User:3Dejong: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 14:57, October 18, 2007
ABNORMALLY LARGE ANNOUNCMENT My parents have decided to rid my house of video games. Therefore, this means no more Wi-Fi play of any kind for me. Happily, I will be able to continue my editing thanks to the magic power of "ROMS on a Dell Laptop". If anyone knows of good ROM sites, gimmmie a call!
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<youtube>rXHBpJImO1w</youtube> For the best experience while reading my page, play this! File:Luigi.jpg Luigi, my favorite character! But WALUIGI is my LEAST favorite! Hi there!, fellow gamers, and thanks for taking the time to read my page! I am Daniel David DeJong, known as 3dejong or 3D to YOU, or as Son Who Plays Video Games And Is On The Computer Too Much to my mom and dad. Or, in other words, I am 3dejong:
Read on to discover more about me, and remember, have fun! You can copy any pictures and/or userboxes here. Also, please feast your eyes on my sprite comic, check out what's happening in my life (yes, I have one), read a bio of ME, or learn about the other guys here! I try to update my page every day, so keep checking back! I am an EXTREME Mario and Nintendo fan (I live, eat, breathe and sleep them), so this website is the perfect way to vent my knowledge! (I joined at 3:30 pm, September 18, 2006.) One thing you should know: I. HATE. SONY. AND. MICROSOFT. Actually, Crash and Spyro are really fun, innovotive titles to me, and Sony creates great games (the PSP is pretty cool, like a gaming PDA) but what totally ticks me off is the fact that Sony pretty much passes their system off as an "entertainment system". Sheeesh. Like, Playstation is a GAMING CONSOLE! Sure, snappping a rented DVD onto your PS2 is great and convienient, but still, if you want good DVD backup, go buy a DVD/VHS system. With Microsoft, well, that's another story altogether. I won't beat up on Halo, I've seen screenshots of it (beautiful graphics) and I've heard it has a great, engaging storyline, so well, okay, I'll say it, Halo's pretty cool! The thing about it, though, is that it's, like, Xbox's only first-party game! Any others I have yet to see. Xbox has cool, intuitive, classic controls and lush graphics, but that's not all that a game is. Plus, Xbox 360 is like an "improved" version of Xbox. Bleah. With Nintendo, every system that comes out is an OBVIOUS improvement on the proir. Don't see any of that happening with Playstation or Microsoft. But whatever, maybe I'm being too critical. Maybe Xbox IS a cool platform (if you like adult-ish games). Maybe built-in DVD support for the Playstation IS a big plus. Whatever. I'm a Nintendo person. But don't let that keep you away from me! If you think I'm being really, really unjust drop me a line on my Talk Page! (that little tab that says "Discussion" on the top of the page.) LOOK OUT! YOU WILL BE EXPOSED TO MIND-NUMBING STUPIDITY AND/OR HUMOR BY READING THE REST OF THIS PAGE! PLEASE GO BACK TO YOUR PAGE TO AVOID IMPLODING! Me and the Guys @ MarioWikiMeIf 3dejong ruled the world, Humans would be... screaming.
I, as you can see, am 3dejong. I'm a teenager trying to make sense of life, philisophy, homework, Wikisyntax...... and WHAT Homestar Runner is saying. I also have hair that usually looks like it came from DragonBall Z.. espacially when I get out of bed. :D I REALLY enjoy ANY Mario or Nintendo game (except Resident Evil), but I don't care WHAT platform a game is for, as long as it's fun! I'm saving like crazy and counting the days until the Wii comes out! Mario Galaxy ROCKS! Why am I sich a Mario nerd? I'll explain: When I was ten, I contracted a severe case of Mario Nerd Fever. As it was never cured, I am now, officialy and permanently, a Mario Nerd. :P
My first exposure to Mario came when I played Super Mario Bros: Classic NES Series on a friend's GBA SP. For years I had known, vaugley, that Nintendo, Sega, and Playstation were video game makers, and that Mario was a famous gaming icon. One of my cousins had gotten ahold of a new SP with Pac-Man Collection and Piglet's Big Game, and I spent many happy hours playing both. But Super Mario Bros. exposed me forever to the bright, sidescrolling world of Mario and friends, never to leave. I discovered this page while surfing Wikipedia. At first I thought, "Sweet! A cool place about EVERYTHING Mario!" But later, I realized that one could MAKE AN ACCOUNT... and my life has never been the same! LOL. I've become a permanent eyesore here, and, somehow, have gotten ADDICTED to typing stuff! Anyway, I'm pretty much the handyman for anything that does NOT involve stuff like "<shtuffuinfweird<>'s>". I use my handy scanner to rip stuff out of Player's Guides (like in the Toady page, for instance), and use my huge understanding of all things Mario to make walkthroughs, articles, pics, etc. If you're new here, talk to me! Please! I can answer any question about Mario, and maybe a few programming questions..... But no questions like this: <span> </span> , please! I love to get mail! I hope you'll give me a message soon, and become a member here! I have (duh), and it's great. I've made a lot of impact, uploading art, scanning, and inventing the "variable quote" sig that's become all the rage. I'm also the guy that says "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" about every other post on the forum. So sue me. :P But what about the "other guys"? Well....
