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Revision as of 11:06, March 17, 2012

The 'Shroom
The 'Shroom calendar for 2025
January 18th
February 15th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August 30th
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
December 20th
The 'Shroom vertical.png

Issue Template:ShroomIssue March 17th, 2012 About

Twitter follow.png Facebook Logo.svg
Staff Notes Section of the Month Fake News
Fun Stuff Music & Artwork Pipe Plaza
Shyguy Does a Thing Review Corner
Should Have Been
Brawl Tactics
Crocodile Style Reviews
Caiman Gamin'
Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner
A History of Video Games
Fading Into Obscurity

Staff Notes

Director's Notes

By Stooben Rooben (talk)

Hi guys. It's been a REALLY busy month for The Core 'Shroom Staff, and I think you're gonna like what we've got planned. So, let me give you a rundown of what's happened over this past month.

  • Probably the most notable accomplishment the Staff has completed this month is an awards system for The 'Shroom. That's right! All those people who right fantastic sections will now receive specially-made awards (by moi) to put on their userpage or wherever else they would like. While we don't have many award categories put into place right now, we do have two main categories that will be represented within the week. (I still have to make the awards, which will take a few days.) So, if you want to start receiving these awards, I'd recommend that you start giving your sections your all.
  • The sign-up page. It's long outdated, and SERIOUSLY needs some redesign. I don't have the full redesign planned out just yet, but I will be making some updates that are long overdue. (Thanks to Marioguy1 for all your help in this department!)

That's pretty much it for what the staff has done this month. I know it doesn't sound like much, but believe me -- we've put a LOT of time and effort into getting these things done. Now, as far as hirings and firings/resignations go:

  • Marioguy1 (talk) has been hired as writer for Fading into Obscurity.
  • I will be resigning from the Interview portion of The 'Shroom.
  • Waluigi48 (talk) has been fired from his position as writer of From the Mushroom Vaults. I will be taking over this position once more.
  • Monteyaga (talk) has been fired from his position as co-writer of Brawl Tactics.
  • LaLaLand123 (talk) has resigned from his position as writer of Fake Characters.
  • Travix Man (talk) has resigned from his position as writer of Fake Shop.
  • Killer Axe (talk) has been hired as writer for Entertainment.

As you can see, we've had a lot of resignations and firings lately, and this is not good, especially considering how short-staffed we are now. Once again, I implore you to please start writing for The 'Shroom. It's not a bad gig, really — you get a whole month to write a decent section, and you just might get a flashy award for your efforts. All you have to do is pass a very simple interview, which consists of five easy questions, and a small sample of what your section will be like. And, if there isn't a section on the sign-up page that appeals to you, suggest a section to me that you would like to write!

I guess that's it for this month. See you around soon! — Stooben Rooben 19:12, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Sub-Director's Notes

By Tucayo (talk)

People on hiatus don't make notes. Eat healthy.

Editor‐In‒Chief Notes

By Twentytwofiftyseven (talk)

The next person who sends their section in after the deadline and expects to get it checked won’t. Depending on whether I can geolocate that person’s IP address and the cost of plane tickets, however, they may receive a knife to the head as a consolation prize.

I’m serious now. The deadline is always the Thursday before release. I can not sit at my computer all day on Sunday waiting for your late section to come in. No, not even when you warn me about it. My schedule is not that flexible. I also can’t check your section in five minutes once I have it and then get it out for release.

If you direct a subteam, great! Either teach your writers how to meet deadlines, or check their sections yourself.


The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Section of the Month

Fake News

Director’s Notes

by Ralphfan (talk)

If you have read our last few issues, you will notice that we are in need of writers.  Rather than have you sign up and wait for weeks on end for me to give you an interview, please follow the instructions to sign up:

  1. Find the section you'd like to write.  As of now, Fake TV, Fake Characters and Fake Shop are the only open positions.
  2. Get an account on the forum.  Don’t worry, it’s free.  When you sign up, do not use a Gmail account.  It will treat the activation message as spam and you will be unable to receive it.
  3. Send me a private message (my name is Oaktown Mojo on the forums).  You can do so by finding my account name or just clicking this link.

After you send me the message saying you want to write for the Fake News, I will send you the questions you need to answer.  Please remember that the current open positions are Fake TV, Fake Characters, and Fake Shop.  After sending me your section, other ’Shroom staff members and I will look at it, and we will make sure your section is good to go.  After that, you’ll get a reminder each month telling you to send in your section.

