Editing List of Paper Mario: Sticker Star quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game ''[[Paper Mario: Sticker Star]]'', listed by character, in alphabetical order.
This is a list of quotes from the game ''[[Paper Mario: Sticker Star]]'', listed by character, in alphabetical order.

==[[Bowser Jr.]]==
==Bowser Jr.==
*''"DON'T RUN! WAIT UP!"''
*''"DON'T RUN! WAIT UP!"''
*''"Hey, you're Mario! Er... What are you doing here?"'' (American English)
*''"Hey, you're Mario! Talk about weird. What are you doing here?"''
**''"Hey, you're Mario! Talk about weird. What are you doing here?"'' (British English)
*''"Sniff snoof snifffffffffffffff... Hold up. That smell. THAT GLORIOUS STINK! Have you got a rare sticker?"''
*''"Sniff snoof snifffffffffffffff... Hold up. That smell. THAT GLORIOUS STINK! Have you got a rare sticker?"''
*''"News flash: all rare stickers are MINE. Fork it over!"''
*''"News flash: all rare stickers are MINE. Fork it over!"''
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*''"Even when we're stomped by Ma-ri-o!"''
*''"Even when we're stomped by Ma-ri-o!"''

*''"Heart of a woman, heart of a man..."''
*''"Heart of a woman, heart of a man..."''
*''"Both can know of love's grace..."''
*''"Both can know of love's grace..."''
*''"Just try not to get egg on your face."''
*''"Just try not to get egg on your face."''

==[[Crybaby Toad]]==
==Enigmansion forbear==
*''"You heard me crying and came to help! I, uh...guess I was bawling pretty loudly."''
*''"See, I was walking around lost in thought when I found myself actually lost. And surrounded by enemies."''
*''"No way could I avoid all those things and get back all by myself, so I decided to express my general loneliness. By sobbing. A lot."''
*''"Anyway, please take me back to town! I'll follow behind you! I won't get in the way or anything!"''
*''"Mario, wait! If I jump down from there, I'll hurt my feet! And then I'll cry!"''
*''"Look, I'd better just wait here for you. Come back and get me! Don't forget!"''
*''"Oh, thank goodness! You haven't abandoned me yet."''
*''"Look, I'm sorry for being such a baby, but my legs just aren't as strong as yours, Mario. We don't all do, like, a thousand jump squats a day."''
*''"OK, so I'm going to follow you again... Please take me back to town!"''
*''"YEEEEEEEK! It's all over me! I can't take it!"''
*''"Oh, thank goodness! You haven't left me to fend for myself."''
*''"Listen, I don't mean to be such a wuss, but I'm not a fighter like you, Mario. We don't all stomp, like, a hundred Goombas before breakfast."''
*''"If you could just beat up any scary bad guys for me, that'd really help me out."''
*''"OK, so I'm going to follow you again... Please take me back to town!"''
*''"Finally, we're back aboveground! And all thanks to you, Mario. You make a great bodyguard!"''
*''"Now keep it up and get me all the way back to town. Just a little ways to go!"''
*''"You did it! You got me back to town! Oh, thank you so much. I'm almost crying with joy!"''
*''"I've got a little something to thank you with, so come by my house."''
*''"It's the middle house in the group of three up ahead. I'll wait for you there!"''
*''"Mario! I've been waiting for you."''
*''"As far as thank-you presents go, this is nothing special...but please take it!"''
*''"Hey, but speaking of which, when I was all lost in thought and then got lost..."''
*''"The Goombas in front of that windmill kept repeating "Forwon toothree! Forwon toothree!" Isn't that weird? I mean, what language is that?"''
*''"...Whoa! I almost did it again! I've gotta stop getting lost in thought before I get REALLY lost again."''
*''"Mm-yes, welcome to [[Whiteout Valley|White Valley]] Lift. You desire a lift?"''
*''"Mm-yes, welcome to [[Whiteout Valley|White Valley]] Lift. You desire a lift?"''
*''"Lift for two, straightaway!"''
*''"Lift for two, straightaway!"''
Line 93: Line 65:
*''"It's been a long time we've had visitors to this [[The Enigmansion|house]]. It pleases me greatly, I must admit."''
*''"It's been a long time we've had visitors to this [[The Enigmansion|house]]. It pleases me greatly, I must admit."''
==Enigmansion steward==
*''"Ah, greetings, Master Mario... How very impressive that you were able to brave the cold all the way here. I am the steward of this [[The Enigmansion|estate]]."''
*''"As I'm sure you must be exhausted by the long journey, nothing would please me more than to invite you in to enjoy the comforts of the mansion."''
*''"Sadly, I must admit that such niceties are impossible at this time."''
*''"Someone has committed a terrible act. A [[Book of Sealing|book]] was opened--a terrible book with terrifying [[Boo|things]] sealed within."''
*''"Many terrifying things escaped."''
*''"These things..."''
*''"They are so terrifying that I can't even bear to speak their terrible names."''
*''"Suffice to say, it was too terrifying to be in such close proximity to those terrors, so I fled the mansion and set up residence in my current spot of shame."''
*''"If you doubt this terrifying tale, I ask that you look upon THIS!"''
*''"Master Mario... What you now hold is the very Book of Sealing I speak of... The one that once was the prison of those terrifying things."''
*''"It heartens me to see that book in the capable hands of a gallant figure such as yourself!"''
*''"If you can once again seal all the terrifying things within that book and return it to the basement..."''
*''"Then, and only then, I can resume my duties inside and pamper you with the royal treatment you deserve."''
*''"Master Mario, please allow me to treat you to the finest hospitality known to Toadkind! Seal up all those terrors!"''
*''"Ah, Master Mario. I suddenly feel chills up and down my spine. That can't be normal... What could be the cause?"''
*''"Even when I warm myself up by the bonfire, the chills won't go away. I daresay I may be catching a cold."''
*''"Ah, Master Mario, chills are positively racing up and down my back. How can you deny a Toad in my condition of a fire?!"''
*''"Ah, Master Mario. Those chills that had set up residence along my spine have disappeared like they never existed."''
*''"I daresay I'm over that cold."''
*''"Master Mario! You did it, didn't you!"''
*''"The inside of the mansion is no longer terrifying whatsoever!"''
*''"That book is sealed up, and all is back to normal! Thank you ever so!"''
*''"And now, as promised, allow me to show you the very finest in hospitality! Please, let's adjourn to the room to the left of the lobby."''
*''"Ah, welcome."''
*''"What do you think? A grand tune, no? Makes a fellow feel right at home."''
*''"Ah, yes... That picture."''
*''"That was painted by the mansion's previous proprietor... In other words, the steward who came before me."''
*''"I inherited the charge of the mansion when he passed away."''
*''"If it interests you, I am happy to make you a gift of that painting. After all, I am the steward now, and can dispense the estate as I see fit."''
*''"Please, do not hesitate to take it. Such is our legendary hospitality!"''
*''"Ah, to be quite honest, I feel much better without that painting."''
*''"I'd like to put up a picture of something that makes it more MY mansion... Perhaps even a picture of me."''
*''"Master Mario, please! No need to stand. Do have a seat in that chair over there."''
*''"What do you think of our magnificent living room? Makes you feel rather instantly at home, does it not?"''
*''"It pleases me to no end to be able to provide the hospitality that befits this glorious place."''
*''"And finally, I look like a proper steward again. Perhaps it's time I advertised for a manservant of my own. Oh ho ho."''
*''"Mm-yes, welcome."''
*''"I'm also happy to make Master Mario feel at home."''

