Editing List of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door quotes by character (A–K)

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*"''Never! I don't have anything to say to [[X-Nauts (organization)|you creeps]]! Eww!''"
*"''Never! I don't have anything to say to [[X-Nauts (organization)|you creeps]]! Eww!''"
*"''N–No! Stop right there, you weirdos! I'll scream! Really!''"
*"''N–No! Stop right there, you weirdos! I'll scream! Really!''"
*"''Like I'd go anywhere with smelly lunatics (GameCube) / losers (Switch) like [[X-Nauts (organization)|you]]! Hmph! Not likely!''"
*"''Like I'd go anywhere with smelly lunatics like [[X-Nauts (organization)|you]]! Hmph! Not likely!''"
**"''Like I'd go anywhere with smelly losers like you! Hmph! Not likely!''" (Switch)
*"''Battle time, [[Mario|Mister Man]]! Just find a way to beat this [[Lord Crump|freak of the week]], OK? Don't sweat the details. Just jump on him and hit him with your hammer!''"
*"''Battle time, [[Mario|Mister Man]]! Just find a way to beat this [[Lord Crump|freak of the week]], OK? Don't sweat the details. Just jump on him and hit him with your hammer!''"
*"''Yes! [[Mario|You]]'re doing awesome! Don't you let up!''"
*"''Yes! [[Mario|You]]'re doing awesome! Don't you let up!''"
Line 1,150: Line 1,151:
*"''Yeah, I bet [[Mario|you]] know, but you get these things called Star Points when you win battles. When you get 100 points, you'll go up a level. Don't forget that, OK?''"
*"''Yeah, I bet [[Mario|you]] know, but you get these things called Star Points when you win battles. When you get 100 points, you'll go up a level. Don't forget that, OK?''"
*"''Quick! This way!''"
*"''Quick! This way!''"
*"''Phew! What a bunch of [[X-Nauts (organization)|loons]] (GameCube) / bozos (Switch)! Let's just sneak out of here, what do you say?''"
*"''Phew! What a bunch of [[X-Nauts (organization)|loons]]! Let's just sneak out of here, what do you say?''"
**"''Phew! What a bunch of bozos! Let's just sneak out of here, what do you say?''" (Switch)
*"''Wow, [[Mario|Mister]]! You...totally saved me! Thanks! I have just GOT to give you a little reward!''"
*"''Wow, [[Mario|Mister]]! You...totally saved me! Thanks! I have just GOT to give you a little reward!''"
*"''My name's Goombella. I'm a student (GameCube) / junior (Switch) at the [[University of Goom]]. Nice to meet ya!''"
*"''My name's Goombella. I'm a student at the [[University of Goom]]. Nice to meet ya!''"
**"''My name's Goombella. I'm a junior at the University of Goom. Nice to meet ya!''" (Switch)
*"''So, uh... Who are [[Mario|you]]?''"
*"''So, uh... Who are [[Mario|you]]?''"
*"''...Mario? Wait, [[Mario|you]] mean, like, that famous guy? Wow! I can't believe I met you [[Rogueport|here]]!''"
*"''...Mario? Wait, [[Mario|you]] mean, like, that famous guy? Wow! I can't believe I met you [[Rogueport|here]]!''"
Line 1,163: Line 1,166:
*"''...[[Princess Peach]]? What?''"
*"''...[[Princess Peach]]? What?''"
*"''Um... [[Princess Peach]]? Did [[Toadsworth|he]] mean, like, Peach, the [[Mushroom Kingdom]] princess?!? The princess who always gets nabbed by [[Bowser]], the Koopa king? The one [[Mario|you]] rescue?''"
*"''Um... [[Princess Peach]]? Did [[Toadsworth|he]] mean, like, Peach, the [[Mushroom Kingdom]] princess?!? The princess who always gets nabbed by [[Bowser]], the Koopa king? The one [[Mario|you]] rescue?''"