Other D00desSince certain members of the MarioWiki have voted to disband all "Cool User Lists", I am retiliating by instead listing one qoute from each of my user pals. Smiddle: Xzelion: Paper Jorge: Moogle: Wayoshi: Glowsquid: RAP: YellowYoshi398: Murzon (a.k.a. Mr. Dice): Max2: WarioLoaf: Needless to say, more coming soon... Wikis I am On:No, I can't say as to I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days. On all these Wikis, my username is 3dejong.
My Edits, New Pages, and Uploaded PicsEverything is this world is a matter for argument... except love, religion, and toothache. WHAT!? YOU THOUGHT I WOULD BE VAIN AND BOASTFUL ENOUGH TO CHRONICLE ALL THE PAGES I HAVE MADE? Well, you’re wrong. But if you want to see an example of my pics, go to Merchandise. An example of a good page I made? Super Mario Adventures. And I have over 5,300 edits, in case you wanted that too. Now read on and never come back to this section again. My SpritesNeed my sprites? Here:
Embarrassments at the Hands of Other UsersIt would take me days to list all the places I've been... and I'm so lazy, I'm not gonna try. But I will post a cool GIF!
Quote of the day.. or every other day... or week... or month....Wacko qoutes from me that express my personality.
~ At times like this, when you question why you were put on earth... you say "That's what FUDGE is for!" ~ If you're wasting time, but having fun doing it, does that make it OK? ~ I just live here.... ~ Things you can do with one (1) finger:
~ If two Mario characters had to die, I'd pick Waluigi and Petey Piranha. Waluigi would be eaten by Petey, who would then die of indigestion. ~ PUDDING! ~ SSB? I hate it. *ANGRY MOB MAULE'D! ~ PUNCH! KICK! JAB! ROUNDHOUSE! HERNIA! ~ For more information please call 1-900-GET-RIPD. ~ If my state of mind was a food, it'd be scrambled eggs. ~ Are you still here? ~ Why? ~Why not? ~Duh. ~ Philosophy is the art of goofing off and being admired for how well you do it.
Images I've uploadedI've uplaoded exactly 500 images. Really. Ask me what they are. Go ahead. I'm waiting... Useful Edits I have MadeAlright, alright. I'll use Dynamic Page List (DPL) to look for my most useful edits. Here we go:
...HEY! 3DefinitionsThe “scholarly” part of my page. Whenever I feel like it, I post a new definition!
