Editing User talk:Dom

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Hopefully us Aussies will keep in touch! :)
Hopefully us Aussies will keep in touch! :)

[[User:Neurario|Neu]] <sub>([[Special:Contributions/Neurario|edits]]|[[User talk:Neurario|talk]]|'''[[MarioWiki:Chat|irc]]''')</sub> 07:54, 28 January 2009 (EST)
[[User:Neurario|Neu]] <sub>([[Special:Contributions/Neurario|edits]]|[[User talk:Neurario|talk]]|'''[[Special:Chat|irc]]''')</sub> 07:54, 28 January 2009 (EST)

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I've been in Tassie for a few years now (since...2004/5) and have since gotten used to its usual cold temperatures. It feels a lot hotter to us, then. D: But I haven't heard of any of my friends here being powerless. Definitely we're all bothered about it. :<
I've been in Tassie for a few years now (since...2004/5) and have since gotten used to its usual cold temperatures. It feels a lot hotter to us, then. D: But I haven't heard of any of my friends here being powerless. Definitely we're all bothered about it. :<

Man, I really feel your pain on the aircon thing. Our heatpump actually has a fan function but unfortunately it doesn't seem to circulate into my computer/bedroom. Talk about annoying! I hope this heat wave goes away soon, and we can all get back to our normal lives. D: [[User:Neurario|Neu]] <sub>([[Special:Contributions/Neurario|edits]]|[[User talk:Neurario|talk]]|'''[[MarioWiki:Chat|irc]]''')</sub> 06:03, 30 January 2009 (EST)
Man, I really feel your pain on the aircon thing. Our heatpump actually has a fan function but unfortunately it doesn't seem to circulate into my computer/bedroom. Talk about annoying! I hope this heat wave goes away soon, and we can all get back to our normal lives. D: [[User:Neurario|Neu]] <sub>([[Special:Contributions/Neurario|edits]]|[[User talk:Neurario|talk]]|'''[[Special:Chat|irc]]''')</sub> 06:03, 30 January 2009 (EST)

