User talk:Dry dry king: Difference between revisions

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==Dry Dry Infoboxes==
==Dry Dry Infoboxes==
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{{User:Dry dry king/talkrules}}
{{User:Dry dry king/talkrules}}
==First Talk==
Just wanted to start the conversation.
Here's my friend userbox to anyone who wants it:
{{userbox|border=darkred|mainbkgd=purple|codebkgd=darkblue|code=[[File:PMTTYD Dark Bones Artwork.jpg|40px]]|msg= This user is friends with '''Dry Dry King'''}}
== I don't like Wario ==
I was wondering if you like Wario, because I don't like him. The only redeeming quality of Wario is that he is one of the funniest characters to destroy.
So, do you like Wario, or the smelly, disgusting, miserable pile of fat that spawned out of a dank and murky pit?
{{User:LeftyGreenMario/sig}} 03:02, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Well... No, I don't like wario. (Note that I didn't capitalize the first letter. Why? It's a name! Isn't it a proper noun? No. wario isn't proper ''or'' common, thus NO letters of his name should be capitalized under ANY conditions. First word in the sentence? '''wario''', not ''Wario''. Understand? Good.) However, I ''do'' like Wario! You know, the guy who runs WarioWare Inc.? He isn't wario. ''He's'' '''Wario''', a whole different person. ''wario'' isn't smart enough to run a business. He's smart enough to, um, well, he's not smart. Stupid, on the other hand, is a ''great'' desription for wario. And wario is stupid enough to... um... well, check out my archive and look for something titled "New Flash". ''That'' should show you how stupid he is. Wario is smart, and I like him. I don't like wario. Oh, more cool(horrifying) facts about wario can be seen [[User: BabyLuigiOnFire#Useless, But Interesting "Facts" About Wario|here.]]
{{User:Dry dry king/sig}}
== Thanks ==
As said before, thanks! I will put in on my userpage er... the next time I edit it, which should be soon. {{User:Fawfulfury65/sig}}
Thats a yes {{User:Booderdash/sig|.}}
{{userbox|border=black|mainbkgd=red|codebkgd=black|codecolor=red|code=[[Image:PeteyPiranhafliying.gif|35px]]|msg=This user is freinds with GalacticPetey.}}
Here it is!
P.S. Check out the Godzilla Corner on my userpage
== Why not? ==
Why not? I mean, I don't mind having more friends added to my friend list. Here take my userbox (it's been so long since I gave that out).
{{userbox|border=red|mainbkgd=teal|codebkgd=cyan|code=[[File:Hammerbabymario.png|45px]]|msg=This User is Great Friends With '''Baby Mario Bloops!'''}}
All right! Let's be friends. I can put your userbox in my userpage now,right? {{User:Supermariofan14/sig}}
I am Zero! Sure why not, let's be friends. Zero signing out. {{User|Zero777}}
{{userbox|border=blue|mainbkgd=#lightblue|codebkgd=gray|codecolor=w,hite|code=[[Image:Code geass zero.jpg|70px]]|msg=This user is friends with [[User:Zero777|''Zero777'']].}}
Sure! "Friendship is a virtue" as they say -[[User:FourPaperHeroes|FourPaperHeroes]] 23:22, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Ok, I accept your friend request. You can add my friend userbox now. From, [[User:Tigertot]]
== Re: friends ==

{{User:Dry dry king/talkfriends}}
OK {{User:Coincollector/sig}}
== Hi ==
Hey, I just wanted to say I added yot to my friend list.
P·S· Im writing this from my wii!{{User:Dry dry bones/sig}}
== Re:Friends ==
Sure. Nice to meet you. :) --{{User:KPH2293/sig}} 02:55, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
:Used to be, but I don't have the time to be consistently active anymore. Nowadays, I'm online at an infrequent pace. --{{User:KPH2293/sig}} 00:34, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
== wario is smelly ==
He = the farting king. I hate wario. In fact, I torture him in the games that are mentioned in my userpage. The wario in Super Smash Bros. Brawl isn't Wario. He is just a wannabe wario that wants to dress up as Wario.
Honestly, though, the guy who runs the gaming company and the guy who is everywhere else are the same people in my view. wario is a stupid, fat, smelly, greedy person. In fact, he is so stupid, he enjoys getting tortured. It doesn't look like it, but no, he likes getting beaten up by Mario. Mario rules. Wario drools. Take that, garlic freak!
{{User:LeftyGreenMario/sig}} 02:55, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
wario still drools. Ew. His saliva is poisonous, so don't touch it. {{User:LeftyGreenMario/sig}} 18:05, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
yeah I'd love to be friends :) [[User:Lu-igi board|Lu-igi board]]
== Re: Friends ==
Hello. Well, why not, so yes. I don't know you, though, so we have yet to become "true" friends. :-) --[[User:Grandy02|Grandy02]] 13:43, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
:Yes, since October 2008. --[[User:Grandy02|Grandy02]] 18:45, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
== What? ==
Why exactly is it doomed? {{User:Fawfulfury65/sig}}
Like Fawfulfury said, why is it doomed...? -[[User:FourPaperHeroes|FourPaperHeroes]] 20:08, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
Well, how is this wiki doomed, do you know something we don't? If you do, please tell us so we can prevent the destruction of the wiki. Who are the people getting rid of the best part of the wiki? {{User|4DJONG}}
== Why?????????????????????????????? ==
Hey why are u quiting and what do u mean when the wiki is doomed? {{User:Koopayoshi/sig}}


