Editing List of Super Mario World (television series) quotes

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Line 82: Line 82:
*''"See, Bully? They're cutting a Christmas tree!"''
*''"See, Bully? They're cutting a Christmas tree!"''
*''"Don't worry, Bully! I have a plan!"''
*''"Don't worry, Bully! I have a plan!"''
*''"You're gonna wait a long time, Princess! 'Cause these toys are goin' to my Koopa Kids on Koopa Christmas morning!"''
*''"You're gonna wait a long time, Princess! Cause these toys are goin' to my Koopa Kids on Koopa Christmas morning!"''
*''"Are those cave kids gonna whimper when they find out I Kooped all their toys! Merry Koopa Christmas, boys and girls!"''
*''"Are those cave kids gonna whimper when they find out I Kooped all their toys! Merry Koopa Christmas, boys and girls!"''
*''"My Koopalings will be so happy when they see all the wonderful presents I stole for 'em!"''
*''"My Koopalings will be so happy when they see all the wonderful presents I stole for 'em!"''
*''"YOU!? What are you doing in my bag of toys, cave creep?"''
*''"YOU?! What are you doing in my bag of toys, cave creep?"''
*''"Wrong, prehistoric punk! They're mine!"''
*''"Wrong, prehistoric punk! They're mine!"''
*''"Give it back! That's for Bully!"''
*''"Give it back! That's for Bully!"''
*''"Have a Merry Cave Christmas, bone-brain! Remember, Oogtar spelled backwards, is Ratgoo!"''
*''"Have a Merry Cave Christmas, bone-brain! Remember, Oogtar spelled backwards, is Ratgoo!"''

Line 226: Line 226:
*''"Good work, my bucktoothed battalion! In fact, better than good! This is splendiferous! The cave people will have to buy their crops back from me, or go hungry!"''
*''"Good work, my bucktoothed battalion! In fact, better than good! This is splendiferous! The cave people will have to buy their crops back from me, or go hungry!"''
*''"Oh, Cheatsy! Is there anyone more despicable than you?"''
*''"Oh, Cheatsy! Is there anyone more despicable than you?"''
*''"♪Oh, when Koopa sees a chance for some real mischief, when there's the blackest of evil to be done, he smiles and then says, 'Cheatsy, just go to it!', then Cheatsy's life becomes a lot of fun! ♪"'' - first line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"♪ When Koopa sees a chance of real mischief, when there's the blackest of evil to be done, he smiles and then says, 'Cheatsy, go to it!', then Cheatsy's life becomes a lot of fun! ♪"'' - first line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"♪ If you want to cheat a family of their mortgage, if you want to put some grandma on the street, then I'm the one that has the plan, I know how to do it. Cheatsy's got the schemes that can't be beat. ♪"'' - third line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"♪ If you want to cheat a family of their mortgage, if you want to put some grandma on the street, then I'm the one that has the plan, I know how to do it. Cheatsy's got the schemes that can't be beat. ♪"'' - third line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"♪ If the idea is to take someone's life savings, if you want to steal a little boy's last dime, then I'm the one that you should all be calling, I'll do the job no matter what the crime! ♪"'' - fifth line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"♪ If the idea is to take someone's life savings, if ya wanna steal a little boy's last dime, then I'm the one that you should all be calling, I'll do the job no matter what the crime! ♪"'' - fifth line during the "Cheatsy's Life" song
*''"I hate those plumbers..."''
*''"I hate those plumbers..."''

