User:BlueYoshi-57EML: Difference between revisions

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(16 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Mario1981|font-family:'Mario Kart DS'"}}
<table style="color:#006f00;background:#abcdef;border:3px #708090;-moz-border-radius:6px;padding:8px;font-family:'Mario Kart DS'" width=100%> <tr><td>
{| class="infobox" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align={{{align|right}}} width=300px style="font-family: 'Nintendo DS BIOS'; padding: 4px; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-size: 16px; background: #f8fff7; border:1px solid #8a8; color:#000"
| align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="#8afa8a" style="font-size:145%;" | '''{{{title|{{PAGENAME}}}}}'''
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|style="background:#afa"|'''Gender'''||style="width:17em"|Men (Homme)
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|style="background:#afa"|'''Species'''||style="width:17em"|[[Human]] (Humain)
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|style="background:#afa"|'''First Appearance'''||style="width:17em"|October or november 2017 (Octobre ou novembre 2017)
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|style="background:#afa"|'''Active?'''||style="width:17em"|Yes (Oui)
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|style="background:#afa"|'''Other names'''||style="width:17em"|57EML, Mario999, Mario1981
|- style="vertical-align: top"
|- style="vertical-align: top"
Hello! I'm Mario1981! (^-^)
Bonjour! Je suis Mario1981! (^-^)
{{userbox|border=#C0C8FF|mainbkgd=#0000FF|codebkgd=#0000FF|codecolor=#000000|code=vg-2|msg=This user is an intermediate gamer (with no action replay).}}EN↑
{{userbox|border=#000000|mainbkgd=#FFFFFF|codebkgd=#FFFFFF|codecolor=black|code=[[File:Wii U Console.png|40px]]|msg=This user's favorite console is the [[Wii U]].}}
{{userbox|border=#FF0000|mainbkgd=#FF0000|codebkgd=#FF0000|codecolor=black|code=fan-3|msg=This user's favorite console is the [[Nintendo 2DS]].}}EN↑
{{userbox|border=#0000FF|mainbkgd=#0000FF|codebkgd=#0000FF|codecolor=black|code=[[File:BlueYoshi57EML.jpg|60px]]|msg={{color|#888888|This user's favorite Nintendo character is}} {{color link|#FFFFFF|Blue Yoshi}}.}}
{{userbox|border=#6EF7A7|mainbkgd=#76F162|codebkgd=#76F162|codecolor=black|code=fan-3|msg=This user's favorite Nintendo character is [[Yoshi]].}}EN↑
{{userbox|border=#6EF7A7|mainbkgd=#76F162|codebkgd=#76F162|codecolor=black|code=[[File:France_Icon.png|60px]]|msg=This user native language is French.}}
{{userbox|border=#C0C8FF|mainbkgd=#0000FF|codebkgd=#0000FF|codecolor=#000000|code=jv-2|msg=Cet utilisateur est un gameur intermédiaire (sans action replay).}}FR↑
{{userbox|border=#6EF7A7|mainbkgd=#FFFFFF|codebkgd=#FFFFFF|codecolor=black|code=[[File:Smiley.png|60px]]|msg=This user also edits [ TCRF].}}
{{userbox|border=#FF0000|mainbkgd=#FF0000|codebkgd=#FF0000|codecolor=black|code=fan-3|msg=La console favorite de cet utilisateur est la [[Nintendo 2DS]].}}FR↑
{{userbox|border=#6EF7A7|mainbkgd=#76F162|codebkgd=#76F162|codecolor=black|code=fan-3|msg=Le personnage de Nintendo favori de cet utilisateur est [[Yoshi]].}}FR↑
{{userbox|border=#6EF7A7|mainbkgd=#76F162|codebkgd=#76F162|codecolor=black|code=lang-n|msg=Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français}}

==Redirections I've created (Redirections que j'ai crées)==
I sometimes edit things here.
*[[Luigi's Mansion 3DS]]
==Games (Jeux)==
✰=Favorite (Favoris)
====Plateformer (Plateforme)====
*[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]✰
*[[New Super Mario Bros. 2]]
*[[Super Mario 3D Land]]
*[[Super Mario 64 DS]]✰
*[[Super Mario Galaxy]]
*[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]
*[[New Super Mario Bros.]]
*[[Super Mario Odyssey]]✰
====Mario Kart====
*[[Mario Kart Wii]]✰
*[[Mario Kart 7]]✰
*[[Mario Kart DS]]✰
*[[Mario Kart 8 Deluxe]]
====Smash Bros.====
*[[Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS]] (demo)
===No Mario related games (Jeux non Mario)===
*[ Rayman Origins]
*[ Sonic Unleashed]
*[ Wii Sports Resort]
*[ Rabbids Go Home (The Lapins Crétins: La grosse aventure)]
*[!_Pikmin Hey! Pikmin (demo)]
*[ Pokémon Sun and Moon (demo)]
*[ Action Replay DS (cheater)]
==In others sites==
[ YouTube]
<table style="color:#000000;background:#ffffff;border:3px #708090;-moz-border-radius:6px;padding:8px;font-family:'Arial'" width=100%> <tr><td>
=List of ''Super Mario Odyssey'' clothing names in other languages=
This is a list of filters in ''[[Super Mario Odyssey]]'' in other languages.