==Dry Dry Edits==
I have made some edits to my userpage! Click this link:[[User:Dry dry king]] to see it! Enjoy The Dryness!

{{User:Dry dry king/sig}} 15:48, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Who is getting rid of the fun on the wiki?

== Sure. ==
Is there a chance you are talking about the featured images? Because that's the only thing I can read out of your words that would make sense. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 20:21, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
Friends it is. I like the new sig. p.s. First heading after yours HA! {{User:FunkyK38/sig}}
:I am an administrator of this site. I will '''never''' leave it just like that, and even more so not for something like the featured images. The FIs aren't the most important thing around here, we have much more important things. If you're going to leave because of that, then sorry. But please stop spreading the word of any impending pseudo-doom. Thank you. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 20:30, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
:Here, this is for you. {{userbox|border=#06F|mainbkgd=#F00|codebkgd=#06F|codecolor=#000000|code=[[Image:Funkya.jpg|40px]]|msg=This user is a friend of FunkyK38's.}} Plus, you may not want to make too many extra pages with your name on them... the sysops don't like that too much.
::The decision has not been made by the staff alone, but by a proposal that was supported by the community. We are not going to overturn the will of the community just because you cannot arrange yourself with it. If this is truly the sole reason you want to leave, then good bye, and good riddance. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 20:40, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

I concur, it could also be the proposals that have a side goal of making the Mario wiki into a Wikipedia-like Wiki. {{User|4DJONG}}
Um, no hard feelings about getting you caught of sockpuppetting; I really didn't know it was you. I just saw two ''very'' similar usernames, investigated them and their pages, noted that they were pretty much identical, and reported my observations to the only SysOp I know (that's Tucayo, of course). Let's be friends then!
:Nah, he's just whining about the Featured Images, even though this should be old news by now. He told me on my talk page, along with attempts to make me leave the wiki. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 20:33, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

{{userbox|border=cyan|mainbkgd=orange|codebkgd=cyan|codecolor=orange|code=[[Image:BowserKartWii.jpg|50px]]|msg=This user is friends with [[User:Frostyfireyoshi|Frostyfireyoshi]].}}
Well said, and same here, I doubt anyone will leave just because what he says. Also, the FI is not the funnest thing on the wiki, that is meeting new people and making new friends, and it is one of the few things nobody can take away from the wiki and its users. {{User|4DJONG}}
::Uh,4djong, there are much better places to make friends than Mariowiki, most notably in real life. I go on mariowiki because its a wiki of mario, thus it helps me immensly with the games, like a giant free walkthrough.The community here is exceptional though which is why I go here rather than someplace like resident evil wiki which I also like a lot. Also this wiki is the most organized wiki on the internet besides wikipedia. {{User:Booderdash/sig|.}}

If it's any consolation, I've had a major warning about sockpuppetting, from my friends. :| To find out more, take a look at my first Archive, and Mr Bones' third Archive. Also, if you haven't received a Welcome template, here's one from me.
You are overreacting, Dry dry king. What could possibly go wrong if we get rid of the FI system? How would it "destroy" the wiki? {{User:Fawfulfury65/sig}}

== friends/SGS ==

{{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 16:56, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
sure friends sounds great! You can also be on the spy guy squad, but ur the last spot!