(PS: Yes, I understand the joke. We get a lot of carp about that kind of thing...it doesn't really apply to us though, since we weren't born here xP)
(PS: Yes, I understand the joke. We get a lot of carp about that kind of thing...it doesn't really apply to us though, since we weren't born here xP)
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Well, actually its my work as an admin to do this trivial stuff.Anyway, about the images, i checked and you are only using 3 (whoops...) which is fine, but the sistem tells me youve got 5, well, anyway, ill fix that BYE! :) {{user:Tucayo/sig|you should come back...}}
Well, actually its my work as an admin to do this trivial stuff.Anyway, about the images, i checked and you are only using 3 (whoops...) which is fine, but the sistem tells me youve got 5, well, anyway, ill fix that BYE! :) {{user:Tucayo/sig|you should come back...}}
i saw somethin about it on another users talkpage. i was just wonderin.
Hey Dom, I'm suggesting that you vote in the "More Than A Joke" (or whatever it is) proposal. It is tied right now, and it won't pass unless there are 3 more supports than opposes, due to the Clear-Majority Rule. {{User:Super Mario Bros./sig}} 18:43, 15 July 2009 (EDT)
== Hello DOM... ==
...My name is Baby Mario Bloops. You have a cool user page. I wish you would unretire, I really like you as a trusty friend. Hopefully you will learn to enjoy me (which won't be hard). So hopefully I will see you later, chao. {{User:Baby Mario Bloops/sig}} 22:48, 15 July 2009 (EDT)
== Re: "Words" ==
Ok. I do agree with the n00bs proposal idea, but a lot of users who act like n00bs actually make good contributions (which makes them immature users). And yeah, by the way, do you want to know something ironic? I switched my vote on the proposal because I realized the fake message box gives false hope, can lead you to bad sites, etc. The ironic part: It was my fake message box that made me realize this. I went ahead and kept it, but changed the message in the box so the user reading it would know that they were going to a different site. {{User:Super Mario Bros./sig}} 08:01, 17 July 2009 (EDT)
==It's here!==
I'm not kidding, we're back!  [[User:Ralphfan/Fake News|Click here]] for the seventh issue of "The "Real" Fake News"!
I also am making a few proposals.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Even I'm shocked, and I'm the one who wrote it!}}
==I'm Back!==
Hey Dom, its me, Grate Guy!  Iv'e always wonderd, whats a n00b? Well, random: My Grandpa has liver spots. Yours? Well, Caio! {{User:Grate Guy/sig}}
==Complex Message==
Dom, I know there is only a 1/8192 chance of this working, but...
You love this site.  You check your messages even though you're "retired".  Please, make up your mind and come back.  We know you do want to return, so just freaking do it.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|I thought this message would be longer...}}
Aren't you gonna archive stuff, or do you even check your talk page anymore?
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|It's weird to think it's snowing in your country...especially in July.}}
==Part 2 of 1/8192==
I get what you're saying.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|I voted you for fave retired user, BTW.}}
I don't know how to change the size of images that aren't uploaded to the wiki.  There are a couple in my userbox tower.  How do I format them?
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Weird Al is cool.}}
==I get it!==
I now know why you left, thanks to DarkHero Sonic the Dark.  I'm still gonna wait it out.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|We shall overcome, someday-ay-ay-ay...}}
==You are cordially invited...==
:Great you accepted! All you need to do is send me a section on the forum before the 7th, you can write about anything you like, any section you want :) --[http://www.mariowiki.com/User:Tucayo Tucayo]([[User talk:Tucayo|talk]]) [[The 'Shroom:Main Page|<span style="font-family:font; color:Green; cursor:crosshair"><font>The 'Shroom</font></span> ]] 16:04, 28 August 2009 (EDT)
==9,000th Sonic==
[[User:DarkHero_Sonic_the_Darkness|DHS]].  Also, please help me come up with names for sections and sub-sections when I archive my user talk, your header names are the best.  OMG YOU'RE WRITING FOR THE SPECIAL ISSUE YAY!
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Woo hoo by Blur.  Listen to it.}}
==Random Funny Stuff==
On the first Ghostly Galaxy level, if you read a sign as Mario without the boo mushroom, it says: It's written in Booish.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|And yeah.}}
I feel pretty much the same way you did when you retired right now. Well, not the same intensity, but still annoyed nontheless. I really don't blame you for retiring. I'm quite involved in the forum... but I'm not too involved in the community here, and I'm not really sad about that. I may join you in retirement-land.... (and yes, I am breaking your no new messages goal) {{User|Luigifreak}}
Hey, can you help me get a Fake news job AND tell me when the next 'Shroom is out? thanks! {{user:ohsnap!/sig}}
==My wallaby ate my topic...==
I just wanted to fill you in on what's been happening lately.
I've organized an Ultimate Character Tournament, where people vote on polls in a bracket to determine their favorite video game character.
Jorge tried to kill Userpedia over the weekend.  BTW, I made a stub on there about you.  You should add to it.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|It is called the poop deck.  That is why I pooped there.}}
==One Year!==