Line 105: Line 117:
*''"Well, well, WELL! You again! You're looking thin and flimsy as a piece of tissue paper!"''
*''"Well, well, WELL! You again! You're looking thin and flimsy as a piece of tissue paper!"''
*''"Get him while he's off guard!"''
*''"Get him while he's off guard!"''
*''"Uh-oh! He noticed us!"''
*''"Last time we weren't prepared, and you beat us like flat, little piñatas."''
*''"Last time we weren't prepared, and you beat us like flat, little piñatas."''
*''"But this time won't be so easy! Taste our paper power, punk!"''
*''"But this time won't be so easy! Taste our paper power, punk!"''
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==[[Host Snifit]]==
*''"So VERY sorry to keep you waiting! We've got a great show for you folks. That's right! It's time to play..."''
*''"<big>SNIFIT OR...</big>"''
*''"Yes, we're back this week with another exiting episode of [[Snifit or Whiffit]]! I'm your host, [[Snifit]]."''
*''"For the next 30 minutes, our star guest will come face-to-face with three positively riveting challenges!"''
*''"And today's guest is the best of the best, yes, the man we all detest... Mario!"''
*''"That's right, and if our guest is Snifit enough to vanquish all three games, he'll receive this fabulous prize!"''
*''"Uh...a piece of Wiggler?!"''
*''"Well, without further ado... Challenge! Are you ready, both physically and mentally, to Snifit or Whiffit?"''
*''"Now, once the games begin, we can't guarantee that you'll...um...survive. Are you suuuuuure you're up to the challenge?"''
*''"Now, that's what I call a right answer! All righty, let's get things started... Here's the first game!"''
*''"<big>PICK-AND-CHOOSE PANIC!</big>"''
*''"Here comes the first question. Mario, I want you to answer by hitting either the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block."''
*''"Of course, our hilarious poison gas will start filling the room, so answer fast! One whiff of that stuff and your [[Heart Point|HP]] will drop like nobody's business!"''
*''"OK then! Let's Snifit!"''
*''"Only a guy who's been tormenting Bowser over so many years could keep so cool in a room full of poison! Lesser men would've whiffed it!"''
*''"Anyway, the first stage is CLEARED! Let's move on to the next!"''
*''"That's right, ladies and goodbuddies, it's time for the second challenge!"''
*''"<big>BIG BONKING SNIFIT BASH!</big>"''
*''"OK, here's the deal! Our unpaid Snifit interns will poke their heads out of the holes in the ground, right?"''
*''"Just bonk them with your hammer with {{button|3ds|B}} before they scurry back underground to the underwhelming intern lounge! All you need to do is bonk 20 of 'em."''
*''"It should go without saying that this challenge will ALSO be done in a room full of very whiffable poison gas. So let's Snifit!"''
*''"Not bad at all. But would we expect anything less from the guardian of the [[Mushroom Kingdom]], folks? No way! The guy is pretty slick with a hammer."''
*''"Stage two is CLEAR! Congrats! Now let's head for the final staaaage!"''
*''"And now, folks, we come to the final stage of Snifit or Whiffit!"''
*''"And the challenge is..."''
*''"OK then, inside one of these blocks is the correct answer."''
*''"The rest are all WRONG."''
*''"First, the blocks will be shuffled."''
*''"Once they're shuffled, the excitement sets in as you choose a block."''
*''"If you hit the correct three times, you're in the clear!"''
*''"If you hit the wrong block, a very exiting Snifit battle awaits!"''
*''"Got it? Great! We'll start when everyone says those magic words..."''
*''"Go ahead! Hit the block of your choice!"''
*''"That's the block you're choosing? OK...then let's open it!"''
*''"But of course, sniffing out the right block at that speed was easy."''
*''"Two more correct blocks and you're clear. Now on with the challenges!"''
*''"<big>SHUFFLE IT UP!</big>"''
*''"Well done, really, just fabulous. But your winning streak is about to end. Here's where you'll whiff it for sure."''
*''"Because we're adding another block! Now, you know the deal... If you hit the correct block one more time, you're in the clear."''
*''"You've cleared the whole game! Are you sure you aren't part Snifit?"''
*''"Mario, as much as it pains me, I have to give you the proverbial Snifit high five. Congratulations!"''
*''"As promised, your prize. It's allllll yours!"''
*''"Sadly, folks, this week's episode of Snifit or Whiffit has come to an end."''
*''"On behalf of me, your humble host Snifit, and our guest, Mario, we hope you've enjoyed our time together."''
*''"I hope to see you all soon for another exciting episode of..."''
*''"Listen, Mario, can we talk Snifit to Snifit for a second? I gotta tell you, you did a great job out there."''
*''"I mean, it looked like those were barely even challenges for you, am I right?"''
*''"That's because you're special. And we've prepped a special stage just for special guys like you."''
*''"If you clear this special stage, you'll receive a special prize. And when I say "special prize," I mean "awesome thing.""''
*''"Are you Snifit enough to face the challenge of the special stage?"''
*''"Just like last time, our lawyers advise me that I technically can't guarantee you'll live. You OK with that?"''
*''"That, good buddy, is the right answer. Let's get to the special staaaage!"''
*''"Welcome to the special stage! I just KNEW good old Mario would be up to the challenge."''
*''"Not to scare you, but this time around, the game is gonna destroy you..."''
*''"And here's our game!"''
*''"OK, I'm gonna get the quiz started, Mario, you know the deal. Answer by hitting the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block, but..."''
*''"Here, as they say, is the TWIST! You can't hit the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block until you bonk five unpaid Snifit interns!"''
*''"You'll have to be quick if you hope to hit enough Snifits AND answer three questions correctly, but that's the only way you'll clear the game."''
*''"Oh, and don't worry, because of course we'll pipe in your favorite flavor of poison gas to keep you on your toes."''
*''"So let's start the special stage, huh? Can I get a..."''
*''"Folks, the special stage is cleared! Wonderful! Fabulous! Dare I say, Snifit! CONGRATULATIONS!"''
*''"Looks like I underestimated you. You must be at least part Snifit... Anyway, that's all our challenges for today, folks."''
*''"Ladies and goodbuddies, give Mario a warm round of applause!"''
*''"The studio was on fire tonight, folks! Thanks so much for being here tonight."''
*''"I've been your host, Snifit. Until next time!"''
*''"Of course, of course. Your prize! Here it is."''
*''"Hmmm... Where'd you go, little Toadie?"''
*''"Hmmm... Where'd you go, little Toadie?"''
*''"You little scamp... Hiding something good in your pocket even when I ask ever so politely to have a look at it. Very suspicious, indeed."''
*''"You little scamp... Hiding something good in your pocket even when I ask ever so politely to have a look at it. Very suspicious, indeed."''
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*''"<small>Wake up...</small> Wake up..."''
*''"wake up..."''
*''"Wake up..."''
*''"Oh, come onnnnn..."''
*''"Oh, come onnnnn..."''
*''<big>"WAKE UP!"</big>''
*''"WAKE UP!''"
*''"Hey, you...come over here a minute."''
*''"Hey, you...come over here a minute."''
*''"No, this way. Over here."''
*''"Not that way!"''
*''"Hurry up! Get over here!"''
*''"No, no, not over THERE. Over HERE! Ugh, this is so annoying!"''
*''"C'mon... Get over here!"''
*''"Please...just come over to me..."''
*''"Hey, you made it...finally. You sure took your sweet time, huh? But whatever. It's fine."''
*''"Wow, you came right over here, huh? Good instincts. I like it."''
*''"Wow, you came right over here, huh? Good instincts. I like it."''
*''"In case it's not obvious, I'm stuck here and can't move. Hurry up and peel me off this thing! Just get close to me and hold down {{button|3ds|A}}. You can handle that, right? Now PEEL!"''
*''"In case it's not obvious, I'm stuck here and can't move. Hurry up and peel me off this thing!"''
*''"Phew... That was unpleasant. Hey, wait a minute. You..."''
*''"Just get close to me and hold down {{button|3ds|A}}. You can handle that, right?"''
*''<big>"WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?"</big>''
*''"Now PEEL!"''
*''"You! YOU'RE the one who touched the comet! What is WRONG with you?! It's a saying from the beginning of time: "Never, EVER touch the [[Sticker Comet]]!" You must have heard it a million times! You don't think a comet packed full of people's wishes might be the teensiest bit dangerous? Noooooo... You, in your infinite wisdom, had to lay your grubby little hands on it, and KERBLAMMO! Total chaos! And do you even realize what blew off to who knows where in the blast? The [[Royal Sticker]]s! Yeah. THOSE ROYAL STICKERS. This is all your fault, pal! You're taking full responsibility for all of this!"''
*''"Phew... That was unpleasant."''
*''"Huh? Someone named [[Bowser]] touched the Sticker Comet...and you're [[Mario]]?"''
*''"Hey, wait a minute. You..."''
*''<big>"HOW DARE YOU!</big> Pinning the blame on someone else? Talk about cowardly! Talk about completely unpaper-like! A lady is in serious trouble here! Ask yourself: what would the famous Mario do at a time like this, hmmm?"''
*''"<big>WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?</big>"''
*''"Huh? Really? You'll really help? Thanks! In that case, I'll introduce myself."''
*''"You! YOU'RE the one who touched the [[Sticker Comet|comet]]! What is WRONG with you?!"''
*''"It's a saying from the beginning of time: "Never, EVER touch the Sticker Comet!" You must have heard it a million times!"''
*''"You don't think a comet packed full of people's wishes might be the teensiest bit dangerous?"''
*''"Noooooo... You, in your infinite wisdom, had to lay your grubby little hands on it, and KERBLAMMO!"''
*''"Total chaos! And do you even realize what blew off to who knows where in the blast? The [[Royal Sticker]]s! Yeah. THOSE ROYAL STICKERS."''
*''"This is all your fault, pal! You're taking full responsibility for all of this!"''
*''"Someone named Bowser touched the Sticker Comet...and you're Mario?"''
*''"<big>HOW DARE YOU!</big>"''
*''"Pinning the blame on someone else? Talk about cowardly! Talk about completely unpaper-like!"''
*''"A lady is in serious trouble here! Ask yourself: what would the famous Mario do at a time like this, hmmm?"''
*''"Huh? Really? You'll really help? Thanks!"''
*''"In that case, I'll introduce myself."''
*''"I'm [[Kersti]]!"''
*''"I'm [[Kersti]]!"''
*''"I came from the faraway [[List of implied locations#Sticker Star|Sticker Star]] to grant everyone's wishes at the [[Sticker Fest]]. It's not me who grants them, mind you. No, the stickers who wield the mystical superpowers to grant those wishes are known as the Royal Stickers. Now they're scattered all over... As their caretaker, it's my duty to find all of them...or else I can't return to the Sticker Star! So yeah... That's why you have to help me find the Royal Stickers! It looks like they fell outside of town, so first we need to find out how to get out of here!"''
*''"I came from the faraway [[List of implied locations#Sticker Star|Sticker Star]] to grant everyone's wishes at the [[Sticker Fest]]."''
*''"Hey, so obviously you can [[jump]], but now you can also use that awesome [[Hammer|thing]]. Life is good, huh? Break stuff, knock some stuff down... Just whack whatever you want!"''
*''"It's not me who grants them, mind you. No, the stickers who wield the mystical superpowers to grant those wishes are known as the Royal Stickers."''