*"''Wait a sec'! This is crazy (GameCube) / wild (Switch)! Princess...PEACH sent [[Mario|you]] that treasure map?''"
*"''Wait a sec'! This is crazy! Princess...PEACH sent [[Mario|you]] that treasure map?''"
**"''Wait a sec'! This is wild! Princess...PEACH sent [[Mario|you]] that treasure map?''" (Switch)
*"''Whoa. This really intense. Well, where could [[Princess Peach|she]] have gone, then, do [[Mario|you]] think? You think maybe she got sick of waiting and went to find the treasure on her own?''"
*"''Whoa. This really intense. Well, where could [[Princess Peach|she]] have gone, then, do [[Mario|you]] think? You think maybe she got sick of waiting and went to find the treasure on her own?''"
*"''Oooh! Oooh! I know, Mario! Come with me! One of my professors is here researching that treasure. We'll him show him your map!''"
*"''Oooh! Oooh! I know, Mario! Come with me! One of my professors is here researching that treasure. We'll him show him your map!''"
Line 1,198: Line 1,202:
*"''Hey, what's the deal with this weird pedestal, huh? What could it be, you think?''"
*"''Hey, what's the deal with this weird pedestal, huh? What could it be, you think?''"
*"''[[Professor Frankly|Professor]]! What's going on!''"
*"''[[Professor Frankly|Professor]]! What's going on!''"
*"''[[Professor Frankly|Professor]]! The [[Magical Map|map]]!!! And what was with all those crazy (GameCube) / strange (Switch) lights?''"
*"''[[Professor Frankly|Professor]]! The [[Magical Map|map]]!!! And what was with all those crazy lights?''"
**"''Professor! The map! And what was with all those strange lights?''" (Switch)
*"''You understand it, [[Professor Frankly|Professor]]?''"
*"''You understand it, [[Professor Frankly|Professor]]?''"
*"''A special move?''"
*"''A special move?''"
Line 1,218: Line 1,223:
*"''So anyway, [[Koopa Troopa|Green Boots]], have you ever heard of these things called [[Crystal Stars]]? We're on this quest for them. It's very important!''"
*"''So anyway, [[Koopa Troopa|Green Boots]], have you ever heard of these things called [[Crystal Stars]]? We're on this quest for them. It's very important!''"
*"''A pink house? Sounds totally hideous...but it should be easy to find. Thanks for your help.''"
*"''A pink house? Sounds totally hideous...but it should be easy to find. Thanks for your help.''"
*"''Ew! Are you kidding me? EW! Nice wig, [[Dupree|you disco wannabe]]! Take a hike, Bozo the Dork (GameCube) / Chump (Switch)!''"
*"''Ew! Are you kidding me? EW! Nice wig, [[Dupree|you disco wannabe]]! Take a hike, Bozo the Dork!''"
*"''What a total [[Dupree|sleaze]]! Let's go somewhere else, Mario!''"
*"''What a total [[Dupree|sleaze]]! Let's go somewhere else, Mario!''"
*"''That's [[Koops]], from [[Petalburg]]. He's got confidence issues... He's a...cringer, y'know? But he's definitely got a serious interest in [[Hooktail]]... I wonder why?''"
*"''OOOOOO-K... That was weird... What do [[Mario|you]] think THAT was all about? Talk about issues!''"
*"''OOOOOO-K... That was weird... What do [[Mario|you]] think THAT was all about? Talk about issues!''"
*"''So, Hooktail Castle, huh? Well… It sure is ominous, that's for sure.''"
*"''So, Hooktail Castle, huh? Well… It sure is ominous, that's for sure.''"
Line 1,231: Line 1,237:
*"''LET us?!? LET us?!? What’s that supposed to mean?''"
*"''LET us?!? LET us?!? What’s that supposed to mean?''"
*"''H-Hey! You little flirt! Who do you think you are, kissing Mario?!?''"
