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As I did with TOK, I'm going to check out the American Spanish translation of Color Splash. I'll be looking for improved jokes, mistakes, or anything I find interesting. These lines are ripped from the text data, too, of course.

Ruddy Road

English Spanish Spanish translation
What the heck is going on here?! Esos tipos se están portando más raro que de costumbre. ¿Qué crees que están haciendo? Those guys are being weirder than usual. What do you think they are doing?
We dances in circles,
We slurps up da paint!
If you think that's yer business,
Trust me, it ain't!
¡Bailamos en círculos,
bebiéndonos el color!
Que ni se te ocurra pensar
que esto es asunto tuyo.
We dance in circles,
drinking the paint!
Don't even think that
this is your business.
HOLD UP! What in The Lost Levels is going on here? Look! LOOOOOK! The color! It's been drained! This is a sick world we live in! ¡Momeeento! ¿Qué rayones está pasando? ¡Mira! ¡MIRA! ¡La dejaron toda desteñida! ¡El mundo se ha vuelto completamente loco! Waiiit! What on Earth is happening? Look! LOOK! They left it all faded! The world has gone completely insane! ("Rayos!" is an interjection along the lines of "Darn!" or "Dang!" "Que rayos!" is a more intense version that can mean "What the hell?", or less commonly, "What on Earth?" "Rayos" is also used a lot in Spanish CS and TOK.)
They rolled up Ruddy Road! My café is sky-high! What am I supposed to do now? Someone probably already owns the trademark for Sky-High Café! ¡Enrollaron la Senda Escarlata y mi café quedó por las nubes! ¿Y ahora cómo se supone que voy a ir a trabajar? ¿En helicóptero? They rolled up the Ruddy Road and my café went through the roof! And now how am I supposed to go to work? By helicopter?
Owwwwwwwwwwww... I burned mah mouf on the coffee. Ojalá no nos acabemos el café todos al mismo tiempo. Odiaría tener que volver a hacer fila... Hopefully we don't all finish our coffee at the same time. I would hate to have to queue again...

Cherry Lake

English Spanish Spanish translation
Wow! And I thought I was your biggest fan, Mario! Weird nonflat objects like this are called Things. And just like when I turned flat, these Things can be wrung out. So go ahead and press A Button to give it a good squeeze. Así que esta es la causa del viento... Los objetos raros y tridimensionales se llaman "cosas". Y así como cuando yo me volví plano, las "cosas" también pueden exprimirse. Anda, oprime A Button y exprime ese colorante extradimensional. So this is the cause of the wind... Rare, three-dimensional objects are called "things". And just like when I went flat, "things" can also be squeezed. Go ahead, press A Button and squeeze out that extra-dimensional paint.
Uh... That's just a normal vest, man. Este... No quiero romper la ilusión, pero ese es un chaleco común y corriente. This... I don't want to break the illusion, but that's an ordinary vest.
This is getting embarrassing... Creo que te estás pasando de la raya... I think you're out of line...
Stand back! ¡Atrás, ciudadanos desamparados! Back, helpless citizens!
So...I... I really AM a hero! ¡Y al final resulta que soy un superhéroe de verdad! And in the end it turns out that I am a real superhero!
You're in for it now! MAJESTIC BRAVERY STRIKE! ¡Ahora sí vas a ver! ¡Golpe de valentía inquebrantable! Now you'll see! Strike of Unwavering Courage!

Redpepper Volcano

English Spanish Spanish translation
Whoo-ee! It sure is hot inside this volcano. Good thing I don't have any sweat glands. This probably goes without saying, but try not to fall into the lava, OK? ¡Rayones! ¡Aquí hace más calor que en el cumpleaños de los Hermanos Fuego! Creo que vamos a sudar la gota gorda. Sé que está de más advertírtelo, pero trata de no caer en la lava, ¿sí? Dang! It's hotter here than it is at a Fire Bro's birthday! I think we're going to break a sweat. I know, it's needless to say, but try not to fall into the lava, okay?
Hey, this is MY cool corner. It's the only place that's kinda sheltered from the face-melting heat out there. So bug off! ¡Ey, este es MI rincón refrescante! Es el único lugar donde no se te derrite el colorante. ¡Así que sáquense de aquí! Hey, this is MY refreshing corner! It is the only place where the paint does not melt. So get out of here!
All right, Fire Bro. Aim true and fire when ready. Just like we practiced! ¡Eres el último que queda! Sé valiente, ¡y haz algo! You are the last one left! Be brave, and do something!

Redpepper Crater

English Spanish Spanish translation
Well, Mario here is one of the best jumpers I've ever seen! He could probably go pro if he wanted. So we'll go find the Thing you're looking for and deliver it to the Tangerino Grill. ¡Increíble que obedezcas así a tu chef! Por suerte, Mario es un experto en saltos. Podría dedicarse a eso exclusivamente si quisiera. Así que no te preocupes, iremos por la cosa que buscas y la llevaremos hasta el Mesón Mandarina por ti. Incredible that you obey your chef like this! Luckily, Mario is an expert in jumps. He could dedicate himself to that exclusively if he wanted to. So don't worry, we will go for the thing you are looking for and take it to Tangerino Grill for you.
He said, "Back again? When will you learn that FIRE beats PAPER?" Dice, "Conque osas desafiarme otra vez... Pues allá tú. ¡Prepárate para quedar reducido a cenizas!". He says, "So you dare to challenge me again... Well, that's your problem. Prepare to be reduced to ashes!"
Hey, man. If you've got it, flaunt it. And boy, have I got it. En el mundo existen dos clases de toads: los que no tienen estilo... y yo. There are two kinds of Toads in the world: those with no style... and me.

The Crimson Tower

English Spanish Spanish translation
You'd better believe it. I'm a bridge builder by trade—a real bridge-repair guru! Bueno, eso dice mi diploma, pero más que un constructor, yo me considero un sanador de puentes. Well, that's what my diploma says, but more than a builder, I consider myself a bridge healer.
Mario, we've been waiting! ¡Llevamos un siglo esperando, Mario! We've been waiting a century, Mario!
I am but a nail in the 2x4 of fate. No soy más que una gota de agua en el gran océano del destino. I am but a drop of water in the great ocean of destiny.

Indigo Underground

English Spanish Spanish translation
They crumpled me up without a second thought, like I was just some... fast-food receipt! ¡Se pasan, oigan! ¡Hacerme bolita y aventarme de un lado a otro es peor que usarme para envolver un chicle! They got away, you see? Rolling me up and tossing me back and forth is worse than using me as a gum wrapper!
DUDE. BRO. STOP HITTING ME! I'm hiding from that Swoop! Also, just don't hit people. Like, in general. ¡YA DEJA DE PEGARME, CARAY! ¿No ves que me estoy escondiendo del vampílago? Y además, ¿quién va por la vida martilleando a la gente? STOP HITTING ME, GEEZ! Can't you see I'm hiding from the Swoop? And besides, who goes through life hammering people?
I was crumpled up and discarded. But your hammer made me whole again, Mario. Mario, me hicieron bolita y me tiraron como vil recibo de gasolinera. Pero gracias a tu martillo, por fin he vuelto a la normalidad. Mario, they rolled me up and threw me away like a lousy gas station receipt. But thanks to your hammer, I am finally back to normal.
"Join the Rescue Squad," they said... "It'll be fun," they said... "Únete a la cuadrilla de rescate", me dijeron... "Te vas a divertir mientras recorres el mundo". Solo a mí se me ocurre hacerles caso... "Join the Rescue Squad", they told me... "You're going to have fun while you travel the world." It only now occurs to me to listen to them...
Contact! Squaddie #3's nose has been invaded by water! Requesting backup! ¡Alerta! ¡La nariz del rescatista n.º 3 está llena de H2O! ¡Solicitamos refuerzos! Alert! Rescuer #3's nose is full of H2O! We request reinforcements!
Th-an-k Y-ou So much! ¡Mu-chi-si-ma-s gracias! M-a-n-y thanks!
S-o M-u-ch! Thank you! En se-r-i-o. ¡Gracias! Se-ri-o-us-ly. Thank you!

