Editing List of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door quotes by character (S–Z)

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*"''You, uh, start collecting points all over again.''"
*"''You, uh, start collecting points all over again.''"
*"''Oh, and you get the amazing 300-point present! A Gold Bar x 3!''"
*"''Oh, and you get the amazing 300-point present! A Gold Bar x 3!''"
==[[Sir Grodus]]==
*"''Well, well, well, my [[Princess Peach|pet]]... Isn't about time you told us where the [[Magical Map|map]] is?''"
*"''[[Princess Peach]]. You will speak when spoken to.''"
*"''There's no point in trying to hide it, [[Princess Peach|silly girl]]. We know you had [[Magical Map|it]]. We KNOW this.''"
*"''Trust me, it's very much in your interest to be absolutely honest with us. We [[X-Nauts (organization)|X-Nauts]] are not all rainbows and lollipops, I assure you. We're quite nasty.''"
*"''Report at once.''"
*"''What? WHAT did [[X-Naut|you]] say? Someone else is after the [[Crystal Stars]]?''"
*"''And he defeated that [[Hooktail]] creature, [[X-Naut|you]] say? SPEAK, soldier!''"
*"''Excuse me? Mario?''"
*"''Gaack ack ack ack ack! I see... So [[Princess Peach|you]] know of this [[Mario]], do you? Hmmm...''"
*"''[[Mario|This fool]] matters not all. I'll know all about him before long, that I promise.''"
*"''I grow bored of talking. Take Princess Peach back to the holding room.''"
*"''And [[X-Naut|men]]! Take good care of Princess Peach. Understand? She is not to be harmed.''"
*"''Well, [[Lord Crump]]... If this Mario character has the [[Magical Map|map]]...then it's highly likely he'll find the [[Emerald Star|Crystal Star]] we're hunting in the [[Boggly Woods]].''"
*"''[[Lord Crump|You]] must return [[Boggly Woods|there]] immediately and hasten the excavation. It must not fail.''"
*"''I wonder if sending Lord Crump [[Boggly Woods|there]] alone is wise... He is a bit...out there. Hmmm...''"
*"''X-Naut! I summon you!''"
*"''Shut up. Go get the [[Three Shadows|Shadow Sirens]] over here.''"
*"''I don't care how you planned to end that sentence, fool. Go get them. Now.''"
*"''Still your tongue, [[Beldam]]. We would already have [[Magical Map|it]] if you'd snatched [[Princess Peach|her]] earlier... But now, since you missed your chance, some poor fool named Mario has the map.''"
*"''Indeed, that is YOUR duty. Need I remind [[Beldam|you]]? That [[Magical Map|map]] is vital to the [[X-Nauts (organization)|X-Naut]] plan.''"
*"''I will have my men prepare all available information on this Mario.''"
*"''For now, hear me, Beldam! You Shadow Sirens must take care of [[Mario|this troublemaker]]!''"
*"''What?!? Say that again! [[X-Naut PhD|You]] can't get in touch with Lord Crump?''"
*"''Yes, what is it?''"
*"''What?!? You must be joking! What about Lord Crump and the Shadow Sirens?''"
*"''Hmmm... Disturbing. This Mario character... What kind of... Speak up, X-Naut! What is the status of the other Crystal Stars?''"
*"''We knew of three of them... [[Hooktail Castle]]. Boggly Woods. The one we got in [[Rogueport]]. That means there are four Crystal Stars left out there... ...And we WILL have them! Keep looking, so that Mario won't beat us to the punch!''"
*"''As I suspected, there's no reason to doubt that Mario has that map... He must. Listen up! You! I want you to keep a close watch on what Mario does from now on!''"
*"''Mario... I loathe you.''"
*"''Beldam... Tell me, what good are you? You STILL haven't taken care of that Mario character?''"
*"''You do understand that we X-Nauts must open [[The Thousand-Year Door|the door]] first, do you not?''"
*"''I trust your words...though I rapidly lose my patience.''"
*"''Yes, what is it? Speak!''"
*"''Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Something is wrong with...[[Princess Peach|your]] voice, X–Naut.''"
*"''Perhaps I have a throat lozenge... No. Well, never mind.''"
*"''Oh, about Princess Peach? I have no interest in what that woman has to say. Just keep her locked in the room.''"
*"''But don't ever, EVER treat her roughly. You understand? Tell the [[X-Nauts (organization)|others]] as well.''"
*"''That's none of your business! Don't forget your place, you impudent worm! Concentrate on getting the legendary treasure! That is all I require of you.''"
*"''We X–Nauts needs that treasure to conquer the world! Don't forget it!''"