===Doomship 2?===
Yeah, I heard that you have two sides: light & dark.(aka Frosty & Fiery)
i dont get it, whats wrong? how come your leaving and were to? I dont know whats the matter but things always get better at some point, if thats tomarow or the next decade. Please dont do anything ull regret because it wont make anything better...

Frosty would be like your good side, right?
{{warning|2=Spamming other people's talk pages; disrupting the peace of the wiki}}
If I see you make one more comment, asking another user to leave, it will be your last. I hope we understand each other. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 20:50, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

And Fiery would be like your evil?
I concur, I am fed up with all this "The wiki is going to end" nonsense because the wiki is not going to end because the FI is discontinued, and inserting spam on other people's talk pages is never going to accomplish any thing good for the wiki. Please rethink your actions. {{User|4DJONG}}
:Well, he has been blocked for two weeks now. That should give him some time to think about what he just blathered around. - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 21:17, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Here are some images: [[:image:6.png|Frosty Yoshi]] + [[:image:71.PNG|Fiery Yoshi]].
I already know about that, he needs time to think about what he has just done and become a good User again. {{User|4DJONG}}

Get it? Frosty Yoshi + Fiery Yoshi = [[User:Frostyfireyoshi|Frosty Fiery Yoshi]], or FrostyFireYoshi!
I guess it's time to tell [[User:Stooben Rooben|Stoob]] something... {{User|KS3}}

:Wow! Those are rather cool images! You've got it wrong: ''FrostyFireYoshi'' as a whole represents my good side while the ultimate airship of evil Doomship 2 is my dark side! -- {{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 20:31, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
ARGH...I always miss something important! Anyway, the wiki isn't doomed king, the FI are gone, but the most important thing is mainspace and articles. Those are just for fun, and, to be honest, I supported the proposal to remove them. Polls will be more fun. You got blocked for two weeks, but I hope you understand other users for removing FI. Please take time to reconsider your actions.{{User:Mr bones/sig}}
::Nice idea, but I've/I'm already made/making a section of my page for DS2, and I can still use the sig. And that is quite a nifty way of setting up a userpage.{{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 14:59, 1 July 2010 (UTC)

=====A certain Petalburg Koopa...=====
== hi ==
You might have heard that I am as shy as [[Koops]].
It's true.

Sometimes I might pretend to be bold, but...
my bro. told me the problem, your right, that is bad, but you should still stay. Its just one part of the awesomness of the wiki missing.
{{User:Dry dry bones/sig}}

== A friend in need, is a friend to me. ==

Hey anytime, thats what friends are for. I am willing to fight the admins whith you, infact the whole SpyGuySquad is too. Thats what we are, a elite force of friends. By the way im gonna change my sig, just so ya know.

== A friend in need, is a friend to me. ==

...Never mind.
Hey anytime, thats what friends are for. I am willing to fight the admins whith you, infact the whole SpyGuySquad is too. Thats what we are, a elite force of friends. By the way im gonna change my sig, just so ya know.
:Okay! I don't know about myself. First I was nervous, now I'm just crazy! :P -- {{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 20:31, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

Ive noticed you voted on my proposal. I just wanted to let you know the proposed name has changed from "Sunglasses Pianta" into "Acsessory Pianta" This will probobly not change your vote, Im just letting you know about the change [[User:Ratfink43|Ratfink43]]

How would this be for a signature?:
What are talking about? There is no destruction... And are you trying to scary me? And why are you blocked? You've only been on the Wiki maybe... 3 or so weeks! My bro was blocked for 2 weeks and he didin't quit! Don't quit!{{User:Fuzzipede27/sig}}

[[Image:6.png|35px]][[User:Frostyfireyoshi|<span style="font-family:Arial; color:cyan;">
Wow, if you look at his edits he has 20ish edits on the MAIN WIKI ARTICLES and 100-200ish edits on the Mariowiki pages. He probably thinks the fi is the main thing about the wiki and that the WIKI is a forum. So apparently the 3 years where we never had the FI in the first place was a time of wiki nonsense? {{User:Booderdash/sig|.}}
Frosty</span>]] [[User Talk:Frostyfireyoshi|<span style="font-family:Arial; color:Orange;">
Fiery</span>]] [[Image:71.PNG|35px]][[Special:Contributions/Frostyfireyoshi|<span style="font-family:Arial; color:Green;">
Yos</span>]][[Special:Editcount/Frostyfireyoshi|<span style="font-family:Arial; color:Green;">hi!</span>]]