Travel Guide

by Ralphfan (talk)

Come visit one of the hottest celebrity getaways on the planet, Gelato Beach!  Not only will you enjoy a five‐star resort and spa, you may also be able to catch a glimpse of celebrities like Princess Peach and…wait a minute…why is she holding hands with…Waluigi?  Anyway, there are also twelve four‐star restaurants, serving organic local cuisine— hey, what the hell…Peach is now kissing Waluigi…

Anyway, Gelato Beach is cool.

Fake Music

by Dark boo (talk)

The Dark Twins, a band consisting of Dark Bowser and Bowser, released their newest song, “The Final Battle” (to the tune of “The Final Countdown” by Europe) at their concert last week. The duo were arrested when police found out that a Dark Fawful Bug was hidden in the microphone and they were just lip‐syncing! Bowser’s lawyers got him out of jail 20 years early and he is expected to make a new hit single by Christmas.

Fake Game: Pastry Mario

Pastry Mario game cover.

Hello, dear readers of the ’Shroom. My name is Edofenrir. Now, if you read my last ’Shroom section, you might remember some of the unfortunate events that took place during the end of my last game review. I can say, though, that the hospital finally let me go, and so I am resuming my work here.

The game I am reviewing today is Pastry Mario. Weird title, I know. It was originally intended to be a baking simulation called Wii Cakes, but fan protests forced Shigeru Miyamoto to rework the title into a solid Mario platformer. However, all the locations and characters in the game remain cake‐themed. Miyamoto is a crazy guy. He loves Mario, and he certainly loves cake. With this game, he had one of his greatest dreams come true: Cake Mario!

The way you acquire this game is pretty unusual as well. You cannot buy it in any game shop. Instead, you have to get it at your local pastry shop. Ordering “Pastry Mario” will get you something that looks like a piece of pie. However, sink your teeth into it and you will learn (with much agony) that the game disc is actually baked inside the pie, and you have to eat the stuff around it until it fits in your Wii. The idea is actually pretty interesting, even though I lost a tooth when biting on the game disk.


The mysterious author avatar villain.

The story of Pastry Mario revolves largely around Princess Peach. Peach is very bored. It is that special time of the year when there is just nothing to do. No random occasions to celebrate, no parties to hold, no kart races to win, nothing. Doing political business is tedious, and Bowser is on vacation visiting his mother in the countryside, so no chance of being kidnapped and rescued either. With that huge amount of nothing around, Peach eventually gets up and decides to just bake a cake, since that usually helps her focus. She finally makes a big cake that looks a lot like Mario. But then, suddenly a guy who looks just like Shigeru Miyamoto with a Mario hat bursts through the window. He declares that Peach’s cakes are the greatest thing in the universe, and that he wants her to make many many more for him. Then he kidnaps her, of course, and just when everything seems lost, the Mario cake Peach was making earlier randomly comes to life and embarks on an epic journey to save his creator.


Oh no, no no no, go away! Go aw—aaaargh!!!

The biggest new feature in this game is that you don’t control Mario. You play with a giant blob of cookie dough shaped like Mario. That gives you access to all sorts of weird pastry‐themed moves, like shooting chocolate chips, cutting cookies out of yourself, and shaping up like a pretzel. This sounds silly, but it makes sense in the actual game, since the whole game works like this.

Pastry Mario also has a candle on his head. This candle serves as the time limit of the levels. It burns down while he is progressing through the levels, and if it ever burns out, Mario loses a life for no apparent reason. Your goal is to prevent that, of course.

The game features enemies known from all around the Mario series, although pastry themed. There are Goombas with cookie crumbles on their heads, Koopas with frosting on their shells, and even Bullet Buns. In the later levels the game uses stronger and more bizarre enemies, like creepy little children who want to have a piece of you (literally) and some weird Japanese guys in purple spandex suits who try to blow out your candle.


Do not mess with Miyamoto's cake! Ever!

It seems like Nintendo has fun giving its games weird themes. First we had the Paper Mario series, then Kirby’s Epic Yarn came around, and now we have Pastry Mario to follow them. Maybe the next Mario game will be made of goo… or clay or something. Wait… Mario made of clay… Hm… Naah.

Anyway, the game is a solid platformer, albeit a bit weird. There isn’t much more to say about it, except… it makes me hungry. Very hungry. I’ll go and get me some Mario merchandise food. Hm, I suddenly begin to understand how this game is supposed to make a profit.