*''"Huh? Hey, that's a [[Sticker (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)|sticker]], isn't it?! Lucky you, picking up something that great. Well, you can't jam something as important as a sticker in your pocket, so let me give you an [[album]] to keep that in."''
*''"Now they're scattered all over... As there caretaker, it's my duty to find all of them...or else I can't return to the Sticker Star!"''
*''"Not bad, huh? Any sticker you find, you just pop it in the album. Trust me, you're going to need as many of those as you can find later on, so take good care of them!"''
*''"So yeah... That's why you have to help me find the Royal Stickers!"''
*''"It looks like they fell outside of town, so first we need to find out how to get out of here!"''
*''"Hey, so obviously you can [[jump]], but now you can also use that awesome [[Hammer|thing]]. Life is good, huh?"''
*''"Break stuff, knock some stuff down... Just whack whatever you want!"''
*''"Huh? Hey, that's a [[Sticker (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)|sticker]], isn't it?! Lucky you, picking up something that great."''
*''"Well, you can't jam something as important as a sticker in your pocket, so let me give you an [[album]] to keep that in."''
*''"Not bad, huh? Any sticker you find, you just pop it in the album."''
*''"Trust me, you're going to need as many of those as you can find later on, so take good care of them!"''
*''"Look--a road! NOW we can start making some progress. Hurry up, and let's find the way out of town."''
*''"Look--a road! NOW we can start making some progress. Hurry up, and let's find the way out of town."''
*''"Hmm. So this is the town proper... Quieter than I thought it would be. Well, whatever... Where's that exit?"''
*''"Hmm. So this is the town proper... Quieter than I thought it would be. Well, whatever... Where's that exit?"''
*''"Oh wow! This place is really rolled up tight! That what's-his-Bowser guy did quite a number on the town."''
*''"We did it! Now we can take that exit to get outside of town."''
*''"We did it! Now we can take that exit to get outside of town."''
*''"Finally, we can set out to find the Royal Stickers! FINALLY!"''
*''"Finally, we can set out to find the Royal Stickers! FINALLY!"''
Line 361: Line 312:
*''"But wait--what am I thinking?"''
*''"But wait--what am I thinking?"''
*''"I just remembered something, Mario. Wouldn't you be able to mop up these guys a lot faster if you could use more than one sticker at a time?"''
*''"I just remembered something, Mario. Wouldn't you be able to mop up these guys a lot faster if you could use more than one sticker at a time?"''
*''"You know what? Forget you! Here--pick one of these answers so we can move on."''
*''"Right, right! You think so too, huh? Well, I've got good news!"''
*''"Right, right! You think so too, huh? Well, I've got good news!"''
*''"And here it is!"''
*''"And here it is!"''
Line 391: Line 341:
*''"That's a Royal Sticker!"''
*''"That's a Royal Sticker!"''
*''"Hey! You crazy, babbling loon! Give me back that sticker!"''
*''"Hey! You crazy, babbling loon! Give me back that sticker!"''
*''"Hey, you managed to win the day, but you sure used a lot of stickers. Don't you think maybe there was a more effective sticker you might have used instead?"''
*''"Well, anyway, you won, right? So this time everything's peachy. Still, try a little harder next time!"''
*''"The Royal Sticker... Since it was stuck on that Goomba, he got its power..."''
*''"The Royal Sticker... Since it was stuck on that Goomba, he got its power..."''
*''"But the question is, did it get stuck there on accident, or did someone put it there on purpose?"''
*''"But the question is, did it get stuck there on accident, or did someone put it there on purpose?"''
Line 408: Line 356:
*''"So, Mario, are you ready? There's sure to be a secret within this tower..."''
*''"So, Mario, are you ready? There's sure to be a secret within this tower..."''
*''"Huh? Hey! Isn't that a Royal Sticker?!"''
*''"Huh? Hey! Isn't that a Royal Sticker?!"''
*''"Wow. You, uh... You sure used a lot of stickers again, huh? Not trying to nag, but think hard about the stickers you're using in different situations to be more effective!"''
*''"Yeah, you won, and the ends justify the means to an extent, but next time it might be better if you plan wisely!"''
*''"A Royal Sticker can turn even a [[Pokey]] into something monstrous like [[Tower Power Pokey|THAT]]?! What amazing power, huh?"''
*''"A Royal Sticker can turn even a [[Pokey]] into something monstrous like [[Tower Power Pokey|THAT]]?! What amazing power, huh?"''
*''"Wow. We'd better grab that Royal Sticker right now!"''
*''"Wow. We'd better grab that Royal Sticker right now!"''
Line 439: Line 385:
*''"If we don't find a way out to that island and stop that stuff from flowing, the woods will never go back to normal."''
*''"If we don't find a way out to that island and stop that stuff from flowing, the woods will never go back to normal."''
*''"Oh no! Is the little guy OK down there?"''
*''"Oh no! Is the little guy OK down there?"''
*''"I have HAD it! Why does stuff like this always happen to me?!"''
*''"Hey! Are you going to keep me waiting here forever?"''
*''"You listen to me! When Mario shows up, AND HE WILL, he's going to tear all of you guys to pieces!"''
*''"Mario, you're really taking your time! Where ARE you? What are you doing? Damsel in distress over here!"''
*''"Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?! Don't you think you've kept me waiting a little too long? You didn't go home, did you? Was it something I said?"''
*''"What am I going to do? Losing the Royal Stickers is all my fault."''
*''"Aaaaaaaaah... I can't go back to the Sticker Star like this. Ooooooooh... Why me? Why this? Why now?"''
*''"Aaaah... Awwww... I want to cry... Wait, I am crying... Stupid crying... Sniffle..."''
*''"AAAAAH! Mario!"''
*''"AAAAAH! Mario!"''
*''"In case you never knew noticed, I don't have arms or legs. So DO SOMETHING."''
*''"In case you never knew noticed, I don't have arms or legs. So DO SOMETHING."''
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*''"Ugh! It ran off again!"''
*''"Ugh! It ran off again!"''
*''"What's wrong, little guy? Calm down."''
*''"What's wrong, little guy? Calm down."''
*''"Did you hear that, little guy? He's not taking the ship out."''
*''"Did you here that, little guy? He's not taking the ship out."''
*''"I understand you want to do something about the poison, but we'll have to give up the idea of going by ship."''
*''"I understand you want to do something about the poison, but we'll have to give up the idea of going by ship."''
*''"All that fleeing, hiding, struggling... I can't say that was especially fun, but thank goodness they're all safe."''
*''"All that fleeing, hiding, struggling... I can't say that was especially fun, but thank goodness they're all safe."''
Line 506: Line 443:
*''"Ah, I can finally see the island."''
*''"Ah, I can finally see the island."''
*''"Mario, let's go. Let's find the source of that icky, overflowing poison!"''
*''"Mario, let's go. Let's find the source of that icky, overflowing poison!"''
*''"Hmm... We might be able to block the poison before it gets to us."''
*''"But it IS a liquid... Maybe something that could absorb it would work?"''
*''"And thanks to you carrying us to that island, Wiggler, we managed to get back a very important sticker."''
*''"And thanks to you carrying us to that island, Wiggler, we managed to get back a very important sticker."''
*''"So thank YOU, Wiggler! Now that the leaves are clean, you should eat as much as you want!"''
*''"So thank YOU, Wiggler! Now that the leaves are clean, you should eat as much as you want!"''
*''"Right! Eat a lot, and you'll grow big!"''
*''"Right! Eat a lot, and you'll grow big!"''
*''"Turned out great, didn't it, Mario?"''
*''"Turned out great, didn't it, Mario?"''
*''"Um... OK... So let me get this straight. You want us to go inside this [[The Enigmansion|mansion of terror]] and seal up all the terrifying things inside this book?''
*''"Huh. It seems strange that such an important seal could break so easily. Maybe it's the fault of a Royal Sticker?"''
*''"Well, maybe so and maybe not, but either way, stamping out terror inside a haunted mansion sounds like it could be kind of fun! I mean, right?"''
*''"C'mon, Mario, let's go inside and take a look around."''
*''"Of course, if you're TOO terrified, you don't have to. Hee hee hee!"''
*''"Hey, were those the "terrifying things" just now? They looked more "fun" than "terrifying" to me, but whatever."''
*''"One thing's for sure: they can hide like nobody's business! Maybe they're just shy or something."''
*''"One way or another, we've got to find them all and seal them up!"''
*''"I sense that there are terrifying things somewhere nearby."''
*''"Phew. Looks like it's finally all over."''
*''"Hey, Kamek said he came here looking for a book about stickers, right?"''
*''"You have to wonder if maybe he read something in there that could cause us trouble..."''
*''"Nah... No way. He just opened that Book of Sealing by mistake and basically nothing came of it, so..."''
*''"Yeah, so that's that. All sewn up. And that Toad is waiting, so let's go to the room to the left of the lobby."''
*''"Regular stickers are barely even making this monster's feet itch!"''
*''"We need to go all out! Break out those THING stickers!"''
*''"Wow, amazing! So this is what the inside of a volcano is like."''
*''"I guess I shouldn't be surprised... but it's really hot! Looking for a Royal Sticker in here is not going to be easy."''
*''"We've really met our match this time! But no way am I getting eaten again!"''
*''"HEY! [[Petey Piranha|YOU]]! Yeah, I'm talking to you! How dare you try to eat a lady?!"''
*''"Mario, teach it a lesson! Hit the Battle Spinner and crank it up, full throttle!"''
*''"Hmph. Stickers are NOT food."''
*''"Time to grab that Royal Sticker!"''
*''"Bowser's face... That must have been Bowser's castle!"''
*''"The last Royal Sticker is there! The last battle is finally upon us."''
*''"To Bowser's castle!"''
*''"Wow! Flutter, I hardly recognized you!"''
*''"This must be your true form. It's just wonderful."''
*''"And what's that on your back? Are those..."''
*''"Wiggler, about those "old times"... You know that was just a little while ago, right?"''
*''"Ah, there you are, you little brat! We won't go easy on you either. Come take your medicine!"''
*''"We're here! There's nowhere left to run, so get ready for a spanking!"''
*''"Hmph. A little brat to the bitter end."''
*''"Hey, that's Princess Peach!"''
*''"Isn't she the apple of your eye? Quick, let's save her while Bowser's not around!"''
*''"At long last... Bowser!"''
*''"Wait a minute... You're all sparkly! You're sparkling from the Royal Sticker!"''
*''"We're not a-afraid of you!"''
*''"We fought our way all the way here to peel that Royal Sticker right off your nasty forehead!"''
*''"GIVE IT UP!"''
*''"No! The Royal Sticker fell with Bowser!"''
*''"Thanks for sticking me up, Mario."''
*''"I'm giving you all my shine. You have to win!"''
*''"Looking back, I realise I kind of forced you to come on this adventure with me. I'm sorry..."''
*''"We've been through a lot, but... it was fun. And now..."''
*''"<big>WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!</big>"''
*''"Please tell me you aren't trying to touch the Sticker Comet again!"''
*''"You know what I think? I think you're a troublemaker! And your troublemaking made trouble for everyone!"''
*''"Hmm... Being brought back to life by Mario's wish was definitely nice, but..."''
*''"If it's like this every year at the Sticker Fest, I may have to seriously reconsider my career path."''