Sorry, I know it's not my business to meddle with other people's stuff, but... could you forgive me ''and'' take my advice?
:It's alright; your version of my sig is very cool. The only I think should be changed is the images. Could you merge them into a patched cyan & orange Yoshi, make the crest green and the eyes silver? Sorry if you can't, but that's how I first designed my character FrostyFireYoshi back when I joined the Wiki in Nov 07. If you can do that, I may have another image for you to redo... And, I forgive you, but I thought you should forgive me for catching you and getting you into trouble even though it was the right thing to do. If that makes sense.-- {{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 14:59, 1 July 2010 (UTC)
Uh sure. See ya 'round.
[[Image:TRDeoxys.jpg|15px]][[User:MacGyver|MacGyver]][[Image:TRDeoxys.jpg|15px]][[User talk:MacGyver|Go]][[Pokémon#Pokémon in ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl''|Deoxys]][[Special:Random|Go]][[Wikipedia: MacGyver|!]][[Image:TRDeoxys.jpg|15px]]

==Userspace Warning==
== Uh sure... ==

Sure, we can be friends. I was reading your talk page, I noticed you got blocked because you were doing inappropriate stuff just because the FI is gone. Seriously, I never noticed the FI, so im not fussing over it, but it's only one bit so you shouldn't be too
Just put <nowiki><table style="color:black;background:orange;border:1px solid #FF0;-moz-border-radius:6px;padding:8px;" width=100%>
<tr><td></nowiki> --

Sure we can be friends!
Sure, consider us friends. {{User:Timmy Tim/sig}}
{{User:BluePikminKong497/sig}} 15:15, 1 July 2010 (UTC)
==I'm Sorry==
I don't even know if this is right to do or not, but I am de-friending you. I just really don't want to be associated with someone as... controversial as you. I'll stand by this wiki until the end of the Mushroom Kingdom, which I guarantee you won't be soon. I'd appreciate if you would remove my friend userbox from your page. Goodbye. {{User|Bowser's luma}}
Yes Sure
~Bowser Jr's Number 1 Fan
== Insulting, Booderdash! Very insulting! ==
You can't talk to him like that!Don't you realize he's been blocked from the wiki? (Now I'm talking to Dry dry king.) Hey Dry dry king, sorry about your block.When and if the block is over, you wanna be friends? {{unsigned|Mrkoopa1234}}
Yes I know hes blocked. Hes been blocked for saying the wiki doomed because they're removing the FI -_-, then he goes and says its Steves fault the wiki is doomed and that he wants it do die. Then, he starts saying some weird stuff about how the wiki is going to turn into a dry dry kingdom? And that hes going to rule it. Sounds kind of psycho to me. {{User:Booderdash/sig|.}}
== Friends ==
Well, I would accept but I don't really know you. It's kind of like a random stranger who lives in your neighborhood just walks up to you and asks to be friends. {{User:Dry Paratroopa/sig}}
:You know he's blocked? {{User:KS3/sig}} 05:34, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
==A solution to you're problem==
Two solutions, actually, but after your "so called" block is over.
#Tell [[User:Stooben Rooben|Stoob]] to put the Featured Images in the 'Shroom. (The Wiki's Magazine, duh)
#Or just calm down. {{unsigned|KS3}}
Lol, you spelled ''your'' wrong. {{User:LeftyGreenMario/sig}} 05:38, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
Guys, why are you even trying? On Fawfulfury65's page, he said that the wiki is going to collapse, and that the wiki will soon turn into the dry dry kingdom which he will rule since hes the dry dry king MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats actually his exact words... I don't think thats just the result of the featured images, he seems to have at least ''turned'' into a troll anyways. {{User|Booderdash}}
I concur, I have also seen what he said, it seems he changed into a troll right before he got blocked. {{User|4DJONG}}
Forget the message I said before! This guy is a troll! + You are not my friend any more! {{User:Fuzzipede27/sig}}
== Epic Fail ==
What a fail, Dry Dry King went and got himself blocked. I have a userbox saying we're friends, LOL...
== Friends! ==
Sure, I'll be your friend!
I'm watching you. {{User:Fuzzipede27/sig}}
:Well... trolls are people who spam, blank pages, do weird stuff and don't follow the rules. I forgive you. just don't do any of that stuff again! Got it? If so I'm your friend again. -[[User:Fuzzipede27|The Autoconfirmed Fuzzy.]]
Lol, dry dry king, you came back at the EXACT time the Fi is gone! {{User|Booderdash}}
Yeah, sure I'll forgive you, whats a world without second chances? Besides, you really do need to bump up your mainspace. Look at your editcount. If your user/user talk gets above 60%, your account can be banned and we don't want that right? It already happened to [[User_talk:Dry dry bones|Dry dry bones]]. {{User|Booderdash}}
:Welcome back dude. The admins will be watching you 24/7. {{User:BluePikminKong497/sig}} 01:10, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
Welcome back! Hopefully you've reformed. Personally, I preferred it when the Wiki had the polls, not FIs. {{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 09:09, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
:Cool, I like it. {{User:Frostyfireyoshi/sig}} 12:48, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Sure I forgive you. Shadoom was blocked because he was a sockpuppet of Dcampbell2, who was also blocked. {{User:Fawfulfury65/sig}}
Hey Dry Dry King. I'm glad you returned. I thought you were leaving, and, yeah. You returned. I'm sure you'll get over the fact that the Featured Images is on hiatus. Honestly, I didn't like this process anymore. Too much fan votes = too much ugly Featured Images. {{User:LeftyGreenMario/sig}} 20:29, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
==Brawl cOde==
Do you have super smash bros. brawl? If so can you give me your friend code? {{User:Fuzzipede27/sig}}
== ^_^ ==
Sure~! {{User:Gissy/sig}} Sorry for the late reply. It's just I haven't been in this wiki in a LONG time. ^^;
==Fine by me!==
Sure, go ahead and take my friend box on my page. :) {{User:PT PRANA/sig}}
== Sure ==
I'll be your friend, why not? Oh, sorry for not being on for a while, I just had no time. ~Drifblim3445
Sure ill be your friend ~Bowser Jrs Number 1 fan