Bloo Bay Beach

English Spanish Spanish translation
This year's Oceanfest has ended. Time to...start waiting for next year! Ya se acabó el Festival Alamar de este año. Ahora hay que empezar con los preparativos del siguiente. This year's Oceanfest is over. Now we have to start with the preparations for the next one.
Looks like Oceanfest has started. But I'm not into the festival scene. I'm just gonna walk around by myself and look cool. Parece que ya comenzó el Festival Alamar. Pero no estoy de humor para lidiar con multitudes, así que mejor me iré a caminar sin rumbo mientras pretendo ser mejor que los demás. It seems that Oceanfest has already started. But I'm not in the mood to deal with crowds, so I'd better go wandering aimlessly while pretending to be better than everyone else.
The Oceanfest is over? That's too bad... With everyone else partying, it was the perfect time to be a cool and mysterious outsider. ¿Ya se acabó el Festival Alamar? Qué lástima... El mejor momento para aparentar ser un forastero misterioso y con aires de grandeza es mientras el resto del mundo se divierte. Oceanfest is over? What a shame... The best time to feign to be a mysterious stranger with an air of greatness is while the rest of the world is having fun.
Phew! I'm getting a wicked sunburn. The sun sure is angry today. You know a thing or two about the Angry Sun, don't ya? Qué bueno que me encontraste. ¡Me estaba empezando a tostar! ¡El sol es el peor enemigo del papel! ¡Iba a quedar todo descolorido! It's good that you found me. I was starting to get toasted! The sun is the worst enemy of paper! Everything was going to be faded!
Apparently there's a copycat group called the Five Shy Guys. What a bunch of hacks. Al parecer hay un grupo de shy guys que pretende imitarnos, pero son tan malos que hasta su nombre es triste. Se llaman Los Cinco Shy Guys, ji, ji. Apparently there is a group of Shy Guys who pretend to imitate us, but they're so bad that even their name is sad. They're called The Five Shy Guys, hee hee.
So the main act this year is the Five Fun Guys! Great idea! No sé a quién se le ocurrió contratar a Los Champis como acto principal, ¡pero fue una idea genial! I don't know who came up with hiring the Five Fun Guys as the main act, but it was a great idea!
The Five Fun Guys are pretty moldy. Their name is false advertising, if you ask me. Los Champis no son la gran cosa, la verdad. Lo que pasa es que su publicista sabe bien cómo vender su acto. The Five Fun Guys are not a big deal, really. What happens is that their publicist knows well how to sell their act.
Ready to have your mind blown? Oceanfest is short for Ocean Festival! Alamar es el nombre corto de "A la Mar". O sea, ¿cuántos segundos se ahorran? ¿Dos? ¡Esta generación no tiene ningún respeto por el idioma! Alamar is the short name of "A la Mar". I mean, how many seconds are saved? Two? This generation has no respect for the language!
That main event was spectacular! I still have goose zits! ¡El evento principal fue maravilloso! ¡Me quito el sombrero! (Metafóricamente, claro). The main event was wonderful! I take my hat off! (Metaphorically, of course.)

Dark Bloo Inn

English Spanish Spanish translation
The hotel is currently closed. There are no guests staying with us at the moment. All of the rooms are empty, but we have staff on hand so we can reopen the moment we solve our...problem. El hotel está cerrado y no tenemos ningún huésped registrado. Todas las habitaciones están vacías, pero decidimos no darle el día libre al personal para reabrir las puertas en cuanto se resuelva... la situación. The hotel is closed and we have no registered guests. All the rooms are empty, but we decided not to give the staff a day off to reopen the doors as soon as we resolve... the situation.
Besides...I've always wanted to be a paranormal investigator. Ooh! We should get business cards! Además, siempre he querido hacerla de investigador paranormal. ¡Ay, se me ocurre un diseño para nuestras tarjetas de presentación! Besides, I've always wanted to be as a paranormal investigator. Oh, I can think of a design for our business cards!
I'm the housekeeping manager. I've been doing this job for so long, I can SENSE when a room needs to be cleaned. But I noticed something weird recently. For some reason, dust doesn't gather under the bed in room 302. Soy el supervisor del servicio de limpieza. Soy un experto en esto. Puedo decirte si una habitación está desordenada con solo mirar la puerta. Y últimamente he notado algo muy extraño. Nunca hay nada de polvo debajo de la cama de la habitación 302. I'm the cleaning service supervisor. I am an expert on this. I can tell you if a room is messy just by looking at the door. And, lately, I have noticed something very strange. There is never any dust under the bed in room 302.
Argh! Where did that book go?! I've been tearing this place apart trying to find it. ¡Qué fastidio! ¡No encuentro mi libro favorito! He buscado hasta debajo del tapete, ¡y nada! What a bummer! I can't find my favorite book! I've looked under the rug, and nothing!
Thanks to you I was finally able to check in! But I've got a tea party to get to, so I've gotta jet. Ta-ta! No sé adónde habría dormido si no me hubieras ayudado. Bueno, tengo una cita para tomar el té. ¡Hasta luego! I don't know where I would have slept if you hadn't helped me. Well, I have an appointment for tea. See you later!
Hello? HELLO? Can't you hear me? Why don't you answer?! FINE. Whatever! The service in this hotel stinks! ¿Hola? ¡Hooola! ¿Hay alguien ahí? ¿¡Por qué no contestan!? ¡UGH! ¡Olvídalo! ¡El servicio en este hotel es PÉSIMO! Hello? Hellooo! Anyone there? Why don't they answer!? Ugh! Forget this! The service at this hotel is ABYSMAL!
Cool it. We brought you some fresh sheets. Calma tus brochas... Te trajimos unas sábanas nuevas. Calm your paintbrushes... We brought you some new sheets. (This is not a real expression, but it fits the paint theme of the game, since this is a Huey quote.)
You know, now that I can actually read this's SUPER boring. I'd rather watch paint dry! Qué decepción. Ahora que por fin puedo leer este libro me doy cuenta de que es la cosa más aburrida del mundo. What a disappointment. Now that I can finally read this book, I realize that it's the most boring thing in the world.
You might enjoy this book, old-timer. It's all yours. Mario, quítame este ladrillo de las manos, porfa. ¡Igual a ti te gusta! Mario, take this brick off my hands, please. You'll like it just as much! ("Brick" is used in its slang meaning, not unlike in English. It refers to something that's heavy and boring.)
I ain't no stinkin' boid. ¡Por última vez, que no soy un pájaro! For the last time, I am not a bird!
So this is how it ends... If only... I coulda sat on "it"... just once. Urghhhh... ¡Buen trabajo, Mario! Tienes un gancho pesadísimo. ¿Sabes qué? Toma "eso". Ya no "lo" quiero. Ugh... ¿Sientes esa brisa? Parece que es... mi fin... Si tan solo... pudiera haberlo montado... al menos una vez. Agh... Good job, Mario! You have a very heavy hook. You realize that? Take "that". I don't want "it" anymore. Ugh... do you feel that breeze? It seems like it's... my end... If only... I could have ridden it... at least once. Agh...
I just started this job a little while ago. Apparently the person who worked here before me got a new job. Tengo muy poco tiempo en este trabajo. Al parecer soy el reemplazo de alguien que encontró algo mejor. I have very little time at this job. Apparently I'm the replacement for someone who found something better.

Cobalt Base

This level and Fort Cobalt have their names switched in Spanish; the Snifit or Whiffit level is "Fuerte Cobalto", while the boss level is "Base Cobalto".

English Spanish Spanish translation
You can't cheat a cheater, pal. Come back when you got the cash. Ay, amiguito, mejor déjame los chanchullos a mí... Regresa cuando tengas fondos suficientes. Oh, my friend, you better leave the shenanigans to me... Come back when you have enough funds. ("Chanchullos" is a slang term meaning "secret agreement between several people to, in an unclear way, obtain a benefit on a matter to the detriment of others.")
So, you didn't whiff it. Well played, pal. ¿Pasaste la prueba? Sí que eres alguien especial, amiguito. You passed the test? Yes, I knew you were someone special, my friend.
That's right, folks! It's that time once again! Sabemos que fue una larga espera, ¡pero ya estamos de regreso! We know it was a long wait, but now we are back!
Oh...OK. Well, that's disappointing. This audience has been waiting in the dark for hours, but whatever. You can go home now, I guess. ¿Eh? No lo voy a negar, esto es un tanto decepcionante. El público pasó horas esperando en la oscuridad para que empezara el concurso. En fin, si lo que quieres es volver a casa con las manos vacías, no voy a detenerte. Eh? I won't deny it, this is somewhat disappointing. The audience spent hours waiting in the dark for the competition to begin. Anyway, if you want to go home empty-handed, I'm not going to stop you.
Fill 'er up! ¡Asunto arreglado! Problem solved!
OUCH. You whiffed it! Unfortunately, the bonus round is one and done. Sorry to burst your bubble! AUCH. Esa es la respuesta incorrecta. Como te había explicado, en la Ronda de bonificación, solo puedes fallar una vez. Parece injusto, pero así es la vida. OUCH. That is the wrong answer. As I explained to you, in the Bonus Round, you can only fail once. It seems unfair, but that's life.
Congrats on winning the legendary prize! Mi contrato me obliga a felicitarte por haber ganado el gran premio legendario. My contract requires me to congratulate you on winning the legendary grand prize.