==Koopa Paratroopa==
==Koopa Paratroopa==
Line 577: Line 458:
*''"[[Koopa Paratroopa|Koopa]] down! Over."''
*''"[[Koopa Paratroopa|Koopa]] down! Over."''

==[[Megasparkle Goomba]]==
==Megasparkle Goomba==
*''"Shee shee shee... Nee nee nee... Shinysheenyshoony..."''
*''"Shee shee shee... Nee nee nee... Shinysheenyshoony..."''
Line 595: Line 476:
*''"All right, lads! Time to show them what's what!"'' (British English)
*''"All right, lads! Time to show them what's what!"'' (British English)
*''"Oopsie for yoopsie! When we're all sparkled up in a wall, that stuff doesn't even faze us!"''
*''"Oopsie for yoopsie! When we're all sparkled up in a wall, that stuff doesn't even faze us!"''
*''"Oh, sparkles! Guys, get it together!"''
*''"Shee hee hooof... That stunk! C'mon, boys, get your shine back on!"'' (American English)
*''"Shee hee hooof... That stunk! C'mon, boys, get your shine back on!"'' (American English)
*''"Shee hee hooof... What was that?! Come on, lads! Get back to shining!"'' (British English)
*''"Shee hee hooof... What was that?! Come on, lads! Get back to shining!"'' (British English)
Line 608: Line 488:
*''"Now it's gone... Now I no longer... shi... ne.."''
*''"Now it's gone... Now I no longer... shi... ne.."''