Anyways, don’t eat too much cake. It isn’t healthy, and it makes Shigeru Miyamoto angry at you, because the more cake you eat, the less there is left for him.

Fake Police Blotter

by BobombFuses (talk)

Toad Town Police: It’s that time of the week again; Princess Peach was kidnapped.
Spies in Bowser World: A guy named “BobombFuses” is sneaking into Bowser Castle with a Fire Flower and a Starman.
Fryguy Station Patrol: Floaty Fluff is growing near the volcanoes!  HOLY CRAP!
Freezie Hunter Police: All the policetoads (and policekoopas) are frozen, no reports until I decide to thaw them.
Mounted Police: One of our police members went insane so we hauled him to the mental hospital.
Jungle Patrol: Tikis made off with Donkey Kong’s Banana Hoard.
Mushroom Village Police Department: Currently, Ruler Jerry is off battling evil block people on another planet. In the meantime, where is BobombFuses? He took one of our Fire Flowers and Starmen with him…

Cooking Guide

by Baby Mario Bloops (talk)

Everyone, welcome to another exciting episode of this month's Cooking Guide! Your host here being Baby Mario Bloops is all prepared to show you the best dish of the month! We are still in need of money awaiting for chef's to offer some time to help us out.

This time I will show you a dish worthy of things such as an new FA being featured, being the Deluxe Feast!!!!!

Better way, more delicious, harder, blah blah blah. First things first, let us begin with the shopping list:

  • A Whacka's Bump.
  • A Strange Leaf.
  • Lots of Honey.
  • A Plastic half-circle mold.
  • A Fridge.
  • A Blender.
  • A Plate.
  • A Kitchen.
  • A Straw.
  1. Head to Dry Dry Outpost and chit-chat with Whacka. When he is not looking, use a Hammer and knock out a Whacka Bump from him.
  2. Head over to Boo's Mansion and in front of the house should be a few bushes. Dig through them and find a strange leaf.
  3. Head out and go to the kitchen that you are working in.
  4. Blend together the ingredients until as soon as honey. Too make it sweet to your taste, add as much honey as you want.
  5. Pour the mix into the mold, and place a plate over it. Place into the fridge.
  6. After 3 hours, it should be as jiggly as Jigglypuff. Now add a straw, and enrich in this jubilee dish!


by Gamefreak75 (talk) (congratulations on your promotion to Patroller!)

A steel keg
Our most popular seller. Beer is not included.


This month’s item is the…Barrel Roll!

Are you having problems with bipedal crocodiles walking on your lawn? Is there are swarm of fat beavers in your driveway? Are the vultures shooting nuts at you driving you nuts!?! Well, this is the item for you.

Weighing in at a measly 150 pounds, this barrel is full of beer…well…I’m not sure to be honest. If you have the strength of an ape or a chimpanzee and can lift this thing up, enemies beware. Tossing this at these enemies will instantly kill them, but may leave…a mess of…stuff…on the ground. If it hits a wall and comes back at you, then…run your ass off to avoid getting crushed!!!

They come in a variety of colors, from dark brown, to brown, and even light brown. Wow, look at all those colors! I bet you can’t find more vibrant colors on any similar products. Wink

If you like rollback prices, this is the item for you, costing only 30 Banana coins per barrel. Holy crap, that’s an insanely high low price!

Wait a second, I’m getting an incoming call from…the Lylat System?! Where the hell is this place?!
Me: “Hello!”
Guy: “Do a barrel roll!”
Me: “Sorry about that folks, I guess that’s all.”
Guy: “Press Z or R twice!”
Me: “Heh heh heh…”
*crushes cell phone with barrel*

See! Very useful! :D


by Baby Mario Bloops (talk)

Everyone, welcome to the top-rated interview with I, Baby Mario Bloops! Let's give a hearty welcome to our lucky guess that has aided Mario longer than most other allies. That person is the one of many, Toad! Let us leap into our chat...

Baby Mario Bloops: Hello Toad, how are you?

Toad: Not bad, very tired.

Baby Mario Bloops: I guess, you been with Mario a lot lately.

Toad: Well, it's always been like that since his first few adventures.

Baby Mario Bloops: Wow, really, so what was your first job you had?

Toad: I was the toad of the seventh castle on his first search for the Princess.

Baby Mario Bloops: I bet that was fun.

Toad: Not really, I had to tell him that the princess was in another castle to him, and I thought he would flip by then.