*"''What are you blathering about now?''"
*"''Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Something IS odd about you...''"
*"''Are you sure about this? Speak up, X-Naut!''"
*"''Finally, the treasure of legend... The [[Shadow Queen|ancient power of darkness]] will soon be ours! Listen, and listen well! Keep giving the Crystal Star search top priority! Of course, that also includes the elimination of Mario! That meddling scum...''"
*"''Soon I will have the power that has slept for a millennium... So very soon! And when that glorious day dawns, I'll throw the world into the depths of terror! No one can stop me now. All will kneel before the X-Naut regime!  And then I, Grodus, will build a new world! A perfect, ideal world... Yes. A world made by me, about me, and for me! GAAAACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!''"
*"''You blew it again, [[Lord Crump]]. You sicken me.''"
*"''Stop talking, Lord Crump. You just stand by until my next order. And, Lord Crump? Think of this as your last chance. Understand?''"
*"''Then leave. Hey! You there!''"
*"''Tell the Shadow Sirens to attack Mario again. And tell them not to fail this time.''"
*"''I have one Crystal Star in my hands...and Mario has five. I must take some measures.''"
*"''What is the matter with you idiots? Falling for a fake [[Garnet Stars|Crystal Star]]? That's asinine!''"
*"''So let me guess... This means Mario managed to get the real Crystal Star?''"
*"''Urrgh... This mustached menace has nearly every Crystal Star now! They were mine! I think I'd better alter my plan a bit...''"
*"''What is it, fool?!?''"
*"''WHAAAAAAAAT?!? Are you sure?!? Speak!''"
*"''Hrrrrgh... TREASON!''"
*"''Hold it right there, Princess Peach!''"
*"''[[TEC-XX|TEC]]... You miserable machine. We all know what you're up to, traitor.''"
*"''In my most paranoid moments, I never thought [[TEC|my own computer]] would betray me. Well, it doesn't really matter in the end, I suppose... Especially since it ends here.''"
*"''Gaaack ack ack ack ack! Only one thing to do with a [[Glitch|malfunctioning]] computer! Cut the circuit and delete all the programs and data that caused that malfunction!''"
*"''Obviously, all data relating to Princess Peach must go, as well...''"
*"''Yes, we must be absolutely sure nothing like this ever happens again...''"
*"''Pipe down, TEC. X-Nauts: at the same time, press the red buttons on TEC's sides.''"
*"''Gaaack ack ack ack! Too bad, Princess Peach. TEC is no longer with us.''"
*"''Princess Peach...just stop it. This is no time to be worrying about a computer. We have some very important things for you to do now... Yes, VERY important...''"
*"''Gaaack ack ack ack!''"
*"''Gaaack ack ack ack ack! We finally meet, Mario.''"
*"''I've been looking forward to this, I must admit.''"
*"''Yes...correct!!! I am the supreme leader of the secret society of X–Nauts! I am Grodus!''"
*"''But I'm getting ahead of myself. I really must express my thanks to you first...''"
*"''And do you know why? You have gathered together all of the Crystal Stars I was seeking.''"
*"''Gaaaack ack ack ack ack! You just realize now, do you?''"
*"''Yes, instead of taking the few Crystal Stars you fools had bumbled into...''"
*"''It was far easier to let you find them all and open [[The Thousand-Year Door|the Thousand–Year Door]] for me...''"
*"''How kind of you to bring them here to me!''"
*"''All I had to do was entrust the last [[Crystal Star]] to my least competent underling!''"
*"''I don't suppose Crump had any idea of my plan, though! Gaaack ack ack ack ack!''"
*"''So, whether he beat you or lost to you...''"
*"''The Crystal Stars would be together and mine either way! Pure genius!''"
*"''Now, I thought the Shadow Sirens would do a little more to slow your progress...''"
*"''But it appears they are so useless that even this small task was beyond them...''"
*"''No matter... Now I get the pleasure of sending you to oblivion!''"
*"''Once you fools are gone, no one will stand in my way! Grodus will rule the world!''"
*"''Now, come!
*"''Meet your ends, you meddlesome fools! You will know my power!''"
*"''So, you have the mettle to push me this far... But no more!''"
*"''Argh! You will not stop me! Take THIS!''"
*"''Guhhh... Fools!''"
*"''Unhh... No...''"
*"''Uuuuuuunhh... You are more than you seem... But this is not finished. I saw even this possibility.''"
*"''Watch THIS!''"
*"''Move one step, and she will breathe no more!!!''"
*"''Now try THIS!!!''"
*"''Gaaack ack ack ack ack! Now! AGAIN!''"
