Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
- Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
- "Vote" periods last for one week.
- All past proposals are archived.
A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed using the code {{user|User name}}. Signing with the signature code ~~~(~) is not allowed due to technical issues.
How To
- Actions that users feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
- Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
- Monday to Thursday: 17:00 (5pm)
- Friday and Saturday: 20:00 (8pm)
- Sunday: 15:00 (3pm)
- Every vote should have a reason accompanying it.
- At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has no merit or was cast in bad faith. However, there must be strong reasons supporting the invalidation.
- "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
- Any proposal that has three votes or less at deadline will automatically be listed as "NO QUORUM." The original proposer then has the option to relist said proposal to generate more discussion.
- All proposals are archived. The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it. If it requires the help of a sysop, the proposer can ask for that help.
The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after school, weekend nights).
So for example, if a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is indeed a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.
- No proposals on Sysop promotions or demotions. Those are exclusively decided by Bureaucrats
-The Management.
CURRENTLY: 18:54, 11 March 2025 (EDT)
New Features
No proposal at the moment.
None at the moment.
Splits & Merges
Gale Boomerang and Fire Bow
Currently, there are articles for Gale Boomerang and Fire Bow, special attacks in the Smash Bros series. However, these attacks are both VERY similar to their respective counterparts (Boomerang and Bow). So I propose that both of those moves will be merged with the latter. Below are some of my specific merging reasons:
1. They both serve the same purpose and have similar mechanics
2. Well.. it's just a boomerang with a whirlwind around it, so it is also the same item (technically)
3.The bows (with the exception of Y. Link), Bombs, Spin attacks and Boomerangs all share an article (except the Gale Boomerang, obviously).
4. The Fire Bow is just a bow that shoots fire arrows. Big difference.
5. Articles such as Blaster, reflector, Thunder, Skull Bash, Thunder jolt, Super Jump Punch and Counter share an article, among others.
So there are all my reasons. Also, if this proposal passes, I think we should make Gale Boomerang redirect to Boomerang and Fire Bow to Bow.
Proposer: User:huntercrunch
Deadline: July 31, 2008, 17:00
- User:huntercrunch - I am the proposer and my reasons are given above.
Keep separate
- Pikax (talk) - if the weapons are considerably different, such as the Fire Bow shooting fiery arrows and the Gale Boomerang having that whirlwind, then they should be recognised as different by having their own articles.
- Cobold (talk) - per Pikax.
- 1.they do have different mechanics 2.their different attacks doing different damage 3. wikis which specialize in SSB keep em sperate --Hemu (talk)
- Glitchman (talk) - Per all.
- Mateus 23 (talk) - Per all. They're different moves, so keep them separate.
- Stooben Rooben (talk) - Per Pikax.
- Tucayo (talk) - Per Pikax
Not to be a purist, but the two bows are different: fire arrows set the opponent on fire and do more damage. According to the Zelda storyline, the boomerangs are two distinctly different items. The Gale Boomerang holds a wind spirit within it while the boomerang is a generic child's toy. Stumpers (talk)
For the record, point 5 in the proposal is incorrect. Pikax (talk)
You know, I could see a proposal calling for each character's Super Smash Bros. movies to be put on one page, so it would be something like, "Fox's Smash Bros. Special Moves" and "Mario's Smash Bros. Special Moves" the reason I wouldn't do just "Mario's Special Moves" is because there are so many moves he has outside of Smash Bros. that are also considered special moves. What do you think? Stumpers (talk)
- I'd support that proposal. But remember to use {{User|___}} on this page. - Walkazo (talk)
Hemu: To your third point, I'd just like to point out that we are not a specialized SSB wiki. --
16:42, 29 July 2008 (EDT)
Cut Down on Dirty Language
I was recently reading a few pages about Super Paper Mario, when I came across the Underwhere article. It had many references to a place that I am uncomfortable saying, and I thought that was unacceptable for a wiki about a gaming series with users under 7. I mean, we have lots of people vistiting this wiki who are under 7 and that shouldn't be exposed to this kind of language. Another example would be the Donkey Kong Rap song article, as it references to the same word. Other user pages and talk pages have these too, but that's not really important. But what I'm saying is either replace most swears with these *, or replace them with less dirty counterparts. Another would be to strongly encourage users from now on to use little to no swears at all. The last thing we need is to teach 3rd graders the "f" word.
Proposer: Luigi001 (talk)
Deadline: August 5, 2008, 17:00
Rid of Swears on Main Pages
- My reasons above Luigi001 (talk)
Rid of Swears on All Pages
Keep Uncensored
- Time Q (talk): As an encyclopedia, our task is to stay neutral and inform our readers about anything that has happened in the Marioverse. Censoring words contradicts this aim.
- Cobold (talk) since when is "hell" even a swear word? It's just a description of a place. The only true description of that place. You may be uncomfortable with it, but it's the only way to talk about the place, right? You can't forbid language without alternatives. Else I'd like you to censor "heaven". I don't consider this a swear word, by no means.
- Palkia47 (talk) Per All. "Hell" can only be a major swear when used in a way (example of what Cobold said), which is normally used in quotes. Mario/DK/Wario/Yoshi/SSB games don't have these kind of quotes.