*"''H-Hey! You little flirt! Who do you think you are, kissing Mario?!?''"
***"''H-Hey! Stop that smooching! Who do you think you are, kissing Mario?!?''" (Switch)
*"''What is WITH that girl? What a flirt! Who acts so disgusting like that?''"
*"''What is WITH that girl? What a flirt! Who acts so disgusting like that?''"
**"''What is WITH that girl? There's no way you'd fall for all that flirting, right, Mario?''" (Switch)
*"''That’s just terrible!''"
*"''That’s just terrible!''"
*"''That’s it! Enough of this! Let’s finish him (GameCube) / her (Switch) off once and for all, Mario!''"
*"''That’s it! Enough of this! Let’s finish him off once and for all, Mario!''"
**"''That’s it! Enough of this! Let’s finish her off once and for all, Mario!''" (Switch)
*"''Yes! We did it, Mario! All we have to do now is search for that Crystal Star we can’t seem to locate.''"
*"''Yes! We did it, Mario! All we have to do now is search for that Crystal Star we can’t seem to locate.''"
*"''Mario? Are you OK? You’re totally shaking… Do you need a bathroom?''"
*"''Mario? Are you OK? You’re totally shaking… Do you need a bathroom?''"
Line 1,262: Line 1,267:
*"''Hey! Stop right there, missy! You’re that thieving girl we saw before! What are you doing here?''"
*"''Hey! Stop right there, missy! You’re that thieving girl we saw before! What are you doing here?''"
*"''Eww! Not another smooch! Who do you think you are, you total floozy?''"
*"''Eww! Not another smooch! Who do you think you are, you total floozy?''"
**"''Eww! Not another smooch! This flirting is out of control!''" (Switch)
*"''I can’t BELIEVE that girl! Ugh! I can’t stand her!''"
*"''I can’t BELIEVE that girl! Ugh! I can’t stand her!''"
*"''Hey, if you’re done rallying everyone… I have a question. We’re looking for this Crystal Star thingamajig… Ever hear of it?''"
*"''Hey, if you’re done rallying everyone… I have a question. We’re looking for this Crystal Star thingamajig… Ever heardof it?''"
*"''Ooh, look! A new pipe! Come on! Let’s jump in!''"
*"''Ooh, look! A new pipe! Come on! Let’s jump in!''"
*"''He IS just a kid, Mario. Maybe we should, y’know, take it easy on him?''"
*"''He IS just a kid, Mario. Maybe we should, y’know, take it easy on him?''"
Line 1,290: Line 1,294:
*"''What? What “channels”? Stop being mysterious! How do we get seats on the ship?''"
*"''What? What “channels”? Stop being mysterious! How do we get seats on the ship?''"
*"''So, no problem! We’ll just go meet this Don Pianta guy, and we’ll be on our way!''"
*"''So, no problem! We’ll just go meet this Don Pianta guy, and we’ll be on our way!''"
*"''Fairy tail nothing! That treasure’s real!''"
*"''Fairy taile nothing! That treasure’s real!''"
*"''Wait… What’s the favor?''"
*"''Wait… What’s the favor?''"
*"''What should we do, Mario? We at least have to tell Don Pianta SOMETHING… But… That stuff about our luck turning terrible didn’t sound all that appetizing…''"
*"''What should we do, Mario? We at least have to tell Don Pianta SOMETHING… But… That stuff about our luck turning terrible didn’t sound all that appetizing…''"
Line 1,351: Line 1,355:
*"''Pffffffft! PUH-leeeeeeze! I am, like, SO sure!''"
*"''Pffffffft! PUH-leeeeeeze! I am, like, SO sure!''"
*"''Are you, like, the biggest floozy ever or what?''"
*"''Are you, like, the biggest floozy ever or what?''"
**"''Are you trying to set a world record for flirting or what?''" (Switch)
*"''What’s with that burglar rat? I swear, I’m gonna headbonk her if she doesn’t watch it! But whatever… What do you think she meant about some poor souls upstairs?''"