Fort Cobalt

English Spanish Spanish translation
They'll be using covert tactics, so I want you to search this place from top to bottom, back to front! Seguramente estén empleando técnicas de camuflaje, así que examinen con lupa hasta el último rincón. They are probably using camoflague techniques, so take a closer look at every corner.
Now, listen up! Mario may look tough on paper, but he's not that tough... on paper. Sé que todos han escuchado historias sobre el tal Mario, pero no deben preocuparse. ¡Él es uno y hay docenas de nosotros! I know you've all heard stories about this Mario, but don't worry. He is one and there are dozens of us!
My men... Decimated! Mi escuadrón... ¡Quedó hecho confeti! My squad... it was made into confetti!
Even when they stacked up, they didn't... stack up. Retreeeeeeeeeeeat! Parece que estás cortado con diferentes tijeras, Mario. Eres tan fuerte como dicen. Looks like you're cut with different scissors, Mario. You are as strong as they say.
Man, that was spicy. But it so was worth it... ¡Pica tanto que me dejó la lengua en llamas! ¡Literal! It stings so much it set my tongue on fire! Literally!
We're not playing hooky—just taking a break. Gotta keep that work-life balance. No nos fuimos de pinta, nada más tomamos un descansito para almorzar. No es bueno saltarse comidas si quieres estar sano. We didn't stop painting, we just took a little lunch break. It's not good to skip meals if you want to be healthy.
Oh, Mario! The barista here hooked me up with some coffee for my stakeout! I think he might sympathize with our cause! Oh, by the way, the secret password is... pretzel. No, wait... that's not right. It's seashell! No... that's not quite right either. was a pretty ordinary word...nothing special about it at all. Oh well. ¡Oh, Mario! El barista me regaló café para mi guardia. Creo que está de nuestra parte. Por si la necesitas, la contraseña secreta es... espía... no, ¿estría? No, tampoco es eso. Uy, creo que ya se me olvidó. Oh, Mario! The barista gifted me coffee for my watch. I think he's on our side. In case you need it, the secret password is... spy... no, flute? No, it's not that either. Oops, I think I already forgot.
You'd best turn tail and run! ¡Mejor usa tu colita para salir volando! Better use your tail to fly away!
BOMBERS! Do your stinking jobs! ¡Bombarderos! ¡A desquitar el sueldo! Bombers! To compensate for the salary!

Daffodil Peak

English Spanish Spanish translation
Nice Unfurling, Mario! ¿Ves? Parecía una caja vieja, ¡y resulta que es un sillón! ¿Qué tal, eh? You see? It looked like an old box, and it turns out to be an armchair! What's up, huh? (English Huey is very concise.)
SHENANIGANS! WE'VE BEEN HAD!! Mario, let's go give the gatekeeper a piece of our mind! ...After we grab the Mini Paint Star, of course! ¡NO PUEDO CREER QUE NOS HAYAN TIMADO! Mario, ¡vamos a hablar con el vigilante muy seriamente! Bueno, primero vayamos por la microestrella cromática. Hay que mantener las prioridades. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT SCAMMED! Mario, we're going to talk to the security guard very seriously! Well, let's go to the Mini Paint Star first. Priorities must be maintained.
Hm, what's with this place? Mood seems kind of...gloomy. Is this the park ranger that the gatekeeper mentioned? Maybe he's one of those emo types. ¿Qué le pasa a este lugar? Qué atmósfera más... sombría. Y ese debe ser el guardabosques. ¿Será un emo? ¡Siempre quise conocer a uno en persona! What's wrong with this place? What a... dismal atmosphere. And that must be the ranger. Will he be an emo? I always wanted to meet one in person!
Pretty sure there's still a spot near the chimney. Ugh... La chimenea ya no calienta cómo antes. ¿Cómo pasaré aquí el invierno? The fireplace no longer heats like before. How will I spend the winter here?
Pretty sure there's still a spot near the window. Ugh... Aunque cierre los ojos, sigo viendo esa zona blanca en la pared, cerca de la ventana... Even if I close my eyes, I still see that white area on the wall, near the window...
It still feels like there's a colorless spot somewhere on the floor. Ugh... No puedo andar por mi casa sabiendo que podría pisar esa zona desteñida en cualquier momento. I can't walk around my house knowing that I could step on that faded area at any moment.
Aw man. My mom's painting is still messed up. Ugh... Su peor crimen fue destrozar el retrato de mi abuelo. ¡Era una obra de arte! His worst crime was destroying my grandfather's portrait. It was a work of art!
Still feels like there's a spot somewhere on the floor. Ugh... Creo que todavía queda una zona desteñida por el suelo. Me da escalofríos... I think there's still a faded area on the floor. It gives me chills...
Hmm. I don't know... I think both of these guys are telling the truth, Mario. Mmm... No sé qué hacer. Mario, creo que ambos dicen la verdad. Me lo dice mi intuición de lata. Hmm... I don't know what to do. Mario, I think they're both telling the truth. My can intuition tells me.
Whoa! Whoa! Keep your lid on! ¡Eh! ¿A qué viene ese escándalo, señor lata? Hey! What's this fuss about, Mr. Can?
Good question, young one. Mmm... buena pregunta. Supongo que tendremos que comprobarlo empíricamente. Hmm... good question. I guess we'll have to check it empirically.

Mustard Cafe

In this area, the cafe's chef is given the name "chef Ducho." "Ducho" refers to someone who is experienced or skilled in their work. While it's not a traditional name, it is capitalized and he is consistently referred to as such by various characters, including himself.

English Spanish Spanish translation
Although, you DID only pay for three hours. Aunque usted SOLO pagó por tres horas. Although, you ONLY paid for three hours. (Different emphasis here.)
Besides, I've got a deep-tissue Thwomp massage scheduled today. Mmm... Además, más tarde tengo una cita para un masaje profundo con un don Pisotón. (¿Si no me apapacho yo, quién más, verdad?) Also, later, I have an appointment for a deep massage with a Thwomp. (If I don't pamper myself, who else, right?)
Bro, I'm willing to share my Pokey-proof parasol, and you're just gonna bail? C'mon, man. ¿¡Cómo!? ¿Te ofrezco compartir mi sombrilla a prueba de pokeys y te vas sin decir nada? ¡Qué grosería! What!? I offer to share my Pokey-proof umbrella, and you leave without saying anything? How rude!
Oh, hey. Did you have a reservation for my private parasol paradise? I'm just messin' with you, man. You can chill here with me for a bit. This thing has room for two. ¡Hola! Bienvenido a mi nuevo local, La Sombrilla Amarilla. ¿Tienes reservación? ¡Je! Es broma, hombre. El humor nos ayudará a relajarnos y pasar el rato. Ven, hay espacio para uno más. Hello! Welcome to my new place, The Yellow Umbrella. Do you have a reservation? Heh! Just kidding, man. Humor will help us relax and pass the time. Come, there's room for one more.
All right, Chef! You're good to go! Eh... ¿señor chef? Por favor, entra en la tubería. Te estamos esperando. Uh... Mr. Chef? Please, enter the pipe. We are waiting.
Keep quiet! Or else I'll... Well, I've already locked you in jail. There isn't actually much worse I can do without raising this game's age rating. But keep quiet anyway! OR ELSE! ¡Cállate! Como no guardes silencio, te voy a... Bueno, ya estás en una celda, así que no tengo mucho más con qué amenazarte. ¡Pero cállate de una vez! O... ¡pasará algo! Be quiet! As long as you're not silent, I'm going to... Well, you're already in a cell, so I don't have much else to threaten you with. But be quiet for once! Or... something will happen!
It's the fleshface! ¡Un fugitivo, un criminal! A fugitive, a criminal!
That was disgusting, yo! Who's in charge of cleaning these things, anyway? ¡Qué asco! Podrían limpiarla de vez en cuando, ¿no? Tendré que hablar con el encargado. Gross! They could clean it from time to time, right? I'll have to speak to the manager.
You're back? All right, my man. You're welcome here anytime. ¿Ya estás de vuelta? Bienvenido. Se nota que entiendes de café, ¿eh? ¡Y de bigotes! You are back? Welcome. You can tell that you understand coffee, huh? And mustaches!
Can you believe someone fell into that hole? ¿Puedes creer que alguien se cayó en el hoyo ese? O sea, ¿cómo no lo vio? Can you believe someone fell into that hole? I mean, how did he not see it?
I can't even remember what I'm waiting for... Ya ni me acuerdo por qué estaba esperando... ¡Pero no pienso darme por vencido tan fácilmente! I don't even remember why I'm waiting... But I'm not giving up so easily!
I'm still waiting for coffee... Ojalá el dueño venga a hablar conmigo... ¡Un shy guy también puede soñar! Hopefully the owner will talk to me... A Shy Guy can dream too! (This line is said by a Snifit.)
Whaaat. You're short on coins, bro. ¿Qué? No me quieras ver la cara, ¡te faltan monedas! What? Don't try to make a fool out of me, you're missing coins!
If you can't stand the heat, STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN! Si no traes un delantal, no tienes nada que hacer aquí. ¡FUERA! If you don't bring an apron, you have nothing to do here. OUT OF!
Mustard juice is the new health craze everyone's talking about! Restore your paint for just 120 coins! ¡Renueva tu paleta con un refresco Mostaza! ¡A solo dos pagos chiquitos de 60 monedas! Renew your palette with a Mustard Soda! Just two tiny payments of 60 coins!
The star is free to all, yo. Go bask in its glory. Mira qué bueno es nuestro producto estrella. ¿A que sí? ¡Y encima es gratis! Soy el colmo de la generosidad. Look how good our flagship product is. Am I right? And on top of that, it's free! I am the height of generosity.
Shine on, you...perfectly rational Paint Star... Se ha quedado un poco traslúcida, pero sigue siendo nuestro producto estrella. ¡Y con razón! It has become a bit translucent, but it's still our flagship product. That's right!

