, just maybe roll with the flow, after a while youll get the hang of it. And yes, any article for the shroom will be completely different depending on who writes it. {{User:Luigifreak/sig}}
Yeah, Bowser Jr. is my 3rd favorite character behind Baby Mario (#2) and Baby Luigi (#1).  Diddy Kong is fourth.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|(Insert something funny here)}}
Hmm, thats from february 6th {{User:Tucayo/sig|Its maybe an error}}
How do you add the extra thing on the sig? It doesn't work with me when I put what you put. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig|Like this}}
Stop moving Mario Football articles right now.  They names were changed per proposal. -- {{User|Son of Suns}}
I don't see any proposal involving Super Mario Strikers. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
The proposal was passed a few weeks ago - we now use the first international English names of articles, such as Mario Smash Football.  The archive can be seen [[MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive 12#Use First Official English Title for Articles|here]]. -- {{User|Son of Suns}}
Oh. Sorry. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
It's okay.  I just wanted to catch you before TOO much was changed. =) -- {{User|Son of Suns}}
==SERIOUS POLL: Do you like me?==
Choises(put sig in the appropriate section):
== Not my b-day ==
Nice try. My b-day is in late May. {{User:Superstar Daisy/sig}}
Shoot. But I trusted the countdown thingy on your userpage. Is somethign wrong with whoever made that? Hmm... {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
HI! YOur sig ihas more images than allowed (2) please erase the other ones{{User:Tucayo/sig|Thanks! :)}}
== Hey koopa Bro! ==
I'm Dry dry bones. My bro Hammer Bro.([[User talk:Hammer Bro.]]) is trying to get all in the koopa species to help him. Pleas talk to him on his talk.-Dry dry bones [[User:Dry dry bones]]
== Friends? ==
wanna be friends?-[[Image:Boo.gif]][[User:Superboo|Superboo]][[Image:Boo.gif]]
== I'm back! ==
I was gone for a long while but I'm back now! Why was I gone? I had gone into another "phase", where I get interested in another Nintendo series, but now I'm in a Mario phase again. And to answer your questions/comments:
*Tucayo: Alright, I'l fix that... but which one should I get rid of?
*Dry Dry Bones: Help him do what, exactly?
*Superboo: Sure, I guess. Also, I think you need some help with your sig.
{{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
Hey do you like Petey? {{User:GalacticPetey/sig}}
Why yes I do. He's my favorite Super Mario Sunshine boss. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
hey since you like petey do you wan't to be friends? {{User:GalacticPetey/sig|Godzilla rules!}}
Just because I like Petey Piranha doesn't mean we have to be friends... I don't even know you that well. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig|Why won't this work?!}}
==Re: Super Paper Mario==
I haven't beaten the Flopside Pit, and for me, "beaten" means "I beat the main quest, excluding sidequests". :P {{User:Paper Yoshi/sig}} 20:02, 11 October 2009 (EDT)
Ah. That wasn't explained on your userpage. Also, Another Dry Bones/Paratroopa fan! Dry Paratroopa is actually a combo of the two. They are my favorite enemies. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
==Haven't seen you in a while...==
I haven't seen you since I helped you make a MKWii license.  Can I see your license?
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Do you go on chat?}}
Sure, it's on my userpage. It says that my license is not a valid one, but obviously it is otherwise I wouldn't have it. I'm sure it'd be higher than level 4 by now.
{{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
==Shy guys in pit==
Actually, shy guys do appear in Partners in time as boom guys and fly guys. You said in bowser's inside story talk page they didn't. Also could you answer me on my talk page? Thanks!
== Friend Request ==
Hi from[[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:black;">'''C''']][[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:red;">'''mario'''</span>]][[User talk:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:blue;">'''17'''</span>]][[Image:Staring Mario.jpg|35x35px]].
Just a side comment - You should add some defense to your stats - a basic Dry Bones has 1 Defense (so it would be perfectly legit).
Really? I just cp-ed the Dry Bones infobox, so maybe it was changed since then? Probably. I don't see why an error like that would not be fixed in like half a year. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}Oh wait, I forgot to accept. And ahve you considered a signature?
I am Zero! Ok then, here is the code for the userbox:
<nowiki>{{userboxp|border=black|mainbkgd=black|codebkgd=black|codecolor=gold|code=[[Image:IMA CHARGIN MAH LAZAAAR.jpg|60px]]|msg=<span style="color:white">IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!}}</nowiki>
Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
Thank you. I'm sure Lord Dry Bowser will be pleased. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}Does anyone think I should start posting like this?
==MKWii License==
The coding for your license and Brawlcard don't work because you have a | symbol after the five-digit code for "Level up my license!"  If you remove those, people can level them up.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Please respond on my talk.}}
Really? Oh. I'm sure Lord Bowser is thankful for helping him with his castle. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}Oh what the heck, I'll do it. As long as people still get the point.
== User Brawl ==
I am Zero! Hi Dry Paratroopa, you are going to be in this issue of User Brawl, now I need a full good description on all your special moves and final smash, try to be exact so I don't guess, get confuse, or cut corners, and add anything else you think I should know.