*"''What’s with that burglar rat? I swear, I’m gonna headbonk her if she doesn’t watch it! But whatever… What do you think she meant about some poor souls upstairs?''"
*"''"The staircase switch"? What, is there supposed to be a staircase in here?''"
*"''"The staircase switch"? What, is there supposed to be a staircase in here?''"
Line 1,511: Line 1,514:
*"''Hoooooooo-WEEEEEEEEEE! That's our Great Gonzales, friends and neighbors! Kid don't even blink when the Iron Adonis Twins barge in and attack! Woo! Tough! He's too dang tough! Yeah, this kid is only bound for bigger things, folks!''"
*"''Hoooooooo-WEEEEEEEEEE! That's our Great Gonzales, friends and neighbors! Kid don't even blink when the Iron Adonis Twins barge in and attack! Woo! Tough! He's too dang tough! Yeah, this kid is only bound for bigger things, folks!''"
*"''Until next time, everyone... See ya!''"
*"''Until next time, everyone... See ya!''"
*"''Keep sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong and you are D-E-A-D M-E-A-T.''" (email)
*"''Whoa! [[Bowser|Another fighter]]'s stormin' in, screamin' his fool head off about somethin'! Gonzales has lots of foes, folks! Some who don't even know his name! Will he live?''"
*"''Whoa! [[Bowser|Another fighter]]'s stormin' in, screamin' his fool head off about somethin'! Gonzales has lots of foes, folks! Some who don't even know his name! Will he live?''"
*"''Whoa! Great Gonzales lost! Who woulda thunk it, folks? Who was that mystery fighter, anyhoo? It's one mystery after another!''"
*"''Whoa! Great Gonzales lost! Who woulda thunk it, folks? Who was that mystery fighter, anyhoo? It's one mystery after another!''"
*"''Hoo! That's our Gonzales! He don't even bat an eye when some nut (GameCube) / fool (Switch) ambushes him! Tough! Yer too tough, son! And yer only gonna get tougher! Stay tuned, folks!''"
*"''Hoo! That's our Gonzales! He don't even bat an eye when some nut ambushes him! Tough! Yer too tough, son! And yer only gonna get tougher! Stay tuned, folks!''"
**"''Hoo! That's our Gonzales! He don't even bat an eye when some fool ambushes him! Tough! Yer too tough, son! And yer only gonna get tougher! Stay tuned, folks!''" (Switch)
*"''...So you didn't find hide or hair of nobody in the storage room, that what yer sayin'?''"
*"''...So you didn't find hide or hair of nobody in the storage room, that what yer sayin'?''"
*"''Well, no big deal either way. Ain't nothin' in there we'd miss too much anyway. Thanks fer stayin' on top of this, Jolene. Hey, an' by the way, any word on King K?''"
*"''Well, no big deal either way. Ain't nothin' in there we'd miss too much anyway. Thanks fer stayin' on top of this, Jolene. Hey, an' by the way, any word on King K?''"
Line 1,528: Line 1,533:
*"''Just a little burpin' beetle... Here I am, thinkin' someone's up there a-peepin'!''"
*"''Just a little burpin' beetle... Here I am, thinkin' someone's up there a-peepin'!''"
*"''I gotta relax...take some yoga classes or somethin'... Yep. Well, back to the ring!''"
*"''I gotta relax...take some yoga classes or somethin'... Yep. Well, back to the ring!''"
*"''This is your last warning! Stop snooping around about the Crystal Star! If you don't, you'll suffer the same fate as the others who have gone missing...''" (email)
*"''Whoa! Hold the phone, folks! What in tarnation is going on here?!? The Great Gonzales is flyin' solo this time! How's he gonna survive all alone?''"
*"''Whoa! Hold the phone, folks! What in tarnation is going on here?!? The Great Gonzales is flyin' solo this time! How's he gonna survive all alone?''"