==Miscellaneous Toads==
==Mizzter Blizzard==
*''"[[Mario]]! [[Bowser]]'s pasted us up all over the place! Luckily I've got just the thing for a crisis like this. Here--take it!"''
*''"It may not look like much, but this [[hammer]]'s got a long and distinguished pedigree that echoes back through the [[Mushroom Kingdom|kingdom]]'s history. If you just use {{button|3ds|B}}, you'll master it in no time!"''
*''"So are you using that hammer that doesn't look like much but has a long and distinguished pedigree that echoes back through the kingdom's history?"''
*''"Great. That was fun. Yeah, pasted behind a sign in a forgotten corner... And what number did I draw in the rescued-Toad lottery? <number>. Story of my life."''
==[[Mizzter Blizzard]]==
*''"Oh gosh! I'm SOOOO sorry."'' (American English)
*''"UGGGH! I'm SOOOO sorry."''
*''"UGGGH! I'm SOOOO sorry."'' (British English)
*''"I just made a wish on this shiny sticker, and then all this madness happened..."''
*''"I just made a wish on this shiny sticker, and then all this madness happened..."''
*''"I was disappearing... From ice to fog... Returning to the sky... I just wanted a body that wouldn't melt..."''
*''"I was disappearing... From ice to fog... Returning to the sky... I just wanted a body that wouldn't melt..."''
*''"When the cold snows fall next year, you'll make me again, won't you?"''
*''"When the cold snows fall next year, you'll make me again, won't you?"''
*''"Then we can meet once more!"''
*''"Then we can meet once more!"''
*''"Ahem! Today's story begins one evening during a holiday called [[Sticker Fest]]."''
*''"The Sticker Fest is a celebration of [[sticker]]s that occurs every year in the [[Mushroom Kingdom]]."''
*''"On the special night, a [[Sticker Comet]] falls from far beyond the sky."''
*''"If everyone concentrates and wishes on this Sticker Comet..."''
*''"It's said that all of those wishes will come true."''

Line 647: Line 513:
*''"Arrrrgh! No wonder we're unpopular!"''
*''"Arrrrgh! No wonder we're unpopular!"''

==[[Petey Piranha]]==
==Petey Piranha==

==[[Princess Peach]]==
==Princess Peach==
*''"Thank you, Mario. I knew I could count on you, as always."''
*''"Thank you, Mario. I knew I could count on you, as always."''
Line 671: Line 537:
==Royal Stickers==
==Royal Stickers==
[[File:PMSS Megasparkle Goomba Story.png|thumb|200px|Megasparkle Goomba's poem]]
*a sticker fluttered down from the sky<br>excited Goombas cheered on from high<br>sixteen sheets became one bad guy<br>in the end they split and went bye-bye
*a sticker fluttered down from the sky<br>excited Goombas cheered on from high<br>sixteen sheets became one bad guy<br>in the end they split and went bye-bye
[[File:PMSS Tower Power Pokey Story.png|thumb|200px|Tower Power Pokey's poem]]
*a lonely stadium atop a desert tower<br>a Royal Sticker gave a Pokey power<br>Kamek wielded magic dark and dour<br>the tower folded like a withering flower
*a lonely stadium atop a desert tower<br>a Royal Sticker gave a Pokey power<br>Kamek wielded magic dark and dour<br>the tower folded like a withering flower
[[File:PMSS Gooper Blooper Story.png|thumb|200px|Gooper Blooper's poem]]
*a big Blooper loved to boogie and bop<br>Small Bloopers loved to fight and flop<br>a Royal Sticker popped evil's top<br>poison gushed out and would not stop
*a big Blooper loved to boogie and bop<br>Small Bloopers loved to fight and flop<br>a Royal Sticker popped evil's top<br>poison gushed out and would not stop
[[File:PMSS Mizzter Blizzard Story.png|thumb|200px|Mizzter Blizzard's poem]]
*spring came and snow started to melt<br>my body got uncomfortably svelte<br>I lamented the frail bod I was dealt<br>a sticker knew my wish was heartfelt
*spring came and snow started to melt<br>my body got uncomfortably svelte<br>I lamented the frail bod I was dealt<br>a sticker knew my wish was heartfelt
[[File:PMSS Petey Piranha Story.png|thumb|200px|Petey Piranha's poem]]
*Rumble Volcano had grown irate<br>the Spear Guys threw a fest to placate<br>a sparkling sticker being arrived late<br>and this glutton, it ate, ate, and ate
*Rumble Volcano had grown irate<br>the Spear Guys threw a fest to placate<br>a sparkling sticker being arrived late<br>and this glutton, it ate, ate, and ate
(British version)
(British version)
*A sticker came fluttering down from the sky.<br>Excited Goombas cheered from on high.<br>Sixteen sheets became one bad guy.<br>In the end, they split up and said "bye-bye."
*In a lonely stadium atop a desert tower,<br>a Royal Sticker gave a Pokey a power.<br>Kamek wielded magic most dark and dour.<br>The tower folded like a withering flower.
*A big Blooper loved to boogie and bop.<br>The small Bloopers, they loved to fight and flop.<br>A Royal Sticker popped evil's top.<br>Poison gushed out and would not stop.
*Spring came along, making slush of the snow.<br>My body, too, melted in the sun's glow.<br>Of a body that wouldn't melt, I hoped one day to know.<br>So I wished for the Royal Sticker to make it so.
*Spring came along, making slush of the snow.<br>My body, too, melted in the sun's glow.<br>Of a body that wouldn't melt, I hoped one day to know.<br>So I wished for the Royal Sticker to make it so.
*Rumble Volcano was most enraged and fuming.<br>The Spear Guys threw a fest to prevent it from booming.<br>A sparkling sticker descended, gliding and zooming.<br>It seemed nothing could stop this glutton's consuming.
*Rumble Volcano was most enraged and fuming.<br>The Spear Guys threw a fest to prevent it from booming.<br>A sparkling sticker descended, gliding and zooming.<br>It seemed nothing could stop this glutton's consuming.
PMSS Megasparkle Goomba Story.png|Megasparkle Goomba's poem
PMSS Tower Power Pokey Story.png|Tower Power Pokey's poem
BoogieBoppingBlooper.png|Gooper Blooper's poem
PMSS Mizzter Blizzard Story.png|Mizzter Blizzard's poem
PMSS Petey Piranha Story.png|Petey Piranha's poem
==[[Sling-a-Thing Toad]]==
'''North American version'''
*''Well, hi there!
*''No, sir, you've gotta stay perky! And I got the perkiest idea EVER just a bit ago!''
*''Do that, and I can cook up a little miracle for you!''
*''Ah, look! You have a wonderful thing! My perk sensor can just tell.''
*''Now you just take a special thing, face the board in front of you, and sling it as hard as you can!''
*''Huh? Oh, sorry--it looks like you don't have enough space left in your album.''
*''So?! Pretty darn miraculous, huh?''
*''You come over here, you fling a thing, and HEY PRESTO! It becomes a sticker. I call it a "thing sticker" because I'm a bit of marketing genius.''
*''Mario, I've  got to tell you… You are so lucky to experience this firsthand!''
*''How about that! Pretty perky, no? From now on, stickers don't have to be something you find… They can be something you make too.''
*''Whenever you find a special thing, you can turn it into a sticker here.''
*''Anyway, can't wait to see you again! Stay perky!''
*''Stay perky.''