*"''Stop your blubbering! This is it! Meet your end!!''"
*"''WORM! You dare defy me?!? Do you not care for the life of your pitiful Princess? Very well, then...''"
*"''Too bad for you, Mario! You're too late!''"
*"''Gaack ack ack! Look well! In the coffin behind me sleeps the legendary treasure!''"
*"''This tomb holds the soul of that ancient demon, the wielder of destruction...''"
*"''It will possess Peach's body... and bring life to the most powerful witch in millennia!''"
*"''Gaaaack ack ack ack ack! With the power of the demon, I will rule this pathetic world!''"
*"''The time has come at last! The world will be mine!!''"
*"''Now! Arise! ARISE!!! My [[Shadow Queen]]!''"
*"''It is I, my Shadow Queen!''"
*"''It is here! This girl who lies before you!''"
*"''Yes, my glorious witch queen... Destroy these impudent fools!''"
*"''Huh? What do you mean?!? I thought you were bound to obey the one who woke you!''"
*"''Enough of this prattle! Do as I say!!! NOW! Or I will send you back to the depths...''"

==[[Sir Swoop]]==
==[[Sir Swoop]]==
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*"''But you can't POSSIBLY do it! Best of luck, fathead! MMMM HMMMM HOO HA HA!!!''"
*"''But you can't POSSIBLY do it! Best of luck, fathead! MMMM HMMMM HOO HA HA!!!''"
*"''No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You beat my [[X-Yux|cute little underlings]]! How COULD you? Jerk! Just take [[Elevator Key (X-Naut Fortress)|this]] and go! And if you ever wonder, know that I HAAAAAAAAATE YOU!''"
*"''No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You beat my [[X-Yux|cute little underlings]]! How COULD you? Jerk! Just take [[Elevator Key (X-Naut Fortress)|this]] and go! And if you ever wonder, know that I HAAAAAAAAATE YOU!''"
===Acquiring Super Boots===
*"''Hey there! I'm Toadette!''"
*"''Congratulations on getting the Super Boots!''"
*"''You'll be able to use a new jump technique now! So let's practice it, OK?''"
*"''If you press {{button|switch|A}} at the right moment when jumping, you'll do a Spin Jump!''"
*"''The trick is to press {{button|switch|A}} right after you jump.''"
*"''So close!''" (If a command was missed)
*"''Wow! That was perfect! You're a natural! Are you clear on the controls?''"
**(One more time.)
*"''Okey dokey! Let's try it again then!''"
**(All good!)
*"''OK! That's just super! It looks like you've mastered the Spin Jump!''"
*"''You can smash through spots like this with your Spin Jump.''"
*"''Oh, one more thing! You can use the Spin Jump in battle too!''"
*"''Your Attack power for jumps has been boosted as well, so enjoy that the next time you're in a battle!''"
*"''Well, I hope to see you again soon! Good luck on your adventure!''"
===Acquiring Super Hammer===
*"''Hey, it's me again! Toadette! It's so nice to see you again, Mario!''"
*"''Congratulations on getting that Super Hammer! Now you can use a wicked-cool new technique!''"
*"''Let's get to practicing it! It's a little hard, but I'm sure you'll get it!''"
*"''Hold down {{button|switch|B}} and rotate {{button|switch|leftstick}} until your body twists up.''"
*"''Then release {{button|switch|B}} to perform your Super Hammer technique!''"
*"''The key is to rotate a lot before releasing {{button|switch|B}}.''"
*"''Oooh, excellent, Mario! You're so awesome! Are you clear on the controls?''"
**(One more time.)
*"''Okey dokey, Mario! Let's try it again!''"
**(All good!)
*"''OK! Great! You've mastered the Super Hammer!''"
*"''With the Super Hammer move, you can break even big blocks like this!''"
*"''Oh, gee, I almost forgot! You can use the Super Hammer in battle! Plus your hammer Attack power is boosted now.''"
*"''Well, see you later, Mario! Good luck with your quest!''"
===Acquiring Ultra Boots===
*"''Hi, it's me again! Toadette! It's nice to see you again!''"
*"''Way to get the Ultra Boots! Now your jump-attack power will go way, way up!''"
*"''And... you can use a new jump technique too!''"
*"''Let's practice it right now! It's a little hard, but I KNOW you'll get it!''"
*"''Just hold down {{button|switch|A}} and rotate {{button|switch|leftstick}} to make your body fold up!''"
*"''Then release {{button|switch|A}} to do a giant Spring Jump!''"
*"''Remember though—you need to rotate a lot before you release {{button|switch|A}}, OK?''"