:Sure. Send me a message on the forums if you wanna chat. As far as I know, I don't have a "friends" userbox; sorry 'bout that. {{User:Bloc Partier/sig}} 20:19, 1 July 2010 (UTC)
== Yes. ==

I can be your friend too.
Go ahead.

Hi. I don't mind being friends with you. =3 - {{User:Edofenrir/sig}} 13:28, 3 July 2010 (UTC) I'm making the aquaintances of many Dry Bones lately...
== Re: Friends ==

==Shadoom Archive==
Sure I'll friend you Dry dry king! But you cant friend me cause I don't have a userpage yet.--[[User:Gamegeek77|Gamegeek77]] ([[User talk:Gamegeek77|talk]]) 14:10, 5 August 2012 (EDT)
I have a new archive click [[User talk:Shadoom/Archive 1|here]] to see it. Also, please leave a comment on it.{{User:Shadoom/sig}}

Latest revision as of 12:59, October 15, 2019

Block.svg Dry dry king has been blocked indefinitely from editing the Super Mario Wiki for forgetting the password to this account.
See the block log and block time remaining.


Dry Dry Infoboxes[edit]


First Talk[edit]

Just wanted to start the conversation. Here's my friend userbox to anyone who wants it:



Dark Bones

I don't like Wario[edit]

I was wondering if you like Wario, because I don't like him. The only redeeming quality of Wario is that he is one of the funniest characters to destroy.

So, do you like Wario, or the smelly, disgusting, miserable pile of fat that spawned out of a dank and murky pit?

Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 03:02, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Well... No, I don't like wario. (Note that I didn't capitalize the first letter. Why? It's a name! Isn't it a proper noun? No. wario isn't proper or common, thus NO letters of his name should be capitalized under ANY conditions. First word in the sentence? wario, not Wario. Understand? Good.) However, I do like Wario! You know, the guy who runs WarioWare Inc.? He isn't wario. He's Wario, a whole different person. wario isn't smart enough to run a business. He's smart enough to, um, well, he's not smart. Stupid, on the other hand, is a great desription for wario. And wario is stupid enough to... um... well, check out my archive and look for something titled "New Flash". That should show you how stupid he is. Wario is smart, and I like him. I don't like wario. Oh, more cool(horrifying) facts about wario can be seen here.

Dry dry king (Talk)


As said before, thanks! I will put in on my userpage er... the next time I edit it, which should be soon. Fawfulfury65


Thats a yes 22360415-149x149-0-0 ++The+SpongeBob+SquarePants+Movie.jpg Boo der dash 180px-MaskedDedede.png




Petey Piranha in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

Here it is!