Marmalade Valley

English Spanish Spanish translation
Isn't this a cool old-fashioned train?! I could stare at it all day long... Us train fanatics are called "railfans." I'll wait for hours just catch a glimpse of a passing train! This train is bound for Kiwano Temple. I'm gonna follow it, but first I need to find some place to cry about my life for a while. ¿No está hermoso este tren a vapor? Me podría quedar aquí todo el día mirándolo. Los aficionados a los trenes nos llamamos "treneros". Y podemos esperar hoooras para ver a los trenes pasar como relámpagos... Se supone que este tren va al Templo de la Tuna. ¡Esperaré hasta que parta! Isn't this steam train beautiful? I could stay here all day looking at it. We train fans call ourselves "trainers." And we can wait hooours to see the trains go by like lightning... This train is supposed to go to Kiwano Temple. I will wait until it leaves!
Sorry, this area is off limits right now. Unless you have a permit. See, we found an extremely rare fossil, and we can't have just anyone walking around. If you don't know what you're doing, you could stomp on a million-year-old bone or something! Anyway, if you REALLY need access, see the professor. He's currently working at Château Chanterelle. Lo siento, pero no se puede acceder a esta zona. A menos que tengas un permiso. Es que encontramos un fósil excepcional y no es conveniente tener gente dando vueltas por aquí. Si no sabes de paleontología, podrías pisar y estropear un hueso del pleistoceno, ¡y ni te darías cuenta! Si necesitas un permiso, pídeselo al profesor. Por el momento está trabajando desde casa, en la Finca Colmenilla. Sorry, but this area is not accessible. Unless you have a permit. It's that we found an exceptional fossil and it's not convenient to have people hanging around here. If you don't know paleontology, you could step on and ruin a Pleistocene bone, and you wouldn't even know it! If you need permission, ask the professor for it. At the moment, he is working from home, at Château Chanterelle.
The way you broke him out without damaging any fossils—that's some good hammer work, Mario! We could really use someone like you full-time at this dig. ¡Mario! ¿Cómo hiciste para sacarlo de ahí sin estropear ningún fósil? ¡Usas el martillo con precisión de cirujano! ¿No te interesaría un trabajo a tiempo completo en esta excavación? Mario! How did you manage to get it out of there without damaging any fossils? You use the hammer with surgeon's precision! Wouldn't you be interested in a full-time job at this excavation?
Well, I'm not sure how it'll help us, but let's give that bone a squeeze! You know, for science. Pues no sé si nos servirá de algo, pero vamos a exprimir ese fósil. Ya sabes, ¡cómo lo harían los paleontólogos de verdad! Well, I don't know if it will do us any good, but we're going to squeeze that fossil. You know, how real paleontologists would do it!
So this is a Draggadon fossil? I wouldn't want to run into this guy in a dark alley! I didn't expect it to be so...colorless. Kind of looks like it's been drained! Así que esto es un fósil de Draggadon, ¿eh? Qué bueno que no vivimos en la misma época, no querría toparme con uno ni por accidente. Aunque siempre pensé que los fósiles eran cosas muy coloridas. Este se ve como si le hubieran quitado el color. So this is a Draggadon fossil, huh? It's good that we don't live in the same era, I wouldn't want to run into one even by accident. Although I always thought that fossils were very colorful things. This one looks like the color has been removed.
That bone will always remind me of the time I ran out of snacks... Oh, and was buried alive. Ese hueso simboliza el poder de la voluntad para sobrevivir con pocos dulces... y enterrado. Recupérenlo, por favor. That bone symbolizes the power of the will to survive on just a few sweets... and buried. Get it back, please.

Kiwano Temple

English Spanish Spanish translation
The tracks just stretch off into the vast, boring unknown here, Mario. No point in going this way. Las vías se extienden hacia la inmensidad del aburrimiento... Mario, no tiene caso que sigamos. The tracks stretch out into the immensity of boredom ... Mario, there's no point in continuing.
We blue Rescue Toads eat this kind of trouble for breakfast! Followed by a sensible lunch, of course... ¡Situaciones como esta son el pan de cada día para la cuadrilla de rescate azul! Yo prefiero acompañarlas con un poco de mermelada... Situations like this are the bread and butter of the blue Rescue Squad! I prefer to accompany them with a little marmalade...
Go, team! Train hard! Win the day! Be kind—rewind! And so forth! ¡Vamos, equipo! ¡Valor y coraje! ¡Misiones de espionaje! ¡Formalización del metalenguaje! Let's go, team! Valor and courage! Spy missions! Formalization of the metalanguage!
"Train hard," they said. I didn't know they were being literal! Esto sí que es en-tren-amiento. Je, je. ¿Entendiste? En-tren... Sí, es un chiste malísimo. This is really train-ing. Heh, heh. Did you understand? Train-ing... Yes, it's a terrible joke.
This is the kind of door you get when you're REALLY tired of solicitors. Looks like it's missing a spike. Esta es la puerta que necesito para que me dejen en paz los vendedores ambulantes. Aunque creo que le falta un pico. ¡Seguro que aprovechan el agujero para meter la publicidad! This is the door I need to be left alone by traveling salesmen. Although I think it is missing a spike. Surely they'd take advantage of the hole to put advertisements!
Well, that was a close call. You'd be looking at the Game Over screen if it wasn't for me! ¡Uf! Estuvo cerca. Si no me salgo del bolsillo a tiempo, ya estaríamos viendo la dichosa pantalla de "Fin de la partida"... Phew! That was close. If I didn't get out of my pocket in time, we would already be seeing the darn "Game Over" screen...
Listen here, you overgrown thumbtack—we're taking that Paint Star! Get ready for a fresh coat of PAIN! ¡Agh! Como dicen, salimos del sartén... para caer en el fuego. O algo así. Pero déjame decirte una cosa, grandísimo canalla, ¡encontraremos la estrella cromática que tienes escondida! Agh! As they say, we came out of the pan... to fall into the fire. Or something like that. But let me tell you one thing, you great scoundrel, we will find the Mini Paint Star that you have hidden!
Can it, can man! This shiny, painty thing is property of the Spiny tribe of Kiwano Temple. It's not going anywhere. Now, you gonna throw yourselves in the lava, or do I gotta do it for you? Ni lo sueñes, botecito. Esta cosita tan linda... ¡ahora es nuestra! Pero deja tu cabeza de latón libre de preocupaciones, porque le encontré un nuevo hogar. Es la piedra angular de nuestro templo. Mira qué bien queda. Bueno, ¿van a brincar a la lava o los tengo que empujar? Don't even dream about it, little bucket. This cute little thing... now it's ours! But leave your brass head free from worry, because I found it a new home. It is the cornerstone of our temple. Look how good it looks. Well, are you going to jump into the lava, or do I have to push you?