What is your advance strategy and the strategy of fighting against you, like a weak point.
And also, answer the following sections on a scale of 1 - 10 (and be realistic):
*Throwing Ability:# (Do you also have a tether grab and/or tether recovery?)
*KO Potential:#
*Final Smash:#
Let's say you win this issue, what would be your victory theme song at the victory ceremony at the end of the brawl, and what will you do during and/or after the song is playing? What rules do you want the brawl to be set on?
Also what is your bio, and what level will you like the smash ball to appear often (none, low, medium, or high). And what stage will you like the brawl to take place, it can be a real one or one you made up. What song will be playing on the stage if it is a made up one or what series is that stage from if you can't think of an exact song, it doesn't exactly need to be a series that appear in the SSB series, and it doesn't exactly need to be a video game music, it can be any music.
Answer these as soon as possible and post it on my talk page, thank you. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
==Hi again==
Here it is...<br>
{{userbox|border=#808080|mainbkgd=red|codebkgd=blue|codecolor=black|code=[[Image:Staring Mario.jpg|40px]]|msg=This user is friends with '''[[User:Cmario17|Cmario17]]'''.}}<br><br>
I also added in the extra comment about the defense. -[[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:black;">'''C''']][[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:red;">'''mario'''</span>]][[User talk:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:blue;">'''17'''</span>]][[Image:Staring Mario.jpg|35x35px]]
Lord Dry Bowser will be pleased with the new userbox. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
== User Brawl.1 ==
I am Zero! <s>Hi Dry Paratroopa, you are going to be in this issue of User Brawl, now I need a full good description on all your special moves and final smash, try to be exact so I don't guess, get confuse, or cut corners, and add anything else you think I should know.
What is your advance strategy and the strategy of fighting against you, like a weak point.
And also, answer the following sections on a scale of 1 - 10 (and be realistic):</s>
*Throwing Ability:#</s> (Do you also have a tether grab and/or tether recovery?)
*KO Potential:#
*Final Smash:#
Let's say you win this issue, what would be your victory theme song at the victory ceremony at the end of the brawl, and what will you do during and/or after the song is playing?</s> What rules do you want the brawl to be set on?
Also what is your bio, and what level will you like the smash ball to appear often (none, low, medium, or high). <s>And what stage will you like the brawl to take place, it can be a real one or one you made up.</s> (I chose Thwomp Volcano) What song will be playing on the stage if it is a made up one or what series is that stage from if you can't think of an exact song, it doesn't exactly need to be a series that appear in the SSB series, and it doesn't exactly need to be a video game music, it can be any music.
Answer these as soon as possible and post it on my talk page, thank you. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
== User Brawl.2 ==
I am Zero! <s>Hi Dry Paratroopa, you are going to be in this issue of User Brawl, now I need a full good description on all your special moves and final smash, try to be exact so I don't guess, get confuse, or cut corners, and add anything else you think I should know.
What is your advance strategy and the strategy of fighting against you, like a weak point.
And also, answer the following sections on a scale of 1 - 10 (and be realistic):
*Throwing Ability:# (Do you also have a tether grab and/or tether recovery?)
*KO Potential:#
*Final Smash:#
Let's say you win this issue, what would be your victory theme song at the victory ceremony at the end of the brawl, and what will you do during and/or after the song is playing? What rules do you want the brawl to be set on?</s>
Also what is your bio, <s>and what level will you like the smash ball to appear often (none, low, medium, or high). And what stage will you like the brawl to take place, it can be a real one or one you made up. What song will be playing on the stage if it is a made up one or what series is that stage from if you can't think of an exact song, it doesn't exactly need to be a series that appear in the SSB series, and it doesn't exactly need to be a video game music, it can be any music.</s>
Answer these as soon as possible and post it on my talk page, thank you. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
Thanks for catching that.  I always try to be grammatically correct, so I changed all the ones I could find.  I know it's a lot to read through, but did I miss any?
-[[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:black;">'''C''']][[User:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:red;">'''mario'''</span>]][[User talk:Cmario17|<span style="font-family:font; color:blue;">'''17'''</span>]][[Image:Staring Mario.jpg|35x35px]]
== HI MAN ==
Can I have your user box please? I like your Chuck Norris Jokes and the fact that you don't make yourself ridiculously powerful in Paper Mario! [[User:Mecha-Boss Unit]]
== The Userbox Arriveth ==
{{userbox|=#00FF00|mainbkgd=#2B60DE|codecolor=#8D38C9|code=[[Image:Mecha- Boss Unit.PNG]]|msg=This user is one of the few people who befriended Mecha-Boss Unit}}
Hope you like! [[User:Mecha-Boss Unit]]
== RE: ==
I am Zero! Well sorry, if you are still in school, there is a lot of homework, finals, and all that stuff and I made this issue of user brawl in one day and that was the day it should of been dued, sorry about that. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
:I am Zero! Well that's true but I'm always working lets keep it like that. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
::I am Zero! Well anyways here, for participating in User Brawl you get this:
{{userbox|border=red|mainbkgd=#CCCCCC|codebkgd=white|codecolor=black|code= '''User''' [[Image:Ssbemblem.png]]|msg=This user was on User Brawl.}}
Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
== Luigi FA Nomination ==
Sorry if you hadn't noticed, but you voted twice in the Luigi F.A. nomination. Could you please remove your second vote?