Baby Mario Bloops: Speaking of that, when we see a picture of that time, your hands where weird. Where you waving, surprised, or pointing your middle fing-

Toad: Don't ask, it was hard times back then, and everyone had an too much "mushrooms" and the dust of those yellow "stars".

Baby Mario Bloops: Well...okay then. Will we see you in any upcoming games?

Toad: Well, duh, one of me or my same species will be in it. No doubt that that Mario Sports Mix should be fun, and painful.

Baby Mario Bloops: Ah, finally, I'm so happy that now we know what is coming up.

Toad: Yeah, but they forgot to mention another game...whoops, sorry, just ignore what I said.

Baby Mario Bloops: Wait! What, tell me!!!!!

Toad: Oh, look at the time, your interview should be over in about half a minute so you might as well sign out.

Baby Mario Bloops: win this one. Well, he is right, and I must say goodbye now, and I will see you all next time, bye!!!!!!!

Fake Sports

by Ralphfan (talk)

The Flower Cup championship took place today at Crater Field, in front of more than 42,000 fans.  Team Waluigi took on Team DK in a thrilling match.  Team DK had won two titles in their rich history, while Team Waluigi was in pursuit of their first championship trophy.  Team DK went with the same lineup they had used in their first six matches, of which they won five and tied one (in group play against the hosts, Yoshi).  In the yellow jerseys were Dry Bones, their young, speedy defenseman, as well as midfielders Koopa and Shy Guy.  Waluigi, who had gone 4–1–1 (1–1–1 in group play), mixed up their lineup again, with Monty Mole on defense and Hammer Bro. and Birdo at midfield.

Following a colorful pregame ceremony, the two teams took the field.  In the sixth minute, Team Waluigi had a legitimate chance off a corner kick, but DK was able to knock the ball away with a header.  Eleven minutes later, Team DK’s best chance of the half came on a free kick from 34 feet out, but Kritter knocked a Shy Guy shot away from the net.  With just seven minutes remaining in the half, a Dry Bones skillshot electrified Kritter, and Waluigi scored on the rebound to give his team a 1–0 lead.  It was his fourth goal of the tournament.  His team held a 1–0 lead heading into the half.

With 23 minutes left in the match, Kritter had to lunge to stop a shot from Koopa, but Donkey Kong was able to find the rebound and tie the game at 1.  Ten minutes later, with the score still deadlocked, Birdo’s shot was denied by Kritter.  He came out to the front of the goal mouth and tried to boot the ball away, but he mishit it, and it bounced directly to Hammer Bro., whose shot went into the net and gave Team Waluigi a 2–1 lead they would not relinquish.

Following the match, the referees mistakenly awarded a 2–1 win to DK (after all, soccer refs suck), and Waluigi once again was left without a championship trophy.  Their appeal to soccer’s governing body was denied, and DK escaped Crater Field with their third Flower Cup championship.

Fake Weather

by Toadwell (talk)


Toad Town 98.  Stupid Summer.
Bowser World 77.  No warnings.  That’s unusual…Bowser must be up to something.
Lava World 1937.  HOT HOT HOT
Ice World −222 BRAIN FREEZE!!!!!  Too bad there’s no ice cream in this brain freeze.
Desert World 110 Thwomp Attack!!!!!


Toad Town 82.  Magnitude 5.4 earthquake, also felt in Real World.
Bowser World 777.  Holy &#@%, it’s hot!
Lava World 910.  OVEN TIME!!!!
Ice World −578.  Avoid Ice World.
Desert World 111.  Hot! Too HOT!!!!!


Toad Town 75.  PIE RAIN AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Bowser World 1.  Wow, cold.  Very unusual weather for this season.
Lava World 7569.  IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!
Ice World −841.  COLD!!!  I’M FREEZINGGGGGG!!!!!!!
Desert World 123. AWWWWWWW HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!

If you hear booming, it’s only because Glamdozer and Gobblegut are going out.

Fake Characters

We bid a fond farewell to LaLaLand123 (talk), who is retiring from her Fake News position.

Fake Shop

Farewell to Travix Man (talk), who is also retiring from his position.

Fun Stuff


By Tucayo (talk)


Clues: junecluescopiafq0.jpg

The almighty answers!