P.S. Check out the Godzilla Corner on my userpage

Petey Piranha in Mario & Luigi: Partners in TimeGalacticPeteyPetey Piranha in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

Why not?[edit]

Why not? I mean, I don't mind having more friends added to my friend list. Here take my userbox (it's been so long since I gave that out).



Baby Mario with his Hammer


All right! Let's be friends. I can put your userbox in my userpage now,right? Reshiram.pngSupermariofan14Zekrom.png


I am Zero! Sure why not, let's be friends. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)



Code geass zero.jpg


Sure! "Friendship is a virtue" as they say -FourPaperHeroes 23:22, 15 July 2010 (UTC)


Ok, I accept your friend request. You can add my friend userbox now. From, User:Tigertot

Re: friends[edit]

OK ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png


Hey, I just wanted to say I added yot to my friend list. P·S· Im writing this from my wii!Dry BonesDry dry bonesDryBones NSMBW.png


Sure. Nice to meet you. :) --KPH2293 02:55, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Used to be, but I don't have the time to be consistently active anymore. Nowadays, I'm online at an infrequent pace. --KPH2293 00:34, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

wario is smelly[edit]

He = the farting king. I hate wario. In fact, I torture him in the games that are mentioned in my userpage. The wario in Super Smash Bros. Brawl isn't Wario. He is just a wannabe wario that wants to dress up as Wario.

Honestly, though, the guy who runs the gaming company and the guy who is everywhere else are the same people in my view. wario is a stupid, fat, smelly, greedy person. In fact, he is so stupid, he enjoys getting tortured. It doesn't look like it, but no, he likes getting beaten up by Mario. Mario rules. Wario drools. Take that, garlic freak!

Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 02:55, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

wario still drools. Ew. His saliva is poisonous, so don't touch it. Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 18:05, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

yeah I'd love to be friends :) Lu-igi board

Re: Friends[edit]

Hello. Well, why not, so yes. I don't know you, though, so we have yet to become "true" friends. :-) --Grandy02 13:43, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Yes, since October 2008. --Grandy02 18:45, 16 July 2010 (UTC)


Why exactly is it doomed? Fawfulfury65

Like Fawfulfury said, why is it doomed...? -FourPaperHeroes 20:08, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Well, how is this wiki doomed, do you know something we don't? If you do, please tell us so we can prevent the destruction of the wiki. Who are the people getting rid of the best part of the wiki? 4DJONG (talk)


Hey why are u quiting and what do u mean when the wiki is doomed? A Shine Sprite in Super Mario Sunshine.Master KoopakidUser:Master Koopakid


Who is getting rid of the fun on the wiki? A Shine Sprite in Super Mario Sunshine.Master KoopakidUser:Master Koopakid

Is there a chance you are talking about the featured images? Because that's the only thing I can read out of your words that would make sense. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 20:21, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

I am an administrator of this site. I will never leave it just like that, and even more so not for something like the featured images. The FIs aren't the most important thing around here, we have much more important things. If you're going to leave because of that, then sorry. But please stop spreading the word of any impending pseudo-doom. Thank you. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 20:30, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
The decision has not been made by the staff alone, but by a proposal that was supported by the community. We are not going to overturn the will of the community just because you cannot arrange yourself with it. If this is truly the sole reason you want to leave, then good bye, and good riddance. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 20:40, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

I concur, it could also be the proposals that have a side goal of making the Mario wiki into a Wikipedia-like Wiki. 4DJONG (talk)

Nah, he's just whining about the Featured Images, even though this should be old news by now. He told me on my talk page, along with attempts to make me leave the wiki. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 20:33, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Well said, and same here, I doubt anyone will leave just because what he says. Also, the FI is not the funnest thing on the wiki, that is meeting new people and making new friends, and it is one of the few things nobody can take away from the wiki and its users. 4DJONG (talk)

Uh,4djong, there are much better places to make friends than Mariowiki, most notably in real life. I go on mariowiki because its a wiki of mario, thus it helps me immensly with the games, like a giant free walkthrough.The community here is exceptional though which is why I go here rather than someplace like resident evil wiki which I also like a lot. Also this wiki is the most organized wiki on the internet besides wikipedia. 22360415-149x149-0-0 ++The+SpongeBob+SquarePants+Movie.jpg Boo der dash 180px-MaskedDedede.png