Sacred Forest

English Spanish Spanish translation
Yellow Rescue Squad! Commence Operation TURN UP! To your positions! Well, I guess we're already in position. ¡Cuadrilla de rescate amarilla! ¡Comiencen la operación Cosecha! ¡Tomen posiciones! Bueno, en caso de que no estén en su lugar todavía... Yellow Rescue Squad! Commence Operation Harvest! To your positions! Well, in case you're not in position yet...
I'm not really a vegetable guy, but—What am I saying? I'm literally a vegetable guy! La verdad, yo no soy mucho de vegetales pero... ¿¡Qué estoy diciendo!? ¡Es prácticamente mi identidad! The truth, I'm not much of vegetables but... What am I saying!? It's practically my identity!
If I wanted to do some gardening, I could've just stayed home. Si me gustara la jardinería, no tendría un jardín de piedras en mi casa. If I liked gardening, I wouldn't have a rock garden in my house.
You been working out, Mario? You yanked out that turnip like it was nothing! ¿Has estado entrenando, Mario? ¡Levantaste el nabo como si fuera un simple hierbajo! Have you been training, Mario? You pulled the turnip as if it were a simple weed!
That turnip sure got a good squeezin'! ¡Le dimos su merecido a ese nabo! We gave that turnip what it deserved!
If you wanted some turnip juice, you could have just borrowed my juicer. No need to strangle it like that. Si querías hacer jugo de nabo, me hubieras pedido mi procesadora. Te vas a lastimar apachurrándolo así. If you wanted to make turnip juice, you could have asked me for my processor. You're going to hurt yourself squashing it like this.
Vegetarianism is a fad anyway... De cualquier manera, nunca habría sido un buen vegetariano... Anyway, I would never have been a good vegetarian...
No way I'm going in there. I've seen this movie before. Yo no entro ahí ni aunque me paguen. En las películas, esto nunca acaba bien. I don't go in there even if they pay me. In the movies, this never ends well.
This is just sad... There's no way we're fitting in there. Ni se te ocurra, Mario. Detente. Tú y yo no cabemos ahí ni enrollados como taquito. Don't even think about it, Mario. Stop. You and I do not fit in there without being rolled up like a taquito.
What's the matter, Mario? Grab that thing and let's roll like a... paint roller. I don't see any trouble around here, but maybe I GLOSSED over it. Get it? Gloss? 'Cause paint? Well, I don't see you making any good puns! ¿Qué te pasa, Mario? Ve por ella. No veo qué esperas... ¡Tienes que cumplir tu papel! Je, je... ¿Sí captas? Tu papel... ¿Nada? ¿Ni una sonrisita? Seguro te la tapa el bigote... What's the matter, Mario? Go for it. I don't see what you expect... You have to fulfill your role! Heh heh... do you get it? Your role... Nothing? Not a smile? Surely your mustache is covering it... ("Papel" translates to both "paper" and "role". I think this actually works better than the English version.)
I've heard much about your exploits. Searching for the Big Paint Stars. Journeying here and there. Lord Bowser went to the trouble of scattering the Paint Stars, and you're undoing his hard work! In other words... you're being Mario. You may have bested us before, but this time will be different. You'll leave this battle looking like a pile of confetti! Confetti in a parade honoring our fearless Koopa King! I've sized you up, Mario! But my magicks may size you down! Eheeheehee! Todo el mundo alaba tus hazañas. Hallar las macroestrellas cromáticas, dar vueltas de acá para allá... ¡Bah! El amo Bowser se tomó la molestia de diseminar los trozos y tú le estás deshaciendo todo el trabajo. O en otras palabras, estás metiendo los bigotes donde no te llaman... ¡como siempre! ¡Pero esta vez no te saldrás con la tuya! ¡Te haré confeti! ¡Y luego te barreré con mi escoba! ¡Y te guardaré en una bolsita! ¡Y te lanzaré en el próximo desfile en honor al Rey de los koopas! Sí, tengo grandes planes para ti... ¡y también planes muy pequeños! ¡Ke, je, je! Everyone praises your exploits. Finding the Big Paint Stars, going around here and there .. Bah! Master Bowser went to the trouble of scattering the pieces and you're undoing all his work. Or in other words, you're sticking your mustache where it doesn't belong... like always! But this time, you won't get away with it! I'll make you confetti! And then I'll sweep you up with my broom! And I'll keep you in a bag! And I'll throw you in the next parade in honor of the King of the Koopas! Yes, I have big plans for you... and very small plans too! Heh, heh, heh!
"Size you down"? He's going to shrink us, isn't he?! Bring it, old man! We'll make you wish you were never painted! ¿"Planes muy pequeños"? Está a punto de hacernos chiquitos, ¿verdad? ¡Redúcenos si te atreves! Cuando acabemos contigo, ¡no te reconocerá ni tu dibujante! "Very small plans"? He's about to make us small, right? Cut us down if you dare! When we're done with you, your artist won't recognize you!
My power... Drained. My once striking visage... So pale and colorless... Like a bleached Boo riding a beached Blooper. Say THAT 10 times fast! Bah... You could probably do it anyway. You're one tough cookie, Mario. My Koopa magicks, which were once called "a veritable all-you-can-eat buffet of chaos" by the Prisma Times, were not enough to stop you. I admit defeat. You've earned my respect all over again. Here, you deserve this... more than I. *cough* Mi maravillosa magia, ¡mermada! Mis delicados ropajes, descoloridos... ¡Mira cómo me has dejado! ¡Parezco un bú cabalgando en un blooper! ¡Un bú cabalgando en un blooper! Te reto a que lo repitas tres veces: "un bú capitaneando en un booper"... ¡Hasta yo me confundo! ¡No es fácil! Bah, seguro que a ti te salía de un tirón al primer intento... Eres Mario, a ti nada se te resiste. Ni una sarta de hechizos tiene efecto... Eres un tipo con suerte. Mi magia, descrita alguna vez por el periódico local como "un auténtico bufé de caos", no fue capaz de detenerte. Acepto mi derrota. Tienes mi respeto. Y esto. Mereces tener esto... Más que yo. Cof... Cof... My wonderful magic, diminished! My delicate clothes, faded... Look how you have left me! I look like a Boo riding a Blooper! A Boo riding a Blooper! I dare you to repeat it three times: "a Boo captaining a Booper"... Even I get confused! It's not easy! Bah, I'm sure you can say that in one breath on your first try... You are Mario, nothing can resist you. Not a string of spells has any effect... You're a lucky guy. My magic, once described by the local newspaper as "a veritable buffet of chaos", was not able to stop you. I accept my defeat. You have my respect. And this. You deserve to have this... More than me. Cough, cough...
Kickety kaw, kickety koo! Make Mario the size of a shrew! Nada por acá, nada por allí, ¡que Mario se haga muy pequeñín! Nothing over here, nothing over there, Mario becomes very small!
Tickety tatch, tickety twos! All of your cards are crummy shoes! Pellejo escarlata, pata de conejo, ¡que todas tus cartas sean zapatos viejos! Scarlet hide, rabbit's foot, may all your cards be old shoes!
Lippety lap, lappety licks! Trim your hand right down to six! Ahora me ves, ahora no me ves, ¡que tu mano de cartas se quede en seis! Now you see me, now you don't, let your hand of cards stay at six!
Koopatee kaw, Koopatee konn! Where's your hand? Oops—it's gone! Ceja de comadreja cabizbaja, hocico de Birdo cocido... ¿Dónde está tu baraja? ¡Ups! ¡Ha desaparecido! Crestfallen weasel's eyebrow, Birdo's snout boiled... Where's your deck? Whoops! It has disappeared!

Green Energy Plant

English Spanish Spanish translation
And now what? You're trying to steal the power from my body with this claw? Well, I'll never give up my power. NEVER! Wait, I don't think I even have any power... ¿¡Y por eso tratas de extraer la energía de mi cuerpo con esta garra!? Nunca lo conseguirás. ¿Me oyes? ¡NUNCA TE DARÉ MI ENERGÍA! Ejem... En caso de que tenga el tipo de energía que necesitas... And that's why you're trying to extract the energy from my body with this claw!? You'll never get it. Do you hear me? I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU MY ENERGY! Ahem... In case I have the kind of energy you need...

Mossrock Theater

English Spanish Spanish translation
Where am I?! This forest is creepy! I mean, just listen to this music! ¿¡Dónde estoy!? Nada más de escuchar la musiquita, sé que este es un bosque tétrico... Where am I!? As soon as I listen to the music, I know that this is a gloomy forest...
Someone snuck up and drained me while I was watching those high-wire jugglers! I'm outta here! Alguien me asustó mientras estaba viendo a los malabaristas. Eso fue la gota que derramó el vaso. ¡Me pinto! Someone scared me while I was watching the jugglers. That was the last straw. I paint myself!
The trapeze is really difficult because you've got to pull off sweet poses and moves in midair. If I had just a little more time, I could've been the greatest trapeze artist of our generation! Lo más difícil del trapecio no es agarrarse, saltar y hacer poses... ¡Es sonreír mientras haces todo eso! Si hubiera podido practicar algo más, me habría convertido sin duda en el mejor trapecista de esta generación. ¡O al menos en el más risueño! The hardest thing about the trapeze is not gripping, jumping and posing... It's smiling while doing all of that! If I had been able to practice something else, I would have undoubtedly become the best trapeze artist of this generation. Or at least the most smiling!

