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| <center><big>I will not be on for the next 17 days starting from 17th August. Sorry, especially to people who have a bot hosted by me. If you '''must''' contact me, use MemoServ in chat @ /msg MemoServ HELP</big><br></center>
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| <center><big>'''Wheeeeeee invasion of the mIRC's!'''</big></center>
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| [[Image:Mirc.gif|300px]] [[Image:Mirc.gif|300px]] [[Image:Mirc.gif|300px]]
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| [http://nnscript.esnation.com pwnsome mIRC script (I use it)]
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| Hello and thank you for visiting my user page. I'm Jdrowlands and I joined to try to help the {{SITENAME}} become even better than it is now! I can often be found on [[Special:Chat|the chat]]. As of August 8th, 2008, I am an '''op'''.
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| {{userboxtop}}
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| {{userbox|border=#99B3FF|mainbkgd=#E0E8FF|codebkgd=#99B3FF|codecolor=#000000|code=vg-3|msg=This user is an advanced gamer.}}
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| {{userbox|border=green|mainbkgd=lightgreen|codebkgd=green|codecolor=lightgreen|code='''<span style="font-size:10pt">game<br>dev</span>'''|msg=This user is interested in video game development.}}
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| {{userbox|border=#C0C8FF|mainbkgd=#F0F8FF|codebkgd=#C0C8FF|codecolor=#000000|code=<span style="font-size:12pt">'''prog-1'''</span>|msg=This user is a n00b programmer. Even worse than a n00b programmer.}}
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| {{userbox|border=#003300|mainbkgd=#CCDDCC|codebkgd=black|codecolor=green|code=Ulti<br>Fav|msg=This user believes that Super Mario Galaxy is the best videogame ever.}}
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| {{userbox|border=black|mainbkgd=#8FBC8F|codebkgd=black|codecolor=#8FBC8F|code=''<span style="text-decoration:line-through">Halo''</span>|msg=This user ''hates'' the '''''Halo''''' series.}}
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| {{userbox|border=black|mainbkgd=red|codebkgd=black|codecolor=red|code=[[Image:Mario_Head_Small.PNG]]|msg=This user plays the '''Super Mario''' series.}}
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| {{userbox|border=yellow|mainbkgd=#90C|codebkgd=#FF0|codecolor=#FF0|code=[[Image:Wario Jumps.gif|65px]]|msg=<span style="color:#FF0; font-family:Arial">'''This user loves the "Fake News" section of The 'Shroom.'''</span>}}
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| {{userbox|border=#FFB466|mainbkgd=#FFE496|codebkgd=#FFB466|codecolor=black|code=[[Image:Box open.png]]|msg=This user needs more userboxes. '''MORE''', I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!}}
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| {{userbox|border=green|mainbkgd=#F0FFF0|codebkgd=#F0FFF0|codecolor=black|code=[[Image:Check small.png]]|msg=This user is currently in the [[Special:chat|chatroom]].}}
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| {{userbox|border=#555555|mainbkgd=#009910|codebkgd=#22CC22|codecolor=black|code=<span style="font-size:24pt">'''<strike>*</strike>'''</span>|msg=This user can be found on no IM networks at all.}}
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| {{userbox|border=#555555|mainbkgd=darkblue|codebkgd=white|codecolor=black|code=#mariowiki|msg=This user can often be found on the [[Special:Chat|MarioWiki Chatroom]]}}
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| {{userbox|border=#555555|mainbkgd=yellow|codebkgd=white|codecolor=black|code=http://www.mariowiki.com/irc/img/new/eekdance.gif|msg=This user would like everybody to do the eekdance!}}
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| {{userbox|border=#555555|mainbkgd=white|codebkgd=skyblue|codecolor=black|code=Bot|msg=This user creates '''Chat Bots'''.}}
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| {{userbox|border=#555555|mainbkgd=white|codebkgd=white|codecolor=white|code=[[Image:Mirc.gif|50px]]|msg=This user uses [http://www.mirc.com mIRC].}}
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| {{userboxbottom}}
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| ==Interesting fact==
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| Did you know that the Super Mario Wiki has exactly {{NUMBEROFUSERS}} users?
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| Which of those {{NUMBEROFUSERS}} users are online now? <whosonline></whosonline>
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| ==Countdowns==
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| ===Brawl===
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| ====Europe====
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| <big><center><span class="countdown"><span class="date">June 06 2008 00:00:00 EST</span></span></center></big>
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| ===Mario Kart Wii===
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| ====Australia====
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| <big><center><span class="countdown"><span class="date">April 24 2008 00:00:00 EST</span></span></center></big>
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| ====USA====
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| <big><center><span class="countdown"><span class="date">April 27 2008 00:00:00 EST</span></span></center></big>
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| ==Sub-Pages==
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| #[[User:Jdrowlands/sig]]
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| #[[User:Jdrowlands/monobook.css]]
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| #[[User:Jdrowlands/Main Page]]
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| #[[User:Jdrowlands/monobook.js]]
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| ==Sprites==
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| http://www.userpedia.scribblewiki.com/images/userpedia/f/f3/JdrowlandsSprites.png
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| ==Random Junk==
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| ===Users with comics===
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| If for some reason you're not listed just tell me and I'll add you.
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| <DPL>
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| titlematch=%/Comic
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| ==Maintinence==
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| <choose>
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| <option>3 Stubs: {{#dpl:debug=1|ordermethod=size|category=Stubs¦Rewrite and Expansion Requested|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3|addpagesize=true}}</option>
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| <option>3 Unlicenced Images: {{#dpl:debug=1|namespace=Image|shownamespace=false|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |notuses=Template:Album-cover¦Template:Art¦
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| Template:Attribution¦Template:Book-cover¦Template:Cc-by-nc-sa-2.5¦Template:Cc-by-nc-sa-3.0¦Template:Character-artwork¦Template:Comic-cover¦Template:Comic-scene¦
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| Template:Copyrighted free use¦Template:Dvd-cover¦Template:Fal¦Template:Film-screenshot¦Template:Game-cover¦Template:Game-logo¦
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| Template:Game-screenshot¦Template:Gfdl¦Template:Lgpl¦Template:Logo¦Template:Mag-cover¦Template:Non-free poster¦Template:Pd¦Template:Pd-self¦Template:Permission¦
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| Template:Promophoto¦Template:Restricted use¦Template:Soundclip¦Template:Tv-screenshot¦Template:Vhs-cover¦Template:Video-screenshot¦
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| Template:Videoclip¦Template:Web-screenshot|randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Articles Requested for rewrite + expand: {{#dpl:debug=1|uses=Template:Rewrite¦Template:Rewrite-expand|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Articles Requested for rewrite (you): {{#dpl:debug=1|uses=Template:Rewrite-you|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Articles Requested for rewrite (wikidumped): {{#dpl:debug=1|uses=Template:Rewrite-wikidump|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Articles Without an Image: {{#dpl:debug=1|category=Image requested|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Images Requested for Quality{{#dpl:debug=1|category=Quality requested|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| <option>3 Articles With no Category: {{#dpl:debug=1|categoriesminmax=0,0|namespace=|nottitlematch=Main Page¦Â™ª Block¦Â™« Block|mode=inline|inlinetext=, |randomcount=3}}</option>
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| </choose>
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| ==The end==
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| Thank you for taking the time to read my (short) page. I will add to it so come back soon (or not)!
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| You were wondering, where's the table of contents.
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| It's here. Goodbye!
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