Mystery Image

By Tucayo (talk)

In this game, you have to find the image from which these little snippets come.

bowserzh6.png 9voltwq9.png dimentiood3.png peachpg6.png thoreaumc9.png

'You know where this leads

Find the Differences (Competition)

By Edofenrir (talk)

In agreement with the director, things in the Find the Differences section will be a little different this month. The following two images contain ten differences. If you can find them all, come to our forum and send me (Edofenrir) a PM, containing a list of all ten differences. You can do this within the next two weeks. After that, I will pick one of the participants with the right answers and award him or her with a free spot in my Mariowiki Kawaii series. You heard right: Free artwork! It doesn't matter how fast you send them to me, since I will determine the winner randomly among all participants.

The winner will be announced and the artwork will be submitted in the next issue of The Shroom. Be sure to send your solutions to "Edofenrir" on the forums (use copy/paste if you cannot spell the name). Use Competition as the subject of the PM, or I might not notice it when looking over my PMs. Closing date is July 25, 2010!

Group artwork from Yoshi Topsy-Turvy YUGart edit.jpg

No answers this time, of course. The solutions will be featured in the next issue of The Shroom.


by Fawfulfury65 (talk)

Hello everyone and welcome to my quiz section on Da 'Shroom. Yup, exciting. This month I decided to do all the questions about the Mario games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Since some of you may not have been around when the Super Nintendo was made and have never gotten the chance to play many of its games, I chose to make this quiz multiple-choice. It’s easier that way. If I made a mistake on the quiz, please contact me on my talkpage.

Here we a-go!

1. Which of the following happens after you complete Yoshi's Island 100%?

A) An alternate ending can be seen at the end of the game.
B) Six stars appear on the top of the game's title screen.
C) You can play with Baby Luigi riding on Yoshi, instead of Baby Mario riding on Yoshi.
D) Nothing!

2. In Mario Paint, what happens when you click on the letter A in "Paint" on the game's title screen?

A) Mario runs backwards.
B) A new mode is unlocked.
C) Yoshi runs across the screen.
D) None of the above.

3. Which of the following characters are not playable in Super Mario Kart?

A) Yoshi
B) Koopa Troopa
C) Donkey Kong
D) Toad

4. What is the first enemy encountered in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest?

A) Klomp
B) King K. Rool
C) Zinger
D) Neek

5. What is the name of the final vehicle in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!?

A) Motor Boat
B) Hover Craft
C) Gyrocopter
D) Turbo Ski

6. What was the final game in the Mario series (that includes Donkey Kong and Yoshi games!) to be released on the Super NES?

A) Yoshi's Island
B) Diddy Kong Racing
C) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
D) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

7. In the Donkey Kong Country level, Mine Cart Madness, which of the following enemies did not appear?

A) Necky
B) Krusha
C) Zinger
D) Gnawty

8. Which of the following is not a location in Mario's Time Machine on the SNES?

A) Philadelphia
B) Menlo Park
C) Pittsburgh
D) Pacific Ocean

9. Which of these SNES games require the use of a Super Scope (Nintendo Scope)?

A) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
B) Mario & Wario
C) Mario Paint
D) Yoshi's Safari

10. What is the fourth location encountered in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

A) Factory
B) Mushroom Way
C) Yo'ster Isle
D) Bowser's Keep


By Mr bones (talk)
Whaaaaaaa? My beautiful title screen? I JUST BOUGHT IT!! Hey, you there! Don't stand there like a moron! Help me out here! I wanna get those fairies to that black circle, and, for your information, BOB-OMBS DO EXPLODE! You wanna a bonus? Find the little Bob-Omb hiding behind a bigger one! Think ya can do it?

Mind Bogglers

By Papero (talk)
Think you can find all 10 characters hidden in this image?

The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Music & Artwork

Pipe Plaza

Director’s Notes


Hello everyone! It’s MG1 here to kick off yet another isssue of the Pipe Plaza. We’ve had some loss of staff recently as Tucayo and KS3 both resigned from a position, so I’d love it if someone else tried to take over for them! Other than that there are many other positions to sign up for if you have the time.

You may not know this, but I am very sad. Just a few days ago I lost the Poll Committee Chairperson election to my co‐director SMB. However, I was then appointed as a member of the Poll Committee so it’s not all down the drain! Now that the Poll Committee is fully up and running, you can expect to see a new position opening up sometime this month that has to do with polls. Now, I won’t hold you any longer. Go on and read SMB’s Director’s Notes!

Super Mario Bros.

Hello everyone, SMB here. Yup. Not much to say on this issue, so go ahead and have fun reading. Thanks to MG1 for directing this Pipe Plaza.