The Emerald Circus

English Spanish Spanish translation
That's more like it. But there still aren't enough people to fill the seats. We need the line to be longer than this. It's gotta at least go down the slope back there. La cosa se va animando, pero esto no es lo que se dice una "muchedumbre". Quizá una... ¿"poquedumbre"? ¿O se dice "podredumbre"? El caso es que aquí falta gente. Things are getting lively, but this is not what is called a "crowd". Maybe a... "small crowd"? Or do you say "rot"? The fact is that people are missing here. ("Muchedumbre" means "crowd", and "podredumbre" means "rot". "Poquedumbre" is not a real word, but is based on "muchedumbre", replacing the "muche" (a lot) part with "poco" (a little).)
Um, uh... Hey, folks. We're experiencing some technical difficulties. It seems that our main performer has vanished! Hehhhh... So please enjoy this unscheduled intermission! Eh, este... Hola... público. Se ha presentado un pequeño imprevisto... Un problema técnico, por así decirlo... Un artista desapareció. ¡Je! Así que mientras solucionamos esta catástrofe sin importancia, disfruten de un intermedio extra, completamente gratuito. ¡De nada! Hey, this... Hello... public. A little unforeseen [problem] has arisen... A technical problem, so to speak... An artist disappeared. Heh! So while we fix this minor catastrophe, enjoy an extra intermission, completely free. You're welcome!
Tin cans always be like... Soy... ¡una lata de aceitunas! I'm... a can of olives!
OK, Mario... Got any jokes up your sleeve? Please tell me you've got something. ¿Se te ocurre algo, Mario? ¿No tienes ningún numerito? Están muy serios, nos van a agarrar a tomatazos... Can you think of something, Mario? Don't you have any short acts? They are very serious, they are going to grab and throw tomatoes...
Well, THOSE guys are fired. Speaking of fired... Let's give an unseasonably warm welcome to our next guests... The fire-breathing dino beasts and their miserable trainerrrrrrr! Que acto tan decepcionante... ¡Todos están despedidos! ¡Pero el espectáculo debe continuar! Demos una cálida bienvenida a nuestro siguiente número... ¡Los llamasaurios rex salvajes y su patético domador! What a disappointing act... Everyone is fired! But the show must go on! Let's give a warm welcome to our next act... Wild Rex Rhinos and their pathetic tamer!
Let's keep this party rocking! It's a balancing act the likes of which the world has never seen! Say hello to the iron-shelled Buzzy Beetle Tower of TERROR! ¡Que no pare la fiesta! Estos buzzy han hallado el equilibrio, pero no la paz... ¡Vienen buscando guerra! ¡Un fuerte aplauso para la torre buzzy! Don't stop the party! These Buzzies have found equilibrium, but not peace... They come looking for war! Loud applause for the Buzzy Beetle Tower!
Rigorous training has provided the Buzzy Beetle Tower with a world-class sense of balance! La torre buzzy halló la armonía a través de la meditación. También sigue una dieta equilibrada. ¡No los harás tambalearse! The Buzzy Beetle Tower found harmony through meditation. Also eat a balanced diet. You won't make them wobble!
Ahem... And now for the final act! The high-flying acrobatic bad boys... the Trampoline Shy Guys! Ejem, bueno, pues... ¡Llegamos al gran número final! Las acrobacias aéreas de... ¿Cómo se llamaban estos? ¡Ah, sí! Los increíbles... ¡Guys acróbatas! Ahem, well, ten... We got to the final big act! The acrobatics of... What were these called? Oh, yeah! The Incredible... Trampoline Shy Guys!
Merch table?! I don't care about the stinking merch table! I want that Big Paint Star! Where's that clown Lemmy?! Pero ¿cómo que un puesto de...? ¿¡Quién quiere una camiseta de este circo pulgoso!? Además, ¡nunca tienen de mi talla! ¡Queremos la macroestrella cromática! ¿Dónde está ese tal Lemmy? But what about a position of...? Who wants a t-shirt of this flea circus!? Also, they never have my size! We want the Big Paint Star! Where is this Lemmy guy?
Returning to the stage... it's the one, the only... MARIO! Ya de vuelta en la pista, el inimitable, el único... ¡Mario! Ah, sí, y la lata esa... Back on the floor, the inimitable, the only... Mario! Oh yeah, and that can...
Let's take it from the top and give this crowd its money's worth! The show must go on! Por una vez, el espectáculo NO debe continuar, ¡tiene que empezar desde el principio! ¡Que nadie diga que Lemmy hace las cosas a medias! For once, the show must NOT go on, it has to start from the beginning! Let no one say that Lemmy does things by halves!
Boo! No intermissions! I want my money back! ¡Menos intermedios! ¡Lo que quieren es vender más refrescos! ¡Buuu! ¡Que nos devuelvan el dinero! Less intermissions! What they want is to sell more refreshments! Booo! Give us our money back!
Seeing people perform at the top of their game just gets me SO AMPED! ¿Qué está pasando? ¡Desde aquí no veo! ¡Me dieron el peor asiento! What's going on? I can't see from here! They gave me the worst seat!
To be able to see a circus this close! I'm really glad I joined the Rescue Squad! ¡Una de las ventajas de colaborar con la cuadrilla de rescate es que a veces me dan entradas gratis! One of the benefits of working with the Rescue Squad is that they sometimes give me free tickets!
I wonder why they left the trampoline on the stage... No sacaron la cama elástica. ¿Eso no va contra las normas de seguridad? They didn't remove the trampoline. Isn't that against safety regulations?
If there's one thing I've learned in this life, it's that Mario always wins. ¡Te metiste al público en el bolsillo! Y por lo que cuentan, en algunos casos, ¡literalmente! You put the audience in your pocket! And from what they say, in some cases, literally!
It was really quiet in the trunk, so I was able to devote my thoughts to the existential paradox of being trapped in this trunk of mortality. El interior de la maleta estaba de lo más silencioso. Ahora no sé si podré volver a dormir en mi cama... The inside of the suitcase was very quiet. Now I don't know if I'll be able to sleep in my bed again...
I'm really good at seeing through illusions! I'll definitely see through this, too! Siempre descubro los trucos de los magos. Cuando empiece la función, ¡pienso estar superatento! I always discover the tricks of magicians. When the show starts, I plan to be super attentive!
Rescue Squadet #12 sings the most AMAZING rescue song. I get chills every time I hear it. ¡El recluta n.º 12 tiene una voz para las canciones de campamento que se te ponen los pelos de punta! Pero a veces se le olvida la letra... Recruit #12 has a voice for camp songs that make your hair stand on end! But he sometimes he forgets the lyrics...
♪Rescue ohh, rescue ohhh! Rescue, beep beep, rescue, Ohh rescue, rescue hey!♪ ♪ Vamos, equipo, vamos a rescatar... Badún, badún, algo y salvar... ♪ ♪ Let's go, team, let's rescue... Boom, boom, something and save ... ♪
Shoulda brought some hanafuda cards or something. Me tenía que haber traído mi Nintendo 3DS... I should have brought my Nintendo 3DS...
I don't really mind waiting in long lines. Gives me time to contemplate my mortality. Lo malo de hacer fila es que me hace pensar en el tiempo que pasa, se va y no vuelve. Es una metáfora de la mortalidad. The bad thing about standing in line is that it makes me think about the time that passes, leaves, and does not return. It's a metaphor for mortality.
We flew out of the trunk really quickly! Sounds like a pretty good circus act, if you ask me! ¡Nosotros también podríamos ser un número de circo! ¿Te imaginas? ¡Los treinta toads que caben adentro de una maleta! We too could be a circus number! Can you imagine? The thirty Toads that fit inside a suitcase!
I was on the very bottom of the 30-Toad stack in that train trunk. Meaning I was the 30th to come out. Yo estaba en el fondo de la maleta, al pie de la pila de treinta toads... ¿Te importa mirarme de perfil? Creo que quedé todavía más plano... I was at the bottom of the suitcase, at the foot of the pile of thirty Toads... Do you mind looking at me in profile? I think I was even flatter...
Hey, Mario! Remember me? Toad? From that other game we were in together? ¡Eh, Mario! ¿Te acuerdas de mí? ¡Soy toad! ¡Ya hicimos otro juego juntos! Hey, Mario! Do you remember me? I'm Toad! We already made another game together!
It was so cramped in that trunk! My neck and shoulders are as stiff as cardboard! I need a massage... Los shy guys dijeron "No te muevas" y me quedé más tieso que un cartón. Ahora me duele la espalda, ¡pero un masaje me va a arrugar! The Shy Guys said "don't move" and I was stiffer than cardboard. Now my back hurts, but a massage will wrinkle me!
I'm more excited about the illusions than anything else! I hope they blow my mind like "P'SHEEEEEEEEEEW!" Dicen que hay un mago buenísimo, ¡es lo que más ganas tengo de ver! Me encanta la magia. Es... ¿mágica? They say there is a terrific magician, he is what I most want to see! I love magic. It's... magical?
I live a totally carefree life. Nothing bothers me at all. Well, except for the soul-crushing burden of trying to stay optimistic. Yo soy un toad despreocupado y así vivo feliz. Lo único que me quita el sueño es la constante tensión de mantener el optimismo. I am a carefree Toad and so I live happily. The only thing that keeps me awake is the constant stress of staying optimistic.
Sometimes you gotta just let it all hang out. Live a little! No me gusta la gente que se pone máscaras... ¡Hay que ir por la vida al natural! I don't like people who wear masks... You have to go through life natural!
I was in that bleepy bloopy digital world for so long, I'm starting to think in code! ¡Pasé tanto tiempo en aquel mundo digital que ahora mis sueños son pixelados! I spent so much time in that digital world that now my dreams are pixelated!