You are overreacting, Dry dry king. What could possibly go wrong if we get rid of the FI system? How would it "destroy" the wiki? Fawfulfury65


sure friends sounds great! You can also be on the spy guy squad, but ur the last spot! GeneralGuy PM.png ShyMysteryGuy (talk) codebkgd=blend


i dont get it, whats wrong? how come your leaving and were to? I dont know whats the matter but things always get better at some point, if thats tomarow or the next decade. Please dont do anything ull regret because it wont make anything better... GeneralGuy PM.png ShyMysteryGuy (talk) codebkgd=blend


Warning.svg This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior (Spamming other people's talk pages; disrupting the peace of the wiki) on the Super Mario Wiki. Please adhere to the rules or you will be blocked from editing this site.
If you feel this warning was undeserved, you may appeal it.

If I see you make one more comment, asking another user to leave, it will be your last. I hope we understand each other. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 20:50, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

I concur, I am fed up with all this "The wiki is going to end" nonsense because the wiki is not going to end because the FI is discontinued, and inserting spam on other people's talk pages is never going to accomplish any thing good for the wiki. Please rethink your actions. 4DJONG (talk)

Well, he has been blocked for two weeks now. That should give him some time to think about what he just blathered around. - Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon(talk) 21:17, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

I already know about that, he needs time to think about what he has just done and become a good User again. 4DJONG (talk)

I guess it's time to tell Stoob something... KS3 (talk)

ARGH...I always miss something important! Anyway, the wiki isn't doomed king, the FI are gone, but the most important thing is mainspace and articles. Those are just for fun, and, to be honest, I supported the proposal to remove them. Polls will be more fun. You got blocked for two weeks, but I hope you understand other users for removing FI. Please take time to reconsider your actions.Dry Bones in Paper MarioCount Bonsula I need blood...Ml2 drybones.png


my bro. told me the problem, your right, that is bad, but you should still stay. Its just one part of the awesomness of the wiki missing. Dry BonesDry dry bonesDryBones NSMBW.png

A friend in need, is a friend to me.[edit]

Hey anytime, thats what friends are for. I am willing to fight the admins whith you, infact the whole SpyGuySquad is too. Thats what we are, a elite force of friends. By the way im gonna change my sig, just so ya know. GeneralGuy PM.png ShyMysteryGuy (talk) codebkgd=blend

A friend in need, is a friend to me.[edit]

Hey anytime, thats what friends are for. I am willing to fight the admins whith you, infact the whole SpyGuySquad is too. Thats what we are, a elite force of friends. By the way im gonna change my sig, just so ya know. GeneralGuy PM.png ShyMysteryGuy (talk) codebkgd=blend


Ive noticed you voted on my proposal. I just wanted to let you know the proposed name has changed from "Sunglasses Pianta" into "Acsessory Pianta" This will probobly not change your vote, Im just letting you know about the change Ratfink43


What are talking about? There is no destruction... And are you trying to scary me? And why are you blocked? You've only been on the Wiki maybe... 3 or so weeks! My bro was blocked for 2 weeks and he didin't quit! Don't quit!GalladeBack.pngGalladeBladesGallade2.png

Wow, if you look at his edits he has 20ish edits on the MAIN WIKI ARTICLES and 100-200ish edits on the Mariowiki pages. He probably thinks the fi is the main thing about the wiki and that the WIKI is a forum. So apparently the 3 years where we never had the FI in the first place was a time of wiki nonsense? 22360415-149x149-0-0 ++The+SpongeBob+SquarePants+Movie.jpg Boo der dash 180px-MaskedDedede.png


Uh sure. See ya 'round. File:TRDeoxys.jpgMacGyverFile:TRDeoxys.jpgGoDeoxysGo!File:TRDeoxys.jpg

Uh sure...[edit]

Sure, we can be friends. I was reading your talk page, I noticed you got blocked because you were doing inappropriate stuff just because the FI is gone. Seriously, I never noticed the FI, so im not fussing over it, but it's only one bit so you shouldn't be too


Sure, consider us friends. TIMMY TIM

I'm Sorry[edit]

I don't even know if this is right to do or not, but I am de-friending you. I just really don't want to be associated with someone as... controversial as you. I'll stand by this wiki until the end of the Mushroom Kingdom, which I guarantee you won't be soon. I'd appreciate if you would remove my friend userbox from your page. Goodbye. Bowser's luma (talk)

Yes Sure ~Bowser Jr's Number 1 Fan

Insulting, Booderdash! Very insulting![edit]

You can't talk to him like that!Don't you realize he's been blocked from the wiki? (Now I'm talking to Dry dry king.) Hey Dry dry king, sorry about your block.When and if the block is over, you wanna be friends?
The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mrkoopa1234 (talk).

