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| Hey! Welcome to my user page! Here, you can find out all sorts of things about me. My favorite Mario game has got to be Super Paper Mario. I just beat it recently, and I keep on finding more things. I also own the original Super Mario Bros. and 2,3 and Dr.Mario for the classic NES. It's my dad's, but he lets me use it. I also have a Wii, DS Lite, Gameboy Advance SP and the old Gameboy (the only video game system I own without colour). I own many games, the majority of them being Mario.
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| I love the Mario games, but they're getting less popular with other kids. Most of my classmates haven't played a Mario game in at least year, and won't no matter how much you could pay them. They all talk about games like Halo and Call of Duty. I find it sad. I only hope that they aren't done with the Mario series forever.
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| I don't do much in my spare time besides playing video games. In fact, during summer vacation my mom ''makes'' me go outside. If I'm not playing video games, I'm usually on my laptop (which is the only computer I use), watching TV or reading. Some of the things I read are:
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| *Harry Potter and the Philosepher's Stone
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| *Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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| *Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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| *Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [[File:1228402097969_f.jpg|thumb|Have at you!]]
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| *Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
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| *Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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| *Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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| Yeah, I'm a bit of a Harry Potter fan. Reading is my second favorite hobby (my first being video games), so people, due to my constant reading and extent knowledge of secrets and cheat codes for video games, think I'm a nerd. I'm not, though. I might be a Harry Potter fan, but I've never seen any of the movies. Since people call me a nerd, I often ruin the endings of the books. Now, if you want to attempt this, find someone who is just reading for fun or for a challenge. NEVER try it with a real fan. I should know - I tried, and it hurts, because they usually will chuck the book at your head. And the one that hit me was "the Order of the Pheonix", which is the longest book of the series, and it was hard cover, so it really smarted.
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| I don't have many friends, so I try to make them constantly, although I don't have much time because of my hobbies. I usually try to start a conversation, but I rarely know what they're talking about. I started an account on this wiki so I could improve and expand it. I will create many pages, starting with this one, full of my knowledge. However, feel free to rewrite them or even delete them if I got any information wrong or didn't provide enough. Also feel free to visit my talk page. I'll be sure to answer any comments or questions you have.
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| My favorite Mario protagonist is Luigi, while my favorite antagonist (and possibly my favorite Mario character of all time) is Mr.L from Super Paper Mario. People don't know if Mr.L is really a brainwashed Luigi or not, but I'm positive it is, and all of the evidence points towards this: When you move Luigi around the enemy base, he gets caught by Nastasia, then he disappears and Mr.L appears, and Mr.L and Luigi look similar, then Dimentio kills Mr.L and you find Luigi in the Underwhere, and at the end when Dimentio's Floro Sprout takes over, Luigi says "I AM MR.L!", and Dimentio calls him this, even though he's clearly Luigi.
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