Today marks one year since I joined; I joined on November 14, 2008, at 1:01 UTC +0.  I'm writing [http://userpedia.adriels.com/Ralphfan's_1st_WikiBirthday_Extravaganza a story about it on Userpedia]] and you'll be included in it.  Hint: you'll be one of the few sober ones.  Also, SLNO plays a major part.  In case you never knew, she's a girl.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|You should come and chat at #ralphchat.  Access it through darkmyst.com.}}
== O Mighty Dom...BRINGER OF RANDOM ==
I shall follow your advice, Dommy-wan Kinobi. (You better get the Star Wars reference.)
So, how've you been? I ain't seen you in AGES man; I miss seein' you around. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 21:19, 13 November 2009 (EST)
== You responded! ...But then again, so am I. ==
It was definitely nice to see you respond to my message; I was worried I wouldn't see a reply for another six months. :P
It sounds like your year has been pretty busy! I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time in school, and that it's even harder because you're having trouble staying awake. (That almost reminds me of how I was in 10th grade &mdash; I almost flunked math because I was so tired.) Your Wii ''broke''? Jeez, man...that sucks eggs. It sucks when you unexpectedly lose a game system (or a memory card) and lose all your game data. :[ Philosophy, eh? I had to take so weird courses on that this year; they didn't really make much sense, but I managed to ace them. Seems like quite a few of my friends are <s>becoming emo</s>having a hard way to go in life. Well, there's only one way to look at it: things'll get better. (I'm living proof of that, lol.)
My year's been quite hectic too. I think you were aware of my situation in February, but I didn't talk to you after then for a long time. In March, my family found a town in New Mexico that we lived in for a while. Things were working out pretty well; my dad got a job, I got a job (on my birthday, nonetheless!), I got to start my college courses back up, and we were generally happy. ...But then, the job (which my dad and I both worked at) started ''driving us into the ground''. Rather than working 3 days a week, like I was supposed to, I wound up working ''6'' days a week. (Which was anywhere between 48 and 65 hours, depending on how much overtime I got.) My dad put in almost as many hours too; to make matters worse, we weren't getting anywhere. We were still living in a lodge and were unable to afford our own home because pretty much all of our money went to rent and food. We eventually left New Mexico and moved back to Colorado in September, where I'm currently at now. Things are looking up right now; I finished my college finals (I'll be taking sophomore courses in a few months!), my dad's got a job, I'm developing an RPG (look [http://userpedia.adriels.com/Tale_of_a_Dissolving_Spirit here] and [http://solcon.wikkii.com/xephyr/index.php?topic=2132.0 here] for more info; I'm using your sprites in the game, if that's okay), and stuff like that. So, things DO get better...it just takes time.
The wiki has definitely improved since you were last here. The site hit rock-bottom between April and June. In April, my Gmail account was hacked by a couple of well-known trolls; this led to them finding out most of my passwords. The main troll took over my accounts on the MW Forums, Userpedia, Userpedia Forums, and also took over my chatroom nicks. It took a couple of days to get control over everything again, but during that time, hell broke lose. The MarioWiki Forums were nearly destroyed (and would have been completely gone, if not for Porple reverting the server), the chatroom had a hard way to go with me being impersonated, yadayadayada. The trolls were eventually stopped &mdash; one of them (whom I knew in real life) was arrested and sent to prison for several years &mdash; and the wiki starting recovering. We got more activity, more competent members joined, I was given control over Userpedia, and a bunch of other stuff happened. Overall, the wiki is pretty close to where it was at around the beginning of 2008, so everything's pretty good. It sure would be great if you would return, though. {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 21:32, 14 November 2009 (EST)
Take your time; I wasn't even expecting to write a response that long to begin with, haha. =) {{User:Stooben Rooben/sig}} 03:14, 15 November 2009 (EST)
==If you ever check the site again, you'll see this...==
Well, a lot has happened in the past year.  I was sort of a troll for a couple months (not a spammer/hacker troll, but an annoying one) and got banned from a couple chatrooms and for a month from the forum, but I've cleaned up my act.  I dunno why I hadn't posted here sooner, I kept telling myself too...I guess one of my friends going on hiatus reminded me.
{{User:Ralphfan/sig|Organized Chaos}}
Want to be friends Dom? -[[User:Bagels25]]
== Funny Stuff ==
Yeah, that was inspired by yours. {{User:Ralphfan/sig|Organized Chaos}}
Feel free to add this to your page: <nowiki>{{userbox|border=#000|mainbkgd=#003831|codebkgd=#FFF|code=<center>[[Image:RalphSprite.png]]</center>|msg=<span style="color:#FFF">This user is friends with [[User:Ralphfan|<span style="color:#FFF">Ralphfan]].</span></span>}}</nowiki> {{User:Ralphfan/sig|Organized Chaos}}
== grammar ==
"Lucario is like, the COOLEST Pokemon ever! Seriously, auras and cool Egyptian looks, it's awesome. You seem to be new...are you newer than me? I joined on Feb 18th this year...I think. You probably won't reply...oh well. Keep being cool like Lucario...your aura is coolness." There are several grammatical mistakes. It should be "Lucario is probably the COOLEST Pokemon ever! Seriously, auras and cool Egyptian looks are awesome. You seem to be new. Are you newer than I? I joined on Feb 18th this year, as I think. You probably won't reply. Oh well. Keep being cool like Lucario is. Your aura is coolness.

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