*"''The Great Gonzales! Howdy! Fixin' for a fight, huh? Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, guess what? Your next match is...THE TITLE MATCH! Hoooo-WEEEEE! Darn tootin'! You're up against the champ, Rawk Hawk! Now, I wanna see a fair an' excitin' match, so don't you let me down, now, you hear? Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK? The crowd needs somethin' flashy, you catch my drift? Give 'em a good show. Now get in there an' blow the roof off, son!''"
*"''The Great Gonzales! Howdy! Fixin' for a fight, huh? Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, guess what? Your next match is...THE TITLE MATCH! Hoooo-WEEEEE! Darn tootin'! You're up against the champ, Rawk Hawk! Now, I wanna see a fair an' excitin' match, so don't you let me down, now, you hear? Now listen, son: in this battle, I want you to use at least one special move, OK? The crowd needs somethin' flashy, you catch my drift? Give 'em a good show. Now get in there an' blow the roof off, son!''"
Line 1,559: Line 1,565:
*"''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I ain't finished yet, Gonzales!!! Ain't over 'til it's over! That's the way it goes in combat sports, son! And lemme tell you somethin: fortune's gonna smile on me in the end, punk!''"
*"''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I ain't finished yet, Gonzales!!! Ain't over 'til it's over! That's the way it goes in combat sports, son! And lemme tell you somethin: fortune's gonna smile on me in the end, punk!''"
*"''Noooo... How'd this happen? How could a perfect bod like mine lose to such a chub (GameCube) / schlub (Switch)? Oh...Great...Gonzales... Great fight, there, son. Great...fight. Urrrrrrrrrgh...''"
*"''Noooo... How'd this happen? How could a perfect bod like mine lose to such a chub? Oh...Great...Gonzales... Great fight, there, son. Great...fight. Urrrrrrrrrgh...''"
**"''Noooo... How'd this happen? How could a perfect bod like mine lose to such a schlub? Oh...Great...Gonzales... Great fight, there, son. Great...fight. Urrrrrrrrrgh...''" (Switch)
*"''Urrrgh... Prince Mush... He... He...discovered the secret of my...power-suckin' machine... I had him...urgh...disappear. Any which way you look at it...oooog...he ain't around these parts no more.''"
*"''Urrrgh... Prince Mush... He... He...discovered the secret of my...power-suckin' machine... I had him...urgh...disappear. Any which way you look at it...oooog...he ain't around these parts no more.''"

Line 1,618: Line 1,625:
*"''Bleck! That awful sound! It...sounds like a cricket! How did you know? Stop that this instant!''"
*"''Bleck! That awful sound! It...sounds like a cricket! How did you know? Stop that this instant!''"
**"''Bleck! That awful sound! It...sounds like a frog! How did you know?''" (Switch)
**"''Bleck! That awful sound! It...sounds like a frog! How did you know?''" (Switch)
*"''Urp... I got really bad...ugh... food poisoning once when I ate a cricket (GameCube) / frog (Switch). I HATE them!''"
*"''Urp... I got really bad...ugh... food poisoning once when I ate a cricket. I HATE them!''"
**"''Urp... I got really bad...ugh... food poisoning once when I ate a frog. I HATE them!''" (Switch)
*"''Oh... Fight it, Hooky... Just hearing a cricket chirp makes me feel woozy!''"
*"''Oh... Fight it, Hooky... Just hearing a cricket chirp makes me feel woozy!''"
**"''Oh... Fight it, Hooky... Just hearing the sound of them makes me feel woozy!''" (Switch)
**"''Oh... Fight it, Hooky... Just hearing the sound of them makes me feel woozy!''" (Switch)
Line 1,624: Line 1,632:
**"''Ooooog... Must...not...gag... So very woozy...''" (Switch)
**"''Ooooog... Must...not...gag... So very woozy...''" (Switch)
*"''W-Wait! Hold up a moment! I give up! Please! I won't be so bad anymore. I promise! In fact, I'm sorry! For everything! Er... Yeah...''"
