Star Maniac's Userbox Tower
This user hopes you read each and every one of her userboxes! Death wrote that...
This user is XoBlack Veil BridesXo.
This user is friends with BabyLuigiOnFire
This user is friends with Fawfulfury65!
This user is friends with The White Operations.Well, duh. He is my brother.
This user is friends with KS3.
This user is friends with Lilkaykaygal.
This user is a friend of Bowser's luma.
This user is friends with Not Bugsy!
This user can watch Petey dance all day....
This user likes Mudkipz.
this user says, QUIT CLOWNING AROUND!!!
This user thinks Luigi is better than Mario.
This user is Chuck Norris approved.
This user regularly makes the character, Waluigi, lose in Mario Super Sluggers.
This user's favorite song is "Fallen Angels" by Black Veil Brides.
This user thinks Daisy is AWESOME!!!.
This user would rather be Luigi than Mario in Super Mario Bros. Games
This user thinks Bowser should take over the Mushroom Kingdom.
This user has two awesome brothers.
This user likes Bullet Bill.
This user uses Yahoo! Messenger. Their ID is I WILL NEVER TELL YOU!!!
Wikkey-wikkey WORD!!! This user thinks Mario should RAP!
This user thinks Mario should ROCK ON to Kryptonite, YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!
NO! I want Mario singing BVB songs!!! GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
This user does NOT believe Wario can jump that high.
This user loves CHEESE!.
This user thinks Yoshis are THE BEST!!!
This user thinks Shuy Guy is AWESOME!!!
This user is a math genius(sort of)
This User has a colorful personality.
This user like to spin in circles. Weeeeeeeee!
This user likes Chain Chomps.
This user loves ice cream.
This user is in Bowser's side. JUST KIDDING!!!
This user is in Mario's side.
This user has a brother.
This user is Christian, but does NOT go to church.
This user likes shiny things. Ooooooh, SHINY!
This user LOVES money... but then again, who doesn't.
This user thinks Chain Chomps ROCK because they destroy things.
This user thinks chain choms ROCK because they ate The White Operations.
This user thinks Chain Chomps rock because they ate Wario miraculousely(or however the heck it's spelled)
This user LOVES Chain Chomps because they eat WAY more than Wario can.
This user LOVES Chain Chomps because they ate the Kool Aid guy.
This user thinks Chain Chomps should take the Kool Aid guy's place.
This user thinks Chain Chomps should take Wario's place.
This user thinks Chain Chomps should take EVERYONE'S place and save Peach(who's also a chain chomp)
This user thinks Chain Chomps are so awesome, they should take up all the userboxes on this page and eat The Wjite Operations' page so he becomes depressed and never goes on again!
This user wants to write books! That is a magical pencil that lookes like a paintbrush and it will help me write bestselling novels!!!! MUAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!
This user MEANS IT whens she says she's short tempered.
This user is beating up Thw White Operations because he insults me every three minutes.
This user is beating up The White Operations because he is obsessed with Call of Duty.
This user thinks The White Operations needs to get a life and STOP playing Call of STUPID Duty!
This user likes to spin in circles REALLY fast! Weeeeeeeee!!!
This user thinks Boo is CUTE!!!
Just for the heck of it, this user will give you a link to White Ops' user page.
this user runs around like a maniac.
This user is a goofy goober
This user KNOWS that Bowser needs to learn Confucianism.
This user likes to DESTROY things! INCLUDING YOU!!!!!!!
This user has an iPod.
This user is a Super Smash Brother!
This user's brother plays Basketball.
This user thinks Mario should ABSOLUTELY NOT dance like him. Mario, STOP!!! PEACH IS BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!!
This User thinks Shy Guys go good with any color.
This user will always be Chuck Norris approved.
This user's birthday is on January 19.
This user is shocking!
This user thinks Mario just failed.
This user says,"dont stick your finger in a live socket."
Really, Mario? REALLY?!.
This user is an epic fail.
Toad is annoying and will never stop smiling and should be portrayed by a guy.
This user can play a clarinet.
This user fails at playing a flute.
This user thinks Baby Luigi is a good dancer.
They'reTheir Userbox
This user hates it when people use "they're", "their", or "there" incorrectly.
This user has a deviantART account.
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This user thinks Francis is a stupid geeky chameleon with no life and is verbally challenged!!(if there is such a thing as it)
This user thinks that Rosalina should DEFINITELY be a character in the next Super Smash Bros. game!
This user thinks that Banjo and Kazooie should DEFINITELY be characters in the next Super Smash Bros. game!
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This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!