Roshambo Temples

English Spanish Spanish translation
Congrats for winning the tournament at [X]! ¡Felicidades, eres el ganador del [X] ¡ASÍ es como se juega el cachipún! Congratulations, you are the winner of [X]! THIS is how Roshambo is played! ("Cachipún" is a more obscure term for "Piedra, papel o tijera", as "Roshambo" is to "rock-paper-scissors".)
The second-round opponent likes to rock the house back-to-back, but he doesn't like to use anything else twice in a row. Al oponente de la segunda ronda puede mantener su actitud pétrea por dos turnos, pero muestra otras emociones dos veces seguidas. The second round opponent can maintain his stony attitude for two turns, but shows other emotions twice in a row.
In this corner—the up-and-coming foreigner with lightning-fast fingers... En esta esquina, el forastero con los dedos más rápidos del oeste... In this corner, the stranger with the fastest fingers in the west...
In this corner—the phenom who's shocked the Roshambo world... En esta esquina, el hombre que trae de cabeza al mundo del cachipún... In this corner, the man who brings in the world of Roshambo headfirst...
The road to victory is long and full of potholes. Will these warriors' journeys end in glory? Or soul-crushing humiliation? Trailblazers, you must carve your own path. Glory is forever! the art of Ro-sham-bo! El camino hacia la gloria es largo y tortuoso. ¿Terminarán su viaje sumidos en la miseria y el dolor? Audaces contendientes, no hay atajos. No hay excusas. Deben abrirse camino a la victoria por ustedes mismos. ¡La gloria es eterna! Este es... ¡el arte del cachipún! The road to glory is long and winding. Will they end their journey sunk in misery and pain? Fearless contenders, there are no shortcuts. There are no excuses. You must make your way to victory for yourself. The glory is eternal! This is... the art of Roshambo!

Port Prisma: Piper's Story

English Spanish Spanish translation
It was my old friend Piper who sent me the letter. He never said much, but he had the most... magnetic personality. You couldn't help but love him. But it wasn't just a letter that he sent me... There was something else in the envelope. A SEED! I'm gonna try planting the seed here in our old hangout. He said when its flowers bloom, we'll all be able to meet here again. I figure it's worth a shot. La mandó mi viejo amigo Fuso. No hablaba mucho, pero tenía una risa muy contagiosa... Se reía "¡Fus, fus, fus!". ¿Y sabes qué más venía en el sobre? ¡Una semilla! La voy a plantar aquí, en nuestro sitio de siempre. Como dice lo de que "las flores vuelvan a crecer" para que "nos volvamos a encontrar"... No pierdo nada con probar. My old friend Fuso sent it. He didn't talk much, but he had a very contagious laugh... he laughed "Fus, fus, fus!". And do you know what else came in the envelope? A seed! I'm going to plant it here, in our usual place. As it says that "the flowers grow again" so that "we meet again"... I have nothing to lose by trying.
I bet he even had a believable backstory for that plant... Seguro que hasta se había imaginado la personalidad y la historia de la planta, y todo eso... Surely he had even imagined the personality and history of the plant, and all that...

Port Prisma: Info

English Spanish Spanish translation
Let's see here... Today's headline is "Boo! Dark Bloo Inn Closed Due to Paranormal Activity!" I don't believe in ghosts. Do you think I could still make a reservation? A ver qué nos cuentan hoy... "Actividad paranormal obliga al cierre del Hotel Cerúleo". Pues como yo no creo en fantasmas, voy a ver si los convenzo de que me alquilen una habitación con descuento. Let's see what they tell us today ... "Paranormal Activity Forces the Closure of the Dark Bloo Inn." Well, since I don't believe in ghosts, I'm going to see if I can convince them to rent me a room at a discount.
Let's see here... Today's headline is "Scientists Agree—the Floor Is Lava at Kiwano Temple!" I knew it! The floor IS lava! Veamos... La nota de hoy: "Tremendo hallazgo en el Templo de la Tuna: el suelo es lava". ¡Siempre, siempre lo he dicho, pero nadie me creía! Let's see... Today's notice: "Tremendous Find in Kiwano Temple: The Floor is Lava." I've always, always said it, but nobody believed me!
"Indestructible Battleship Destroyed! Indestructibility Rating Lowered Significantly." Remind me not to get on your bad side! "¡Acorazado indestructible destruido! ¡Pleito por publicidad engañosa!". Caray, recuérdame nunca hacerte enojar. "Indestructible Battleship Destroyed! Misleading Publicity Lawsuit!" Geez, remind me never to make you mad.
Let's see here... Today's headline is "Crushed Engine Being Repaired at Toad Trainworks." Wait...they're repairing the engine while the passengers are still on board? That's got to be annoying for the people in coach! Esta es la nota principal de hoy: "Locomotora varada, pasajeros reciben café gratis". ¿Cómo? ¿Los pasajeros siguen a bordo mientras arreglan la locomotora? ¡Qué fastidio! Here's today's top note: "Stranded Locomotive, Passengers Get Free Coffee." How? Are the passengers still on board while they fix the locomotive? What a bummer!
Let's see here... Today's headline is "Train Arrives Late; Water Is Wet." Sounds about right. I heard the train was bound for Tangerino Grill. La portada de hoy dice: "El tren llega con retraso, el cielo sigue siendo azul". En fin, que nada cambia... Escuché que el tren va rumbo al Mesón Mandarina. Today's cover reads: "The Train is Late, the Sky is Still Blue." Anyway, nothing changes... I heard that the train is heading to Tangerino Grill.
It's a mystery for the ages. Strange dotted lines...appearing out of the ether...transcending the very boundaries of time and space! Grab your transdimensional scissors and join me as we explore...Deep Cuts. El gran misterio de nuestro tiempo... Líneas de puntos que flotan en el aire, que trascienden los límites del espacio y el tiempo...Esto es Recortes Precisos... y yo soy el profesor Tijerio LeCutter. ¡Empuña tus tijeras dimensionales y únete a la búsqueda! Abramos juntos nuevos caminos en... Recortes Precisos. The great mystery of our time... Dotted lines that float in the air, that transcend the limits of space and time... This is Precise Cutouts... and I am Professor Scissors LeCutter. Grab your dimensional scissors and join the quest! Let's break new ground together in... Precise Cutouts.
Ah. Perhaps your eyes are not ready to truly SEE... Another time. Ah... No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver. Otra vez será. Ah... There is no [one] more blind than the one who does not want to see. Maybe next time.
Except...the mysteries have all been completely solved. By you. Join us next time for more— Wait... There won't be a next time. Thanks to you. Hmph... Parece que... el misterio ha sido resuelto. Completamente. Y todo gracias a ti. Soy el profesor Tijerio LeCutter y esto ha sido... Recortes Precisos. ¡Hasta la próxima! Espera, ¡ya no habrá una próxima! ¡Nunca más! Y todo gracias a ti. Grrr... It seems that... the mystery has been solved. Completely. And all thanks to you. I'm Professor Scissors LeCutter and this has been... Precise Cutouts. Until next time! Wait, there won't be a next one! Never more! And all thanks to you. Grrr...
A steamy shower.
Behind a sandy café.
Don't flush the toilet!
Una cálida ducha relajante...
Justo detrás del café en la arena.
¡Recuerda no jalar la cadena!
A warm relaxing shower...
Right behind the cafe on the sand.
Remember not to pull the chain!
Plants casting shadows.
Shadows shining through the dark.
Spotlight of the plum.
Las plantas proyectan sombras.
Las sombras brillan en la oscuridad.
¡Busca el origen de la luz!
The plants cast shadows.
The shadows glow in the dark.
Look for the origin of the light! (Most of the other ones are literal and pretty boring.)
You must seek a red Thing on a red road... It cools that which is hot. Una cosa roja en un camino rojo, muy útil cuando la cosa se pone al rojo vivo... A red thing on a red path, very useful when things gets red hot...