It's not much of an issue, really. ;)
Did you actually read [[MarioWiki:User space]]? And did you also read my notice? Also, the warning of the user's userpages/userspace was announced a while ago. August or September to be precise. After waiting for an unusually extended amount of time -- the cleanup has been launched. Here are the following things I did to your userpage:
* pages that do not serve the Super Mario Wiki (...)
That covers [[User:Dry Paratroopa/Evil Science Lab]], (unnecessary userspace, unless you actually link it to your userpage), and [[User:Dry Paratroopa/Torture Chamber]] (again, unnecessary userspace that doesn't benefit the wiki).
The userbox tower? I thought it was better to fully move it your userpage, or at least link the userbox tower into your userpage.
Cleanup? As I said, I have a tendacy to actually clean up userpages so they can run faster, and so that users can learn them from their mistakes.
Infoboxes? Removed -- they are supposed to be used in articles, not userpages. Unfortunately, the MarioWiki hasn't be well updated yet -- we are still working on the issue of userspace. X_X
Also read this link for more info: [ Link!] {{User:RAP/sig}} 15:03, 22 December 2009 (EST)
:Allow me to explain something to you. If you don't know of a rule being in existence this doesn't mean the rule doesn't apply to you. If you are away for a long time, it is likely that something changed, and it lies within your responsibility to update your knowledge about the situation, not in that of anyone else. This applies to everywhere you will go, not just here. Of course accidents can happen, and sometimes you just forget about a rule without bad intentions. However, this is no excuse for blaming others and demanding apologies, as obeying the rules lies solely in your responsibility. This isn't meant as a lecture, but as an advice. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 15:12, 22 December 2009 (EST)
Thank you Edo, and ah, those two pages. The first one looks more like a to-do list to me, and the userbox -- well, that was my opinion. But linking your userbox tower to your userpage I guess works. I'll restore both of them. Thanks for responding. {{User:RAP/sig}} 17:05, 22 December 2009 (EST)
== Re: Sysop ==
Well, to be considered for Sysop, you have to be:
*'''Active'''. Logging on daily and making a few good contributions a day is a good step towards getting noticed.
*'''Maturity'''. We expect users to try to be fair and balanced in all situations, to the best of their ability. Of course, we all make mistakes, but it's generally good to walk away from a situation that you feel is getting to you. Like, if someone starts flaming you, don't flame them back; either respond calmly, or walk away.
*'''Experience'''. Knowing how the site works (policies, coding, etc.) is a must if you want to be a Sysop.
There are a few other minor details (such as good grammar), but overall, those three things are the most important. Hope that helps. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 02:46, 25 December 2009 (EST)
:Just in my personal opinion, you've got a long way to go to be considered for Patroller, let alone Sysop. (No offense intended; I'm just being blunt.) And, I'm not quite sure what you mean with the coding, but I don't believe that's possible. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 23:14, 26 December 2009 (EST)
::No, I don't believe that's possible. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 03:58, 27 December 2009 (EST)
==Fake News==
'''I saw you signed up and removed yourself from the list, but I wanted see if you were still interested in joining.'''
So, you've decided to write for the Fake News!  However, before you can become an official writer, we need to make sure you're qualified, so we have a quick interview and few questions for you to answer.<br>
'''You MUST give me (Ralphfan) your answers and section before January 4th, 2010.'''
For this interview, you '''MUST''' get an account on [ our forums].  Don't worry, it's free.<br>
Rather than putting your interview answers on my talk page where everyone can see them, you must send them to me on the forum.  On the forum, click the tab that says "My Messages".  Click "New Message" on the left side of the screen and send it to me, ralphfan.  In the message, you will answer these questions:
*Do you currently write for The 'Shroom? If so, what position(s)?
*Have you ever written a 'Shroom section, but stopped for various reasons? If so, why did you stop writing?
*Have you ever been blocked on the wiki? If so, what offense did you commit and how long was the block?
*What position would you like to apply for?
*Do you think that you will be able to meet the deadlines and be able to submit your sections on time, neatly organized, and with acceptable grammar?
Then, after answering those questions, choose one or two of the sections listed below and write the section.  Be creative!  Choose up to two of these sections:
*Fake Music
*Fake Characters
*Fake Shop<br>
For more info on these sections, [[MarioWiki:The 'Shroom/Sign_Up#Fake News|click here]].
Once again, to sum it up, get an account on the forum, answer the questions, and send me your section.  If your section is good, it will be featured in January's 'Shroom and you will write your section every month!  Good luck!
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|See here if you have any other questions.}}
Did you click the register button on the top-right?  If it didn't work, just send them to me in an e-mail.  Go to my userpage and click "E-mail this user" in the toolbox on the far left side of the screen or just go into your e-mail and send it to  Thanks!
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|If it's on my talk, everyone can see it.}}

Revision as of 16:50, December 27, 2009