*"''The Spring Jump can help you reach new areas, since you can grab pipes above you.''"
*"''Move {{button|switch|leftstick}} left or right to move along a pipe, and press {{button|switch|B}} to let go of a pipe.''"
*"''Wow! Way to go, Mario! That was very well done! Are you clear on the controls?''"
**(One more time.)
*"''OK! No problem at all! Let's try one more time!''"
**(All good!)
*"''OK! Now you've mastered the Spring Jump!''"
*"''With the Spring Jump, you can attack blocks and other things in high places!''"
*"''For example, if you punch a panel from below, you can knock off something sitting on top of it.''"
*"''Oh yeah! You can use the Spring Jump in battle too!''"
*"''So, see you next time, I guess! And good luck on your quest!''"
===Acquiring Ultra Hammer===
*"''Hi! It's me again, Toadette! Nice to see you again!''"
*"''Way to find the Ultra Hammer! Now your hammer will have even more Attack power!''"
*"''And you can also use a new hammer technique!''"
*"''Let's practice it right away! It's just like with the Super Hammer, so no prob!''"
*"''Hold down {{button|switch|B}} and rotate {{button|switch|leftstick}} until your body gets twisty!''"
*"''Then release {{button|switch|B}} to use your Ultra Hammer!''"
*"''Remember to twist a lot before releasing {{button|switch|B}}, OK?''"
*"''Way to go! You got it! Are you clear on the controls?''"
**(One more time.)
*"''All right! No prob! Let's try that again!''"
**(All good!)
*"''All right! You've mastered the Ultra Hammer!''"
*"''Using your Ultra Hammer, you can even break blocks made out of stuff like this!''"
*"''Swing it like normal to break smaller stuff, but use the method I taught you to break bigger things, OK?''"
*"''And you can use the Ultra Hammer in battle too!''"
*"''Ummmm... This is kind of sad.. This is the last time I'll get to see you, Mario...''"
*"''Definitely save Princess Peach, OK? And... And be careful on your quest, OK?''"

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*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Hmm... I wonder if she might be out admiring the landmarks... She does enjoy sightseeing... Please don't waste another moment. You must find the princess! You MUST!"''
*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Hmm... I wonder if she might be out admiring the landmarks... She does enjoy sightseeing... Please don't waste another moment. You must find the princess! You MUST!"''
*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Hmm... I certainly hope she didn't meet this "syndicate" I've been hearing of... Please don't waste another moment. You must find the princess. You MUST!"''
*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Hmm... I certainly hope she didn't meet this "syndicate" I've been hearing of... Please don't waste another moment. You must find the princess. You MUST!"''
*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Hmm... I certainly hope she hasn't been kidnapped by any of those thieves in this town...Please don't waste another moment. You must find the princess. You MUST!"''
*"''Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Ohh... I'm so fraught with worry that I can't hardly sleep nowadays... Please don't waste another moment! You must find the princess. You MUST!"''
*'' Oh! Oh! Master Mario! Haven't you found the princess yet? Ohh... If we don't find her soon, I fear I'll collapse from a lack of sleep, old boy... Please don't waste another moment! You must find the princess. You MUST!"''

==[[Toce T.]]==
==[[Toce T.]]==
Line 1,161: Line 1,196:
*"''And what happens? [[Luigi|He]]'s in it for one second before he completely totals it! Idiot!''"
*"''And what happens? [[Luigi|He]]'s in it for one second before he completely totals it! Idiot!''"
*"''I'm not lettin' [[Luigi|this dip]] outta my sight until he repays me the 5,000-coin repair costs!''"
*"''I'm not lettin' [[Luigi|this dip]] outta my sight until he repays me the 5,000-coin repair costs!''"
==[[Twilight Shop manager]]==
*"''You cad! Why were you... in here while... I was gone? Answer me! Perhaps... I don't want... to know... No! I do! Tell me! Be honest! It's MY shop! She's MY wife! I don't wanna... have to use... a ninja punch... to blast you... out of here! Now, speak!''"
*"''I collect the goods, and she sells 'em. Simple. A good shop, like a good marriage, is dependant'' (GCN) / ''dependent'' (Switch) ''on teamwork, my friend! So show your support and buy something!''"
==[[Twilight Shop manager's wife]]==
In the Switch version, "Sniff" is always written as "*sniff*".
*"''Sniff... Sniff...''" (GCN)
**"''*sniff*... *sniff*...''" (Switch)
*"''Oh, a customer... Sniff... I'm sorry... We're not open right now. Sniff...''"