*"''W-Wait! Hold up a moment! I give up! Please! I won't be so bad anymore. I promise! In fact, I'm sorry! For everything! Er... Yeah...''"
*"''To prove it, I'll give you 1,000 (GameCube) / 10,000 (Switch) coins! What do you say? Can you forgive me?''"
*"''To prove it, I'll give you 1,000 coins! What do you say? Can you forgive me?''"
***"''To prove it, I'll give you 10,000 coins! What do you say? Can you forgive me?''" (Switch)
*"''Delicious! I knew you would! Money makes the world turn! Now, come get your coins...''"
*"''Delicious! I knew you would! Money makes the world turn! Now, come get your coins...''"
*"''OHHHH ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! You were completely duped by my ingenious ruse!''"
*"''OHHHH ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! You were completely duped by my ingenious ruse!''"
Line 1,639: Line 1,648:
*"''Err... I guess I'd better...''"
*"''Err... I guess I'd better...''"
*"''Ohhh ho ho ho ho ho ho! Ahhh! Now my strength has returned to me!''"
*"''Ohhh ho ho ho ho ho ho! Ahhh! Now my strength has returned to me!''"
*"''Blurp! Why do I always have to feel so faint every time I hear a...urp...cricket (GameCube) / frog (Switch)?''"
*"''Blurp! Why do I always have to feel so faint every time I hear a...urp...cricket?''"
**"''Blurp! Why do I always have to feel so faint every time I hear a...urp...frog?''" (Switch)
*"''B-But... I... I... GURK! How? Why? There's still so much I wanted to do with my life... So many meals...''"
*"''B-But... I... I... GURK! How? Why? There's still so much I wanted to do with my life... So many meals...''"

Line 1,798: Line 1,808:
*"''I don't know why, but Koops has been acting odd lately. What could be bothering him? Probably nothing. He's always tweaked about something.''"
*"''I don't know why, but Koops has been acting odd lately. What could be bothering him? Probably nothing. He's always tweaked about something.''"
*"''Well, part of it, [[Koops]]... I THOUGHT I heard you say you're off to fight [[Hooktail]]...''"
*"''Well, part of it, [[Koops]]... I THOUGHT I heard you say you're off to fight [[Hooktail]]...''"
*"''But...[[Koops|you]]'re joking, right? I mean, you're not exactly a powerhouse... He'll (GameCube) / She'll (Switch) eat you up!''"
*"''But...[[Koops|you]]'re joking, right? I mean, you're not exactly a powerhouse... [[Hooktail|He]]'ll eat you up!''"
**"''But...[[Koops|you]]'re joking, right? I mean, you're not exactly a powerhouse... She'll eat you up!''" (Switch)
*"''No, Koops, you don't. I mean, going off to some dangerous place? It's... It's stupid. So what if you're timid? And sort of a crybaby. I don't care about all that. I just want you to be you. So, don't go...''"
*"''No, Koops, you don't. I mean, going off to some dangerous place? It's... It's stupid. So what if you're timid? And sort of a crybaby. I don't care about all that. I just want you to be you. So, don't go...''"
Line 1,824: Line 1,835:
*"''Looks like you're working hard, Koops. Good for you! Don't push too hard, though. If you do, you may find yourself all gobbled up... Like me! Yar har har har!''"
*"''Looks like you're working hard, Koops. Good for you! Don't push too hard, though. If you do, you may find yourself all gobbled up... Like me! Yar har har har!''"
*"''So tell me, Mario, how's my boy, Koops, doing? If he's not pulling his weight, you just let me know. I'll take his place in your group like THAT! Oh, yeah! Yar har har har har har!''"
*"''So tell me, Mario, how's my boy, Koops, doing? If he's not pulling his weight, you just let me know. I'll take his place in your group like THAT! Oh, yeah! Yar har har har har har!''"