Monthly Report

In this issue, I will report the current statistics as well as compare them with the last issue's statistics.

Starting with the next issue, I will compare August 2010's statistics with both July 2010's statistics as well as comparing August 2010's and June 2010's statistics together.

Remember, I will try to make statistics as close as possible; expect decimals.

Credit goes to Stooben Rooben for the coding (I based the coding for this off of his report table that he used when he wrote the section).

June Statistics
Statistic As of 13 June 2010 (14:08)*
Content Pages 10,686
All Pages 69,010
Files 23,849
Edits 798,948
Edits per Page 11.577
Registered Users 14,736
Active Users 296
Bots 0
Patrollers 4
Sysops 19
Bureaucrats 4
Proprietor 1

July Statistics
Statistic As of 13 July 2010 (14:17)*
Content Pages 10,877
All Pages 70,552
Files 24,367
Edits 824,026
Edits per Page 11.68
Registered Users 15,156
Active Users 294
Bots 0
Patrollers 4
Sysops 19
Bureaucrats 4
Proprietor 1

June — July Statistics
Statistic As of 13 June 2010 (14:08)* As of 13 July 2010 (14:17)* Percentage Increase
Content Pages 10,686 10,877 1.787%
All Pages 69,010 70,552 2.234%
Files 23,849 24,367 2.172%
Edits 798,948 824,026 3.139%
Edits per Page 11.577 11.68 0.885%
Registered Users 14,736 15,156 2.85%
Active Users 296 294 -0.676%
Bots 0 0 0%
Patrollers 4 4 0%
Sysops 19 19 0%
Bureaucrats 4 4 0%
Proprietor 1 1 0%
*All times EST.

Tip of the Month (FunkyK38)

Tip of the Month:

Make sure not to put bars like this: [[]] around anything that shouldn't be made into a page.

Featured (Marioguy1)

It’s now time for “Featured”! I hope you like the FIs this issue, as it’ll probably be the last set of FIs mentioned here or even voted on for that matter! It’s very likely that the Poll Committee will have gotten rid of them by next issue.

Now, let’s start off the factual content with the FAs! Featured this month, we have:

Three…I think that’s our all‐time high :⁠D

And…no unfeatured content…

Well, for articles whose nominations failed we have…

And the failed unfeature nominations are…

And that’s all for FAs!

And now for the (probable) FInale (see what I did there?). Here are the last FIs:

And there are all the Featured Articles/Images this month!

Pipe Projects Seeking Contributors (KS3)

Hello, Everyone, this is (obviously) KS3, back from the dead. All of you know about Waluigi PipeProjects (If not, then come here).

There are still a lot of PipeProjects roaming around with hardly any contributors. We've got some new ones, like PipeProject:D. I. Y. microgames, and more, such as PipeProject:Toad, PipeProject:Mario & Sonic, and PipeProject:Super Paper Mario.

Sadly, no PipeProjects were completed. Hope you helped with the wiki by joining some and see ya’ll all next millennium month.

The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Shyguy Does a Thing The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Review Corner


by Stooben Rooben (talk)

Welcome to this month's interview, folks! I'd like to apologize for not doing an interview last month — I was having a lot of computer problems, which is why I couldn't get it done. I'd also like to announce that this will be my last interview for The 'Shroom. I had fun while it lasted, but I just don't think I have the time to put in all the effort I'd like to for this section.

The Target

This month, I decided to interview one of the wiki's own Sysops — Edofenrir (talk). Edofenrir is a very friendly member from Germany who joined the wiki roughly a year ago. Within that year, he's made quite an impact on the wiki, as well as its affiliates. Besides being an extremely helpful Sysop, Edo is a member of the Awards Committee, a writer for The 'Shroom, and Patroller of Userpedia (and considering how much trouble he was given on that site a while ago, I think it's pretty admirable that he's one of the few people trying to keep that site alive). Edo is also really well-known for his superb artistic abilities (just look at some of his image uploads on Userpedia if you're wondering what I'm talking about).