===Filters list===
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; left:0%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
{| style="text-align: center; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:Arial;" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"
|-style="background: #ABC"
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; left:14%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; left:28% ; z-index:9999;  vertical-align:middle;">
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; left:40%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
!width="8.9%"|Chinese (Simp.)
!width="8.9%"|Chinese (Trad.)
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; right:40%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
|No filter
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; right:28%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
|Gorra de Mario
|Casquette Mario
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; right:14%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
|Cappello da Mario
<div style="position:fixed; bottom:0%; right:0%; z-index:9999; vertical-align:middle;">
|Кепка Марио<br>''Kepka Mario''
|马力欧帽<br>''Mǎlì'ōu mào''
|瑪利歐帽<br>''Mǎlì'ōu mào''
<div style="position:absolute; top:250px; left:-80px; z-index:1; transform:rotate(90deg); vertical-align:top;">
<div style="position:absolute; top:55px; left:270px; z-index:1; vertical-align:top;">
|Traje de Mario
|Tenue Mario
|Tuta da Mario
|Костюм Марио<br>''Kostyum Mario''
|马力欧服<br>''Mǎlì'ōu fú''
|瑪利歐服<br>''Mǎlì'ōu fú''
|Blur x2
|Gorra de capitán
|Képi de capitaine
|Berretto da capitano
|Фуражка капитана<br>''Furazhka kapitana''
|船长帽<br>''Chuánzhǎng mào''
|船長帽<br>''Chuánzhǎng mào''
|Sombrero de copa negro
|Chapeau de gentleman
|Zylinder (schwarz)
|Tuba nera
|Zwarte hoge hoed
|Черный цилидр<br>''Chernyy tsilidr''
|绅士帽<br>''Shēnshì mào''
|紳士帽<br>''Shēnshì mào''
|Black and White
|Esmoquin negro
|Tenue de gentleman
|Frack (schwarz)
|Smoking nero
|Zwarte smoking
|Черный смокинг<br>''Chernyy smoking''
|绅士服<br>''Shēnshì fú''
|紳士服<br>''Shēnshì fú''
|Tocado de cavernícola
|Coiffe d'homme des cavernes
|Copricapo preistorico
|«Шляпа» пещерного человека<br>''«Shlyapa» peshchernogo cheloveka''
|原始人帽<br>''Yuánshǐ rén mào''
|原始人帽<br>''Yuánshǐ rén mào''
|Traje de cavernícola
|Tenue d'homme des cavernes
|Costume preistorico
|Костюм пещерного человека<br>''Kostyum peshchernogo cheloveka''
|原始人服<br>''Yuánshǐ rén fú''
|原始人服<br>''Yuánshǐ rén fú''
|Fish-Eye Lens
|Sombrero soltitleco
|彭丘帽<br>''Péngqiū mào''
|斗篷帽<br>''Dǒupéng mào''
|彭丘服<br>''Péngqiū fú''
|斗篷服<br>''Dǒupéng fú''
|Sombrero de vaquero
|'''NOA:''' Chapeau de cowboy<br>'''NOE:''' Chapeau de cow-boy
|Cappello da cowboy
|Ковбойская шляпа<br>''Kovboyskaya shlyapa''
|牛仔枪手帽<br>''Niúzǎi qiāngshǒu mào''
|牛仔槍手帽<br>''Niúzǎi qiāngshǒu mào''
|Traje de vaquero
|'''NOA:''' Tenue de cowboy<br>'''NOE:''' Tenue de cow-boy
|Costume da cowboy
|Ковбойский костюм<br>''Kovboyskiy kostyum''
|牛仔枪手服<br>''Niúzǎi qiāngshǒu fú''
|牛仔槍手服<br>''Niúzǎi qiāngshǒu fú''
|Oil Painting
|Gafas de buzo
|Masque et tuba
|Maschera con boccaglio
|Маска для плавания<br>''Maska dlya plavaniya''
|泳镜<br>''Yǒng jìng''
|泳鏡<br>''Yǒng jìng''
|Pencil Sketch
|Traje de baño
|Maillot de bain
|Costume da bagno
|Купальный костюм<br>''Kupal'nyy kostyum''
|Line Drawing
|Sombrero de explorador
|Chapeau d'explorateur
|Cappello da esploratore
|Шляпа первооткрывателя<br>''Shlyapa pervootkryvatelya''
|探险家帽<br>''Tànxiǎn jiā mào''
|探險家帽<br>''Tànxiǎn jiā mào''
|Traje de explorador
|Tenue d'explorateur
|Tenuta da esploratore
|Костюм первооткрывателя<br>''Kostyum pervootkryvatelya''
|探险家服<br>''Tànxiǎn jiā fú''
|探險家服<br>''Tànxiǎn jiā fú''
|Game Boy
|Visera de científico
|Visière de savant
|Visiera da scienziato
|Козырек ученого<br>''Kozyrek uchenogo''
|博士帽<br>''Bóshì mào''
|博士帽<br>''Bóshì mào''
|Traje de científico
|Tenue de savant
|Camice da scienziato
|Костюм ученого<br>''Kostyum uchenogo''
|博士服<br>''Bóshì fú''
|博士服<br>''Bóshì fú''
|Gorra de aviador
|Casque d'aviateur
|Cappello da aviatore
|Шлемофон летчика<br>''Shlemofon letchika''
|飞行员帽<br>''Fēixíngyuán mào''
|飛機師帽<br>''Fēijī shī mào''
|Traje de aviador
|Tenue d'aviateur
|Tuta da aviatore
|Костюм летчика<br>''Kostyum letchika''
|飞行员服<br>''Fēixíngyuán fú''
|飛機師服<br>''Fēijī shī fú''

Latest revision as of 18:31, December 31, 2024

BlueYoshi-57EML's Userbox Tower
Wii U Console
France Icon in Globe
An unused smiley face (likely a placeholder) from Super Mario Bros. 2

Hey! I sometimes edit things here.





PrincessToadstool spin.gif

Toad render.gif



SM64DS Yoshi Render.png