*"''OK, Koops, it's time for me to teach you my own patented fighting technique! If you can master this skill, you'll be ready for any foe! I like to call it the... [[Power Shell]] (GameCube) / [[Shell Toss]] (Switch)! Hm? You already know it? Hmmm... So kids grow even without their parents...''"
*"''OK, Koops, it's time for me to teach you my own patented fighting technique! If you can master this skill, you'll be ready for any foe! I like to call it the... [[Power Shell]]! Hm? You already know it? Hmmm... So kids grow even without their parents...''"
**"''OK, Koops, it's time for me to teach you my own patented fighting technique! If you can master this skill, you'll be ready for any foe! I like to call it the... [[Shell Toss]]! Hm? You already know it? Hmmm... So kids grow even without their parents...''" (Switch)
*"''Mario, don't let Koops know, but I have this dream. Are you ready for it? Someday...I want to go on an adventure with Koops! I get the feeling that day's not too far off, somehow. That's two I owe you, Mario!''"
*"''Mario, don't let Koops know, but I have this dream. Are you ready for it? Someday...I want to go on an adventure with Koops! I get the feeling that day's not too far off, somehow. That's two I owe you, Mario!''"
*"''[[Mayor Kroop|Mayor]]! It's the [[Diamond Star|Crystal Star]]! But I thought [[Mario]] had this thing...''"
*"''[[Mayor Kroop|Mayor]]! It's the [[Diamond Star|Crystal Star]]! But I thought [[Mario]] had this thing...''"
Line 1,850: Line 1,862:
*"''I wonder what her story is… I bet it’s an interesting one… Full of romance…''"
*"''I wonder what her story is… I bet it’s an interesting one… Full of romance…''"
*"''That’s just not right!''"
*"''That’s just not right!''"
*"''I’ve had enough of this! Let’s finish this guy (GameCube) / gal (Switch) off fast, Mario!''"
*"''I’ve had enough of this! Let’s finish this guy off fast, Mario!''"
**"''I’ve had enough of this! Let’s finish this gal off fast, Mario!''" (Switch)
*"''Wow! We actually pulled it off, Mario! Now all we have to do is find that Crystal Star thing you’re looking for, Mario.''"
*"''Wow! We actually pulled it off, Mario! Now all we have to do is find that Crystal Star thing you’re looking for, Mario.''"
*"''Something wrong, Mario? You’re…um…shaking. Are you feeling all right?''"
*"''Something wrong, Mario? You’re…um…shaking. Are you feeling all right?''"
Line 1,964: Line 1,977:
*"''Oh, sure, right, of course! I didn’t mean to doubt you, Ms. Mowz…''"
*"''Oh, sure, right, of course! I didn’t mean to doubt you, Ms. Mowz…''"
*"''Oh… Mario, you lucky dog…''"
*"''Oh… Mario, you lucky dog…''"
*"''Boy, Ms. Mowz sure is cute. Too bad I sound like such a dork (GameCube) / nerd (Switch) whenever I talk to her. Hey, but enough of that… What was that last thing she said, about people upstairs?''"
*"''Boy, Ms. Mowz sure is cute. Too bad I sound like such a dork whenever I talk to her. Hey, but enough of that… What was that last thing she said, about people upstairs?''"
**"''Boy, Ms. Mowz sure is cute. Too bad I sound like such a nerd whenever I talk to her. Hey, but enough of that… What was that last thing she said, about people upstairs?''" (Switch)
*"''Umm… “The staircase switch”? There’s supposed to be a staircase in here somewhere?''"
*"''Umm… “The staircase switch”? There’s supposed to be a staircase in here somewhere?''"
*"''Mario! Did you get all that? Fighters are going missing! Talk about scary! I figured King K just took an early retirement and headed home…''"
*"''Mario! Did you get all that? Fighters are going missing! Talk about scary! I figured King K just took an early retirement and headed home…''"

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