The Interview

Me: So, Edo, can you tell me how you found the MarioWiki?
Edofenrir: That was the fault of YouTube, actually.
Edofenrir: I've watched a few videos containing Weegee there, and searched the internet for information about that fad.
Edofenrir: Somehow I ended up in the Mariowiki, where "Weegee" redirected me to "Mario is Missing!"
Edofenrir: Yeah, and that is pretty much how I found the place.
Edofenrir: Pretty strange. oô
Me: Indeed.
Me: Have you ever played "Mario is Missing!"?
Edofenrir: Not really, but I played "Mario's Time Machine" instead.
Me: And what did you think of that game?
Edofenrir: Truly amazing gameplay. If you like having your brain grinded to dust, this is your kind of game.
Edofenrir: You cannot just press a history book into a game cartridge and call it and educational title.
Me: Sounds like the kind of game to play on long weekends.
Edofenrir: Yes.
Edofenrir: It is really an outstanding title.
Me: I'll have to recommend to some...uh...friends, then.
Me: So, I've heard that "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door" is your favorite game. Why do you like it so much?
Edofenrir: Well, I'm sort of a die-hard fan of traditional jRPGs. I also grew up with playing Mario games like Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario 64. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a game that combines these two factors. That's probably one of the main reasons.
Edofenrir: I also like the characters and atmosphere very much.
Edofenrir: It's the perfect Mario RPG for me.
Me: I think it's the perfect Mario RPG for everyone. It's just that some people refuse to accept it, haha.
Edofenrir: Olol.
Me: Let's see...
Me: What was your first reaction when you were promoted to Patroller on the wiki?
Edofenrir: Uhm... I think it was along the lines of "WTF!?!?"
Edofenrir: And then I questioned the admins' sanity.
Edofenrir: I think the image on Userpedia describes my reaction pretty well.
Me: Oh yeah. I remember popping out of your computer screen and scaring you. That was fun.
Edofenrir: You meanie!
Me: That's me!
Me: Now, could you tell me what your reaction was when you were promoted to Sysop?
Edofenrir: Well, it was less unexpected than my first promotion, since this time I could see the events leading to it. Since it misses the shock value from the first time, I cannot remember my reaction to it that clearly anymore...
Me: I understand.
Me: At least you remember being promoted. :P
Me: One thing you're really well-known for is your ability to draw very well.
Me: How did you learn how to draw so well?
Edofenrir: Experience, mainly.
Edofenrir: I'm drawing since I was a little child.
Edofenrir: Oh, and I love art.
Me: So, you didn't take any classes? You learned it all on your own?
Edofenrir: No, I never took any art classes.
Edofenrir: Most people were impressed by this, most notably a good friend of me, who has died young, and to whom everything I draw is dedicated.
Edofenrir: Art was his life, and so I made art my life as well.
Me: That's very admirable of you.
Me: I'm actually pretty touched by that.
Edofenrir: Well, he was the only one who ever truly believed in my art.
Edofenrir: Art is not all about drawing skills, though.
Edofenrir: The most important thing when being an artist is passion.
Me: I'm sure your friend would be very proud of your actions. : )
Edofenrir: I don't know for sure.
Edofenrir: Maybe.
Me: Let's see here... Ah, this is a question I ask everyone I interview:
Me: What type of music do you like?
Edofenrir: There is a userbox on the wiki that says something like "This user is addicted to video game music".
Edofenrir: That userbox actually suits me pretty well.
Edofenrir: Apart from that, I listen to everything I like, regardless of genre.
Edofenrir: My favourite singer is Meat Loaf.
Edofenrir: ...Yeah, that's that.
Me: Meat Loaf is one of my favorite musicians too. Plus, video game music is always good. Therefore, you have a good taste in music.
Edofenrir: : )
Me: What kind of hobbies do you have?
Edofenrir: Well, I draw a lot, but we already spoke about that.
Me: Well, I've heard that you like making games with RPG Maker. Would you care to talk about that?
Edofenrir: Hm... that's not entirely true... I did that a lot in the past, along with spriting and stuff, and I am a RM2k veteran with about five years of experience, but I hardly produce anything with the maker nowadays.
Edofenrir: I think I don't have the patience anymore...
Me: I barely have the patience to deal with RPG Maker XP myself, so I completely understand.
Me: Back on the subject of the wiki... What would you consider your greatest accomplishment on the wiki?
Edofenrir: Uhhh....
Edofenrir: My surprisingly low quote of killing sprees. :)
Me: Lol.
Me: And now for the last question:
Me: Is this the last question?
Edofenrir: That solely depends on my answer, I presume.
Edofenrir: So I gotta say:
Edofenrir: Maybe?
Me: Wrong.
Me: The correct answer is, ‘Yes.’
Edofenrir: Well, I have another thing to say.
Me: Oh no.
Edofenrir: Oh yeah.
Me: ...Wait, was that what you wanted to say?
Edofenrir: No, but I've got you now, Stooben. "Wait, was that what you wanted to say?" is another question, nyeh heh heh. 8)
Me: ...Even though this is still on the record...