'''European version'''
==Sling-a-Thing Toad==
*''Hey, hey! How's it going?''
*''"Well, hi there!"''
*''Sure, the Sticker Fest was a total disaster, but you can't stay blue about it forever, right?''
*''"Sure, the Sticker Fest was a total disaster, but you can't stay blue about it forever, right?"''
*''Of course I'm right! You've got to be proactive, like me! I've been working on the greatest idea EVER!''
*''"No, sir, you've gotta stay perky! And I got the perkiest idea EVER just a bit ago!"''
*''Here's the deal, Mario. If you find any interesting…lets call them "things"…out in the world, bring 'em to me.''
*''"Here's the deal, Mario. If you find any interesting...let's call them "[[Sticker (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)#Things|things]]"... out in the world, bring 'em to me."''
*''If you do that, I'll show you something miraculous!''
*''"Do that, and I think I can cook up a little miracle for you!"''
*''What's that glint of excitement in your eyes? I'm guessing you've found a wonderful thing then, eh?''
*''"Ah, look! You have a wonderful thing! My perk sensor can just tell."''
*''Go ahead and stand on that little platform over there, please.''
*''"Go ahead and stand on that little platform over there, please."''
*''Now you just take a special thing, face the board in front of you, and fling it as hard as you can!''
*''"Now you just take that special thing, face the board in front of you, and sling it as hard as you can!"''
*''Hm…? Oh, sorry-it looks like you don't have enough space left in your album.''
*''"So?! Pretty darn miraculous, huh?"''
*''So?! Pretty darn miraculous, eh?''
*''"You come over here, you fling a thing, and HEY PRESTO! It becomes a sticker. I call it a "thing sticker" because I'm a bit of a marketing genius."''
*''You come over here, you fling a thing, and HEY PRESTO! It becomes a sticker. I call it a "thing sticker" because I'm a bit of marketing genius.''
*''"Mario, I've got to tell you... You're so lucky to experience this firsthand!"''
*''Mario, I've got to tell you - You are so lucky to experience this first-hand!''
*''"How about that! Pretty perky, no? From now on, stickers don't have to be something you find... They can be something you make too!"''
*''Don't worry about it, though. Just come back once you've either used some stickers or sold them off.''
*''"Whenever you find a special thing, you can turn it into a sticker here."''
*''How about that! Not too Shabby, right? From now on, stickers don't have to be something you find - they can be something you make too.''
*''"<small>...Hey, even if you don't have any things on you, swing by and we'll talk about it...</small>"''
*''Whenever you find a special thing, you can turn it into a sticker here.''
*''"Anyway, can't wait to see you again! Stay perky!"''
*''<small>…Hey, even if you don't have any things on you, swing by and we'll talk about it…</small>''
*''"Welcome! Go ahead and sling a thing."''
*''Anyway, can't wait to see you again! Keep that chin up!''
*''"Stay perky."''
*''See you later!''
*''"Huh? Is that a customer? Really? YAAAY! It really IS a customer!"''
*''"This is the cape-side branch of the thing-slinging stall."''
*''"Hm. I bet I don't have to explain anything to you... I can just tell."''

Line 731: Line 578:

==[[Steward (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)|Steward]]==
==''Snifit or Whiffit'' host==
*''"I beg your pardon, but could I trouble you to hear my tale before entering?"''
*''"Ah, greetings, Master Mario... How very impressive that you were able to brave the cold all the way here. I am the steward of this [[The Enigmansion|estate]]."''
*''"So VERY sorry to keep you waiting! We've got a great show for you folks. That's right! It's time to play..."''
*''"As I'm sure you must be exhausted by the long journey, nothing would please me more than to invite you in to enjoy the comforts of the mansion. Sadly, I must admit that such niceties are impossible at this time."''
*''"<big>SNIFIT OR...</big>"''
*''"[[Kamek|Someone]] has committed a terrible act. A [[Book of Sealing|book]] was opened--a terrible book with terrifying [[Boo|things]] sealed within."''
*''"Many terrifying things escaped. These things... They are so terrifying that I can't even bear to speak their terrible names."''
*''"Yes, we're back this week with another exiting episode of [[Snifit or Whiffit]]! I'm your host, [[Snifit]]."''
*''"Suffice to say, it was too terrifying to be in such close proximity to those terrors, so I fled the mansion and set up residence in my current spot of shame."''
*''"For the next 30 minutes, our star guest will come face-to-face with three positively riveting challenges!"''
*''"If you doubt this terrifying tale, I ask that you look upon THIS!"''
*''"And today's guest is the best of the best, yes, the man we all detest... Mario!"''
*''"Master Mario... What you now hold is the very Book of Sealing I speak of... The one that once was the prison of those terrifying things."''
*''"That's right, and if our guest is Snifit enough to vanquish all three games, he'll receive this fabulous prize!"''
*''"It heartens me to see that book in the capable hands of a gallant figure such as yourself!"''
*''"Uh...a piece of Wiggler?!"''
*''"If you can once again seal all the terrifying things within that book and return it to the basement... Then, and only then, I can resume my duties inside and pamper you with the royal treatment you deserve."''
*''"Well, without further ado... Challenge! Are you ready, both physically and mentally, to Snifit or Whiffit?"''
*''"Master Mario, please allow me to treat you to the finest hospitality known to Toadkind! Seal up all those terrors!"''
*''"Now, once the games begin, we can't guarantee that you'll...um...survive. Are you suuuuuure you're up to the challenge?"''
*''"Seal all the terrifying things within that book and return it to the basement, I beg you! I want nothing more than to witness you enjoying the peerless hospitality of our mansion! Please, make it so!"''
*''"Now, that's what I call a right answer! All righty, let's get things started... Here's the first game!"''
*''"Ah, Master Mario. I suddenly feel chills up and down my spine. That can't be normal... What could be the cause? Even when I warm myself up by the bonfire, the chills won't go away. I daresay I may be catching a cold."''
*''"<big>PICK-AND-CHOOSE PANIC!</big>"''
*''"Ah, Master Mario, chills are positively racing up and down my back. How can you deny a Toad in my condition of a fire?!"''
*''"Here comes the first question. Mario, I want you to answer by hitting either the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block."''
*''"Ah, Master Mario. Those chills that had set up residence along my spine have disappeared like they never existed. I daresay I'm over that cold."''
*''"Of course, our hilarious poison gas will start filling the room, so answer fast! One whiff of that stuff and your [[Heart Point|HP]] will drop like nobody's business!"''
*''"The mansion is still teeming with terrifying things. I can feel the terror from all the way out here. Please, seal them all away!"''
*''"OK then! Let's Snifit!"''
*''"There's noticeably fewer terrible things, but I can still feel SOME terror."''
*''"Only a guy who's been tormenting Bowser over so many years could keep so cool in a room full of poison! Lesser men would've whiffed it!"''
*''"There are considerably fewer terrible things, but I'm afraid there's still a fair amount of terror coming out of there."''
*''"Anyway, the first stage is CLEARED! Let's move on to the next!"''
*''"I feel about eight terrifying things still roam the halls. Keep after them, Master Mario."''
*''"That's right, ladies and goodbuddies, it's time for the second challenge!"''
*''"I should think there are around seven of those terrifying things still at large. Please keep going, Master Mario."''
*''"<big>BIG BONKING SNIFIT BASH!</big>"''
*''"Six. Yes, six terrifying things still wander the grounds. Do not stop, Master Mario."''
*''"OK, here's the deal! Our unpaid Snifit interns will poke their heads out of the holes in the ground, right?"''
*''"Five terrifying things still laugh at us from the dark. Master Mario, get them!"''
*''"Just bonk them with your hammer with {{button|3ds|B}} before they scurry back underground to the underwhelming intern lounge! All you need to do is bonk 20 of 'em."''
*''"Four terrifying things creep in the shadows. Keep fighting, Master Mario."''
*''"It should go without saying that this challenge will ALSO be done in a room full of very whiffable poison gas. So let's Snifit!"''
*''"I feel terror. If I had to quantify that terror, the number would be...three. Just a little more to go, Master Mario."''
*''"Not bad at all. But would we expect anything less from the guardian of the [[Mushroom Kingdom]], folks? No way! The guy is pretty slick with a hammer."''
*''"There is but a pair of terrifying things remaining, Master Mario."''
*''"Stage two is CLEAR! Congrats! Now let's head for the final staaaage!"''
*''"My terror-unit reading is holding steady at just a single terrifying thing. Almost there!"''
*''"And now, folks, we come to the final stage of Snifit or Whiffit!"''
*''"The mansion isn't terrifying anymore, but Master Mario, that book most assuredly is. Please, make sure it is safe in the basement with all speed."''
*''"And the challenge is..."''
*''"Master Mario! You did it, didn't you!"''
*''"The inside of the mansion is no longer terrifying whatsoever! That book is sealed up, and all is back to normal! Thank you ever so!"''
*''"OK then, inside one of these blocks is the correct answer."''
*''"And now, as promised, allow me to show you the very finest in hospitality! Please, let's adjourn to the room to the left of the lobby."''
*''"The rest are all WRONG."''
*''"Ah, welcome."''
*''"First, the blocks will be shuffled."''
*''"What do you think of our magnificent living room? Makes you feel rather instantly at home, does it not? It pleases me to no end to be able to provide the hospitality that befits this glorious place. And finally, I look like a proper steward again. Perhaps it's time I advertised for a manservant of my own. Oh ho ho."''
*''"Once they're shuffled, the excitement sets in as you choose a block."''
*''"Master Mario, please! No need to stand. Do have a seat in that chair over there."''
*''"If you hit the correct three times, you're in the clear!"''
*''"What do you think? A [[Soul Rumblings|grand tune]], no? Makes a fellow feel right at home."''
*''"If you hit the wrong block, a very exiting Snifit battle awaits!"''
*''"Ah, yes... That picture. That was painted by the mansion's previous proprietor... In other words, the steward who came before me. I inherited the charge of the mansion when he passed away. If it interests you, I am happy to make you a gift of [[Forebear's Portrait|that painting]]. After all, I am the steward now, and can dispense the estate as I see fit. Please, do not hesitate to take it. Such is our legendary hospitality!"''
*''"Got it? Great! We'll start when everyone says those magic words..."''
*''"Ah, to be quite honest, I feel much better without that painting. I'd like to put up a picture of something that makes it more MY mansion... Perhaps even a picture of me."''
*''"Go ahead! Hit the block of your choice!"''
*''"Mm-yes, welcome."''
*''"That's the block you're choosing? OK...then let's open it!"''
*''"I'm also happy to make Master Mario feel at home."''
*''"But of course, sniffing out the right block at that speed was easy."''
*''"Two more correct blocks and you're clear. Now on with the challenges!"''
*''"<big>SHUFFLE IT UP!</big>"''
*''"Well done, really, just fabulous. But your winning streak is about to end. Here's where you'll whiff it for sure."''
*''"Because we're adding another block! Now, you know the deal... If you hit the correct block one more time, you're in the clear."''
*''"You've cleared the whole game! Are you sure you aren't part Snifit?"''
*''"Mario, as much as it pains me, I have to give you the proverbial Snifit high five. Congratulations!"''
*''"As promised, your prize. It's allllll yours!"''
*''"Sadly, folks, this week's episode of Snifit or Whiffit has come to an end."''
*''"On behalf of me, your humble host Snifit, and our guest, Mario, we hope you've enjoyed our time together."''
*''"I hope to see you all soon for another exciting episode of..."''
*''"Listen, Mario, can we talk Snifit to Snifit for a second? I gotta tell you, you did a great job out there."''
*''"I mean, it looked like those were barely even challenges for you, am I right?"''
*''"That's because you're special. And we've prepped a special stage just for special guys like you."''
*''"If you clear this special stage, you'll receive a special prize. And when I say "special prize," I mean "awesome thing.""''
*''"Are you Snifit enough to face the challenge of the special stage?"''
*''"Just like last time, our lawyers advise me that I technically can't guarantee you'll live. You OK with that?"''
*''"That, good buddy, is the right answer. Let's get to the special staaaage!"''
*''"Welcome to the special stage! I just KNEW good old Mario would be up to the challenge."''
*''"Not to scare you, but this time around, the game is gonna destroy you..."''
*''"And here's our game!"''
*''"OK, I'm gonna get the quiz started, Mario, you know the deal. Answer by hitting the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block, but..."''
*''"Here, as they say, is the TWIST! You can't hit the ''✔'' or ''✘'' block until you bonk five unpaid Snifit interns!"''
*''"You'll have to be quick if you hope to hit enough Snifits AND answer three questions correctly, but that's the only way you'll clear the game."''
*''"Oh, and don't worry, because of course we'll pipe in your favorite flavor of poison gas to keep you on your toes."''
*''"So let's start the special stage, huh? Can I get a..."''
*''"Folks, the special stage is cleared! Wonderful! Fabulous! Dare I say, Snifit! CONGRATULATIONS!"''
*''"Looks like I underestimated you. You must be at least part Snifit... Anyway, that's all our challenges for today, folks."''
*''"Ladies and goodbuddies, give Mario a warm round of applause!"''
*''"The studio was on fire tonight, folks! Thanks so much for being here tonight."''
*''"I've been your host, Snifit. Until next time!"''
*''"Of course, of course. Your prize! Here it is."''