*"''Huh? Why am I crying? Sniff... My husband's been turned into a pig. A pig...''"
*"''Sniff... My husband went to the woods yesterday to collect herbs... But no husband came home... Instead, a pig returned! This pig!''"
*"''We got in a fight before he left, and I had called him a chauvinist pig... And now he really is a pig... Sniff...''"
*"''But he has a sweet side, too, like cooking my favorite food on my birthday, y'know? And when shoppers get rude, my husband escorts them out in such a manly way, y'know? He's just got so many wonderful things going for him, y'know? I wish he wouldn't dip into the till for cola money, but boys will be boys,'' (GCN) / ''that part of him really needs some work,'' (Switch) ''y'know? And I could really do without him drying his underwear on the radiator, y'know? And no matter how often I tell him, he drinks milk from the carton, y'know? I don't think it'd be tough for him to change his socks once in a while, y'know? But I have my faults too, y'know? Like, maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him all the time, y'know? I should've told him how I felt about him when I could, y'know? Oh, how could he leave me and turn into a pig like this, y'know? ...Yeah.''"
*"''So, ummmmmmm... Are you even listening?''"
*"''So, hey... Could you figure out some way to restore my husband to normal? I'll do whatever I can to help. You can even take anything in the storeroom that might help you, y'know?''" (GCN)
**"''So, hey... Could you figure out some way to restore my husband to normal? I'll do whatever I can to help. You can even take whatever you want from the storeroom if it might help, y'know?''" (Switch)
*"''Please help me! You can even take anything in the storeroom that might help you restore my husband.''" (GCN)
**"''Please help me! You can even take whatever you want from the storeroom if it might help you restore my husband.''" (Switch)
*"''What's that? It's locked? My husband must've taken the key with him and lost it in the woods. Sniff...''" (GCN)
**"''What's that? The storeroom's locked? My husband must've taken the key with him and lost it in the woods. *sniff*...''" (Switch)
*"''Ah, you brought the key! Well, go ahead and open the storeroom, if you want. Feel free to take whatever you want out of there. That's a good trade for getting my husband back, I think.''" (GCN)
**"''Ah, you brought the key! Well, go ahead and open the storeroom, if you want. Feel free to take whatever you want out of there as well. That's a good trade for getting my husband back, I think.''" (Switch)
*"''You opened the storeroom, I see. Me, I have to get the store ready for business. I sure wish I had my husband back in normal form to help me run the place, y'know?''" (GCN)
**"''You opened the storeroom, I see. Feel free to take whatever you want out of there. That's a good trade for a chance to get my husband back, I think. No sense in fretting though. I should get the store ready for business. I sure wish I had my husband back in normal form to help me run the place, y'know?''" (Switch)
*"''Oh, please help my husband return to normal form so he can help me run the place... Sniff...''"
*"''Oh, this is awkward... I guess that pig wasn't my husband at all. This guy is younger and cuter than my husband, actually... What a strapping fellow... Perhaps it's time I traded in for a new husband! Oh, I'm only fooling!''" (GCN)
**"''Oh, this is awkward... That pig wasn't my husband after all. This guy is younger and kind of handsome. What a strapping fellow... Perhaps it's time I traded in for a new husband! Oh, I'm only fooling!''" (Switch)

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*"''You said it was too important to trust me with!''"
*"''You said it was too important to trust me with!''"
*"''I... No, of course not, Beldam...''"
*"''I... No, of course not, Beldam...''"
*"''Truth is, it took me a while to realize I was their sister… not their brother. Now their usual bullying feels heavier." (Switch)
*"''[[Mario]]! I'm fighting by your side from now on! I've made my choice... and I'm not turning back!''"
*"''[[Mario]]! I'm fighting by your side from now on! I've made my choice... and I'm not turning back!''"
*"''How nice! Now we can go to Poshley Heights, right? We'd better hurry up and find that sixth Crystal Star.''"
*"''How nice! Now we can go to Poshley Heights, right? We'd better hurry up and find that sixth Crystal Star.''"
Line 1,252: Line 1,258:
*"''You're not really doing much to impress me either, bud!''"
*"''You're not really doing much to impress me either, bud!''"
*"''Wow! What a grouch!''"
*"''Wow! What a grouch!''"
*"''Yeah! Let's do it, Mario! No forgiveness! No mercy!''"
*"''You’re about to have a really terrible experience!''"
*"''You’re about to have a really terrible experience!''"
*"''Looks like we overdid it a little bit, Are they OK?''"
*"''Looks like we overdid it a little bit, Are they OK?''"
*"''That was a piece of cake, huh, Mario?''"


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