Song titles

English Spanish Spanish translation
Rescue Toad Theme Marcha de los rescatistas March of the Rescuers
#1 Thing Squeezer Exprimidor de profesión Squeezer by Trade
Flame On, Draggadon! ¡Draggadon en llamas! Draggadon on Fire! (Yeah, this isn't actually what this means.)
ME WILL ROCK ME Como una roca Like a Rock
Paint Star Memories Recuerdos estrellados Starry Memories
Li'l Princess, Big Bark Princesa que ladra... Princess Who Barks...
Magma Flows, Lava Glows Fluyendo como la lava Flowing Like Lava
Crane Game La grúa juguetona The Playful Crane (Again, I don't think they understood this.)
Kitchen Stadium La cocina olímpica The Olympic Kitchen
The Wandering Sombrero El corrido del guy sombrerudo Sombrero Guy's Corrido
The Happy Professor Copla del profesor The Professor's Couplet
Blackout Desastre de colorante negro Black Paint Disaster
Peace Once More Y volvió la paz And Peace Returned
Shy Bandit's Theme Cumbia del Guy Enmascarado Shy Bandit's Cumbia
Prisma Splash! ¡Salpicón de color! Splash of Color! (It always bothered me that this wasn't the name of the credits theme, actually.)

Enemy dialogue

English Spanish Spanish translation
Hammers can't hurt me up here! ¡Tu martillo me hace los mandados! Your hammer runs my errands! ("Hace los mandados" is a casual Spanish expression for something being unimportant or inferior.)
Gang green! ¡El verde es la onda! Green is what's up! ("Onda" is used in a casual way.)
I'm a mean, green, fighting machine! ¡Soy verde y potente como la envidia! I'm green and powerful as envy!
Feeling blue? Soy azul, luego existo. I'm blue, therefore I am.
Don't call me yellow! ¡No hay sol sin brillo...! There is no sun without brightness...!
Carrying this thing is a workout! Puedo cargar este bote toodo el día. I can carry this bucket all day. (There's a typo in this line: it should be "todo", not "toodo". However, the line's actually unused!)
Hattack! ¡Sombrerazo! (This doesn't have a direct translation, but it refers to striking someone with a hat.)
I hat you so much. No me vencerás ni de chiste... ra... (It starts as "You won't beat me for a..." "Chiste" means "joke", "chistera" means "top hat".)
My favorite color is slurple! ¡Sorber es mi deporte favorito! Slurping is my favorite sport!
Heave-ho! Heave-ho! ¡Tira y afloja! Tug-of-war!
I'm all hat, ALL CATTLE! ¡Me quito el sombrero ante mi poder! Hats off to my power!
You're in spitting distance! ¡Tengo municiones de sobra! I have ammunition to spare!
Pew pew! ¡Hago lo que se me pega la gana! I do whatever I want!
Heavy is the hat. Llevo al mundo en las alas de mi sombrero. I carry the world on the brims of my hat.
I'm all about stealing paint. Lo mío, lo mío, es robar colorante. My thing, my thing, is stealing coloring.
This is not a game! ¡Esto va en serio! This is serious! (They removed the potential meta joke.)
I'm feeling a little gun-shy... ¿Y qué voy a hacer con estas balas? And what am I going to do with these bullets?
Buzz-side down... ¡Es un abuzzo dejarme volteado! It's an abuzze to leave me flipped over! ("Abuzzo" is "abuso" with "buzz" inserted, due to it being a Buzzy Beetle.)
Go ahead—stomp me! A ver, písame, ¡ándale! Let's see, step on me, come on!
Watch. Wonder. WHAM! ¡Mira! ¡Maravíllate! ¡Martillazo! Look! Marvel! Hammer blow!
You 'rang? ¿Me llamabas? You called me? (This doesn't really make sense as a joke.)
Climate change! ¡Viene un frente frío! A cold front is coming!
Hope you like...cold stuff... A ver qué tal manejas el frío. Let's see how you handle the cold.
Coal-hearted. Soy de alma negra como el carbón. I have a soul black as coal.
Fossil fuel! ¡Peligro! ¡Inflamable! Danger! Flammable!
Eh, double shell attack... Dos caparazones son mejor que uno... Two shells are better than one...
The greatest show on Prism Island! ¡El mejor espectáculo de Puerto Prisma! The greatest show at Port Prisma! (This isn't in Port Prisma. It's in Mossrock Theater.)
Paint tastes better in the country. El colorante sabe mejor en mi pueblo. The color tastes better in my town.
AND I left my wallet in my jeans! Por tu culpa tengo que ir de compras. Because of you[,] I have to go shopping.
Now I have to rewear this gross shell. ¡La lavadora es de uso comunitario! The washing machine is for community use!

Item descriptions

English Spanish Spanish translation
Makes things appear larger than they are. Can also fry ants and other various creatures. Hace que las cosas se vean más grandes de lo que son. No la enfoques hacia el sol o quemarás todo. Makes things appear larger than they are. Do not point it towards the sun or you will burn everything.
Harnesses the principle of leverage to pry off bottle caps. No hay corcholata que se le resista. There is no bottle cap that can resist it. (I think this one works better, since it serves as a slight hint for Redpepper Volcano.)
Harnesses electricity to illuminate darkness. Sunglasses recommended when handling. Ilumina las tinieblas y ciega a todos los que hayan olvidado ponerse los lentes antes de mirarlo directamente. Light up the darkness and blind everyone who forgot to put their glasses on before looking directly at it.
Its pointy tip can chip ice into perfectly portioned pieces for any size glass. Como su nombre indica, pica el hielo en porciones pequeñas. As the name suggests, crush the ice into small portions.
There's only one way to get the coins out of this bad boy: BREAK IT! Si la usas para guardar tus ahorros, tendrás que romperla cuando quieras gastarlos... y entonces tendrás que comprarte una nueva. If you use it to keep your savings, you'll have to break it when you want to spend them... and then you'll have to buy a new one.
This steel-headed hammer is harder than the one Mario usually uses. It can even break huge rocks that might be blocking your path. Versión multiusos del martillo común. Tan avanzado, que además de clavar clavos, puede sacarlos. O partir rocas. ¡Muy versátil! Multipurpose version of the common hammer. So advanced, that in addition to hammering nails, you can remove them. Or split rocks. Very versatile!
Amplifies the sound put into the mic, turning a whisper into a shout... and a shout into an explosion of noise. Amplifica el sonido de entrada, convirtiendo un susurro en un grito y un grito en un apocalipsis sónico. Amplifies input sound, turning a whisper into a shout and a shout into a sonic apocalypse.
Possible hero names, techniques, catchphrases, weapons, vehicles, and weak points are recorded here. Contiene técnicas de combate, diseños de armas y vehículos, listas de puntos débiles, nombres de héroe pegajosos y frases presuntamente memorables. Contains combat techniques, weapon and vehicle designs, weak point lists, catchy hero names, and presumably memorable phrases.
A freshly washed and ironed bedsheet. Not a wrinkle in sight. Looks like the handiwork of a Shy Guy. Un juego de sábanas recién lavadas y planchadas con mimo y esmero. ¡Ese shy guy es todo un profesional! A set of sheets, freshly washed and ironed with care and attention. That Shy Guy is a pro!
It's tapered to a needle-sharp point. Place it on your desk to keep yourself awake. It's more effective than coffee! Tiene una punta de lo más afilada. Manténgase alejado de los globos. It has a very sharp point. Stay away from balloons.
Origin: Pipe room in Green Energy Plant Origen: Sala de máquinas, Ecocentral Origin: Machine room, Energy Plant (The area's full Spanish name is "Ecocentral Verde", which is correctly used elsewhere, including the origin for the Recorder.)


English Spanish Spanish translation