==Sticker Museum curator==
==Tower Power Pokey==
*''"Aw, wouldja lookit this? What a pickle!  Plaza's all rolled up like a burrito. Can't get out of town 'cause of this fine how-do-you-do, no, sir. I ain't gonna lie to you--this looks bad. But maybe if we get all the Toads in town to help, we can de-burrito it. Mario, the town Toads are probably all over the place after that Sticker Fest carnage, so track 'em all down and see if they can help!"''
*''"Ain't this just a big ol' foofaraw? Plaza's all burritoed up, and we can't get out of town. But I'll tell you, Mario...if all the Toads in town worked together, we might just win the day."''
*''"Good deal! Thanks to you, we got all the Toads together! That's our Mario--a Toad-saving pro! Now, let's get to it!"''
*''"OK. Ready to un-burrito this bad boy?"''
*''"Mario. Thanks for saving me back there. I ain't gonna lie--I was in a pickle. When the town was all burritoed up, I guess I got a little too stoked about getting it back to normal... Time came for the de-burrito procedure, and before I could say "boy howdy," I was smooshed into some kinda netherworld under that fountain. So, I gotta thank you for saving me... C'mon this-a-way."''
*''"So yeah, I wanted to get the town back to normal more than anything... And the reason is behind this door. Come on with me."''
*''"Whatcha think, Mario? Welcome to the Sticker Museum! A place to preserve all the wondrous stickers in the world for posterity! Yep, I invested my vast fortune and worked underground like a crazed mole to build this place all by my own self! The greatest (and only) sticker museum in the entire kingdom! Hoo DILLY!"''
*''"Right! Well, about that... I can't say as I have many stickers yet. Well, any."''
*''"But Mario, you look like a fella that's into stickers, right? I mean, you just seem like you GET it. You're one of us."''
*''"Right, yeah, so in that case, I think it just makes good sense to have ol' Mario collect stickers for me to exhibit here! I mean, the guy clearly loves stickers! And if you dig stickers, it's an honor to take on such an important task, right? You're helping CULTURE, am I right?"''
*''"YESSS! Aw, thanks a million! Let's do this sticker museum up nice! Just DANDY that you're helping out!"''
*''"I already picked the exhibition spot for each sticker, so if you have a certain sticker in your album, a ghostly image of that sticker will appear in the frame. As for how to stick 'em, I don't suspect I need to tell such an enthusiast as yourself how to perform THAT operation. Anyhoo, thanks for all your help! I'll have an intern whip up descriptions of any stickers you put up in here. Gonna be the best sticker museum ever!"''
*''"You stuck a sticker! That's the spirit! Keep rolling until this place is done!"''
*''"Let's get this sticker museum done up right, whatcha say?!"''
*''"Mario! I can't believe it! You've finally completed the Battle Sticker section of the museum! Diddly-dang-delightful! Tell you what--to commemorate the occasion, I'm opening a special exhibition room! How'd you like THAT?"''
*''"Mario! You just blew my mind, son! You completed the Thing Sticker area of the museum! Diddly-dang-delicious! Tell you what--to commemorate the occasion, I'm opening a special exhibition room! How'd you like THAT?"''
*''"Mario! You did it! We did it! Finally! You collected all the stickers! The museum is totally complete! My dream is fulfilled at long last! Super-diddly-dang-DUPER!"''
*''"Why, sure! Vice Curator Kersti! And Mario... You've got a nice, honorary-looking mustache there... How does Honorary Curator sound?"''
*''"Honorary Curator Mario and Vice Curator Kersti! You're looking good. Don't you worry about a thing. I'll be right here, taking care of visitors every dang day!"''
==[[Swindler Toad]]==
*''"Phew... Mario."''
*''"I'd mentally prepared myself to quietly while away the rest of my days on that wall without anyone ever finding me."''
*''"But now that you've saved me, I must sally forth once more and brave the uncertainties of this cruel world."''
*''"I'm gonna live life to the fullest! Mario, you should too!"''
*''"Hey, I finally got some snazzy, life-fulfilling stickers in - rare ones!"''
*''"How about 200 coins?"''
*''"Really? Then how about 150 coins?"''
*''"Whaaat? Are you serious? Pfffff. Okay then. Let's say 95 coins?"''
*''"Whaaat? Are you serious? Pfffff. Okay then. Let's say 80 coins?"''
*''"Whaaat? Are you serious? Pfffff. Okay then. Let's say 60 coins?"''
*''"Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain. Well then, can you do 50 coins? Just so you know, I'm reaching my limit."''
*''"Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain. Well then, can you do 40 coins? Just so you know, I'm reaching my limit."''
*''"Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain. Well then, can you do 30 coins? Just so you know, I'm reaching my limit."''
*''"Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain. Well then, can you do 25 coins? Just so you know, I'm reaching my limit."''
*''"No. Just no! I'm not dropping any more! I like haggling just as much as the next guy, but this is crazy! No deal!"''
==[[Tower Power Pokey]]==
*''"SHEENY SHOOBY SHINY SHLOO..."'' (American English)
*''"SHEENY SHOOBY SHINY SHLOO..."'' (American English)
**''"EENY SHEENY SHINY SHOO..."'' (British English)
*''"EENY SHEENY SHINY SHOO..."'' (British English)
*''"<big>SHINE-A-ROONEY!</big>"'' (American English)
*''"<big>SHINE-A-ROONEY!</big>"'' (American English)
**''"<big>SHINE-A-POKEY!</big>''" (British English)
*''"<big>SHINE-A-POKEY!</big>''" (British English)
*''"SHUH... SHI... NY... OW?"''
*''"SHUH... SHI... NY... OW?"''
==[[Troublesome Toad]]==
*''"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..."''
*''"Whoa, Mario! You've got to get up! This is no place to be conked out!"''
*''"Anyway, no time to chat. I'm being chased by some troublemaker! I'm off!"''
*''"Ah, Mario! Since you're here, that must mean you pummelled Bowser Jr.!"''
*''"I still can't believe that twerp turned up just when I'd found a rare, never-before-seen-at-least-not-by-me sticker..."''
*''"What? The bridge is completely gone? That's not good! We have to fix it!"''
*''"Well, we may just be a bunch of flat Toads, but we've got to do SOMETHING! Let's head over there!"''
*''"Ah, I see. That crumpled mess up there?"''
*''"All right, fellas! Time to Toad up! Hearts and minds as one!"''
*''"That went well. Glad we could help!"''
*''"Aarrgh, Mario! Seriously - AAARRGH! Some madman is following me!"''
*''"I don't deserve to have some lunatic following me! I haven't done anything wrong!"''
*''"All I did was pick up this rare thing while I was out for a walk!"''
*''"Mario, take it off my hands, will you? Please!"''
*''"Seems like I'm always running around, getting myself into trouble... Sorry for being such a hassle."''

==Wiggler / Flutter==
==Wiggler / Flutter==
Line 914: Line 732:

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