Yes I know hes blocked. Hes been blocked for saying the wiki doomed because they're removing the FI -_-, then he goes and says its Steves fault the wiki is doomed and that he wants it do die. Then, he starts saying some weird stuff about how the wiki is going to turn into a dry dry kingdom? And that hes going to rule it. Sounds kind of psycho to me. 22360415-149x149-0-0 ++The+SpongeBob+SquarePants+Movie.jpg Boo der dash 180px-MaskedDedede.png


Well, I would accept but I don't really know you. It's kind of like a random stranger who lives in your neighborhood just walks up to you and asks to be friends. User:Dry Paratroopa/sig

You know he's blocked? KS3 (talk · contribute) 05:34, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

A solution to you're problem[edit]

Two solutions, actually, but after your "so called" block is over.

  1. Tell Stoob to put the Featured Images in the 'Shroom. (The Wiki's Magazine, duh)
  2. Or just calm down.
    The preceding unsigned comment was added by KS3 (talk).

Lol, you spelled your wrong. Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 05:38, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

Guys, why are you even trying? On Fawfulfury65's page, he said that the wiki is going to collapse, and that the wiki will soon turn into the dry dry kingdom which he will rule since hes the dry dry king MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats actually his exact words... I don't think thats just the result of the featured images, he seems to have at least turned into a troll anyways. Booderdash (talk)

I concur, I have also seen what he said, it seems he changed into a troll right before he got blocked. 4DJONG (talk)

Forget the message I said before! This guy is a troll! + You are not my friend any more! GalladeBack.pngGalladeBladesGallade2.png

Epic Fail[edit]

What a fail, Dry Dry King went and got himself blocked. I have a userbox saying we're friends, LOL... A StarI <3 BVB!!A Star


Sure, I'll be your friend!


I'm watching you. GalladeBack.pngGalladeBladesGallade2.png

Well... trolls are people who spam, blank pages, do weird stuff and don't follow the rules. I forgive you. just don't do any of that stuff again! Got it? If so I'm your friend again. -The Autoconfirmed Fuzzy.

Lol, dry dry king, you came back at the EXACT time the Fi is gone! Booderdash (talk)

Yeah, sure I'll forgive you, whats a world without second chances? Besides, you really do need to bump up your mainspace. Look at your editcount. If your user/user talk gets above 60%, your account can be banned and we don't want that right? It already happened to Dry dry bones. Booderdash (talk)

Welcome back dude. The admins will be watching you 24/7. Pikmin' BluePikminKong497 01:10, 1 August 2010 (UTC)

Welcome back! Hopefully you've reformed. Personally, I preferred it when the Wiki had the polls, not FIs. 30STM.PNG This Is War 30STM.PNG 09:09, 2 August 2010 (UTC)

Cool, I like it. 30STM.PNG This Is War 30STM.PNG 12:48, 3 August 2010 (UTC)

Sure I forgive you. Shadoom was blocked because he was a sockpuppet of Dcampbell2, who was also blocked. Fawfulfury65

Hey Dry Dry King. I'm glad you returned. I thought you were leaving, and, yeah. You returned. I'm sure you'll get over the fact that the Featured Images is on hiatus. Honestly, I didn't like this process anymore. Too much fan votes = too much ugly Featured Images. Icon showing how many lives Mario has left. From Super Mario 64 DS. It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 20:29, 2 August 2010 (UTC)

Brawl cOde[edit]

Do you have super smash bros. brawl? If so can you give me your friend code? GalladeBack.pngGalladeBladesGallade2.png


Sure~! Star.gifGissyStar.gifSuper Azumanga RPG Sorry for the late reply. It's just I haven't been in this wiki in a LONG time. ^^;

Fine by me![edit]

Sure, go ahead and take my friend box on my page. :) Boss P. Plant PT PRANA Boss P. Plant


I'll be your friend, why not? Oh, sorry for not being on for a while, I just had no time. ~Drifblim3445

Sure ill be your friend ~Bowser Jrs Number 1 fan


Go ahead.

Re: Friends[edit]

Sure I'll friend you Dry dry king! But you cant friend me cause I don't have a userpage yet.--Gamegeek77 (talk) 14:10, 5 August 2012 (EDT)