Awesome SM64 Glitch Speedrun<youtube>n10fQJHmSk8</youtube> =Favorite MusicCall me nerd-boy. More to come! <youtube>hu_TnXAeGhU</youtube>
THE STORY THAT NEVER ENDS!The Goomba sat speechless, as speechless as a Goomba could be, if it could talk. Then it turned and waddled away. Xzelion walked through Pipe Plaza. He heard ‘Templates! Fresh Templates made to order!” issuing out from one of the stalls. It was a sultry day, so Xzelion took his sweater off. Suddenly, a user grabbed him. “Take care! I am a friend!” He pulled Xzelion into a small stall. Xzelion looked about. He was in the Proposal Area, and people were looking at Proposals posted. The user that had pulled Xzelion in told him to go behind the counter and wait for him. The user then went through a side door. Suddenly, two sysops burst in. “Where are the trolls?” they demanded. Immediately all the users in the area scattered. Xzelion was about to scatter too, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was not the user he had met, but a female user. “Here!” she whispered. “Take this Goomba and race out the back door!” Xzelion did as he was told, holding the Goomba. He went out the door and found himself in a cool alley. He put his sweater back on and put the Goomba down. The Goomba sat speechless, as speechless as a Goomba could be, if it could talk. Then it turned and waddled away. Xzelion walked through Pipe Plaza. He heard ‘Templates! Fresh Templates made to order!” issuing out from one of the stalls. It was a sultry day, so Gonzo took his sweater off… If Computer Companies Made ToastersIf IBM made toasters ... They would want one big toaster where people bring bread to be submitted for overnight toasting. IBM would claim a worldwide market for five, maybe six toasters. If Microsoft made toasters ... Everytime you bought a loaf of bread, you would have to buy a toaster. You wouldn't have to take the toaster, but you'd have to pay for it anyway. Toaster'95 would weigh 15,000 pounds (hence requiring a reinforced steel countertop), draw enough electricity to power a small city, take up 95% of the space in your kitchen, would claim to be the first toaster that lets you control how light or dark you wanted your toast to be, and would secretly interrogate your other appliances to find out who made them. Everyone would hate Microsoft toasters, but nonetheless would buy them since most of the good bread only works with their toasters. If Apple made toasters... It would do everything Microsoft toaster does, but 5 years earlier. If Fisher-Price made toasters ... "Baby's First Toaster" would have a hand-crank that you turn to toast the bread that pops up like a Jack-in-the-box. If The Rand Corporation made toasters ... It would be a large, perfectly smooth and seamless black cube. Every morning there would be a piece of toast on top of it. Their service department would have an unlisted phone number, and the blueprints for the box would be highly classified government documents. The X-Files would have an episode about it. If the NSA made toasters ... Your toaster would have a secret trapdoor that only the NSA could access in case they needed to get at your toast for reasons of national security. Does Digital (formerly DEC) still make toasters ... They made good toasters in the '70s, didn't they? If Hewlett-Packard made toasters ... They would market the Reverse Polish Toaster, which takes in toast and gives you regular bread. If Sony made toasters ... Their "Personal Toasting Device", which would be barely larger than the single piece of bread it is meant to toast, can be conveniently attached to your belt. If The Franklin Mint made toasters ... Every month you would receive another lovely hand-crafted piece of your authentic Civil War pewter toaster. If Cray made toasters ... They would cost $16 million but would be faster than any other single-slice toaster in the world. If Thinking Machines made toasters ... You would be able to toast 64,000,000 pieces of bread at the same time. If Timex made toasters ... They would be cheap and small quartz-crystal wrist toasters that take a licking and keep on toasting. If Radio Shack made toasters ... The staff would sell you a toaster, but not know anything about it. Or you could by all the parts to build your own toaster. If K-Tel sold toaster ... They would not be available in stores, and you would get a free set of Ginsu knives with each one. If the University of Waterloo made toasters ... They would immediately spin-off a company called WatToast. If the PQ made toasters ... They wouldn't want to be on the same counter-top as the rest of the appliances. An Ode to an ItalianA little poem I wrote out in an hour of intense boredom. It’s written in the form of a ballad, so the rhymes occasionally do not rhyme, a sentence at the end of one paragraph is sometime carried on in the beginning of the next, and it might not make that much sense. I’m spoiling the moment, aren’t I? Just read it already! Once upon some time This Italian was so astonishing Yes, his feats are amazing Well… You see, there were these cool things Well, good sir (or miss), these ee-lek-oh-tron-iks There was, at that time, an arcade game To make a, er, small adaptation It had glitches, bugs, and bad graphics galore That famous movie about that E.T. They slapped together a glitchy game (yet another) And, to make matters worse, this game So, due to these two atrocious failures Now, a bit before this, a bookish Japanese, Miyamoto This game, Donkey Kong Later, the heroic plumber (or carpenter) On a routine plumbing job A small green pipe, they noticed On the consequences… When they came out of that pipe, it was another land, indeed Blocks, from which mushrooms pop out of He cries out his tale of woe to the Bros. Of the kingdom, for the evil King, Bowser So now the kingdom is in a stalemate Way, way, way back in time, now, Kamek, who schemed and plotted This babe was the designated deliverer In danger of a Koop-napping, his family sent him With special powers, he and his Bro. Finally, in a dark, dank castle Rescued the Princess, reversed the evil curse So this is the ballad His games got the industry But that’s ANOTHER story!