After being burned so horribly be Edofenrir, he decided to give me a cookie. Isn’t that just so nice?
Edofenrir: Ok, that's it for this month's interview for the Shroom. I am NOT your host, Stooben Rooben.
Edofenrir: Good night, people.

In Closing

Edofenrir is one of my closest friends. A lot of people don't really seem to get his personality, but I think that's just because they haven't spent enough time around him. If you talk to Edofenrir on a respectable level (by this, I mean, "have friendly conversations with him; don't spam his query, forum inbox, or wiki talk page with nonsensical bull"), you'd probably realize what a swell guy he is. ...And yes, I do realize that it sounds like I'm just sugarcoating things, but I'm honestly not. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, but maybe you should actually get to know Edo before you pass judgment on him.

It's been a pleasure writing this section, guys. I hope you all enjoyed this interview! — Stooben Rooben 19:33, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Should Have Been

Brawl Tactics

by FunkyK38 (talk)

What’s going on, everyone? FunkyK38 here with your XL Issue of Brawl Tactics!

This month, I will be discussing the stage Summit.

First up: the platforms. The one to the left is a trapdoor. If you hit the hinge that anchors it to the mountain, it will snap off and fall. The ice ledge on the right is easy to take care of – all you have to do is smash the ice and it’ll break.

Next are the icicles that form where the stage slopes down at the left. If you’re not careful, they’ll do a lot of damage to your character if they fall on you. If you’re paying attention, though, you can shove your opponents under them as they fall so they’ll get hit with quite a bit of damage, and launched fairly far.

The clouds, I pretty much ignore. They’re great if you need to rest to recharge your jump, but they’ll push you off the mountain if you stay on them too long. Better just avoid them if you’re not too confident about them yet.

Now, the journey this mountain makes once again defies the laws of physics, but it’s pretty fun. Try pushing a rival off the right side and watch them go flying. If they’re not expecting it, it’ll be a KO for them. This is also a bad way to lose items. About half a million times the Dragoon parts have fallen onto the left side, and they just stay there. If you try to get them, you’ll get slammed with a lot of damage plus you’ll go flying.

The fish is an interesting character. It’ll eat you, resulting in a KO; it’ll hit you when it leaps out to try to eat you, resulting in a lot of damage; and it’s generally just irritating. Push opponents into the water and the fish will jump out to eat them. It’s not a pretty way to go down, but it works. Stay out of the water near the edges when the water on the stage gets deeper, or you’ll get eaten if you’re not careful.

That’s all for this month! See you all next month for another issue of Brawl Tactics!

The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Crocodile Style Reviews The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Caiman Gamin'

Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner

by Coincollector (talk)

Welcome again to Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner. This is your father Coincollector. Let’s begin with the Mario Kart tip of the month. Looking a bit back to older games, do you still remember Mario Kart: Double Dash!!? Because I have a small but essential tip that you might not have noticed in this game. In the Dry Dry Desert course you’ll find a large quicksand pit in the middle of the road, and at the bottom of the pit awaits a humongous piranha plant to eat any poor racers that have been pulled down by the sand. If you’re the one that was pulled into the pit to be the snack for the plant, don’t panic: Hold the R button (or L) to drift around and get out of the quicksand.

Wario picks up coins as easily as hogs pick truffles!

Also, let me announce the next tournament from the Mario Kart Channel this month. This tournament will require collecting 50 coins in a section of Coconut Mall as quickly as possible. There will be no vehicle restrictions. Are you ready? Because I’m not yet…

On a side note, we had an interesting last month since Nintendo announced the hotly‐anticipated Nintendo 3DS during E3 2010. They also showed off plenty of new games for the handheld, and sure enough, one of them is a new Mario Kart game that we know almost nothing about. They released some screenshots and a (very) short video, from which I can tell that it looks like Mario Kart DS with Wii graphics and it seems it will make use of the 3D capabilities of the handheld. Let’s hope Nintendo will tell the release date and release new info about the game soon.

That’s all for Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner. Remember to look at both sides of the road before crossing (or else a Shell will hit you). See ya!

The 'Shroom:Issue XL/A History of Video Games The 'Shroom:Issue XL/Fading Into Obscurity