- Stumpers (talk) Hell is not considered a swear word in English outside of the United States of America. Even there, it is only a swear when used in the context of, "What the h---," and "One h--- of a guy," etc. So, there is really only one reference of the word as a swear on this Wiki, and that is hear because it appeared in the DK Rap. If it makes you more comfortable you are welcome to replace instances of, "hell" referring to the Underwhere with, "the underworld." This is actually more accurate because, "hell" is a concept found only in several religions while the concept of an underworld is nearly worldwide and far more generic. If I'm correct, I believe the Underwhere is more inspired by the ancient Greek concept of Hades, also known as the underworld.
- YellowYoshi398 (talk) It's already been decided that when absolutely necessary (ie in quotes), swears are allowed in articles, and swearing outside-of-mainspace is moderated (and, for what it's worth, outlawed in places like chat). BTW, per Stumpers on the Underwhere thing; that should be changed to Hades or the underworld.
- Ghost Jam (talk) The number of articles we have that contain any of this 'dirty language' could be counted on one hand. This is beside the fact that we are an encyclopedia and, therefore, do not censor. Further, for the third time this year, I call for the invalidation of this proposal on the grounds that it is a blatant attempt to circumvent the results of other proposals on the same subject, naming anything about the Bob Hoskins article.
- Pikax (talk) - per everybody. Not to mention that people might consider different things to be swear words, so there will be a constant edit war as the word is censored one minute and uncensored the next.
- Walkazo (talk) - Per all.
- GreenKoopa (talk) - I could understand the censoring of the major curses like the f-bomb, but like it or not,"Hell" as used in the article is the place. As Stumpers said, it's only a curse in certain context.
- DaWeegeeMan (talk)Per all. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllll.
First, I don't know for sure what you mean by this "place that [you are] uncomfortable saying", so why not just name what you're talking about? Second, what do you mean by "main pages"? Third, I took the freedom to rename your header "Keep Dirty Language" to "Keep Uncensored", as the former is biased while the latter is not. Fourth, we've had this whole censoring stuff a while ago, and we're already hiding words like "f***" (I'm censoring it for your sake), and actually this is something an encyclopedia should never do, so what else do you want? Time Q (talk)
- I think I know the answer to the second: I think he means pages like Mario or Princess Peach, since they are two of the main articles here. Palkia47 (talk)
- Thanks, but he should specify it, because otherwise we wouldn't know what to do in case the "Rid of Swears on Main Pages" side wins. He should also specify what he means by "swears", because this is more or less a subjective term. While I understand that people regard the F-word as a swear word, I never understood what is wrong about the "H-word" (you know, the "opposite" of heaven). Time Q (talk)
- I don't get something, too. Where is there any swear words in the Main Pages? I don't understand that, either; since if there was any pages with the word in it, it wouldn't exactly be used in the way that makes it a major swear (which is usually only used in quotes, and which Mario games don't have these kind of quotes, not even the SSB series would have these). Palkia47 (talk)
I think we can say hell but not things like F*** Joseph363
Where's the proposer and the deadline for this proposal? - Cobold (talk)
- I can add the proposer, but I don't have a clue what the date of the deadline would be. Palkia47 (talk)
- Ermm, sorry about that. I got yelled towards finishing my proposal. And I can also see this is all just going downhill. I mean is keep them away or censored on popular pages (refer to most visited pages), as well as their talks. My examples were really bad, and I suppose I should've done more research. Hell is actually more of a place than a swear, dirty language, whatever you want to call it. I agree more with what Joseph363 is saying (see his comment). And to the people who say "encyclopedias don't censor," I'm not really sure there are many 2nd graders reading encyclopedias right now. So what I really meant to say was don't use dirty-ish language on pages with the most traffic along with their corresponding talks. (I also agree with stumpers on the underwhere thing, as I was going to put that but I got stopped short.) Luigi001 (talk)
I agree that The Underwhere is more akin to Hades than Hell in that it is just a place of judgement and dull existance, and not of eternal damnation (which, by the way is called Tartarus in Greek mythology, and is vaguely represented by the pit at the bottom of the River Twygz where Shades can be dragged down and drowned (ending their after-game), if memory serves). However, The Overthere is much more akin to the mainstream depictions of Heaven than the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology, since they're described as islands, not a land in the clouds. The article mentions Mount Olympus, and while it is cloudy and up in the sky, it has nothing to do with the afterlife, but is the home of the (Supreme) Greek Gods. The only reconciliation I can find is that Elysium is part of the Greek Underworld, just as the Overthere is part of the Underwhere "world" (i.e. Super Paper Mario's Chapter 7); plus, when Mario is flung very high by one of the bouncy clouds (I think) it appears that the Overthere is located in the middle of an ocean. Still, with the Overthere being such an obvious allusion to Heaven (complete with a girl eating some forbidden fruit: while Golden apples appear in many cultures including Greek, the "forbidden" clearly pays homage to the Garden of Eden story), people are bound to think of the Underwhere as Hell in one way or another, and I think the article deals with that well as it is: mentioning Hell but stating the Underwhere is more like Hades. This conundrum's not black-and-white, and we owe it to the readers to provide the full story (including providing external links so they can do their own research if they are so inclined, as I have done here). - Walkazo (talk)