Line 392: Line 392:
*''"Those we're not so crazy about!"''
*''"Those we're not so crazy about!"''
*''"Well, I'm afraid he's got a point there, Princess."''
*''"Well, I'm afraid he's got a point there, Princess."''
*''"We're trapped like hairballs in a...lint filter!"''
*''"We're chopped like hairballs in a...lint filter!"''
*''"Great! But who's gonna rescue you?"''
*''"Great! But who's gonna rescue you?"''
*''"(with Mario) Wisen-whatever!"''
*''"(with Mario) Wisen-whatever!"''
Line 560: Line 560:
*''"Hoo, boy! This kid makes Mario look like he's on a diet! Chow down, Yoshi!"''
*''"Hoo, boy! This kid makes Mario look like he's on a diet! Chow down, Yoshi!"''
*''"No, Yoshi! That's my brother Mario!"''
*''"No, Yoshi! That's my brother Mario!"''
*''"That'll teach ya to mess with my new little buddy, Yoshi!"''
*''"That'll teach ya to mess with my new buddy, Yoshi!"''
*''"Cool it, caterpillar-breath! I'm not your-"''
*''"Cool it, caterpillar-breath! I'm not your-"''
*''"Well, then we'd better go now before I get scared just thinking about it!"''
*''"Well, then we'd better go now before I get scared just thinking about it!"''
*''"No, I won't leave ya. But ya have to promise to behave yourself, and stop calling me 'mama'."''
*''"No. I won't leave you. But ya have to promise to behave yourself, and stop calling me 'mama'."''
*''"And so, we found ourselves overlooking, King Koopa's Neon Castle!"''
*''"And so, we found ourselves overlooking, King Koopa's Neon Castle!"''
*''"Luckily, Mario was able to get us in the same way he got out! That's when the real fun started!"''
*''"Luckily, Mario was able to get us in the same way we got out! That's when the real fun started!"''
*''"Yikes! Where's the light switch?"''
*''"Yikes! Where's the light switch?"''
*''"Okay, but you hold Yoshi."''
*''"Okay, but you hold Yoshi."''
*''"Hey! G-gimme a boost, Mario!"''
*''"Hey! G-gimme a boost, Mario!"''
*''"Ohhh... It's the liftoff that got me... Uh oh! Where's Yoshi?!"''
*''"Ohhh... It's a liftoff that's got me... Uh oh! Where's Yoshi?"''
*''"'''That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!'''"''
*''"'''That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!'''"''
*''"Hey, good work, Yoshi! Uhm...you didn't swallow that key, did ya?"''
*''"Hey, good work, Yoshi! Uh...you didn't swallow that key, did ya?"''
*''"And so, we found ourselves back, in Dome City...safe and sound, thanks to you, Yoshi!"''
*''"And so, we found ourselves back, in Dome City...safe and sound, thanks to you, Yoshi!"''
*''"Good night, Yoshi!"''
*''"Good night, Yoshi!"''
Line 845: Line 845:

===Rock TV===
===Rock TV===
*''"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the biggest television set I ever saw in my life?"''
*''"Do my eyes decieve me, or is that the biggest television set I ever saw in my life?"''
*''"Maybe they forgot to plug it in!"''
*''"Maybe they forgot to plug it in!"''
*''"Ahem, more important. How much?"''
*''"Ahem, more important. How much?"''
Line 910: Line 910:
*''"Ugh! Now I know how a meatball feels!"''
*''"Ugh! Now I know how a meatball feels!"''
*''"Eeeeyuck! I've been slobbered!"''
*''"Eeeeyuck! I've been slobbered!"''
*''"Mama? '''Mama''' Luigi?! AHAHAHAHAH!"''
*''"Mama? '''Mama''' Luigi?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"''
*''"Luigi, King Koopa has the Princess locked up in his Coney Island Disco Palace, and I fought my way out, and I've been lookin' for ya ever since! We gotta go back and rescue her!"''
*''"Luigi, King Koopa has the Princess locked up in his Coney Island Disco Palace! I fought my way out, and I've been lookin' for ya ever since! We gotta go back and rescue her!"''
*''"On the ceiling! You see that block up there? You bash it, Luigi, you're taller!"''
*''"On the ceiling! You see that block up there? You bash it, Luigi, you're taller!"''
*''"Stay, Yoshi."''
*''"Stay, Yoshi."''
Line 952: Line 952:
*''"No way, dino-breath! Is Oogtar's!"''
*''"No way, dino-breath! Is Oogtar's!"''
*''"Is not!"''
*''"Is not!"''
*''"MY corn!"''
*''"MY corn!"''
*''"MY corn!"''
*''"Ooga-boring, man."''
*''"Ooga-boring, man."''
Line 960: Line 961:
*''"Before Santa visit goody-two-foots, Oogtar get best toys!"''
*''"Before Santa visit goody-two-foots, Oogtar get best toys!"''
*''"Your bag? These MY toys, Koopa dude!"''
*''"Your bag? These MY toys, Koopa dude!"''
*''"Yeah?! Watch THIS, scale-brain!"''
*''"Yeah?! Watch THIS, scale-brain!"''
Line 967: Line 968:
*''"Uh oh! Koopa flip lizard lid!"''
*''"Uh oh! Koopa flip lizard lid!"''
*''"Oogtar no want be dino food!"''
*''"Oogtar no want be dino food!"''
*''"HELP!!! OOGTAR SORRY!!! HELP!!!"''
*''"Way go, Santa Claus!"''
*''"Way go, Santa Claus!"''
*''"No time, must go bed like good cave kid, wait for Santa bring--"''
*''"No time, must go bed like good cave kid, wait for Santa bring-"''
*''"Me sorry! Oogtar not been good..."''
*''"Me sorry! Oogtar not been good..."''
*''"YOSHI NO ANGEL EITHER! Oogtar promise be good cave boy for rest of life! Cross Oogtar heart!"''
*''"YOSHI NO ANGEL EITHER, EH?! Oogtar promise be good cave boy for rest of life! Cross Oogtar heart!"''
*''"How Santa know?"''
*''"How Santa know?"''
*''"Me know Oogtar bad, cause Santa big trouble! No deserve present, but Oogtar thankful Santa save me from dinosaur! That present enough!"''
*''"Me know Oogtar bad, cause Santa big trouble! No deserve present, but Oogtar thankful Santa save me from dinosaur! That present enough!"''
*''"'Course, if Santa want leave Oogtar present, Oogtar be very happy!"''
*''"Cause if Santa want leave Oogtar present, Oogtar be very happy!"''
*''"Santa no leave present for Mario! Oogtar play Santa!"''
*''"Santa no leave present for Mario! Oogtar play Santa!"''
*''"Merry Cave Christmas, Mario dude!"''
*''"Merry Cave Christmas, Mario dude!"''
Line 1,075: Line 1,076:
*''"You traded our treasure chest full of coins for THIS?! Shame on you!"''
*''"You traded our treasure chest full of coins for THIS?! Shame on you!"''
*''"Wings? They grew wings?"''
*''"Wings? They grew wings?"''
*''"Since we can't fly, I suggest we RUN!"''
*''"Since we can't fly, I suggest we RUN!!!"''
*''"Lost at last is more like it... Where are we?"''
*''"Lost at last is more like it... Where are we?"''
*''"It's coming from over there!"''
*''"It's coming from over there!"''
*''"Pee-yew! Stinks like that horrible Special Scoopa Sauce of Koopa's! This must be where Scoopa Koopa sends its garbage! That Warp Pipe must go into the kitchen!"''
*''"P.U.! Stinks like that horrible Special Scoopa Sauce of Koopa's! This must be where Scoopa Koopa sends its garbage! That Warp Pipe must go into the kitchen!"''
*''"Let's bash blocks! Ladies first!"''
*''"Let's bash blocks! Ladies first!"''
*''"Try that one up there!"''
*''"Try that one up there!"''
Line 1,231: Line 1,232:

===The Night Before Cave Christmas===
===The Night Before Cave Christmas===
*''"Hey! This Yoshi's barbecue mammoth rib!"''
*''"Hey! This MY barbecue mammoth rib!"''
*''"Is so!"''
*''"Is so!"''
*''"MY corn!"''
*''"MY corn!"''
Line 1,295: Line 1,296:
===Gopher Bash===
===Gopher Bash===
*''"Ohohoho! Yum-dee-yum-yum! Good idea!"''
*''"Ohohoho! Yum-dee-yum-yum! Good idea!"''
*''"Glubba-d'glubba! I hate water!"''
*''"Grubba-de-grubba! I hate water!"''
*''"I save you!"''
*''"I save you!"''
*''"Oh, famma-famma-sheega! Me hungrier!"''
*''"Oh, famma-famma-sheega! Me hungrier!"''
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{{SMW TV}}
[[Category:Quotes|Super Mario World (TV Series)]]
[[Category:Quotes|Super Mario World (TV Series)]]
[[Category:Super Mario World (television series)|*]]
[[Category:Super Mario World (television series)|*]]

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