Do Re WikiDo Re Mi wik'd.
Wavehtver..Don't skip this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mind… Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist andlsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by stlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? The World's GREATEST Griled Cheese Sandwich!Yes, I have made what I beleive is THE GREATEST toasted cheese sandwich EVER. Directions for making: Ingredients:
How to make: Slice cheese medium thin, then set aside. Butter bread slightly, then add cheese. Make it look like a normal sandwich, then butter the top semi-thickly. (The secret!) Then toast/grill/fry until nut brown and sizzling, done all the way through. If grilling/frying, butter BOTH sides. Eat with gusto! You know you're living in 2006 when...1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three. 4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses. 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries. 7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. 8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it. 10. You get up in the morning and go on-line before getting your coffee. 11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :>) 12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. 13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message. 14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list. 15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list. AND NOW U R LAFNG at yourself. File:Bowsers uvula exposed.jpg A completely random pic that I like. WAAAAAAY too Funny for me NOT to haveLaff ur gts owt @ des felyns. I wyll uplod mr snn. R go here to ctch thm all. TattlesA few PM:TTYD style tattles for me and a few of my friends. Name: 3dejong/3D Status: Normal Grunt HP: 37 Attack: 7 Defense: 3 Tattle No.: 4444444H! Area tattle: This is 3dejong, known casually as 3D. WHOAH! All that orange clothing nearly blinds you. He’s racked up a reputation as being one of the quirkiest, randomest, and (somehow) coolest workers at the Super Mario Wiki. I hear he drinks a gallon of Graveyard every day. Is that why he’s doing a headspin? He’s been here forever, but never got promoted. I wonder why? Battle Tattle: This is the most wacky, talkative, random user at the Super Mario Wiki: 3dejong, also known as 3D. Duh. He’s not too strong, but when he uses his “Guzzle” ability, his HP maxes out and his Attack shoots to an incredible 13! Ooooo… blast him before he drinks caffeine! He also has an extremely powerful “Sonic Boom AAAAA” attack that he charges for. If you see him charging for it, defend that turn… or run away. FAST. But if you don’t want to risk your health against him, I hear he can be bribed with waffles, his favorite food. Mmmm… gooey waffles. Tattle: Maxlover2 Name: Maxlover2/Max2 Status: Normal Grunt HP: 45 Attack: 8 Defense: 3 Tattle No: 898 One of the coolest workers at the Wiki, he also is a great fighter. He’s a fan of Tumble! Cool! Seems like there’s a shortage of those... There’s even a rumor that he IS Tumble. Judging from his edits, he’s become a core part of the Wiki. Anyway, he’s pretty strong! Watch out for his attacks; they’re CRAZY strong. Fortunately, he has a semi-small defense factor... but watch out! When he’s low on HP, he gets MEAN. Look oooooout! His special attacks, which usually involve the Millennium Star, can randomly effect you with Dizziness, Sleep, or Fear. Yipe! He’s 3D’s best friend, so watch out! He can summon in 3D whenever he wants! Tattle: Smiddle Name: Smiddle Status: Normal Grunt HP: 57 POW: 14 Defense: 3 Tattle no: 548 This is one of the wackiest, most sarcastic workers at the MarioWiki, Smiddle. You can find him hanging out at the Forum more than the Wiki, though. From what I hear, he loves waffles, talking in l33t, and making fun of the English language. |-|3 1z |)4 733+|\|3$$! If you trash-talk him, he’s sure to zap you back. I also hear he shares 3dejong’s addiction to caffeine… Remember, kids, don’t do caffeine or you’ll end up like SMIDDLE. 0_o KwickiesHere's a kwick peek into my faves:
Pet PeevesWe all have things that tick us off. Some of mine:
Game Faves, for all you guys who were wonderingSo, your definition of an extreme Mario fan is how many games they've played? Well, here's a list of the games (and systems) I've played! (favorites in italics and owned ones in bold) (NINTENDO) SYSTEMS I HAVE PLAYED
File:Yoshiii.gif A sweet GIF. Credit to Dry Bones for this one.
Keep Gaming, 3dejong Oh, and by the way, my name has a silent j, so 3dejong is pronounced 3de-yong. Most people pronounce it 3de-J-ong. Weird name, huh? You can just call me 3D. I'm part Dutch, and I live in Sunny/Rainy California.